New Book - The Primordial Language - Confirmation of the Divine Creator

In fact I know they can as I’ve received emails from individuals from this particular forum and also from others who have stumbled across this website from doing a Google search on me.
As I've previously commented, the fact you can convince some science-illiterate people you're worth listening to doesn't mean you're doing valid science or presenting viable evidence. As the saying goes, you can fool some people all of the time.

How many scientifically literate people have you convinced? How many scientific journal reviewed works have you got behind you? What evidence do you have? Until you can justify your position with evidence it doesn't matter how many people back you, you fail to meet your burden of proof. Instead you're now trying an argument from popularity. Just because a lot of people believe something doesn't make it true, else the Earth really would have been flat and the Sun really would have gone around the Earth in ancient times.

I stand by what I've said, you fail to provide any justification or arguments which aren't circular or flat out false.

It’s also clear to see that obviously this is a science forum and most of the regulars that post here have not taken to favorably to me. You know what they say, birds of a feather flock together, which is clearly evident on this forum.
So its okay if a 'flock' backs up, as your previous paragraph claims, but when science educated people do it there's something wrong?

Perhaps there's a reason we all have a similar opinion. Nothing to do with a conspiracy of silence or fear, its that you fail to present any argument which can stand on evidence. Worse, you've been flat out wrong about many things. You thought the 2nd law of thermodynamics contradicts evolution. You thought Jefferson was a Christian. You think the literal reading of the bible isn't contradicted by reality.

I've provided evidence you've been wrong on all of those and should any of your imaginary supporters want me to justify them further I'll be happy to do so. If they think I've not got a leg to stand on then why don't they call me on it? Why are they contacting you in private?

Probably because just like your god, they don't exist.

It was still by all means - a fruit fly, however what it had lost was INFORMATION - they were sterile!
False. The original population could all interbreed. Afterwards there were two populations which could interbreed within themselves but not with one another. Its seen in nature for ring species.

There was NO NEW INFORMATION added to the geno of the fruit flies, non whatsoever!
Define 'information'. Information is not some intrinsic quantity like energy, it is context dependent. If your posts were written in French I'd get no information from them as I can't understand French. DNA is analogous to a programming code, it mechanically tells proteins how to construct things. If you change the sequence then you change what the proteins do. One change might be harmful while another results in a protein being able to do its function better. The bacteria which developed a way to break down nylon had a mutation which resulted in some of their proteins being able to split the nylon chemical bonds, a function they previously couldn't do (hence why plastic isn't generally biodegradable).

If you ran a computer program which printed out every possible combination of say 30 letters and letters within it you'd find cases where English sentences are made. Its a random construct, just as any other of the sequences could be but to you it would have information. The random variations due to cell division and growth which occur during reproduction can do the biochemical version of this, though they do it much faster due to the way genetic traits are selected for in populations under pressure.

I know about all these experiments. To date there has been numerous genetic experiments done that have tried to induce/cause mutations to flies, insects, rats, mice and birds and other organisms in an effort to prove evolution.
You claimed no species had been made. You were wrong. Now you're trying to back peddle, while simultaneously misrepresenting the work which was done. You can't 'prove' models in science (only mathematics involves perfect proofs), you test and validate certain predictions within the limits of the tests. The experiments demonstrated the viability of evolution by natural selection by demonstrating explicit documented examples of it.

Yet none of these experiments have been successful in producing a single permanent “beneficial” morphological change in any organism.
Drug resistant bacteria say otherwise.

Remember, you're not talking to someone who hasn't heard of any of this stuff so simply lying about it does you no favours.

They say in order for this to occur it requires the evolution of new information either by random mutations or natural selection. But these types of things have already been debunked. This is because the nylon eating bug (bacterium) contains within in what’s called plasmids (DNA that can duplicate itself and often contain genes that can produce antibodies that are resistant to many types of things). These plasmids can become rapidly adaptive (by some designed mechanism still not clearly understood) making it capable of surviving in new situations as well as acclimatizing to new food sources and even toxins. But nothing has truly changed within its chromosomes, nor has it changed into a different type of bacterium. In other words, if this bacterium didn’t die from poisons it was already resistant, and if it died it had a decrease (or reduction) of information. Actually these reductions (mutations) are due to the curse since a copying error has occurred.
Please provide reputable journal reviewed publications which refute the things you claim have been refuted.

The claim information can only go down doesn't even stand up to a bit of rational thinking, once you understand what 'information' is and how it related to the biochemical processes done in living things.

Well you said it yourself “in science, evidence is needed”.

But guess what, the Evolution Theory does not pass this test. Even thought you keep retorting to say that the word “theory” actually means “a coherent model which has past experimental testing“. It does not, and never will! Biological systems may change slightly over time, only by the loss of information (and by slight changes, I only mean “variations“ - though there are different apples, an apple is still an apple), but they can never change one type of creature into another as the evolutionist propound.
Citation needed. You are simply asserting things without evidence. If you read the site I previously linked to you'll see all your claims addressed, including plenty of published reviewed citations and references. Evidence.

This is all a false summation of the fossil record by evolutionists.
According to whom? You? You have no first hand experience and neither do the people who generally argue about the fossil record not supporting evolution. So whose doing this evaluation then and how are they a credible source?

From now on when you say things like "Its been retorted" provide a reference to who retorted it. If you claim "Its said that..." provide a reference where its said. If you say "Science says..." provide a reference. I'm asking this because you're now employing another creationist tactic, you run through a bunch of things which amount to "Argument [X] by science has been refuted" but you don't say who or when or where. I've provided you links to back up various things I've said. If you're not simply asserting things without basis or lying then finding reputable references to back you up shouldn't be hard.

The fact research is still being done all over the world, including by many scientists who are Christians, shows the work you claim has been done to retort evolution actually hasn't.

Or do you want to claim there's a global conspiracy crossing borders, cultural barriers, even religions, to keep it suppressed?

Additionally, the Theory of Evolution by natural selection is not by any means evolution happening either (and I know I’ve discussed this before in this thread) since natural selection is actually a loss of information.
Flat out false, as I just explained about evidence. Why do you think you can lie so blatantly on a science forum? Do you think no one here has bothered to look into this stuff and learn about it? Do you think trotting out the usual creationist stuff is going to work? Do you think I haven't heard this stuff before? Your laughable attempts are logical arguments (which are invariably logical fallacies) are stuff I've heard many times and it didn't convince me before and it isn't convincing me now.

Can you try to present something original.

In fact it’s the “opposite” of evolution since living things are being segregated and then isolated moving to different parts of the earth. What’s actually happening here is that these creatures are loosing information in their DNA (as you split up these populations and some die). You see over a period of time natural selection results in loss of information, specialization (adaptation or condition in response to environmental conditions), eventually getting to the stage were they cant interbreed anymore.
Any high school biology book will tell you you're incorrect in how DNA carries information to code genes. A basic understanding of probabilities or statistical processes would do likewise. These default creationist arguments are retorted on , all within anything else you've said.

Are you reading from some kind of creationist crib sheet, trying to go through every debunked ignorant argument which fails to stand up to any scrutiny?

It was also shown (by me in this thread) that the Galapagos birds were still the same bird with slight variations. Nothing had changed, it was still the same bird.
Can they interbreed? If not they are, by definition, different species. Saying "Oh they all look like birds" is a hollow excuse, an attempt to move the goal posts.

Oh and FYI, I’ll say it again… science CANNOT make a single functioning cell on its own!
Strawman. Go back and read what I said in my last post. No one is trying to do that. It took life 2 or 3 billion years to go from its beginnings to being single celled. After that things moved much faster. A single celled life form is not 'the beginning of evolution', its already a huge way down the line. The simplest original life is thought to have been only a few hundred atoms in size. Enzymes can put together or break chemical bonds, the earliest life was most likely something of that form.

By trotting that argument out twice, including after being corrected, you demonstrate you've either never bothered to find out what abiogenesis research actually involves or you have and you're deliberately misrepresenting it. Either way your argument is flawed.

Mr. Physics with a PhD. You spelled the word “skepticism” wrong, its not spelled with a C for the second letter, its spelled with a K. It shows your credibility. You do at least know how to use a spellchecker don’t you?
I use Firefox which has a build in spell checker, it auto-underlines anything it doesn't recognise. I also happen to be British and have it set to UK English. That's why I use words like 'colour' and 'flavour', not 'color' or 'flavor'.

Well done on failing to realise there's people outside the US which speak English (its called English for a reason you know) and being so desperate to take a pot shot at me you resorted to spelling. Are we past your B game and now onto your C game? You've gone from your own arguments to default creationist arguments to attacking me. Even if I couldn't spell it has no impact on whether your arguments are justified. Creationists and cranks often approach 'discussions' with the notion that if they prove the other side wrong then they prove their argument. Its known as a false dichotomy. Even if evolution were proven wrong tomorrow it wouldn't mean the Genesis account is right. Even if someone proved a god exists that doesn't automatically mean its the Christian god.

I could have absolutely zero knowledge of biology (compared to people with degrees and PhDs and beyond I do know very little about it) but that wouldn't make your position any stronger. You have a burden of proof, you have to present evidence. What anyone else may or may not be doing or thinking or saying is immaterial, the only way you can present a viable argument is to present evidence.

And for the record, I didn’t skip over it. I just thought your answer to it was really lame! That’s usually why I don’t bother in responding.
Do you admit that Jefferson was not a Christian and that your quote of him does not represent his view of Christianity? Simple yes or no. Go on, be honest for a change....
synthesizer-patel, it's better to let everybody THINK you're a moron, than to open your mouth and prove it.

I know what I’m talking about here and its clear that YOU HAVE NO CLUE!

Bacteria have one circular chromosome (a single circular piece of genetic material), though some bacteria have one linear chromosome. Bacteria also have small plasmids which are small circular segments of accessory DNA.

You could fail a survey. :eek:

Anita - I would stick to this line of argument - because it continues to make you look like a moronic creationist, and will make it look like you are getting the better of people who actually know their shit but are forced to simplify scientific terms when talking to people of lower intelligence (like your fundie alter ego) which will never harm your book sales with your target audience.

Of course while you and I are both fully aware that only very basic biology text books will ever describe the organisation of prokaryotic dna as chomosomal (when in fact it isnt), an insane fundie is never even likely to read as far as that.

so well done again - I can see why you have embarked on this masterful confidence trick, and you are certainly conning the idiots with some panache.

But seriously though - are you donating any proceeds to worthy atheist or scientific causes?
actually guys I have to come clean - the joke has gone on long enough.

Anita does not in fact exist - she is me, my sock puppet, my evil, retarded, alter ego

way back a few years ago I posted on here suggesting that myself and a few other scientifically minded people conspire together and produce a pseudoscientific book to con money out of gullible retards.

well guess what? - a few of us got together and did it.

The woman doing the signings is in fact superstring in a dress.
Anita - I would stick to this line of argument - because it continues to make you look like a moronic creationist, and will make it look like you are getting the better of people who actually know their shit but are forced to simplify scientific terms when talking to people of lower intelligence (like your fundie alter ego) which will never harm your book sales with your target audience.

Of course while you and I are both fully aware that only very basic biology text books will ever describe the organisation of prokaryotic dna as chomosomal (when in fact it isnt), an insane fundie is never even likely to read as far as that.

so well done again - I can see why you have embarked on this masterful confidence trick, and you are certainly conning the idiots with some panache.

But seriously though - are you donating any proceeds to worthy atheist or scientific causes?


From Wikipedia:

Chromosomes in prokaryotes
The prokaryotes – bacteria and archaea – typically have a single circular chromosome, but many variations do exist.[3] Most bacteria have a single circular chromosome that can range in size from only 160,000 base pairs in the endosymbiotic bacterium Candidatus Carsonella ruddii,[4] to 12,200,000 base pairs in the soil-dwelling bacterium Sorangium cellulosum.[5] Spirochaetes of the genus Borrelia are a notable exception to this arrangement, with bacteria such as Borrelia burgdorferi, the cause of Lyme disease, containing a single linear chromosome.[6]

You lose!
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And once again you compound your stupidity.
S-P clearly stated
only very basic biology text books will ever describe the organisation of prokaryotic dna as chomosomal
And your response is quote Wikipedia at him?
Who on Earth would think Wiki is anything more than basic?
Oh wait...
people of lower intelligence
an insane fundie

Anita does it again. :rolleyes:

Oh yeah, since you brought up spelling: the word is "lose". "Loose" means "not tight".
Anita, here is a challenge to your notion of the addition of information. If information must be added to DNA in order to generate beneficial adaptations, why is the genome of an ameoba larger than ours?

Amoeboid - Polychaos dubium 670,000,000,000 base pairs
Homo sapiens 3,200,000,000 base pairs

Our DNA chain is smaller than some plants and fish. I think this supports the argument that evolutionary change does not require additional information.
Anita, here is a challenge to your notion of the addition of information. If information must be added to DNA in order to generate beneficial adaptations, why is the genome of an ameoba larger than ours?

Amoeboid - Polychaos dubium 670,000,000,000 base pairs
Homo sapiens 3,200,000,000 base pairs

Our DNA chain is smaller than some plants and fish. I think this supports the argument that evolutionary change does not require additional information.

Now that is a VERY GOOD QUESTION Spidergoat, for why an amoeba’s genome is larger than ours?

This “information” that you are referring to has to do with gene “duplications” and tandem repeats of the same information which happens quite often (and has been observed). This is why the dog is so malleable when it comes to different breads.

Now you may ask why there are duplications/tandem repeats in the genes. This may have something to do with potentially disadvantages that may kill the organism/creature and allow them to be pass on to future generations compared to a non-duplicated gene that may kill the organism/creature. As it turns out nature is programmed to protect genes from changes and to correct errors that occur.

Now, the next question should be… have there been “observed beneficial” evolutionary changes by this process?

The answer to this is NO! Scientists have not been able to witness a gene mutating in such a way that it confers a beneficial change. It is unlikely, and for good reasons.

Thus since it is not beneficial, this is why I put forward that there is a LOSS OF INFORMATION.
A Meyer said:
This “information” that you are referring to has to do with gene “duplications” and tandem repeats of the same information
No, that's not correct.
The amoeba doesn't have duplicate chromosomes, they are all different, the chromosomes all have different genes.

That's what chromosomes are--collections of different genes.
Scientists have not been able to witness a gene mutating in such a way that it confers a beneficial change.
No, that's also incorrect. Bacteria can mutate into drug-resistant strains. This is is beneficial mutation, for bacteria. So there is a gain or at least, a transformation, of information (that's genetic information).

My guess: you've had this pointed out to you in this thread several times. You have this ongoing inner chant like: "la la la, I can't hear you", yes?

DNA is both conserved (replicated or copied "faithfully"), and transformed (mutated, by various transforming agents, like e.g. ionising radiation, chemicals, etc). Note that faithful replication is equivalent to communication, which preserves the information, and mutation is equivalent to computation, which transforms the information.

I am quite sure of this, I studied biology and biochemistry, I also have a CS degree. And I've studied communications and electronics.
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John99 said:
How do you know there is a gain "of information"?
Most mutations are not beneficial. Bacteria however have the advantage of large numbers. Hence, given time a population which is subject to a mutating influence will mutate.
By the law of large numbers, some (or even just one individual) will "gain" a benefit from the transformation.

Genes are transformed, the "gain of information" is our rule-of-thumb. Ok?
I am quite sure of this, I studied biology and biochemistry, I also have a CS degree. And I've studied communications and electronics.

So then what is this information you inferred?
The answer to this is NO! Scientists have not been able to witness a gene mutating in such a way that it confers a beneficial change. It is unlikely, and for good reasons.

Yes in fact they have been able to witness a gene mutation in such a way that it confers beneficial change (in relation to it's environment). It's one of the longest running evolutionary experiments in history. It was unlikely, which is why it probably took so long to happen.

Bacteria make major evolutionary shift in the lab

Basically, a bacteria was put into growth media and allowed to reproduce for many generations.

sometime around the 31,500th generation, something dramatic happened in just one of the populations - the bacteria suddenly acquired the ability to metabolise citrate, a second nutrient in their culture medium that E. coli normally cannot use.

Lenski's experiment is also yet another poke in the eye for anti-evolutionists, notes Jerry Coyne, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Chicago. "The thing I like most is it says you can get these complex traits evolving by a combination of unlikely events," he says. "That's just what creationists say can't happen."

John99 said:
So then what is this information you inferred?
Are you asking me what information is?

Well, I may as well trot it out here: According to IT, information is that which is preserved by the process of communication, but changed by the process of computation. Information is freely chosen, or at least, the representational basis is. The ultimate representation is binary, the basis (0,1). How this is physically represented (as charged capacitors, or relays or switches etc) is irrelevant, you assume there is a way to represent information physically. So far, nobody has figured out a way to represent information independently of physicality, so we appear to be left with the conclusion that information is physical.

You can make what you want of the last sentence, it is also irrelevant to the processing of information.
Hello Arfa brane and John99, thank you for contributing to the conversation.

No, that's also incorrect. Bacteria can mutate into drug-resistant strains. This is is beneficial mutation, for bacteria. So there is a gain or at least, a transformation, of information (that's genetic information).

Most mutations are not beneficial. Bacteria however have the advantage of large numbers. Hence, given time a population which is subject to a mutating influence will mutate. By the law of large numbers, some (or even just one individual) will "gain" a benefit from the transformation.

Genes are transformed, the "gain of information" is our rule-of-thumb. Ok?

Hello Arfa brane and John99, thank you for contributing to the conversation.

I think what you are trying to say here Arfa brane is that bacteria can additionally become antibiotic resistant by gaining mutated DNA from other bacteria.

Bacteria has the ability to swap DNA.

However I do not believe that this is evolution in action since no new DNA (information) is produced, it’s just being moved around. Or should I say bacteria have the mechanism of exchanging DNA (or swapping), which makes it necessary for the bacteria to survive in extreme or rapidly changing conditions. I do not believe that antibiotic resistance found in bacteria is an example of evolution in action, but rather only variations within a bacterial kind. I see this survival function in bacteria as master adapters and survivors in a sin cursed world. A sure testimony of G-d’s design. :)

There is still nothing new happening here either with bacteria becoming drug resistant.

This does not spell “new information”, and the evolutionists need to clarify this point.

The only thing that is happening here is like money taken from one bank account and placed in the other (robbing Peter to pay Paul). It doesn’t make you wealthier.
No "evolutionist" has claimed that the idea of new information was a part of the Theory of Evolution. You are refuting an idea of your own creation.
Anita: can you give an example of "new" information, and of the process by which it got to be "new"? Or if you can't, can you justify the use of this term "new information", and what it's supposed to mean?

You appear to be conceding that DNA can be mutated, so does mutated DNA contain new information?

Another thought experiment. DNA contains the instructions that result in a monkey's hand. When that set of instructions results in a slight difference in the joint of the hand and results in opposable thumbs, is that new information or just a slight alteration of the old information?
I wish I could say that Anita is easily confused, but unfortunately she is not. Everything for her is clear. She has no doubts, she does not let contradictory evidence invade her pretty little head. This is the single minded attitude of theists. Sheep.
Bacteria can mutate into drug-resistant strains. This is is beneficial mutation, for bacteria. So there is a gain or at least, a transformation, of information (that's genetic information).

another bit of first class woo woo there anita - the crazy fundies you are imitating will just lap that up.

you agree that functional "information" can be added, that genetic "information" can be added, and that morpholgical "information" can be added, (i.e. it is all NEW information) but somehow, because you neglect (well flat-out refuse would be a better term) to define what you actually mean by your secret and special definition of "information", you are able to hold out on the deception that there still can be no new "information" resulting from evolution.

the joke is of course that these three things spell out evolution perfectly - but the fuckwitted fundies that you are pretending to be one of - are so busy lapping up that this is evidence against evolution, they dont in fact realise that they are being given evidence in SUPPORT of it.

the parody just gets better - keep it up -I'm really starting to get entertained by this
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