New Book - The Primordial Language - Confirmation of the Divine Creator

I am trying to break headway here with the physics of light and G-d and you ramble right on over it.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again… all science ideas came out of the Bible!

And, you published this garbage in a book? LOL! :bravo:
Anita Meyer said:
the Bible didn’t just survive the Catholic Church word for word, the Dead Sea Scrolls hold testimony to this this fact. The Dead Sea Scrolls tells us exactly the same thing that our modern day Bibles do. These are 3,000 year old texts.

So if I'm to understand what you're saying: despite many of the original books having been left out of the Catholic Bible, and despite many of the remaining books having their content altered by various Popes and synods over centuries to conform with the required wisdom, it has nonetheless survived "word for word"? Ok, that makes sense: if I erase half of a document, that means it survives word for word??

The Dead Sea scrolls are still being "unscrolled" and deciphered. What's been recovered is some of the material, and a lot of it will probably never be recovered. What's been placed in the public domain is quite probably only a small part of the total material. To say they "tell us exactly the same thing" is another handy explanation, for people who don't want to look beyond their cozy little world, or beyond an image of JC on a piece of toast.

In fact, there is material in the Dead Sea scrolls that contradicts some of the accepted wisdom.

So "word for word", the current version of (what's left of) the original Bible doesn't agree with some of the scrolls that have been decoded. There is also still (probably quite a lot of) disagreement between various historians and language experts about the meaning, or the translation, of the scrolls.

Your bland acceptance of what looks like the "standard version" of history, is not scientific. You aren't even (as we say where I'm from) a scientist's asshole, lady.

But then, this thread could be another of the curses. Have you been and had your immunity shots lately? I would think about it, at least. You just never know when the Big Guy is going to open up another can of whoop-ass.

And you can say 'it' till you're blue in the face. Doesn't make 'it' science.

What truely is science since it can never really tell us the origin of things?

“ Originally Posted by Anita Meyer
all science ideas came out of the Bible ”

A flat out lie. Only in hind sight can you even hope to twist and turn to make the claim something was already in the Bible. No physics discoveries have been made by studying the Bible. Newton was a huge reader of the bible but he didn't get his understanding of optics from reading about the flood, he got it from doing experiments with prisms. Einstein didn't extract special relativity from the Torah, he got it by building on the work of Poincare, Lorentz and Fitzgerald. Then there's all the work which has been done by people who aren't even from a predominantly monotheistic religion, science isn't done just by people in the western world. China made huge advances in science long before they had had serious contact with the West. Then there's people like Archimedes, who lived before 0 AD.

Alphanumeric, there were a lot of famous and most influential (best known) scientists (the fathers of modern science) who were spiritually religious men - and their discoveries where driven and based (in part) by their religious "frame of mind".

Besides if you backtrack in this thread, those that are reading will see that I’ve already addressed Newton, Einstein, and Pythagoras and many other religious people devoted to science and how their idea where linked to the Bible.

Now here is a question I would like to ask you? Where did the idea of G-d come from?

I consider our entire Universe a closed loop system. It can be argued in all of science if we are truly inventing or discovering anything new! We are only reinventing, implementing and manipulating something that has always been in existence from the time of creation. In this aspect, we must realize that we cannot create something new, no not one thing, not even a new color in the rainbow! When we try and think of something that doesn’t exist we cant do it! Yes we can do amazing things with what the creator has given us, but it is only G-d alone that creates out of nothingness. In realizing this, we must now stop and consider the notion of where humankind got the conscious idea and concept of G-d itself? Where did that initial “thought” come from? We cannot solely assert that the idea of G-d was placed into our minds by early preachers or holy men, because that still leaves open the identical question of where the preachers got the idea from. One cannot come up with where the existence of G-d stemmed from. We can only conclude that G-d has put the knowledge of His existence into every human being.

Please point me to the section of the Torah which provides the Polyakov action and explains path quantisation. If you can't then your claim is false. If quantum field theory were already in the Torah thousands of years ago why did it take till the 1930s to be developed by an atheist, Paul Dirac?

I know that the nature of genius is to provide idiots like atheist Paul Dirac with ideas twenty years later! :D

But for the sake of the argument I am going to link my book page once again:

I don’t expect you to understand it, but maybe there are others who are reading that will catch on right away. In the realm of both “quantum theory and string theory” the Hebrew letters come into play. Since Qabalah explains to us that G-d used the Hebrew letters to create all things in existence. Even the path that an atomic particle takes is the same mathematical unit of measure found within the “one prototype form” that I reveal that forms all the Hebrew letters. This is light physics, string theory and quantum physics all wrapped up in one nice big package for you! It is so simplified that even the layman can understand it.

Now I could go on to show all the mathematical play with numbers here, but to me it serves best to use conceptual words for other who are not as “academically” schooled like you. I’m not trying to entertain the critics like you, I'll take my chances with the public. These numbers I save for myself, if I revealed them it would shock quite a few people. But there are plenty of mathematicians who do math formulas on string theory.

As for you Alphanumeric I am fully aware already of what your next posting will entail. So I will say this beforehand to protect myself from your tiny atheistic mind… Nothing sways the stupid more than arguments they can't understand!
Besides if you backtrack in this thread, those that are reading will see that I’ve already addressed Newton, Einstein, and Pythagoras and many other religious people devoted to science and how their idea where linked to the Bible.
By "addressed" I take it that's some sort of euphemism for "made fantastic claims that I failed to support when asked". In which case I agree.

We can only conclude that G-d has put the knowledge of His existence into every human being.
That would be a demonstrably false conclusion.

I know that the nature of genius is to provide idiots like atheist Paul Dirac with ideas twenty years later!
Evidence for Dirac's idiocy please.

I don’t expect you to understand it, but maybe there are others who are reading that will catch on right away. In the realm of both “quantum theory and string theory” the Hebrew letters come into play.

Since Qabalah
One more time: the Kabbalah not the Qabalah. They are two different things.

G-d used the Hebrew letters to create all things in existence.
No he didn't.

if I revealed them it would shock quite a few people.
I agree. I already consider your demonstrated ignorance profoundly shocking.
Stryder, the Manx cat is clearly showing a “loss” of information. This is not evolution! There might be natural selection at work here, but it is not creating a new creature since it is clear that it is still by all means A CAT!

There have even been cases where humans have spinal tail bones, and many stupid people believe that this is evidence of man’s primitive evolutionary ancestry from ape/monkey. This is not any sort of primitive reclusive genes, it is a structural deformity and variant of development. It is a birth abnormality which occurred during embryologic development. We know this because this appendage is not connected to the vertebral column as are the tails of other vertebrates. Additionally, the appendage is not even in line with the vertebral column. The appendage contains no bony structures as do the tails of all other vertebrates. It is not a “true tail“, it is a deformity. The most likely diagnosis for what appears as a human tail, is a skin remnant of the outer layer of the caudal region.

Loss of tail or not, you have to take into consideration that it is the nature of genetics through ancestrial roots, it's not just some genetic disease and it hasn't caused the cat to die out because it couldn't survive ("Survival of the Fittest")

How about a simpler one that you shuold be able to understand "Immunities". If someone contracts chicken pox, for the most part once they get through it and survive it, they can be immune to it. (This obviously isn't always the case 100% of the time, peoples bodies are different and respond differently)

Why do you think the body gains an immunity?

I'd state it's a part of "Assimilation" which too is a part of evolution.
So if I'm to understand what you're saying: despite many of the original books having been left out of the Catholic Bible, and despite many of the remaining books having their content altered by various Popes and synods over centuries to conform with the required wisdom, it has nonetheless survived "word for word"? Ok, that makes sense: if I erase half of a document, that means it survives word for word??

The Dead Sea scrolls are still being "unscrolled" and deciphered. What's been recovered is some of the material, and a lot of it will probably never be recovered. What's been placed in the public domain is quite probably only a small part of the total material. To say they "tell us exactly the same thing" is another handy explanation, for people who don't want to look beyond their cozy little world, or beyond an image of JC on a piece of toast.

In fact, there is material in the Dead Sea scrolls that contradicts some of the accepted wisdom.

So "word for word", the current version of (what's left of) the original Bible doesn't agree with some of the scrolls that have been decoded. There is also still (probably quite a lot of) disagreement between various historians and language experts about the meaning, or the translation, of the scrolls.

Your bland acceptance of what looks like the "standard version" of history, is not scientific. You aren't even (as we say where I'm from) a scientist's asshole, lady.

Noodler, you are very misinformed about the Dead Sea Scrolls!

What is important about the Dead Sea Scrolls is far beyond what was actually there. The Dead Sea Scrolls tell us that there are NO LOST BOOKS OF THE BIBLE. The scrolls tell us that these copies were already well in circulation with many other copies along with other biblical books found as well. The scrolls contain either a exact copy (or portion) of every Old Testament book enough to know its saying the same thing as our modern day Bible. I’ve seen them at the Milwaukee Museum and for the most part they are very legable to me, I was able to read them and make out the Hebrew writing, some are even in Greek writing. Yes there are some that are badly broken, but with the aid of technology, they have been made decipherable.

The Dead Sea Scrolls can also give us confidence in the reliability of the Old Testament manuscripts. There is “minimal differences” in some wordings, but for the most part is spot on.

The Dead Sea Scrolls are not only a testament that G-d has preserved His word down throughout the ages, and safeguarding it against significant error. But also protecting it from annihilation and disappearance! :)
The Dead Sea Scrolls tell us that there are NO LOST BOOKS OF THE BIBLE.
Uh huh. I bet you can post references to this claim?
Does this explain why the Bible originally had dozens of versions of the gospel, and why there are only four in today's version? Do you know why the other versions were destroyed, and when this happened?

Is it because a 14th century Pope knew the Dead Sea scrolls would be discovered in the 20th century, and so it wouldn't matter how many Biblical accounts were "left out" of the "approved" Catholic version?

And you are quite sure the scrolls contain exact copies? The scholars haven't decided to release only those translations that "agree" with the Bible? There are no scrolls that cast any doubt whatsoever?? You've seen "enough" of the public domain translations, or copies of the originals to be convinced? That must be comforting for you.

Do you know how many of the Dead Sea scrolls are versions of the gospel of Jesus Christ? Can you explain why the Bible has only four of these, and do you know who decided on which four?
Besides if you backtrack in this thread, those that are reading will see that I’ve already addressed Newton, Einstein, and Pythagoras and many other religious people devoted to science and how their idea where linked to the Bible.

Just curious, did you also publish these lies in your book?

I consider our entire Universe a closed loop system.

Sounds like drivel.

It can be argued in all of science if we are truly inventing or discovering anything new! We are only reinventing, implementing and manipulating something that has always been in existence from the time of creation. In this aspect, we must realize that we cannot create something new, no not one thing, not even a new color in the rainbow! When we try and think of something that doesn’t exist we cant do it!

We created all the dogs in the world through selective breeding. We did that, not your god.

Yes we can do amazing things with what the creator has given us, but it is only G-d alone that creates out of nothingness. In realizing this, we must now stop and consider the notion of where humankind got the conscious idea and concept of G-d itself? Where did that initial “thought” come from?


We cannot solely assert that the idea of G-d was placed into our minds by early preachers or holy men, because that still leaves open the identical question of where the preachers got the idea from. One cannot come up with where the existence of G-d stemmed from. We can only conclude that G-d has put the knowledge of His existence into every human being.

Your conclusion ignores many alternatives.

I know that the nature of genius is to provide idiots like atheist Paul Dirac with ideas twenty years later! :D

But for the sake of the argument I am going to link my book page once again:

Don't you mean for the sake of trying to sell your book, Miss Snakeoil.

I don’t expect you to understand it, but maybe there are others who are reading that will catch on right away.

If your book is anything like your posts, it's utter garbage, hence incomprehensible.

In the realm of both “quantum theory and string theory” the Hebrew letters come into play.

You are lying if you claim to know anything about quantum or string theory.

This is light physics, string theory and quantum physics all wrapped up in one nice big package for you! It is so simplified that even the layman can understand it.

The layman does not understand it, you are evidence of that.

Now I could go on to show all the mathematical play with numbers here

No, you couldn't, because you have no concept of the math.

These numbers I save for myself, if I revealed them it would shock quite a few people.

Lying for Jesus? You have absolutely no morals whatsoever.
Uh huh. I bet you can post references to this claim?
Does this explain why the Bible originally had dozens of versions of the gospel, and why there are only four in today's version? Do you know why the other versions were destroyed, and when this happened?

Is it because a 14th century Pope knew the Dead Sea scrolls would be discovered in the 20th century, and so it wouldn't matter how many Biblical accounts were "left out" of the "approved" Catholic version?

And you are quite sure the scrolls contain exact copies? The scholars haven't decided to release only those translations that "agree" with the Bible? There are no scrolls that cast any doubt whatsoever?? You've seen "enough" of the public domain translations, or copies of the originals to be convinced? That must be comforting for you.

Do you know how many of the Dead Sea scrolls are versions of the gospel of Jesus Christ? Can you explain why the Bible has only four of these, and do you know who decided on which four?


Poppycock! None of that matters don’t you see… nevertheless we have the Dead Sea Scrolls and they are still telling the same story 3,000 years latter! :)

Q, you must be the alter ego of Dywyddyr. Both you and him have devoted the best years of your lives in preparing for these impromptu speeches. It has been the political career of you two men to begin with hypocrisy, proceed with arrogance, and finish with contempt. Nothing scientific here at all except for sewerage.
The old testament is not the entire Bible. The rest was still selected from some fraction of all the early Christian gospels, many of which taught contradictory things.
Originally Posted by Anita Meyer
Stryder, the Manx cat is clearly showing a “loss” of information. This is not evolution! There might be natural selection at work here, but it is not creating a new creature since it is clear that it is still by all means A CAT!

There have even been cases where humans have spinal tail bones, and many stupid people believe that this is evidence of man’s primitive evolutionary ancestry from ape/monkey. This is not any sort of primitive reclusive genes, it is a structural deformity and variant of development. It is a birth abnormality which occurred during embryologic development. We know this because this appendage is not connected to the vertebral column as are the tails of other vertebrates. Additionally, the appendage is not even in line with the vertebral column. The appendage contains no bony structures as do the tails of all other vertebrates. It is not a “true tail“, it is a deformity. The most likely diagnosis for what appears as a human tail, is a skin remnant of the outer layer of the caudal region. ”

Loss of tail or not, you have to take into consideration that it is the nature of genetics through ancestrial roots, it's not just some genetic disease and it hasn't caused the cat to die out because it couldn't survive ("Survival of the Fittest")

Hello Stryder,

I never said this cats tail was not a genetic inheritance, what I said was… it is a “loss of information”. There is still nothing new happening here, the cat is still a cat only with a shorter tail, that’s all.

How about a simpler one that you shuold be able to understand "Immunities". If someone contracts chicken pox, for the most part once they get through it and survive it, they can be immune to it. (This obviously isn't always the case 100% of the time, peoples bodies are different and respond differently)

Why do you think the body gains an immunity?

Good question! I like to look at the human immune system as a closed loop system, meaning… Our very materialism of our auto immune system contains memories that go back to the creation of the first man and woman (Adam and Eve). G-d had created an ingenious mechanism (that rests silently) built in within us from the moment of our conception and gets passed on to the next generation. In the span of our life, these protected immune memories seem to surface intermittently (with an adaptable special ingredient) as if memories of data/information go back eons of time. For example, our body meets a viral organism for the first time, and ironically it knows how to make a precise antibody to that virus even though our personal individual body has never met this invader before. How does it know this? It knows this because at some point in time, an ancestor (distant relation, Adam and Eve) met the virus and learned how to deal with it in the sence that the geno switch was turned back on, and that memory is there forever in our software.

This is not something that evolved over time. There is no assimilation in terms of evolution. The information has always been there.

When our body gets introduced to a new virus or bacteria and cant fight it off, that is attributed to a “loss of information”, if our switches were turned back on we would be able to fight it off. Just like those bacteria that can adapt to antibiotics - their switches with the information has been turned on. The same thing with a skink (somebody said in this thread) when they loose their legs, scientists reintroduce these genes (switching them back on) and they can now grow their legs back.

Another good example of this “switch” and genes that have been turned off is the AIDS virus. Did you know that some people are immune to getting the AIDS virus.
Q, you must be the alter ego of Dywyddyr. Both you and him have devoted the best years of your lives in preparing for these impromptu speeches. It has been the political career of you two men to begin with hypocrisy, proceed with arrogance, and finish with contempt. Nothing scientific here at all except for sewerage.
Please show where I have demonstrated hypocrisy. Otherwise retract the statement and apologise.

As for arrogance, granted. It's hard NOT to show arrogance (the manifestation of scorn and contempt) in the face of persistent and wilful ignorance.
The contempt... as above.
Nothing scientific demonstrated here? You are, I take it, referring to your posts.

And yes, I will fully accept the the "sewerage" title. That seems most apt since sewerage is the name given to the facilities and infrastructure for disposing of sewage: i.e. I'm doing my best to reduce or redirect the flow of your posts (the sewage itself) into something actually productive. For a writer (and I have pointed this out before) your command of language is as poor as your grasp of science. Or mathematics. Or reality.
Why is this thread still open? Anita's 'science' goes way beyond even the deranged ignorance of Reiku or Jack_, she flat out lies and considers anyone who is an atheist to be 'small brained' etc. Now while I could flatten Anita in any area of physics or mathematics anyone cares to name it'd be wasted effort since she's willing to ignore or lie about things even when presented with clear evidence against her. There's no debate here, there never was. She wanted to advertise her obscenely ignorant book, she has and I think she's not adding anything else. The thought she makes money out of that crap makes me despair for my (hopefully one day) off spring and makes me damn glad I live in a more secular society than the one she swindles.
The thought she makes money out of that crap makes me despair for my (hopefully one day) off spring and makes me damn glad I live in a more secular society than the one she swindles.
Pfft, secular, smecular.
It's not just the religious nutters that write crap.
Have you ever seen this book?
I asked my local library to burn their copy, but they didn't. :bawl:
It's not just the religious nutters that write crap.
Unfortunately idiots and crap are everywhere (and yes, I've been an idiot plenty of times), its just that almost always religious people don't even accept the notion of 'supporting evidence', they have 'faith'.

To once again quote 'Atheist Experience' host Matt Dillahunty, "If you don't have good reasons then you have bad reasons, faith is a bad reason".
Now while I could flatten Anita in any area of physics or mathematics anyone cares to name it'd be wasted effort since she's willing to ignore or lie about things even when presented with clear evidence against her.

I am still waiting for whatever this “clear” evidence against me is???

Your posts have no more backbone than a chocolate éclair. :)

But since I now know that your scheme to win is to try and squelch me out by your inane prejudice remarks, which all can clearly see. In that case I will continue to supply more and more evidences that venerate G-d. :)

One of the more significant “scientific and biological” exposures that is found within the Bible (and recently brought to light) has to do with the Genesis story where G-d tells us that He created the first woman (Eve) from the “rib bone” of the first man (Adam). Genesis 2:21-23*- And the Lord G-d caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof. And the rib, which the Lord G-d had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.

Now some might pose the question, why would G-d pick the rib bone from any other part of the human body to make another human being?

So why did G-d choose a rib? Was this account in Genesis simply words of mere men, as the critics claim, or is there some truth behind it? Come to find out, science has discovered some very unique characteristics about the rib bone… it has the miraculous ability to “regenerate” itself. In fact the rib bone is the only bone in the entire human body that has the capability of regenerating itself. We are not talking about bones having the capability of repairing themselves, we are talking about reconstruction and “REGENERATION” where the entire rib can grow back! (much like a lizard or a mouse’s tail). However, in the case of a rib, it can only re-grow itself if the rib bone is removed from what called the “periosteum” (which is a surface membrane (exterior) layer of tissue surrounding the bone). This exterior layer can be likened to the bark on a tree, or rather resembling more of a banana peel, except the peel would be peeled down just enough to remain intact. Thus, in order to build a new rib bone it is imperative that the periosteum remain intact because it contains what’s called “osteoblasts” which are bone-forming cells that can rebuild new bone. Surgeons usually remove ribs for bone grafts for use in other parts of the human body because not only have they learned that ribs can re-grow themselves, but ribs in general are powerfully-filled with bone marrow (the spongy tissue found inside bones).

Ribs are not the only powerfully-filled bone, but also the breast bone, hips, skull, and the spine, but you cant take (or use) one of these for grafting because they are obviously needed for major function (in the case of creating Eve). Not only are the ribs filled with marrow, but this marrow contains “stem cells” that manufacture the body’s red and white blood cells, which are then recognized and excepted by the body. These white blood cells protect against disease and the red blood cells bring oxygen and nourishment to the body and remove waste products. Many of us that are familiar with “stem cells” know that they have the amazing capability to develop into many different cell types in the body. They have the choice (directed by the necessity of the body) to either remain a stem cell or become another type of cell with a more specialized function, such as a red blood cell, muscle cell, or even a brain cell if need be.

I think its quite ironic how a nearly 4,000 year old book knows about bone regeneration and stem cells. Just though you might want to know that. ;)
I am still waiting for whatever this “clear” evidence against me is???
Your claim all science has the bible as its source. Not only did you fail to support this its demonstrably false. For instance, I'm an atheist. Haven't read the bible, don't give a shit about it. I have published work, cited published work and thus, by definition, I've contributed to science. Nothing in my work I got from the bible, I did actual research, spending time and effort to come up with results others hadn't.

Thus your claim is not only supported, its demonstrated false.

Your posts have no more backbone than a chocolate éclair.
I think that's funny, coming from the woman who called a Nobel Prize winner an idiot simply because he doesn't buy into the crap you did. If you have backbone try to get your work published in a reputable journal. Or rather than living in a world of denial about historical facts or the development of science try an honest informed discussion.

In fact the rib bone is the only bone in the entire human body that has the capability of regenerating itself.
Why would god need to pick the rib bone, he's fucking god, he could pick any bone (or not) from Adam and turn it into a woman, he's god.

science has discovered some very unique characteristics about the rib bone… it has the miraculous ability to “regenerate” itself. In fact the rib bone is the only bone in the entire human body that has the capability of regenerating itself.
Citation needed.

sNot only are the ribs filled with marrow, but this marrow contains “stem cells” that manufacture the body’s red and white blood cells, which are then recognized and excepted by the body. These white blood cells protect against disease and the red blood cells bring oxygen and nourishment to the body and remove waste products. Many of us that are familiar with “stem cells” know that they have the amazing capability to develop into many different cell types in the body. They have the choice (directed by the necessity of the body) to either remain a stem cell or become another type of cell with a more specialized function, such as a red blood cell, muscle cell, or even a brain cell if need be.
The entire point of bone marrow is to make blood cells, there's nothing special about the rib in that regard.

I think its quite ironic how a nearly 4,000 year old book knows about bone regeneration and stem cells. Just though you might want to know that.
And yet none of that was extracted from the bible, it was all 'reinterpreted' after modern science had worked it all out. And the quran has similar 'reinterpretations'. Any lengthy book on such vague things can be reinterpreted, as I demonstrated by my comment about The Silmarillion, which you failed to grasp, thinking I believed it more than the bible. No, both of them are works of fiction in my eyes, but at least one of them doesn't preach words of hate and advocated such things as slavery. Can you guess which one?

You haven't demonstrated the bible contains any science beyond that known 2000+ years ago, you have only the reinterpretations of vaguery which was done after and only after science did all the work.

Besides, the fact remains that a literal interpretation of the bible is falsified by science (ie cosmology), the Earth is not 6000~10000 years old, its ~4 billion years old and the universe is 13.7 billion years ago. Just this week the ESA satellite Planck observations were published. Science contradicts the bible, unless you read it as metaphor and analogy and once you do that everything in it is open to interpretation and question.
Our very materialism of our auto immune system contains memories that go back to the creation of the first man and woman (Adam and Eve).

erm.... no...

For example, our body meets a viral organism for the first time

Okay so we supposedly have this "divine" genetic memory, but somehow we meet a viral organism for the first time? I mean creationalism would suggest these viruses are all accounted for, after all they are apart of the big picture, they must have been created by the one and only divine entity (insert name for entity here). If they exist then they have a history, if they have a history then they must be genetically remembered....

So either your suggesting we "genetically forgot" or "there is a new virus in town", if that's the case where do you think that came from? Oh let me guess, the divine entity made it... Personally I think you'll find it's because the organism evolved to combat dieing out from peoples immune systems killing it completely off.

How does it know this? It knows this because at some point in time, an ancestor (distant relation, Adam and Eve) met the virus and learned how to deal with it in the sence that the geno switch was turned back on, and that memory is there forever in our software.

Ah no, Immunisation undermines this reasoning as the Science behind it takes an active organism and disables it to be inactive, that inactive organism is then inserted into the body and the body goes about working out how to attack it, not knowing that the disabled organism technically isn't going to fight back.

This is why Immunisation has proven both effective on occasion and also led to "Pharmaceutically resistant" strains of organism (Since the body can ineffectively fight off a non-combat under the pretence it's a combat. Kind of a lazy battle really.)

This is not something that evolved over time. There is no assimilation in terms of evolution. The information has always been there.

Rubbish. Evolution is proven just by looking at computers. Computers have the capacity to flick trillions of switches on and off, this generates a vast "Cat and Mouse" array of logic gates that can fire off millions of posed outcomes. While only one outcome may be found to be correct and adapted to, all the other outcomes are still apart of the process. This itself is a form of controlled "Divergence" to gain an "Evolved" result.

When our body gets introduced to a new virus or bacteria and cant fight it off, that is attributed to a “loss of information”, if our switches were turned back on we would be able to fight it off. Just like those bacteria that can adapt to antibiotics - their switches with the information has been turned on. The same thing with a skink (somebody said in this thread) when they loose their legs, scientists reintroduce these genes (switching them back on) and they can now grow their legs back.

Another good example of this “switch” and genes that have been turned off is the AIDS virus. Did you know that some people are immune to getting the AIDS virus.

Notice your link says "Gene editing COULD make anyone immune to AIDS", the article also suggest "Some people are incredibly RESISTANT to the AIDS virus".

This doesn't mean that suddenly people are immune, RESISTANCE just means they might take longer to produce antibodies therefore are affected slower. The AIDS virus isn't like a standard virus, it's mutation strain is far more complex which is why it has been so deadly and so difficult to "cure".
Now some might pose the question, why would G-d pick the rib bone from any other part of the human body to make another human being?

So why did G-d choose a rib?

There is a euphemism used by some when they are joking, "I was just ribbing you". This can usually be understood to be that, "I was having a joke and to identify that I was carefully nudging my elbow into the soft part just below your ribs". In reality though it actually came from meaning, "Religion is one giant hypocritical joke on Existence, a joke which nobody gets." (Yes the rib metaphor was placed there to tell you this.)

Why did I state the above??? Well a simple reason really, it was to prove that anyone can develop any form of significance from what they know on any subject, in this particular example my angle is "religion is a joke, which people just don't get". I put forwards my own evidence, define my metaphors and develop my own conclusion, but at the end of the day it's as any other significant "hypothesis", which is obviously going to be wrong because there is no knowledge on what the right answer actually is. (Well for you lot anyway)