New Book - The Primordial Language - Confirmation of the Divine Creator

A typical high school student knows more about evolution than some of the questions here evince.

That is debatable. You should also remember that from a non religious perspective people who do questioning various accepted scientific theories is due to their personality type as well, speaking in a broader scope.
“ Originally Posted by Anita
Spidergoat, even the hominid Lucy was found with other fossils in the area. And did you know that Lucy’s knee bone was not even found with Lucy, it was found a mile away. ”

She was found with the fossils typical of her era. The fossil record is not consistent with a Great Flood. Fossils are not layered in a way that would imply them settling out from a huge body of water (except in specific cases). They are also ordered not by size, but by time. They are also ordered in a progression that shows creatures being replaced by different creatures, ecosystems being replaced by other kinds of ecosystems. It's actually highly detailed and consistent with the evolutionary narrative.

All of this is rendered nonsense (I dont know why I even play around with it) once one considers Mount Saint Helens and the eruption that occurred there in 1980, which proved beyond a doubt that sedimentation and lakes, even a whole landscape can form in a single day. The sedimentation even looks like the layers at Grand Canyon which are said to be millions of years old.

The so called fossil layers that the evolutionists cling onto is imaginary and anomalous!

Oh, and at least 95% of all fossils found signify flooding and drowning - thus Great Food.

“ When we look at the fossil record we find that a good portion of fossils (at least 95%) were marine organisms, algae, plants and trees, invertebrates, insects and vertebrates and fish. ”

There are layers of the fossil record that do indeed contain marine fossils, but there are many areas that do not contain them whatsoever.

All places on the earth, even on Mount Everest there exists “marine flood sedimentation” (salt water from the sea) consisting of marine fossils which are found in all rock strata. This corresponds exactly to what the Bible tells us.

If there is a place on the Earth that does not have marine fossils please point it out to me.
“ Additionally, since humans are intelligent they most likely would have fled to higher ground, swam and held on. Human corpses also bloat and therefore float on the water’s surface, that could be a very good reason why they were obviously not buried by sediment. Instead they rotted and decayed without fossilization. So we shouldn’t expect to find human (or even really hominid) fossils in sediment. ”

I guess that explains things like this?:
In the 1970s Bob Brain came across the skull of an early hominid at the Swartkrans cave. The skull was identified as that of A.(Paranthropus) robustus, while the canine indentations on the pariental region were interpreted as those made by a leopard(Panthera pardus). The size of the tooth marks suggests that the leopard dragged the corpse carrying it by head.[5]The transportation of the kill through dragging is still observable in extant leopards. Therefore, since leopards are not scavengers, Brain(1981) concluded that the animal which dragged the corpse is the same animal which killed A .(Paranthropus) robustus[5].

(early hominid fossils are commonly found with extinct animals like saber-toothed tigers)

“ Just like we don’t find modern human bones buried with the coelacanths fish either, but they still exist today. ”

According to you, we should find fossil fish including the coelacanth alongside human fossils, but we don't because early humans didn't eat them. Coelacanths live deep below the ocean where they are relatively inaccessible.

No, that’s not what I said, please reread the quote. What I said was we “don’t find” coelacanth fish alongside humans! You changed my words around again. I’m beginning to wonder if your dyslexic?

Yes and your leopard scenario is probably nothing more than the leopards living alongside the hominids in the same general area.

This proves Jack!
Dywyddyr, i have not read all the posts i do find it hard to believe some people respond the way they do when people question 'The Theory of Evolution' or other aspects of life on Earth. Not even coming from a religious perspective and i have many interesting perspectives on this. It is 'Science' after all.
It depends what you mean by "hard to believe".
Hard to believe someone could be so (wilfully) ignorant and blind as to the reality of evolution?
Yes, I too find it hard to believe.
It makes me wonder how any educational system can fail so badly.
Anita Meyer said:
All of this is rendered nonsense (I dont know why I even play around with it) once one considers Mount Saint Helens and the eruption that occurred there in 1980, which proved beyond a doubt that sedimentation and lakes, even a whole landscape can form in a single day. The sedimentation even looks like the layers at Grand Canyon which are said to be millions of years old.
I have been there, the sedimentation did not form distinct layers, it was a landslide, which scientists are able to distinguish from the typical deposits of, for instance, a riparian habitat.

Anita Meyer said:
The so called fossil layers that the evolutionists cling onto is imaginary and anomalous!
There's no "clinging", it's just what they have been finding for decades.

Anita Meyer said:
Oh, and at least 95% of all fossils found signify flooding and drowning - thus Great Food.
A great deal of them contain evidence of predation, not drowning.

Anita Meyer said:
All places on the earth, even on Mount Everest there exists “marine flood sedimentation” (salt water from the sea) consisting of marine fossils which are found in all rock strata. This corresponds exactly to what the Bible tells us.

If there is a place on the Earth that does not have marine fossils please point it out to me.
You are misquoting your creationist sources. Even they say only that marine fossils can be found on every continent, not everywhere there are fossil deposits. Fossil deposits reflect the ecosystems that existed at the time.

Your precious footprints (and the footprints of many other animals) are also sorted by date, a phenomenon that would be impossible if sediment were layed down by a flood.

Anita said:
No, that’s not what I said, please reread the quote. What I said was we “don’t find” coelacanth fish alongside humans! You changed my words around again. I’m beginning to wonder if your dyslexic?
If there were a Great Flood, we should see Coelacanth fossils alongside humans.
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One reason there might not be so many human remains could easily be down to volcanoes. It's known that humans settled around volcanoes (and still do) because of the fertile soils that usually exist nearby. It just takes one eruption to kill off the entire populous in the area and cover their remains. This was proven at least once with Vesuvius covering Pompeii/Herculaneum and the eruption of Thera (Santorini) which was potentially what caused the Minoan's civilisation to die off on Crete and posed as being the cause of the event that was depicted in the Old Testament in regards to Making the rivers run red, Animals and birds die, Fire and brimstone from the sky (as well as the impending ash cloud) and a rivers becoming fordable because of an impending tsunami. (Which could attribute to the Moses story of the water parting)

Last but not least it's Thera is also suggested to be responsible for the stories of "Atlantis".

Love your posting Stryer, :) I’ll tell you what I think about all this…

I have strong reason to believe that Santorini and the Minoan’s were indeed the fabled atlantians. These were pre-flood people. This may have even been the civilization that Noah came from.

I always say, the Bible gives us all the answers! I’d have to say that Atlantis would have had something to do with the "Great Flood" since the story corresponds in several aspects:

People sinning...

Great corrupting knowledge...

Enormous waters let loose by the fountains of the deep…


Time frame…

Now as to the rivers running red, animals dying, fire and brimstone from the sky, the ash cloud, the ocean parting for Moses due to a tsunami caused by the volcanic eruption at Santorini. Yes these thing correlate, but I’m opt to think they are not related (though I’ve heard conflicting claims), but I’m tending to lean towards it being a time before this.

Hello John 999 welcome to this thread.
There also isn't enough water on planet Earth to cover it all. A significant problem, one would think.
I’d have to say that Atlantis would have had something to do with the "Great Flood" since the story corresponds in several aspects:

...the ocean parting for Moses due to a tsunami caused by the volcanic eruption at Santorini.
So you're claiming that the flood happened when Moses was crossing the Red Sea?
Did Noah help him? :rolleyes:

I’ll tell you what I think about all this…
Obviously you don't think very well.
Spare us any further thoughts of yours.
Look Dywyddyr, I know you are really trying hard to be involved in this conversation, but I think you are only amusing yourself at this point in the game.

If you want we can play horse. I'll be the front end and you be yourself. ;)

Not only Dywyddyr, but Spidergoat as well, I see what you guys are up to here and all along I thought it was truly dyslexia. Not only changing my words around, but rearranging the structure of my posts to look like I said something else. A childs game for the age of 5.

Don’t you know by now, nobody is reading your posts. You also probably figured you cant win the conversation, which is true you cant! :p

Well I suppose whatever gives you guys a false sense of buoyancy to your sinking minds, all the power to ya.

Paddle along now…
Not only Dywyddyr, but Spidergoat as well, I see what you guys are up to here and all along I thought it was truly dyslexia. Not only changing my words around, but rearranging the structure of my posts to look like I said something else.
Can you point out where I have done that?
No you can't.
You're lying again.
And making MORE attempts to divert from your inane idiocy.

You also probably figured you cant win the conversation, which is true you cant! :p
I realise I can't: because you're an ignorant, bigoted, blind-to-reality fool who will not listen to reason or bother to actually learn facts.
A couple of questions:

1. Could you explain what academic qualifications you have, other than your high school education and partially completed Criminology course, that qualify you to dispute scientific findings?

2. Could you explain why your book, which you describe as revolutionary and confirmation of the divine creator, has failed to gain the attention one would expect of a book - or anything - that proved conclusively that god exists.
A couple of questions:

1. Could you explain what academic qualifications you have, other than your high school education and partially completed Criminology course, that qualify you to dispute scientific findings?

Gypsi, I have studied religion my whole life. I went to Hebrew school and lived in Israel for approximately 1 year. Yes, I went to college for Criminology, but followed through in my passion with religion. The rest is personal.

If you don’t offhand believe the things that I write about here, you could research the material yourself to verify what I say. I am what you would call a religious/science procurement specialist - if information exists, I try my best to find it. :)

So while you have me here, maybe there are question you would like to ask?

2. Could you explain why your book, which you describe as revolutionary and confirmation of the divine creator, has failed to gain the attention one would expect of a book - or anything - that proved conclusively that god exists.

Well for one thing did you notice the release date, it was just this past Christmas. Its new on the market and has just made it to Barnes & Noble this month. It is circulating pretty fast.

In my book I also bring new things to the frontier. Not only do I reveal the nature behind the Hebrew letters, I also reveal how the Hebrew letters are linked to Egypt and the Great Pyramid of Giza, and even further back to the Tower of Babel. It is also linked to Freemasonry. I also reveal how the Hebrew letters are involved with science and mathematics, not only through nature, but also such things like frequency and medicine.

Stuff that would numb the minds of many people.

In the end what I reveal is that it all revolves around G-d.
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I am what you would call a religious/science procurement specialist - if information exists, I try my best to find it. :)
And, as we have seen, if you can't find that information or it does exist but doesn't suit your ridiculous suppositions then you proceed to invent it.

Stuff that would numb the minds of many people.
Unfortunately, to take the book seriously you'd have to have a severely numb mind to start with.

In the end what I reveal is that it all revolves around G-d.
Or, more correctly, what you actually reveal is that there's no assertion so stupid and inane that someone, somewhere won't entertain it as valid.
Oh I will agree, my book has some pretty wild stuff in it. What I am alluding to is far more than anyone in the natural world can perceive. What I’ve discovered is that the Hebrew letters are created from nature as shown here:

But my book goes on to further show how the Hebrew letters are also connected to the Tower of Babel and the Great Pyramid of Giza and many other things. We read the story many times in the Bible but can never really get a full scope of why the Tower of Babel was destroyed and the language was confused, or why the Great Pyramid and its mathematical construct has the King and Queens chambers in the locations that it does. This is because the Great Pyramid has the Hebrew letter Ayin within it, which means “eye”, and that Ayin has a specific frequency to it. This is why the Freemasons incorporated it into the pyramid with the all seeing on the One Dollar Bill. Now as for the Tower of Babel, this was a Ziggurat and a ziggurat employs the form of the Hebrew letter Pey which means mouth, which might suggest why language was confused. The ancients had the knowledge of the power of FREQUENCY which came from the Hebrew letters (The Primordial Language), and employed this knowledge into controlling nature.

There is power in the Hebrew letters as this is the Divine Language. I also apply this knowledge to the science of Cymatics, which shows that form is created from sound. This is what the Bible is describing for us in-between the lines (back then this was given knowledge).

Now in the realm of science, frequencies can have vast powers over nature. Well this is only a small glimpse into my book, as I said I talk about many things in it, it is really a book of knowledge. I may talk about the Theory of Evolution and some mathematical precepts here and there, but the main focus of my book is much MUCH bigger as I incorporate all these things!

I’ll be very busy this week and may not have time to reply.
This is because the Great Pyramid has the Hebrew letter Ayin within it, which means “eye”, and that Ayin has a specific frequency to it.
What, exactly, would be the "specific frequency" of ayin?

The ancients had the knowledge of the power of FREQUENCY which came from the Hebrew letters (The Primordial Language), and employed this knowledge into controlling nature.
Bull. Shit.

Now in the realm of science, frequencies can have vast powers over nature.
Examples please.

it is really a book of knowledge.
No it's a book of nonsense, ignorance and the triumph of belief (and irrationality) over reason.

I may talk about the Theory of Evolution and some mathematical precepts here and there
Why? You don't know anything about them based on your posts here.
The problem, as one reviewer pointed out, was an a priori assumption of God's existence, combined with a lack of understanding of what might falsify that premise. She doesn't know what constitutes reliable evidence, or the meaning of science or pseudoscience. She hasn't looked outside Biblical culture to find the same symbols and shapes in nature and in other totally foreign cultures. To add insult to injury, she misrepresents the religious views of Einstein.
The problem, as one reviewer pointed out
Thanks, hoped someone would notice.