New Book - The Primordial Language - Confirmation of the Divine Creator

Anita, you use the phrase "just a theory" as if that implies there is no evidence to support it, but that is a lie. You cannot make scientific terms mean what you want them to mean.

There is no progression happening here.
Why are there no modern human fossils in any layer containing these transitional forms? Because modern humans didn't exist yet! You are not only ignorant, you refuse to educate yourself, because education would contradict your belief system. There is no excuse for this. You would have condemned Galileo too.
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Why are there no modern human fossils in any layer containing these transitional forms? Because modern humans didn't exist yet! You are not only ignorant, you refuse to educate yourself, because education would contradict your belief system. There is no excuse for this. You would have condemned Galileo too.

Now you're just talking out of your tookis here! This I happen to know is real nonsense! I’m beginning to think you are just making things up and you go along.

Off the top of my head, I can name several places were both human and other fossils were found together.

The cave of Krapina in Croatia. Here there were found thousands of animal fossils along with human fossils.

Human bones were found at Zhoukoudian, in caves near Beijing, in China along with other animal fossils.

Human bone fragments were found in the Thames Valley, at Swanscombe, England. The human fossils were found with numerous remains of many animal species such as wolf, lion, and horse.

I also remember this one… A human male shin bone was found during excavations in a quarry at Boxgrove, West Sussex, South England. This was found along with animal bones.

Like I said these are just a few off the top of my head, but go ahead and feel free to check them out for yourself.

You’re wearing thin here Spidergoat. :(
I said modern human fossils in the same layer as "these transitional forms" meaning the hominid fossils in question. Modern human bones are often found with contemporaneous animals, that is not in doubt.
The Hebrew spelling may well be the same, but we are using English here and the two (that I gave and that we BOTH linked to) are NOT the same.
Which you would know if you'd bothered reading the links you used as reference (or even the two sentences I gave).

Because you're an illiterate dishonest idiot.

Your arrogance blinds you! Look Dywyddyr, most knowledgeable Jews among scholars know that Kabalah is to Qabalah what is to Cabalah!

There are no different Qabalahs. But there are what is called levels of understanding Qabalah. There are three parts to Qabalah... Theoretical Qabalah, Meditational Qabalah, and Practical Qabalah.

But guess what, it still equals Qabalah, Kabalah, or Cabala how ever you want to spell it.

Why, You don’t know any more about Qabalah than a pig knows about Sunday. :bugeye:

You might be a moderator here on the forum, but I wouldn't put you in charge of snake control in Ireland! :)
Your arrogance blinds you! Look Dywyddyr, most knowledgeable Jews among scholars know that Kabalah is to Qabalah what is to Cabalah!

There are no different Qabalahs. But there are what is called levels of understanding Qabalah. There are three parts to Qabalah... Theoretical Qabalah, Meditational Qabalah, and Practical Qabalah.
Do you actually read the links that you yourself give? Apparently not. Also wrong.

Why, You don’t know any more about Qabalah than a pig knows about Sunday. :bugeye:
And you prefer to maintain your ignorance by not taking any notice of facts.
Lets take this argument even further to the Dinosaurs.

There have been numerous evidences that man and dinosaur lived at the same time. We have the Ica Stones, the Glenn Rose tracks, along with the dinosaur footprint in cretaceous limestone on the banks of the Paluxy River. These both show dinosaur and human foot prints together.


The impressions show the dinosaur passed along the track after the human, indicating man and dinosaur co-existed. The fossil can be found in the Creation Evidence Museum in Glen Rose, Texas. Was tested by X-ray and determined authentic.

Aside from this we have plenty of other evidences that dinosaurs lived during (and alongside) the time of man. There are pictographs all around the world including India and China that foretell of dinosaurs (dragons and leviathans). In fact, Alexander the great 2300 years ago mentioned that they were afraid of the dragons that lived there in India. He brought back a report of seeing a great hissing dragon that lived in a cave. Some 2000 years ago Pliny the elder wrote that elephants are constantly at war with dragons. This also included Apollonius of Tyana whom in 1900 mentioned that dragons are killers of the elephants. 750 years ago (1271) Marco Polo went to China and wrote about dragons that they used to pull chariots. There are also records mentioning a dragon being slain in Nerluc, France. Amidst this, there are many cave drawings of dinosaurs ranging from 500-2000 years old, some of which can be found at the Grand Canyon, another at Ta Prohm Cambodian temple. Inasmuch as these claims may seem bizarre, the patriarch “Job” recants this for us in the Bible.

Job 41:1 - (Leviathan)… Job 41:1*- Canst thou draw out leviathan with an hook? or his tongue with a cord which thou lettest down?

Job 41:10 - (none so fierce)… Job 41:10*- None is so fierce that dare stir him up: who then is able to stand before me?

Job 41:21 - (a flame goeth out of his mouth)… Job 41:21*- His breath kindleth coals, and a flame goeth out of his mouth.

Job 40:15-24 - Behold now behemoth, which I made with thee; he eateth grass as an ox. Lo now, his strength is in his loins, and his force is in the navel of his belly. He moveth his tail like a cedar: the sinews of his stones are wrapped together. His bones are as strong pieces of brass; his bones are like bars of iron. He is the chief of the ways of G-d: he that made him can make his sword to approach unto him. Surely the mountains bring him forth food, where all the beasts of the field play. He lieth under the shady trees, in the covert of the reed, and fens. The shady trees cover him with their shadow; the willows of the brook compass him about. Behold, he drinketh up a river, and hasteth not: he trusteth that he can draw up Jordan into his mouth. He taketh it with his eyes: his nose pierceth through snares.
Another tactic that is engaged in by liars and losers is to change the subject once they've had their errors pointed out to them, and realise that they cannot provide the sources/ evidence for which they have been asked repeatedly.
For example - Anita, what are your sources for the claim that geometry derives from gematria?
What are your sources for the claim that the Qabalah is the same as the Kabbalah?
Lets take this argument even further to the Dinosaurs.
Oh, thanks, that's answered those questions then.
Apologies for doubting you. :rolleyes:
Original X-Rays of the "human footprints" found at Paloxy River/Glen Rose were flawed, and even creationists accept them for what they are now known to be - man-made, by hand.

That's why nowadays, more astute and informed creationists advise their fellow but perhaps less educated creationists to steer clear of the topic, if you want to be taken at all seriously.

(apologies for the oxymora)
Original X-Rays of the "human footprints" found at Paloxy River/Glen Rose were flawed, and even creationists accept them for what they are now known to be - man-made, by hand.

That's why nowadays, more astute and informed creationists advise their fellow but perhaps less educated creationists to steer clear of the topic, if you want to be taken at all seriously.

(apologies for the oxymora)

Hello Gypsi,

There is controversy on both sides with everything, that still does not prove that they are fake. I’ve read numerous articles of research on this and I’m still in favor of it being real.

I also love subjects like radiocarbon dating issues. I have a field day with these! :)

If you get the chance, check out a little portion of my book:
I said modern human fossils in the same layer as "these transitional forms" meaning the hominid fossils in question. Modern human bones are often found with contemporaneous animals, that is not in doubt.

Why don't you respond to this?
Another tactic that is engaged in by liars and losers is to change the subject once they've had their errors pointed out to them, and realise that they cannot provide the sources/ evidence for which they have been asked repeatedly.
For example - Anita, what are your sources for the claim that geometry derives from gematria?
What are your sources for the claim that the Qabalah is the same as the Kabbalah?
“ Originally Posted by Anita Meyer
Lets take this argument even further to the Dinosaurs. ”

Oh, thanks, that's answered those questions then.
Apologies for doubting you.

Dywyddyr, You are the triple winner King of Gish Gallop! :D

Oh, and look above, you spelled the word “realize” wrong! Its with a Z and not an S. I don’t think you can match wits with a Speak N' Spell. ;)
“ Originally Posted by spidergoat
I said modern human fossils in the same layer as "these transitional forms" meaning the hominid fossils in question. Modern human bones are often found with contemporaneous animals, that is not in doubt. ”

Why don't you respond to this?

Spidergoat, even the hominid Lucy was found with other fossils in the area. And did you know that Lucy’s knee bone was not even found with Lucy, it was found a mile away.

It is known that marine creatures and plants were the first things buried and fossilized, since they are at a lower elevation and couldn’t escape the sediment and water.

When we look at the fossil record we find that a good portion of fossils (at least 95%) were marine organisms, algae, plants and trees, invertebrates, insects and vertebrates and fish.

Logically, we should not be finding many human fossils at all. Though, they might be there in lower levels of flood sediments. Additionally, since humans are intelligent they most likely would have fled to higher ground, swam and held on. Human corpses also bloat and therefore float on the water’s surface, that could be a very good reason why they were obviously not buried by sediment. Instead they rotted and decayed without fossilization. So we shouldn’t expect to find human (or even really hominid) fossils in sediment.

Just like we don’t find modern human bones buried with the coelacanths fish either, but they still exist today. :idea:
Anita said:
Spidergoat, even the hominid Lucy was found with other fossils in the area. And did you know that Lucy’s knee bone was not even found with Lucy, it was found a mile away.
She was found with the fossils typical of her era. The fossil record is not consistent with a Great Flood. Fossils are not layered in a way that would imply them settling out from a huge body of water (except in specific cases). They are also ordered not by size, but by time. They are also ordered in a progression that shows creatures being replaced by different creatures, ecosystems being replaced by other kinds of ecosystems. It's actually highly detailed and consistent with the evolutionary narrative.

It is known that marine creatures and plants were the first things buried and fossilized, since they are at a lower elevation and couldn’t escape the sediment and water.
That sediment would be found in all sample cores of the ocean bottom (and ice cores from Greenland and Antarctica. It's not.

When we look at the fossil record we find that a good portion of fossils (at least 95%) were marine organisms, algae, plants and trees, invertebrates, insects and vertebrates and fish.
There are layers of the fossil record that do indeed contain marine fossils, but there are many areas that do not contain them whatsoever.

Logically, we should not be finding many human fossils at all. Though, they might be there in lower levels of flood sediments.
Never been found yet.

Additionally, since humans are intelligent they most likely would have fled to higher ground, swam and held on. Human corpses also bloat and therefore float on the water’s surface, that could be a very good reason why they were obviously not buried by sediment. Instead they rotted and decayed without fossilization. So we shouldn’t expect to find human (or even really hominid) fossils in sediment.
I guess that explains things like this?:
In the 1970s Bob Brain came across the skull of an early hominid at the Swartkrans cave. The skull was identified as that of A.(Paranthropus) robustus, while the canine indentations on the pariental region were interpreted as those made by a leopard(Panthera pardus). The size of the tooth marks suggests that the leopard dragged the corpse carrying it by head.[5]The transportation of the kill through dragging is still observable in extant leopards. Therefore, since leopards are not scavengers, Brain(1981) concluded that the animal which dragged the corpse is the same animal which killed A .(Paranthropus) robustus[5].

(early hominid fossils are commonly found with extinct animals like saber-toothed tigers)

Just like we don’t find modern human bones buried with the coelacanths fish either, but they still exist today.
According to you, we should find fossil fish including the coelacanth alongside human fossils, but we don't because early humans didn't eat them. Coelacanths live deep below the ocean where they are relatively inaccessible.
Spidergoat, even the hominid Lucy was found with other fossils in the area. And did you know that Lucy’s knee bone was not even found with Lucy, it was found a mile away.

It is known that marine creatures and plants were the first things buried and fossilized, since they are at a lower elevation and couldn’t escape the sediment and water.

When we look at the fossil record we find that a good portion of fossils (at least 95%) were marine organisms, algae, plants and trees, invertebrates, insects and vertebrates and fish.

Logically, we should not be finding many human fossils at all. Though, they might be there in lower levels of flood sediments. Additionally, since humans are intelligent they most likely would have fled to higher ground, swam and held on. Human corpses also bloat and therefore float on the water’s surface, that could be a very good reason why they were obviously not buried by sediment. Instead they rotted and decayed without fossilization. So we shouldn’t expect to find human (or even really hominid) fossils in sediment.

Just like we don’t find modern human bones buried with the coelacanths fish either, but they still exist today. :idea:

Swamp ground is usually where most of the fossils originate, sometimes some decent samples come through because of the nature of the mud encapsulating them. Obviously in swamps you get anaerobic organisms which usually develop with the rotting vegetation sinks to the bottom, which usually produces swamp gases and is posed as being responsible for fossil fuels like crude oil. This is also why various fossils were found in Tar pits.

In these instances it's suggested the remains found are from those that strayed into areas they couldn't escape and eventually sank beneath the mud or tar.

One reason there might not be so many human remains could easily be down to volcanoes. It's known that humans settled around volcanoes (and still do) because of the fertile soils that usually exist nearby. It just takes one eruption to kill off the entire populous in the area and cover their remains. This was proven at least once with Vesuvius covering Pompeii/Herculaneum and the eruption of Thera (Santorini) which was potentially what caused the Minoan's civilisation to die off on Crete and posed as being the cause of the event that was depicted in the Old Testament in regards to Making the rivers run red, Animals and birds die, Fire and brimstone from the sky (as well as the impending ash cloud) and a rivers becoming fordable because of an impending tsunami. (Which could attribute to the Moses story of the water parting)

Last but not least it's Thera is also suggested to be responsible for the stories of "Atlantis".
Dywyddyr, You are the triple winner King of Gish Gallop! :D
So you're STILL not answering the questions?
Thought so.

Oh, and look above, you spelled the word “realize” wrong! Its with a Z and not an S. I don’t think you can match wits with a Speak N' Spell. ;)
Wrong again. I bet if I wrote "programme" you'd also claim that's spelt incorrectly?
All you're doing is betraying a parochial narrow-minded viewpoint. Please, do, learn something from our encounters. Even if it's only that English spelling differs from American in various ways.
Dywyddyr, i have not read all the posts i do find it hard to believe some people respond the way they do when people question 'The Theory of Evolution' or other aspects of life on Earth. Not even coming from a religious perspective and i have many interesting perspectives on this. It is 'Science' after all.
Intelligent questions would be welcomed, but ones based on deliberate ignorance are inexcusable. A typical high school student knows more about evolution than some of the questions here evince.