New Book - The Primordial Language - Confirmation of the Divine Creator

Stryder, the Greek/Roman writing came about from the Hebrew. Oh and BTW the Greeks also got the idea of Gamatria from the Hebrew. They knew about the Hebrew gamatria values, BECAUSE THEY DERIVED THEIR OWN MATHEMATICS FROM IT. The word “Gematria” later evolved into the Greek word “geometry” whereas the concept and system is the same as the Greek isopsephy meaning “equal count“ by adding up the number values of the letters in a word.

You blatently missing the point. Why if Hebrew is such a choosen language was it not used in Mathematics for Algebra? Why when we look at the written numerics we look to something that came from Arabic/Hindu-Arabic roots?

Ancient Greek was a vast language since it spread across an entire empire prior to the Romans.

Like I said about design, no single religion would ever be correct, and this is proven by looking how many different languages in this instance has progressed from their roots to the meltingpot we now have.

As for the Greeks stole it from Hebrew.... I'm going to have to call that and ask you for source material to prove it, as I'm pretty sure that it's completely made up on your part.
The Bible has never been falsified, EVER!
That would be an outright lie. Or utter stupidity.
Take your pick.
Stryder, the Greek/Roman writing came about from the Hebrew. Oh and BTW the Greeks also got the idea of Gamatria from the Hebrew. They knew about the Hebrew gamatria values, BECAUSE THEY DERIVED THEIR OWN MATHEMATICS FROM IT. The word “Gematria” later evolved into the Greek word “geometry” whereas the concept and system is the same as the Greek isopsephy meaning “equal count“ by adding up the number values of the letters in a word.
Also incorrect.
The word "geometry" derives from "ge" (Earth) and "metrein" (to measure).
If there is any link at all between the words gematria and geometry it's the other way round i.e. gematria is a derivation of the Greek word. But there's also a school of thought that claims gematria is nothing to do with geometry whatsoever.
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How foolish of you to say this! Well of course there isn’t any contemporary (as in modern day) sources. Just because you didn’t know your great great great grandmother doesn’t mean that she did not exist. But I’m sure your family has heard things about her from past relatives. Obviously she existed, because you were born. :rolleyes: )
I meant there are no references to Jesus from anyone who lives around 0AD~30AD outside of the Bible. For someone who supposedly did miracles in front of thousands of people and the Romans had a lot of dealings with he seems suspiciously absent from history other than religious texts.

Jesus was also mentioned in the Talmud
A matter of some debate.

You will find that most Jews will not deny the existence of Jesus, even Einstein admitted that He existed.
But obviously even those Jews who say "I accept Jesus existed" don't think he was divine because otherwise they'd be christian. I don't deny its possible there was some guy with plenty of weird ideas living in the Middle east 2000 years ago but I don't think he was the son of a deity. There's tons and tons of evidence for Mohammed, he was an actual historical figure but I don't believe anything he said about a god. Just because someone exists doesn't mean anything and everything said about them or things they said is true. I exist and you don't believe everything I say.

here we have even more proof that there indeed did exist a man named Jesus, and He was crucified
The Romans killed thousands of people by crucifixion, that isn't a sufficient condition to think one of them was divine.

The Bible has never been falsified, EVER!
And that's why so many people in the US embrace science, because it completely agrees with the Bible :rolleyes: Factual claims about the universe which appear in the bible are again and again demonstrated to be false. The story of Genesis is false. It is not the literal actual record of how the Earth and people came to be. There's no two ways about it. And then there's the bits of the Bible which contradict other bits. Read allegorically you can vaguely accept the Bible but taken literally it is false, its contradicted by the real world.
“ Originally Posted by anita m
I thought we went over this already some time back in this thread, it was showing the change of the Galapagos finches and their beaks. The end result was that the birds were still the same finches! ”

No they weren't the same! They were still recognizably related to mainland finches, but they had changed. That's what new species are, changed old species.

Look Spidergoat, mainland schmaynland they were FINCHES, and the same Finches, maybe the others were just a tad bit chubbier and their beaks shorter, that’s it!

You’re never going to make a pelican out of this. All you’ve made is a mocking bird out of yourself. ;)

“ You say one thing: that there is no such thing as an “entirely new creature”, but then you go onto to say all creatures are the result of natural selection forcing gradual change. To me you are saying that this gradual change eventually equates to a "new creature". What you are saying is contradictory. ”

Yes, no creature gives birth to a species other than it's own, and yet over time, the species splits off, changes, and gets a label tacked on it for the scientific purposes of classification. The only reason we recognize separate species is because the fossil record isn't complete. If it were, we would every creature morphing gradually from a common ancestor. This is the narrative supported by the fossil record.

A lot of assuming here don’t you think?

That’s right, the fossil record is incomplete and will never be complete EVER! That is because things did not split off and change in this way. Again, just because living creatures resemble each other, does not mean they are an ancestor of that creature. Just like an air-conditioning unit... The same parts that go into it are also some of the same parts that go into a Boeing 747 engine, or a car engine simply because they work. Don’t you think G-d would have employed the same system in living thing that He created?

BTW, in my book I bring forth to the table all of the speculated transitional missing links between ape and man (hominids) ever to be discovered. As it turns out they are still only those of monkey and ape species. All the evidence is clearly expected… not one authentic transitional form has ever been found - man has always been man!

I expose all of them from Nebraska man, Piltdown man, Swanscombe, Cro-Magnon, Neanderthal, Pithecanthropus, Homo erectus, Lucy, Africanus, Eoanthropus, Anamensis, Homo Habilus, Ardipithecus, Ramapithecus, Australopithecines and even the Hobbits of the small island of Flores.

The history of hominid paleontology has shown many “uncertainties“. Scientists have spent their careers bantering over the proper interpretation of bone chips, teeth, and dust. In fact all the hominid bones ever found wouldn’t fill one large box, and the very best skeletons are only less than half complete. So we’re really working with a lack of evidence.

Oh and there is NO REAL WAY we could date bones (especially fossilized) just by looking or measuring them, no not even using carbon 14 dating or radioisotope testing (additionally Carbon 14 has a half life of roughly 5,700 years). There is no way you can tell how old the bone is apart from the rock that you dug the bone out of. Even that rock cannot accurately be measured either apart from the cataloged fossils that are in it. This is because living creatures (including human bones) that have become petrified rock contain no carbon.

So how do scientists date these bones? They date these bones by what’s called a “geologic time table” of the earths “ASSUMED” history, which is based upon years of leading professionals with the “evolutionist understanding” that living things have evolved for billions of years. So when they find bones such as dinosaur bones… scientists identify that those bones must be at least million of years before humans were here with the programming in mind that it took a long stretch of time for reptiles to evolve into mammals, then primates, and then into humans. So their whole principle of dating things depends on their whole idea of “evolutionism“, not carbon or radioisotope dating. 1 Timothy 1:3-4 - Teach no other doctrine, neither give heed to fables and ENDLESS GENEALOGIES.

If you don’t believe what I'm saying here, then investigate this for yourself.

Here is something else to think about… Logically thinking, if man had been evolving from ape like creatures though MILLIONS of years, do you know how many “missing links and transitional forms” we would be discovering? The answer to this reveals itself is the amount of people in the world today. It is just about the number you would expect if eight people (Noah and his family) walked off of an ark only 4500 years ago. (the math is calculated in my book).

“ Either way if the genetic switch was turned off or on, it is still a skink with or without legs and has remained a skink from the beginning of time! ”

That is just plain false. Pick an animal, and if you go back far enough in time, you won't find any of them, only it's distant ancestors. The skink came from reptiles, which came from amphibians, which came from fish, which came from invertebrates... going all the way back to the first primitive cells.

Firstly, just because it is a single celled organism doesn’t not make it old. Again, this is the “ASSUMED” history, which is based upon the “evolutionist understanding” that living things have evolved for billions of years.

“ Many animals look like each other but are not. You can even make a dog look like a Panda bear! Man might be able to manipulate the skinks DNA by turning back on the genetic information, but in the wild, this never happens. For the skinks in the wild this is a loss of information. ”

You are wrong about that. Scientists have triggered the growth of teeth in a chicken! In the wild, this does happen. It's called Neoteny.

Again, nothing new here either. You are referring to atavistic features.

Firstly, many animals and insects alive today have atavistic features… some of the commonly known ones are dew claws in dogs, wings in earwigs which are normally wingless, extra toes in guinea pigs and salamanders. But let me reassure you that these types of things are not any sort of primitive reclusive genes that suggest evolution of any type. As for the atavistic characterizes of the chicks, these are things that “natural selection” originally selected as advantages at one time and later choose to disregard them when they became disadvantaged. If this were the case that animals have within them the genes to regress into their primitive forms, why than doesn’t a bird have the DNA that changes them back into a lizard, snake or a rodent type creature? (where are those genes?) Again, there is no new information here of any kind going on here.

“ The Bible has never been falsified, EVER! ”

Yes, Genesis says flowering plants came before trees, but this is false. Flowers were a later evolutionary invention. The Bible is a collection of some 10 to 15% of the gospels that actually existed at the time in relation to early Christianity. Just like any collection of texts, it is bound to contain some references to real events, but it is by no means a reliable source. Real Biblical scholars (as opposed to religious amateurs) already accept this as a given.

This is what the evolution theory teaches, but G-d is smarter than that. He knew the evolutionist would try and harm His truth so He implicitly put the order of things that He created in a certain order to prove the He didn’t use evolution, and that he created all things in the manner which the Bible states in Genesis. For instance, the Bible tells us that that G-d put trees on dry land before He put life in the ocean. Genesis 1:11-12 - And G-d said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so. And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and G-d saw that it was good.

And we read it again in Genesis 2 (so that it is clearly understandable) that plants were made before rain. Genesis 2:4-5 - These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord G-d made the earth and the heavens, And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the Lord G-d had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground.

Then we read in Genesis that G-d created the great whales and birds. Genesis 1:20-21 - And G-d said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven. And G-d created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and G-d saw that it was good.

G-d created life in this sequence to implicitly show us that He didn’t need any water to do His work of creating life. He also created whales and birds (fowl) first, and then waited a day to create the land animals to prove that He didn’t need their help to initially give rise to the whales. Genesis 1:24-25 - And G-d said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so. And G-d made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and G-d saw that it was good.

Its very ironical here because the evolution theory says that whales developed from existing land mammal’s as they have what looks like remains of skeletal feet and bones, (but it has been recently discovered that these appendages (vestigial legs) are actually used for reproduction. Furthermore these vestigial legs are only found in the “male” and are used to anchor the muscles attached to the penis). furthermore, the evolution theory says that birds must have come from previously existing reptiles, so G-d in foresight of this, deliberately and intentionally created the birds on the fifth day, and waited one day to create reptiles to prove He didn’t need their help in giving rise to the birds either. Genesis 1:20 - And G-d said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven. Genesis 1:24-25 - And G-d said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so. And G-d made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and G-d saw that it was good.
“ Uh Spidergoat, it’s been the same text for 3,000 years! Jesus read the same exact Torah in Hebrew (the Old Testament - 5 books of Moses) that the Jews read today. Aramaic is very similar to modern Hebrew today. ”

Since no original copies exist, and Jesus didn't write anything down, and each copy introduced the errors and opinions of the copier, it can't be trusted as an original source.

Sorry Spidergoat, yes original copies exist. If you didn’t already know, we have the "Dead Sea Scrolls" that have proven to be a vital source for backing up what the modern Bible tells us word-for-word.

I forgot how much fun this forum was! :D
“ Originally Posted by Anita Meyer
Stryder, the Greek/Roman writing came about from the Hebrew. Oh and BTW the Greeks also got the idea of Gamatria from the Hebrew. They knew about the Hebrew gamatria values, BECAUSE THEY DERIVED THEIR OWN MATHEMATICS FROM IT. The word “Gematria” later evolved into the Greek word “geometry” whereas the concept and system is the same as the Greek isopsephy meaning “equal count“ by adding up the number values of the letters in a word. ”

You blatently missing the point. Why if Hebrew is such a choosen language was it not used in Mathematics for Algebra? Why when we look at the written numerics we look to something that came from Arabic/Hindu-Arabic roots?

Ancient Greek was a vast language since it spread across an entire empire prior to the Romans.

Like I said about design, no single religion would ever be correct, and this is proven by looking how many different languages in this instance has progressed from their roots to the meltingpot we now have.

As for the Greeks stole it from Hebrew.... I'm going to have to call that and ask you for source material to prove it, as I'm pretty sure that it's completely made up on your part.

Stryder, you actually bring up a really good point! You ask why if Hebrew is such a chosen language was it not used in mathematics for algebra?

The answer to this question is, IT WAS!

When Moses came down from Mount Sinai he also brought with him the "Qabalah" which is essentially “oral law” or understanding of what the Torah and its teachings are. Now, in Qabalah most people are familiar with the “Tree of Life” diagram that looks like this:

You will notice that the bottom part of this diagram is a Tetrahedron, the middle part is a Cube and the top part is a Decahedron. Basically, what the Tree of Life diagram is, is a model for the structure of the 5 platonic solids that were rediscovered by Pythagoras. This is the process of atoms grouping together and forming into cell structure. This can also be seen in the cell division of a human embryo when it splits in half and than multiplies into many other cells.

These are the 5 platonic solids:

Now, Pythagoras (a Greek philosopher) was a deeply religious man, he was into alchemy and numerology, which are both a deep seeded learning from the Qabalah. When Pythagoras was asked where he got some of his ideas from, he said he learned from the Magi of Babylon. These were also deeply religious men that studied biblical doctrine such as the Qabalah and the mysticism that is involved in it.

So the idea for the 5 platonic solids that Pythagoras named came from Jewish sources. Now Euclid carried on Pythagoras’ work. He was the man that created (gave rebirth) to GEOMETRY some 2000 years ago which are called the “Euclid Elements” WHOSE PRINCIPLES OF MEASURING WERE DIRECTLY TAKEN OUT OF THE HEBREW ORAL BIBLE - THE QABALAH (ORAL LAW). And all along modern mathematics has failed to realize that hidden right under our noses is the obvious origin that the very basis of SCIENCE and MATH is none less than RELIGION.

Euclid was one of the most prominent mathematicians of antiquity. He is still known to every student who studies geometry. Though very little is known about Euclid’s life other than he studied at Plato’s Academy in Athens, he taught in Alexandria and founded the school of mathematics and wrote his prize-work, “THE ELEMENTS“. The Elements are all what is known today about points, lines, angles and simple shapes. Based on Euclid’s work of 10 axioms or postulates. From these 10 axioms he built up the geometry which is still taught today in school.

Its interesting to note that although the name “Euclid“ and the word “Geometry“ have often been used to mean the same thing for centuries. Centuries later the word geometry began to appear on the title page of a book. The first edition in English, published in 1970 had the word in its title: THE ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY OF THE ANCIENT PHILOSOPHER EUCLID MENGARA. :)

Also incorrect.
The word "geometry" derives from "ge" (Earth) and "metrein" (to measure).
If there is any link at all between the words gematria and geometry it's the other way round i.e. gematria is a derivation of the Greek word. But there's also a school of thought that claims gematria is nothing to do with geometry whatsoever.

Dywyddyr, you never cease to amaze me! Every time you open your mouth your tongue bayonets your brain. ;)
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Dywyddyr, you never seize to surprise me! Every time you open your mouth your tongue bayonets your brain. ;)
The word would be "cease", not "seize".
Instead making banal analogies why don't you actually reply to the points I raised? (I.e. you were incorrect).
And, for future information, unlike some I don't mouth the words when I type, therefore the analogy was more than slightly flawed.
I saw that and went back and edited that. You will noticed that I changed the word surprised to amazed as well, I was not done proof reading my post even after I posted it. Oh well!

What I would like to know is why you have to lean so heavily on my spelling or word errors. It never fails, when the debate is lost, spelling becomes the tool of the loser...

Instead making banal analogies why don't you actually reply to the points I raised?

I’ve already replied to the points you’ve raised in my post to stryder about the origin of Geometry.

The only thing I'm impressed by is your G-d-given gift for unparalleled ineptitude. ;)
What I would like to know is why you have to lean so heavily on my spelling or word errors.
Because your spelling and choice of words is indicative of your general level of "scholarship" (which, with a little more work on your part, would qualify as "abysmal").

It never fails, when the debate is lost, spelling becomes the tool of the loser...
Wrong again: but diverting, however, is. As you are doing.

I’ve already replied to the points you’ve raised in my post to stryder about the origin of Geometry.
No, you have posted inane waffle which fails to address (let alone answer) the questions raised.

The only thing I'm impressed by is your G-d-given gift for unparalleled ineptitude. ;)
Which would appear to be vastly exceeded by your propensity for lies and self-deception.

Stryder, you actually bring up a really good point! You ask why if Hebrew is such a chosen language was it not used in mathematics for algebra?
The answer to this question is, IT WAS!

When Moses came down from Mount Sinai he also brought with him the "Qabalah" which is essentially “oral law” or understanding of what the Torah and its teachings are.
Source for this please: according to the bible Moses only brought two stone tablets (with the commandments on them).

Now, in Qabalah most people are familiar with the “Tree of Life” diagram that looks like this
You are aware that the Qabalah is NOT the Kabbalah, aren't you?

When Pythagoras was asked where he got some of his ideas from, he said he learned from the Magi of Babylon. These were also deeply religious men that studied biblical doctrine such as the Qabalah and the mysticism that is involved in it.
Link please for this contention.

So the idea for the 5 platonic solids that Pythagoras named came from Jewish sources. Now Euclid carried on Pythagoras’ work. He was the man that created (gave rebirth) to GEOMETRY some 2000 years ago which are called the “Euclid Elements” WHOSE PRINCIPLES OF MEASURING WERE DIRECTLY TAKEN OUT OF THE HEBREW ORAL BIBLE - THE QABALAH (ORAL LAW). And all along modern mathematics has failed to realize that hidden right under our noses is the obvious origin that the very basis of SCIENCE and MATH is none less than RELIGION.
Euclid was one of the most prominent mathematicians of antiquity. He is still known to every student who studies geometry. Though very little is known about Euclid’s life other than he studied at Plato’s Academy in Athens, he taught in Alexandria and founded the school of mathematics and wrote his prize-work, “THE ELEMENTS“. The Elements are all what is known today about points, lines, angles and simple shapes. Based on Euclid’s work of 10 axioms or postulates. From these 10 axioms he built up the geometry which is still taught today in school.
Its interesting to note that although the name “Euclid“ and the word “Geometry“ have often been used to mean the same thing for centuries. Centuries later the word geometry began to appear on the title page of a book. The first edition in English, published in 1970 had the word in its title: THE ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY OF THE ANCIENT PHILOSOPHER EUCLID MENGARA.
Not one word of which actually lends any validity to your claim that the word geometry derives from gematria.
Anita, lying to yourself is one thing, lying to everyone else is another.
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While Wiki isn't a definitive source on the internet, it does however contain most of the data collected by people on the subject. A internal word search done on Pythagoras's page doesn't return any hits on anything you've mentioned.

Incidentally Pythagoras died circa 495 BC, Euclid was born in 435 BC, that's 60 years later.
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Look Spidergoat, blah, blah blah...

Well this was fun. You repeatedly assert statements that are demonstratively false and refuse to consider the evidence against them. You have made up your mind already and reinforce your fantasies with Christian media. I do not believe you have the intellectual capacity to understand a rational argument.

As it turns out they are still only those of monkey and ape species.
No they aren't. Apes don't walk upright, their hips are shaped differently, so it's difficult for them. Apes have a limited brain capacity, and these hominids have much larger brains, but not as large as ours. What are you using to classify these as ape species? (They are most definitely not monkeys).

How do we know this? It's fucking science, something you aren't familiar with, obviously.

If you didn’t already know, we have the "Dead Sea Scrolls" that have proven to be a vital source for backing up what the modern Bible tells us word-for-word.
It's the oldest copy of the Old Testament. Doesn't say a thing about the New Testament. Even then, real Biblical scholars now accept the OT was the result of multiple authors over a long span of time. It's been copied and recopied from oral tradition and various sources. It's so obviously the work of man it's ridiculous.
“ Originally Posted by Anita Meyer
Look Spidergoat, blah, blah blah...


Hilarious, now you are putting words in my mouth! :rolleyes: I did not say the “bla bla bla part”. I said “mainland schmaynland” since you said “mainland” finches.

Here is the posting, just so others could read how you are trying to defame me. :) :

How do we know this? It's fucking science, something you aren't familiar with, obviously.

When the debate is lost, swearing becomes the tool of the loser... As many times before, again, where is the moderation here? :confused:

No they aren't. Apes don't walk upright, their hips are shaped differently, so it's difficult for them. Apes have a limited brain capacity, and these hominids have much larger brains, but not as large as ours. What are you using to classify these as ape species? (They are most definitely not monkeys).

Walking upright is NOT convincing evidence that an ape is becoming human, since there are species in the monkey and ape family living today that walk upright, like orangutans, chimpanzees and spider monkeys.

Fore example “Ardipithecus” which means ground ape. This creature even though it has a upright walking pelvis like the orangutan today, still has the ape-like skull no matter how human they try to make it look. Additionally, what does not make logical sense here is that this creature had very prominent divergent big toes which are known to be associated with grasping. Therefore, why would a creature that’s fully adapted to support its weight on its forelimbs in the trees elect to walk bipedally on the ground?

You are aware that the Qabalah is NOT the Kabbalah, aren't you?


FYI, do your little Google search again to see that both words, though they are spelled different in the English, are both spelled the same way in Hebrew. It doesn’t matter how you spell Qabalah or Kaballah in English, the Hebrew spelling for it is the same, and means the same thing:

Your replies are getting weaker and weaker. I haven't seen two people ramble and stagger this badly since I last watched FOX TV's "When Drunks Get Breathalyzed!".

Both you guys are as pissed as a fart in a vacuum cleaner!

I cant wait for the encore!
Every transitional creature between ape and human would have ape-like features and human-like features. That's exactly what one should expect to see!

Here's a list of hominid fossils:

Now please explain how this doesn't show a progression.

there are species in the monkey and ape family living today that walk upright, like orangutans, chimpanzees and spider monkeys
They can walk upright for a short time, BUT THEY ARE NOT BIPEDAL! There is a distinct shift in the pelvis when a creature moves to bipedalism.

I'm only pissed because explaining these things to you is like explaining credit default swaps to a toddler.
While Wiki isn't a definitive source on the internet, it does however contain most of the data collected by people on the subject. A internal word search done on Pythagoras's page doesn't return any hits on anything you've mentioned.

Stryder, you are right there isn’t too much on the internet for Pythagoras. Well I’d have to say that if I could find something important on Pythagoras (on the internet) that would suggest that he indeed did get his religious ideas from Qabalah would that be enough to suffice for now? Most of my research regarding Pythagoras was done at my local library and I had many books and references transferred from other libraries in the process of researching this, as well as other info that is within my book.

I did find this on the Internet, its short put does say under the Wikipedia Influences:

“The Pythagoreans were advised to "speak the truth in all situations," which Pythagoras said he learned from the Magi of Babylon” (scroll down I have it highlighted for you).

If you read through this thread you will also see that Pythagoras was a spiritually man, he was high on mythology, alchemy and numerology, which stems from Qabalah even though it may not outright say the word Qabalah. I also happen to know that Pythagoras in his tetractys used the four letters (Yud, Hey, Vuv, Hey) of G-ds name. Pythagoras tells us that this name is the key to the mysteries of creation.

Pythagoras’ Tetractys: in his Tetractys&um=1&ie=UTF-8&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi

Just so you know, I am not making this stuff up!

Incidentally Pythagoras died circa 495 BC, Euclid was born in 435 BC, that's 60 years later.

This is true, however, the first 13 volumes/books that make up “Euclid's elements” is dedicated solely to the proof of Pythagoras’ theorem 47.
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Every transitional creature between ape and human would have ape-like features and human-like features. That's exactly what one should expect to see!

Here's a list of hominid fossils:

Now please explain how this doesn't show a progression.

“ there are species in the monkey and ape family living today that walk upright, like orangutans, chimpanzees and spider monkeys ”

They can walk upright for a short time, BUT THEY ARE NOT BIPEDAL! There is a distinct shift in the pelvis when a creature moves to bipedalism.

I'm only pissed because explaining these things to you is like explaining credit default swaps to a toddler.

Spidergoat, the only progression this link shows is ignorance! It is only a postulation, and one that still remains to be proven.

The Theory of Evolution demoralized us into thinking that we slowly evolved from some kind of creature. Thus this eliminates the aspect of G-d’s influence in our creation. This country (including the world) is in serious trouble, as the scientific community advances religion is fading down the tube, and the “theory of evolution” is becoming more and more a threat!

In this new era people cannot fathom this perception because of all the scientific brainwashing (including this forum), that has only served to put blinders over the eyes.

People laugh at the idea when I say that evolution is a dangerous idea, which BTW the theory of evolution has still never been proven! They comment and say that I’m uneducated and amateurish if I truly believe that the earth is only 6,000 years old when science has proven otherwise! FYI, science has not proven this!

We might as well kiss goodbye to any moralism left in this country including the world if this is truly the path one wants to take.

Lets take a real good look at what breaks down moralism… We can thank Charles Darwin for this. Charles Darwin was an agnostic. He lived his life believing in natural selection. He married his cousin and reared children with weak immunity symptoms. We can clearly see here that Darwin’s denial of G-d had exposed his children to hereditary sickness. We can also clearly see that the spirit behind Darwin leads to many sinful things… racism, low tolerance towards other beliefs, customs, immorality, homosexuality, elitism. One can also say it legitimized Nazism and the Holocaust.

Jeffrey Dahmer was a product of Darwinism! One of America’s most infamous serial killers who cannibalized more than 17 boys before being captured, gave a last interview with Dateline NBC nine months before his death, and he said the following about why he acted as he did:

“If a person doesn’t think that there is a God to be accountable to, then what’s the point of trying to modify your behavior to keep it within acceptable ranges? That’s how I thought anyway. I always believed the theory of evolution as truth, that we all just came from the slime. When we died, you know, that was it, there was nothing….” (Dateline NBC, The Final Interview, Nov. 29, 1994).

It is clear to see what darkness is behind this claptrap.
You are talking about the sociological implications of revealed science, and that is a different subject than the facts of the case. Evolution by natural selection is a proven fact. Scientist use the word theory in a different way than colloquial English, a typical creationist misunderstanding.

We clearly have a progression from quadruped apes to bipedal homonids, to homonids with ever larger brains, getting ever "more human" in appearance and function. What more evidence do you need?

We can clearly see here that Darwin’s denial of G-d had exposed his children to hereditary sickness.
You are crazy! Aquired traits are not inherited!

Dalmer was a psychopath. There are plenty of Christian psychopaths, like that woman who drowned her children because God told her they were evil.
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FYI, do your little Google search again to see that both words, though they are spelled different in the English, are both spelled the same way in Hebrew. It doesn’t matter how you spell Qabalah or Kaballah in English, the Hebrew spelling for it is the same, and means the same thing:
Your dishonesty grows.
I gave BOTH of those links in my post and they are NOT the same thing.
For example (and using the links you and I gave):
Qabalah - (from the Hebrew קַבָּלָה "reception"), is a Western esoteric and mystical tradition
and Kabbalah - is a discipline and school of thought concerned with the mystical aspect of Rabbinic Judaism.

Now, please give sources for your claims as per our numerous requests.
You are talking about the sociological implications of revealed science, and that is a different subject than the facts of the case.

Sociological implications yes, but also applicable to truth! And the truth is that there are NO FACTS pertaining to evolution every happening!

Its all postulation, like I’ve been saying.

Evolution by natural selection is a proven fact. Scientist use the word theory in a different way than colloquial English, a typical creationist misunderstanding.

I don’t care what academical words some scientists choose to misuse! The word theory is still only a THEORY! There is no misunderstanding here.

We clearly have a progression from quadruped apes to bipedal homonids, to homonids with ever larger brains, getting ever "more human" in appearance and function. What more evidence do you need?

There is no progression happening here. Your imagination about this resembles the wings of an Ostrich.

These are just different species that died out. That’s obviously why they don’t exist today, if they did people would think otherwise. This is the classic case of the coelacanth fish. Once science discovered that they were still living at the bottom of the ocean, there view changed about it.

“ We can clearly see here that Darwin’s denial of G-d had exposed his children to hereditary sickness. ”

You are crazy! Aquired traits are not inherited!

Selective reading on your part, I was explaining that his lack of G-d (Leviticus 18) hindered him from realizing that he should not marry his close relative which caused hereditary sickness in them.
“ Originally Posted by Anita Meyer
FYI, do your little Google search again to see that both words, though they are spelled different in the English, are both spelled the same way in Hebrew. It doesn’t matter how you spell Qabalah or Kaballah in English, the Hebrew spelling for it is the same, and means the same thing:

Your dishonesty grows.
I gave BOTH of those links in my post and they are NOT the same thing.
For example (and using the links you and I gave):
Qabalah - (from the Hebrew קַבָּלָה "reception"), is a Western esoteric and mystical tradition
and Kabbalah - is a discipline and school of thought concerned with the mystical aspect of Rabbinic Judaism.

Now, please give sources for your claims as per our numerous requests.

Why do I get the feeling that I’m watching a rerun of “Dumb and Dumber” with you! :(

There is only one Qabalah, Kabalah, Cabalah. The Hebrew word is קַבָּלָה and is spelled the same for all 3 or more ways.
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Why do I get the feeling that I’m watching a rerun of “Dumber and Dumber” with you! :(
Because you're an illiterate dishonest idiot.

There is only one Qabalah, Kabalah, Cabalah. The Hebrew word is קַבָּלָה and is spelled the same for all 3 or more ways.
The Hebrew spelling may well be the same, but we are using English here and the two (that I gave and that we BOTH linked to) are NOT the same.
Which you would know if you'd bothered reading the links you used as reference (or even the two sentences I gave).
And the truth is that there are NO FACTS pertaining to evolution every happening!
Stupid lie.

Its all postulation, like I’ve been saying.
And another.

I don’t care what academical words some scientists choose to misuse! The word theory is still only a THEORY! There is no misunderstanding here.
In point of fact it's not a misuse. There most certainly is a misunderstanding, and it's one you are choosing to perpetuate.