New Book - The Primordial Language - Confirmation of the Divine Creator

“ Originally Posted by Anita Meyer
Trippy, it sure looks like it says 3.14! ”

As I've demonstrated repeatedly now, it doesn't.

It only does that if you mangle the numbers.

Wait a minute! Are you one of them here that stated something about the word “theory” several pages back (as in the theory of evolution) literally meaning the word “fact”?

Yes oh yes YOU DID! Now this truly seems “mangled” to me. :eek:

This is simply a flat out lie and shows you're ignorant of history and have no problem simply making stuff up.

If Einstein derived E=mc^2 from the Torah then no one would have taken any notice of his work because in science you are required to justify your claims, to show how you got to your conclusion. Obviously you don't know this since you follow numerology but Einstein provided detailed derivations of the equations he used, as a simple Google will tell you.

In the 1890s and early 1900s much work had been done on the symmetries of Maxwell's equations, which t5ranform under what we now call Lorentz transformations. Fitzgerald had done work on length contractions, Poincare had developed a group of transformations we now call the Poincare group. Einstein, as you can read in his paper, used these to work out the energy content of an object from its mass. He didn't pluck it out of the Torah using numerology.

Alphanumeric, if this is the case then one has to explain how the Hebrew gamatria correlates to Einsteins theory. SINCE IT DOES as I‘ve clearly pointed out!

Are you saying then, that its just a COINCIDENCE? A coincidence that came from a Jewish scientist that clearly was taught Qabalah (oral Torah) at home from a young age. Bzzzt, try again!

As for you James… You continue to tag along and sing Kumbayah as if you were at a Boy Scouts bonfire. Have you no free thoughts of your own?

Author Anita Meyer
Wait a minute! Are you one of them here that stated something about the word “theory” several pages back (as in the theory of evolution) literally meaning the word “fact”?

Yes oh yes YOU DID! Now this truly seems “mangled” to me. :eek:

What the blazes are you on about here?
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As entertaining as it is to repeatedly beat up Anita's delusion(s), at what point should psychiatric counseling be recommended?
Alphanumeric, if this is the case then one has to explain how the Hebrew gamatria correlates to Einsteins theory. SINCE IT DOES as I‘ve clearly pointed out!

Are you saying then, that its just a COINCIDENCE? A coincidence that came from a Jewish scientist that clearly was taught Qabalah (oral Torah) at home from a young age. Bzzzt, try again!
Wow. Before I thought you were just a little thick and ignorant of science. Now you're denying basic history in an area you have no knowledge of, ie physics. How many ways can you be wrong. Let's see.

1. You have fallen into the classic ignorant trap of not actually reading Einstein's work and not realising that $$E=mc^{2}$$ isn't the actual equation you find in special relativity. It's actually $$E^{2} = (mc^{2})^{2} + (pc)^{2}$$. You only get $$E=mc^{2}$$ if you set p=0, ie an object isn't moving. Let's see you pull that one out of the Torah.

2. If Einstein got the formula from the Torah how come he also provided a completely justified derivation of the formula from first principles? He provided all the works, not just the end result.

3. Special relativity was not some amazing breakthrough out of nowhere. It was something several people (the ones I mentioned previously) were actively working on. It's been said that if Einstein hadn't managed it someone else would have before the decade was out. So if Einstein was extracting his results from the Torah its a little bit of a coincidence that the scientific knowledge of the physics community at the time was exactly as the level so that it was seen as the conclusion of the work into Lorentz symmetries.

4. If Einstein got his equation from the Torah how come he could discuss other physics topics? If all he did was just do numerology why would he bother actually learning physics? How did he manage to come up with general relativity, which was considered a brilliant insight which could have taken decades without him?

5. Einstein is German. He doesn't use the English language and in his paper he DIDNT use the same notation we use now. As said here he didn't use c for the speed of light he used V. And he didn't use E, he used L. Utterly different notation. 'c' is a modern notation for the speed of light. It could be anything, you could call it 'fred'. All that matters is you use the notation consistently. This is another example of how you don't understand science, you fail to realise so much of what we use to convey ideas is purely a matter of convention. Its like thinking 'second' and 'metre' are somehow fundamental. Metre has the odd definition of being a ten millionth of the distance from the North Pole to the Equator through Paris. Similarly the symbol used to represent the speed of light is usually taken to be c now but that hasn't always been true.

6. If its so easy to extract valid science from the Torah why is no one able to do it now? Why has no one said it publicly in the past. If Einstein had demonstrated that the Torah contains scientific knowledge which was from God why was he not shouting it from the rooftops? Proof God exists? That's bigger than anything yet he kept it quite? Despite being asked many times about his views on God?

You wouldn't know, being utterly ignorant of science, but you can't just write down a formula on a bit of paper and send it to a journal. Even if the formula is right you have to justify/explain how you got to that formula. If Einstein only got the formula from the Torah where'd all his workings come from? If he'd got proof God exists why did he keep it quiet? Why did he wait to publish special relativity at precisely the moment everyone else was working on it? Why not a decade earlier? Why has noone got new science from the Torah before or since? Why aren't you able to provide such things, if you have 'the code'. This whole "There's science in the [name of Holy book]" clap trap always uses hindsight. No one noticed E=mc^2 is in the Torah until after science had reached that point. :rolleyes: You're just back to the whole "Million monkeys at a million typewriters" argument again. You didn't use the proper formula and you had to rearrange mc^2 to cmc. Its not surprising in the slightest you could find a compatible 3 letter word. You hare started with E=mc^2 and worked backwards. You couldn't do it the other way. What makes you pick the word 'sun'? Why not 'light' or 'love' or 'hope' or 'God' or 'jew'? Because those don't lead you to something you can relate to science. Its just cherry picking.

And the fact Einstein originally write the equation as $$L = mV^{2}$$ utterly fucks your claim. Your claim of him getting it from 'sun' is falsified so even if you ignore the issue of how he got his workings and why he didn't announce his proof of God you can't ignore that $$mV^{2}$$ is not what you get from the Hebrew word for 'sun'.

This raises the question of whether you are just incompetent or a liar. If you had 'the truth' you'd not need to make up such blatantly and demonstrably false claims. Anyone with a passing knowledge of the history of physics or the process of peer review will disagree with you. Its one thing to claim some crap about numerology, its another to lie about historically known facts. Einstein had a PhD in physics and exchanged letters discussing his ideas and his work in special relativity with many physicists. Unlike you he didn't isolate himself, he wanted discussion and to exchange ideas. It really bemuses me why you think you're going to convince a bunch of scientifically literate people that you've got something worthwhile by lying to them about things related to their work. Are you that stupid or is it just that normally you aren't challenged to back up your claims?
Anyone else here amused by the fact that her name is a combination of the last name of a terrible author and the first name of a character of another?

Obviously, this being random coincidence and all, means something extremely important but it only makes sense to me. I would explain but you wouldn't get it.
I think its interesting that if you do the whole A=1, B=2 etc thing you find 'Anita' = 45 and 'Meyer' = 61 and the average of these two is 53 and 'wacko' = 53.

Conclusive proof her parents hated her.
As I said earlier… Einstein was raised Jewish and studied Qabalah (oral Torah). He also promulgated with another Jewish writer and philosopher named Baruch Spinoza who also studied Qabalah. This is where Einstein began to get some of his ideas.

Einstein also did not fair well in school. According to his biography he was rambunctious and often in trouble. Its not true that he failed math, but it is true that he was kicked out of school for his unruly behavior. Rather Einstein had a different way of understanding things such as mathematics. This is because he thought in pictures rather than in words.

Einstein was so smart that he was able to integrate such thoughts into expressing these pictures into known mathematical formulas. This was quite a knack you know especially merged with religious ideas:

What thought picture did Einstein use for special relativity?

What was the thought experiment that led Einstein to general relativity?

Einstein created the theory of relativity:

So yes Einstein used the mathematical formulas and ideas of his era to help express and expose his religious beliefs - but certainly kept then under wraps most likely because of ridicule in the scientific community (which includes airheads like you guys here).

There are also family witnesses that have mentioned that Einstein was heavily into religious philosophy. Einstein's niece said that Einstein kept the book “The Secret Doctrine - The Synthesis of Science, Religion and Philosophy by H.P. Blavatsky at his bedside. His niece said that she has actually handled and opened the book on several occasions and observed margin notes that were heavily notated and underlined along with scribbles and other markings.

This book deals heavily in philosophical, occult, symbolical, and comparative religion significance. It also deals with the linkages between consciousness, mind and their associated biological organs and organisms.

In fact some references pertaining to Einstein's theory of relativity (E=MC2) can be found in the book-page text:

1-29 "Everything that exists has only a relative, not an absolute reality, since the appearance which the hidden phenomenon assumes for any observer depends on his power of cognition" (Ref: Indeterminacy theorem) but all things are relatively real, for the cognizer is also a reflection, and the things cognized are therefore as real to him as himself."

1-45 "Metaphysical abstractions are the only conceivable cause of physical concretions a process of conversion of metaphysics into physics, analogous to that by which steam can be condensed into water, and the water into ice." (Ref: General laws of Phase Change Also Chaos, Complexity, Universal Inflation, Symmetry, etc.)

1-75 "... there is but one universal element which is infinite, unborn, undying all the rest-as in the world of phenomena-are but so many various differentiated aspects and transformations (correlations as they are now called)" (Ref: Conservation of Matter/Energy, Special Relativity, General Relativity, etc.)

1-77 "It (occult philosophy) indicates existence of things imperceptible to our physical senses" (Ref: all sub-molecular physics and chemistry)

1-83 "Brahma (Sanskrit name of precursor of Universe) "expands" and becomes the Universe, woven out of its own substance." (Ref: Big Bang theory, Inflationary theory, String Theory, etc.)

1-120 "The radical unity of the ultimate essence of each constituent part of compounds in nature is the one fundamental Law" (Ref: Unified Field theories, GUTs, High Energy physics, Quark theories, General Relativity, etc.)

1-143 (footnote) " consider all the forces of nature as veritable, though super sensuous, states of matter" (Ref: General Relativity, E=MC2, Quantum Chromo dynamics, etc.)

1-146 "Electricity, Light, Heat, etc. (i.e. energy) i.e. super sensuous states of matter light is - a super sensuous state of matter in motion, a Nature Force" (Ref: General Relativity, E=MC2, Special Relativity, Photo electricity, Quantum Thermodynamics, etc.)

1-147 "all the so called Forces of Nature, Electricity, Magnetism, Light, Heat are in esse i.e. in their ultimate constitution, the differentiated aspect of that universal motion discussed (earlier) (see Proem)" (Ref: General Relativity, E=MC2, Special Relativity, Photo electricity, Quantum Thermodynamics, etc.)

One thing is for sure… you guys here are certainly no Indiana Jones' of science! :)

Author Anita Meyer
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Anyone else here amused by the fact that her name is a combination of the last name of a terrible author and the first name of a character of another?

Obviously, this being random coincidence and all, means something extremely important but it only makes sense to me. I would explain but you wouldn't get it.

TFL, I almost missed your short posting two pages back. You might really have something there that I never realized before! Yes that’s right, my initials are AM. Not that I am He, but that He has sent me to you. :)

Exodus 3:14 - G-d said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM“. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: “I AM has sent me to you“.

Author Anita Meyer
I see you simply completely ignored people's posts there Anita. Are you struggling to retort the numerous points I and others raised which demonstrate Einstein didn't pull $$E=mc^{2}$$ out of the torah.

You simply lied, plain and simple. You know and we know and your continued lying does nothing but make it all the more obvious you have nothing to support your claims. If your claims about the torah were true you'd not need to lie. The fact you have says it all.

Most people would have the good sense not to come to a science forum if they plan to lie about science, its walking into the lions den and covering yourself in bbq sauce! The fact you have just demonstrates how stupid you are.
As I said earlier… Einstein was raised Jewish and studied Qabalah (oral Torah).
Yes you wrote that, you also wrote some unsupportable nonsense that he got E=MC[sup]2[/sup] from the Qabalah. And have still not given a source.

He also promulgated with another Jewish writer and philosopher
Promulgated what?

So yes Einstein used the mathematical formulas and ideas of his era to help express and expose his religious beliefs

There are also family witnesses that have mentioned that Einstein was heavily into religious philosophy.
Yet strangely you don't provide any link to that assertion, after links to kindergarten stuff that we all know...

This book deals heavily in philosophical, occult, symbolical, and comparative religion significance. It also deals with the linkages between consciousness, mind and their associated biological organs and organisms.
No it doesn't. Blavatsky was an out and out crank and knew nothing whatsoever about "linkages between consciousness, mind and their associated biological organs and organisms".

In fact some references pertaining to Einstein's theory of relativity (E=MC2) can be found in the book-page text
Nope. Any "reference" to relativity is purely coincidental (e.g. in the mind of the reader).

One thing is for sure… you guys here are certainly no Indiana Jones' of science! :)
And you're still sadly ignorant.

This post has been a reply to:
Fraudulent Author Anita Meyer.
Most people would have the good sense not to come to a science forum if they plan to lie about science, its walking into the lions den and covering yourself in bbq sauce! The fact you have just demonstrates how stupid you are.

It appears you are the dim-witted ones… The fact is I have, and you and your cronies here are so insolent that you cant see it. Either that or just in denial. You know that’s a river in Egypt. :)

Some of the greatest men of science saw numbers in G-d’s Universe. Firstly I had brought up the fact that the mathematics we use today came from Pythagoras and Euclid who were highly religious men and sought there mathematical knowledge from the Bible. As I also said, Einstein is no doubt the most acclaimed, but another one of the world's great scientists was Isaac Newton who revived the area of study in Gamatria and Qabalah. Newton was not alone among the intellectuals. There were others… Copernicus, Kepler, and Galileo were all deeply religious Christians who in many ways saw their scientific work as a religious undertaking. Additionally there are many others not commonly known:

Along with this we also have Einstein saying out of his own mouth:

I want to know G-d’s thoughts. He also said: The highest principles for our aspirations and judgments are given to us in the Jewish-Christian religious tradition.

It wouldn’t surprise me that you will deny these facts too? I really don’t think you guys here (that are abhorrent to me) have enough brains to even blow your noses! :)
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god i love this thread and anita still hasnt replied to my question i stopped cuz i didnt want to annoy you wtih 100 quotes of myself, i knew i was never gonna get an answer.. like most religous people if they cant answer it they ignore it or make up pure bull@#%^
TFL, I almost missed your short posting two pages back. You might really have something there that I never realized before! Yes that’s right, my initials are AM. Not that I am He, but that He has sent me to you. :)

Exodus 3:14 - G-d said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM“. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: “I AM has sent me to you“.

Author Anita Meyer
This is the sound of my post going in one ear and out the other.