My UFO sightings

You're the douche. You dribble so much **** from the edges it's unbelievable. You resort to badmouthing people, lying about what they have said, generally distorting any kind of honesty that might have been there to begin with. Your aim isn't to prove extratterestrials are false. Your aim is to destroy the people who say they have observed such things.

I've lied about nothing, misrepresented nothing, distorted nothing. I called you on a lie, and you got busted. End of story.

But you're right, my aim is not to prove extra-terrestrial visitation is false. I can't prove a negative. All I can do is enlighten you to the more reasonable, earthly explanations for what you're seeing (or claiming to see). And when you make things up, I'm going to call you out on it. No free rides, kid.

You are worse than a skeptic. You're like the people trying to hide the phenomenon. Try and destroy the men and make a mockery of the evidence so that no evidence can be treated fairly and that so no man could ever seek it.

Oh here we go. :rolleyes:

You assassinate your own character by telling lies and pretending to know things you don't know. Saying things like "there is no earthly explanation for that" is a statement you can't possibly know to be true, yet you say it all the time.

I'm not the only one who crushes your arguments, and this isn't the only subject in which you get your head handed to you for lying. I've seen your work in Physics, and you get called out by every legitimate person in those forums. Literally everyone there says your full of crap and that your work is 1) usually not your own work, 2) pointless definitions, or 3) absolutely wrong. Not some people--everyone.

I don't need to know the maths to know that you are not an honest person, and that you are only concerned with presenting yourself in a certain light. You want to play at intellect rather than shutting up and paying attention to people who actually know what they're talking about. That's why you react with such hostility to anyone who disagrees with you. Do I need to go back and re-post all of the garbage you've spewed to me and others unprovoked?

As for the "evidence," I've destroyed nothing, because there is nothing to destroy. You got flustered when I said you were probably lying about the experience, and then froze when I asked you to name the local newspaper in question. You even said your local newspaper isn't available online--which you know full well is a lie, as all newspapers are online, and have been for a long time now. In the ten minutes of silence that followed, you Googled "UFO sightings" for your local area, and came up with one. Then you got all gushy and pretended it was the same one, until you noticed the date on the article--a full nine years after your sighting. Whoops!

You also lied about who you were with at the time of the sighting--you said it was you and your mom and dad, but in the original thread two years ago, you say it was your dad and your grandmother--and then went back and changed your OP to say you were "about" fourteen, since now the time frame is "at least" fifteen years ago now, much earlier than you originally implied. My guess is you were much younger than that, and therefore the memory completely unreliable.

Maybe you did see something, but your dishonesty in relating the story, and your insistence that it could not possibly be anything other than an alien craft (or some technology derived from aliens) makes me doubt that you saw anything at all, and certainly ruins your credibility as an eyewitness. As does your use of terms like "quantum mechanically impossible," which is a concept of which you have literally zero understanding. This is just to illuminate a few items that are evidence of your dishonest; there are many others, such as your comments about light "stopping out of thin air," and your insistence that the object was "500 feet above the house," something you could not have possibly been able to determine from the ground without reference. The fact that you don't know something as simple as that damages your credibility beyond repair.

Either way, you cannot take my experience away from me. I'll just be happy the day you can experience it for yourself... a real one you cannot explain. Then you will sit with the guilt ridden trip, wondering about this conversation and how much of a **** you really acted. [/b]

I've had incredible sightings in my life, ones that I can't explain. But I'm not stupid enough to think that my inability to explain it doesn't mean that it is without explanation, nor am I dishonest enough to carry on as if I can prove that there is no explanation.

And please, for the love of Hitchens, please stop acting like a kicked puppy. Nobody here buys your shtick. We all know you're always the first to throw a stone. You're the first one to insult, the first one to make a snide comment or to take feign offense. Just stop it.
I was in my house out in Innellan with my parents.
I am embarassed. I presumed always that English was your second or third language. Now I learn you lived barely four miles from my birthplace. I am distraught. I know Highlanders and Islanders have a reputation for inbreeding and the consequent stunted intellectual capacity, but really!
I am embarassed. I presumed always that English was your second or third language. Now I learn you lived barely four miles from my birthplace. I am distraught. I know Highlanders and Islanders have a reputation for inbreeding and the consequent stunted intellectual capacity, but really!

Yeah, my mom probably ******* your dad. I knew your intelligence resembled my family intellect lol