My UFO sightings

Haha. He's so full of it.

Okay, here's the only sighting I can find from that newspaper:

This does not match Reiku's story in any manner. According to the report, several people witnessed these lights (not objects), as opposed to just one other party as Reiku claimed. The behavior is entirely different than the lights Reiku claims to have seen. And these sightings occurred over several days, as opposed to just one night. There is also no mention of a police investigation. So clearly this is not the sighting Reiku is referring to.

Reiku clearly spooked when I asked him for the name of the paper, and immediately began Googling "UFO sightings in Scotland"
I sware, goosebumps are running up my arms looking at that again... what a memory... what an experience.
Haha. He's so full of it.

Okay, here's the only sighting I can find from that newspaper:

This does not match Reiku's story in any manner. According to the report, several people witnessed these lights (not objects), as opposed to just one other party as Reiku claimed. And these sightings occurred over several days, as opposed to just one night. There is also no mention of a police investigation. So clearly this is not the sighting Reiku is referring to.

No he says that's it.

OMG... Yes...

Jesus... it's like seeing it all over again
It says that there were several days worth... increadible... I only saw them that one night with my family and that was above our house... I wonder if they had changed their position over a period of days which means I wouldn't have seen them again... I never realized it was for seven days... amazing truely.
I keep coming back in here just to look at that picture...

...I see one explanation makes it as a reflection of a satalite, but I find that very unconvincing next to my experience. Besides, why would a reflection off a satallite simply settle in thin air... it would make more sense it would hit the ground, or hit off something solid.

Again thank you adoucette. That has brought a lot of memories back. Never once did it occur to me to look on-line.
No he says that's it.

Oh my god, are you kidding me? Read his post again, and compare it to the sightings.

Reiku said:
Three objects, either of an orb like structure, or as saucer shaped but seem round as we were almost directly below them, where circling in some, unsual fashion, they converged and diverged from a single point, merging as though they were one object, to suddenly re-emerging as though seperating into three fragments again. Doing more circular tricks, I remember them speeding off into the clouds, one by one.

Dunoon Observer said:
a {single} bright orange light appeared to rise vertically at the speed of an aircraft before slowing down. It then changed course slightly.
The source then reports that the lights extinguished and came back on a few times before disappearing.

That is not at all the same.

Reiku also claims that he learned of a police investigation through the newspaper article, and yet there is no mention of any such investigation. Also, the MoD is quoted as saying they, as of a year prior, stopped investigating UFO sightings because they waste resources.

Clearly this is not the sighting--and almost certainly not even the paper--he was talking about. Otherwise he simply would have offered it up, instead of wasting time. He needed that time to Google UFO sightings in his area.

A liar caught red-handed. I love it!
Jdawg, I unblocked you. Just to see what you are saying. OMG I am glad you did.

I was 14 for **** sake. My mum told me an investigation went into it (and obviously there had been because the MoD was involved! LOL]

What constitutes as an investigation to you exactly?

And yes, they are the same. And of course it is the paper... look back on my archives and find my UFO thread. I have the observer written in that you fool.
I live in the Cowal Peninsula, of Dunoon, in Scotland, used to live in Innellan which is RIGHT BESIDE dunoon. I live on 42 wellington street. My phone number, is 01369 70 1630.

Check the code area.
No I am not. I just checked the date. 2010 it says...

... they look the same, minus the heavy blurs. Is there no other records in the observer? Dating back atleast 14 years?

You mean this one?

Reiku said:
It was only a few weeks ago, my Father phoned me up and ''its amazing, its amazing.''

I said ''what's amazing,'' wondering if he was drunk or something.

''There's several lights in the sky over the mountains, and they are performing some dance,'' he replied, ''and... wow!!''

''What?'' I asked in anticipation.

''They just shot off... in all different directions... really fast...''


This was the phone call i received, and i was in awe. I could hear the people my dad was with going, ''what was that?''

A few days later, his home town across the water was rife with talk of the ''strange objects in the sky,'' that ''shot away faster than sound.''

Just thought you should know.

Interesting, because in this case you weren't the one who actually witnessed the lights. But wait! There's more:

p.s. I was kinda jealous. It's been more than seven years since me my father, my mother and gran had observed three strange lights directly above my house, acting in a strange manner, and then escaping in exactly the same fasion. I would have gave a right leg to have seen it again.

Interesting. This thread is dated 10-5-08, more than a year prior to the sightings reported in the paper. And, according to you, seven years after you and your dad and g-ma witnessed lights over his house. And you never once mention The Observer, as you claim.

So, once again, busted.
Still very interesting, because if this was in 2010, and they do look extremely similar, could this be a recurrance of the same objects, so many years later...

....damn that's blown a hole in my excitement. I really thought I was looking at the same objects all those years ago :(
hold on. I remember that thread. I don't think that's it.

My father phoned me and reported seeing UFO's in the sky. everyone went crazy about it. Just checking it.

You're full of it.

Just admit you got caught in a lie, and we'll all move on from this.
No, that's not the one I was talking about. But it must have been the same event then... but he wasn't living in Dunoon at the time... wow... they must have traversed the sky quite a bit. He lived at the time, around a 40 min drive away.

In Renfrewshire, I should add.
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