My UFO sightings

Anyway, I think Jdawg was right though. Reading that over, there was the major inconsistency with it occurring over seven days... However... I just took that maybe I just saw it that one night then they moved onto another location.

I bet our case was a lot more isolated and a lot less known. But my mum wouldn't lie, it definately was in the paper.
Are you on drugs or something?

What have I confessed lying about??????


Nothing, yet. That's why I'm telling you to come clean for once.

You were lying about the paper, so you Googled "Dunoon UFO sighting" and posted what you found. You knew that wasn't your sighting.
Nothing, yet. That's why I'm telling you to come clean for once.

You were lying about the paper, so you Googled "Dunoon UFO sighting" and posted what you found. You knew that wasn't your sighting.

I wasn't lying. I am gonna phone my mum right now before she goes off to work. I will confirm from her whether it was in the news agents or not.
Anyway, I think Jdawg was right though. Reading that over, there was the major inconsistency with it occurring over seven days... However... I just took that maybe I just saw it that one night then they moved onto another location.

I bet our case was a lot more isolated and a lot less known. But my mum wouldn't lie, it definately was in the paper.

Alright, supposing it was? How does that make it an alien craft?

Consider that Scotland is a hotbed for UFO sightings. Clearly there is either something about that culture that loves a good mystery, or perhaps you've got a restricted military base there that likes to test their new tech in night-flights.

Unless you believe aliens simply enjoy the fine Scottish weather?
My mum says it was atleast 15 years ago and they don't have internet records on them back then. So that explains it.

My mum thinks it was in the paper because we became aware of other people seeing it, so she is quite sure it was in the paper.
Alright, supposing it was? How does that make it an alien craft?

Consider that Scotland is a hotbed for UFO sightings. Clearly there is either something about that culture that loves a good mystery, or perhaps you've got a restricted military base there that likes to test their new tech in night-flights.

Unless you believe aliens simply enjoy the fine Scottish weather?

Because of the nature of these lights. 15 years ago, I am very positive we didn't have technology that could circulate in geometrical patterns, then hold their place... converge and diverge like that. I'd be surprised if we even had that technology today. This is what makes me weary about how our modern-ish technology could have even done the things they did.

It had, in other words, an other-worldly aspect to it.

But on the other hand, someone jokingly said the other day my area must be a hotspot for UFO activity. I argued and said my two sightings cannot constitute that.

I am beginning to think they might be right.
My mum says it was atleast 15 years ago and they don't have internet records on them back then. So that explains it.

Oh yeah, good ol' Mum. Thank god she came in here and cleared that up. Or--and I'm just freeballin' here--you're completely making this up? Maybe?

You're not pulling a Norman Bates right now, are you? "Mum" in the mirror?

Being serious for a second, most newspapers have archives available on the internet, so it's entirely possible that we could find your particular sighting if we wanted. However, I'm willing to grant you that it was something you actually saw. What I'm not willing to grant you is its alien origin.
Well I saw it. Origin debated or not, I saw it. And I believed in it, what I saw... these things we saw.

And I speak to you as an honorable man in what I saw, what we saw... these honorable men.
I feel for me, Adoucette has put a spanner in the works. The objects look so similar, I am wondering now if they are in fact the same objects I saw 15 years ago. Would make sense right, the peculiar nature of the lights dancing about?

I am going to go down to the local news agents when I have time to see if I can find the records personally.
Because of the nature of these lights. 15 years ago, I am very positive we didn't have technology that could circulate in geometrical patterns, then hold their place... converge and diverge like that. I'd be surprised if we even had that technology today. This is what makes me weary about how our modern-ish technology could have even done the things they did.

Do not take this the wrong way, but you have no flipping clue as to what we could or could not do 15 years ago. You didn't even know local newspapers were online ten minutes ago, so don't pretend you have any idea what the state of your military's technology was.

It's also entirely possible that what you saw wasn't an object at all, but a weather phenomenon. Or maybe it was a satellite, or satellites, as the paper for this more recent sighting offered. Remember, the paper concluded that they were, what, party favors?

And there's always the chance you have made more of this sighting in your memory. You know how stories told among friends always seem to grow as the years go on, and each one of you would swear to the story's authenticity? The same could go for the sighting you shared with your parents--or as you said originally, your dad and your grandmother.

It had, in other words, an other-worldly aspect to it.

You don't know what constitutes an "other-worldly aspect".

But on the other hand, someone jokingly said the other day my area must be a hotspot for UFO activity. I argued and said my two sightings cannot constitute that.

I am beginning to think they might be right.

Good man.

Can I share something with you, Reiku? I used to be just like you. Every light I saw was a UFO, and the oddest of them were alien. I was sure of it. I was a Believer. For a long time after I got over that, I even held on to the ridiculous position that the best we could say about UFOs is that we "don't know what they are." But this is clearly the wrong position. That's like saying we don't know if leprechauns exist. Until there is some evidence for extra-terrestrial origin, there is absolutely no reason to assume UFOs are anything but terrestrial.
Do not take this the wrong way, but you have no flipping clue as to what we could or could not do 15 years ago. You didn't even know local newspapers were online ten minutes ago, so don't pretend you have any idea what the state of your military's technology was.

It's also entirely possible that what you saw wasn't an object at all, but a weather phenomenon. Or maybe it was a satellite, or satellites, as the paper for this more recent sighting offered. Remember, the paper concluded that they were, what, party favors?

And there's always the chance you have made more of this sighting in your memory. You know how stories told among friends always seem to grow as the years go on, and each one of you would swear to the story's authenticity? The same could go for the sighting you shared with your parents--or as you said originally, your dad and your grandmother.

You don't know what constitutes an "other-worldly aspect".

Good man.

Can I share something with you, Reiku? I used to be just like you. Every light I saw was a UFO, and the oddest of them were alien. I was sure of it. I was a Believer. For a long time after I got over that, I even held on to the ridiculous position that the best we could say about UFOs is that we "don't know what they are." But this is clearly the wrong position. That's like saying we don't know if leprechauns exist. Until there is some evidence for extra-terrestrial origin, there is absolutely no reason to assume UFOs are anything but terrestrial.

I just said though that light coming from a satallite doesn't fit the bill, whatever those objects where that my dad saw. Light doesn't stop in thin air. That's quantum physically impossible.

And no, you're nothing like me. I don't see any old light and think its a UFO. If that was the case, I would have seen and believed I had seen proper bonafide UFO's a lot more. I have seen slow moving lights for instance, plenty of times cascading the sky.

You just don't get it do you?

The lights I saw that night have no real explanation. It's not a weather balloon, they don't shoot off in a particular direction. Wasn't a satallite shimmering light in thin air. As I said, quantum mechanics won't allow it. Couldn't have been birds, or chinese lanterns.

This isn't just some adolescent dream I want to cling onto. There was a real destinguished phenomenon there.
I just said though that light coming from a satallite doesn't fit the bill, whatever those objects where that my dad saw. Light doesn't stop in thin air. That's quantum physically impossible.

What do you mean light doesn't stop in thin air? If the object stops moving, then its light would stop moving as well. Anyway, your perspective could very well have been what caused the problem. Perhaps it raised or lowered its altitude, which would give the impression of slowing down or stopping. I don't know, I'm just saying that there are earthly explanations.

And no, you're nothing like me. I don't see any old light and think its a UFO. If that was the case, I would have seen and believed I had seen proper bonafide UFO's a lot more. I have seen slow moving lights for instance, plenty of times cascading the sky.

I wasn't being literal, obviously, but I did, at the time, think I saw a lot of UFOs. And yes, that's exactly like you.

The lights I saw that night have no real explanation. It's not a weather balloon, they don't shoot off in a particular direction.

Sure they do. You think wind doesn't play a role?

Wasn't a satallite shimmering light in thin air. As I said, quantum mechanics won't allow it. Couldn't have been birds, or chinese lanterns.

You don't know the first thing about quantum mechanics. See, this is what I'm talking about. You are so averse to there being a terrestrial explanation that you pretend to have knowledge you don't really have. This conversation is going nowhere if you're going to lie.

This is why people here hate you, Reiku. This is why you're a joke. And if you're really in your 30s now, you have no frigging excuse for acting like a baby, so man up and own up to your shortcomings. Stop lying, stop plagiarizing, stop being a douche. It only makes you look bad, dude.

This isn't just some adolescent dream I want to cling onto. There was a real destinguished phenomenon there.

Again, how are you in any position to say?
What do you mean light doesn't stop in thin air? If the object stops moving, then its light would stop moving as well. Anyway, your perspective could very well have been what caused the problem. Perhaps it raised or lowered its altitude, which would give the impression of slowing down or stopping. I don't know, I'm just saying that there are earthly explanations.

It doesn't stop in thin air. It does not focus to one point and form objects. It only stops and focuses on, for instance, a solid surface. Light from a satallite, making that journey to earth would not stop in thin air to be watched by many. It would continue it's journey to the surface of the earth.

Pure physics.

I wasn't being literal, obviously, but I did, at the time, think I saw a lot of UFOs. And yes, that's exactly like you.

No I am nothing like you. In my life I have only seen two bonafide UFO's. The rest can be explained away easily.

Again, nothing like you.

Sure they do. You think wind doesn't play a role?

They shot off not simultaneously, but seperately, one after the other. The other two if wind was involved wouldn't hang around.

You don't know the first thing about quantum mechanics. See, this is what I'm talking about. You are so averse to there being a terrestrial explanation that you pretend to have knowledge you don't really have. This conversation is going nowhere if you're going to lie.

I know a lot more about quantum physics than what some here have led me out to know. Damn, even James has admitted I can talk about some subjects with more clarity than the likes of others here.

This is why people here hate you, Reiku. This is why you're a joke. And if you're really in your 30s now, you have no frigging excuse for acting like a baby, so man up and own up to your shortcomings. Stop lying, stop plagiarizing, stop being a douche. It only makes you look bad, dude.

You're the douche. You dribble so much **** from the edges it's unbelievable. You resort to badmouthing people, lying about what they have said, generally distorting any kind of honesty that might have been there to begin with. Your aim isn't to prove extratterestrials are false. Your aim is to destroy the people who say they have observed such things.

You are worse than a skeptic. You're like the people trying to hide the phenomenon. Try and destroy the men and make a mockery of the evidence so that no evidence can be treated fairly and that so no man could ever seek it.

Either way, you cannot take my experience away from me. I'll just be happy the day you can experience it for yourself... a real one you cannot explain. Then you will sit with the guilt ridden trip, wondering about this conversation and how much of a **** you really acted.
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You've been caught in lies countless times, including the times you've been busted (and banned) for plagiarism. This is just one more example of you talking out of your ass.

I'm done. I've tried to help you get over it, but clearly your problems are pathological.

Enjoy your fantasy.
You've been caught in lies countless times, including the times you've been busted (and banned) for plagiarism. This is just one more example of you talking out of your ass.

I'm done. I've tried to help you get over it, but clearly your problems are pathological.

Enjoy your fantasy.

Yeah, banned for copying my own work. That was really clever of AN, don't you think?
Just in case you missed the point:

You're the douche. You dribble so much **** from the edges it's unbelievable. You resort to badmouthing people, lying about what they have said, generally distorting any kind of honesty that might have been there to begin with. Your aim isn't to prove extratterestrials are false. Your aim is to destroy the people who say they have observed such things.

You are worse than a skeptic. You're like the people trying to hide the phenomenon. Try and destroy the men and make a mockery of the evidence so that no evidence can be treated fairly and that so no man could ever seek it.

Either way, you cannot take my experience away from me. I'll just be happy the day you can experience it for yourself... a real one you cannot explain. Then you will sit with the guilt ridden trip, wondering about this conversation and how much of a **** you really acted.
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Like you...I too have seen a couple of UFOs which I didn't report. Mine were fascinating and there are similarities in that I was drawn to observe these separate events without any expectations. The odd thing is that at that time I was wondering about gravity and its hidden mechanics and these observations of UFOs gave me an extra dimension to work with. In fact, if correct, gravity is the leading scientific step forward into understanding our its entirety...but hey...for many...UFOs just don't exist.

Like you...I too have seen a couple of UFOs which I didn't report. Mine were fascinating and there are similarities in that I was drawn to observe these separate events without any expectations. The odd thing is that at that time I was wondering about gravity and its hidden mechanics and these observations of UFOs gave me an extra dimension to work with. In fact, if correct, gravity is the leading scientific step forward into understanding our its entirety...but hey...for many...UFOs just don't exist.

Nice to meet you Nicholas, can I call you Nick?

Would you tell me about your experience please? I won't ridicule you.
Hi Reika...I have been called many things so Nick is ok. My sightings were over thirty years ago and occurred within the space of 3 months of each other. They were both of craft in different modes of operation and gave clues to someofthe mechanics.

The leading clue is that the observer is, themseves, aboard a high speed craft...the planet Earth...and gets a view of their own motions, divorced from gravity which includes the speed of the expanding universe...this is what feeds the illusion that such craft are travelling at high speed and making sudden and unbelievable changes in direction.

I have moved on from here now and am more interested in the sientific aspects of the phenomenon.
hi again Nick, so, in effect they had very high speed and acted as though they where not bound to normal gravitational effects?

I must say many UFO cases have been reported with similar things. What did they look like, classic saucer shapes... something else?