My UFO sightings


My first sighting

I was about 14. I was in my house out in Innellan with my parents. For some reason, something compelled me to go towards the window, and I remember seeing something which was of a brightness that out-did any of the lights shining off the window from inside the house. It was highly unusual, and I remember shouting my parents over

''Come look at this''

One of my parents, most likely my father said, ''Oh, what's that?''

We gathered to the front porch, and almost like something out of some supernatural program like the Xfiles, what we were observing was truely spectacular in every department.

Three objects, either of an orb like structure, or as saucer shaped but seem round as we were almost directly below them, where circling in some, unsual fashion, they converged and diverged from a single point, merging as though they were one object, to suddenly re-emerging as though seperating into three fragments again. Doing more circular tricks, I remember them speeding off into the clouds, one by one. Why did they just dissappear like that?

They must have been at an altitude of over 500 feet. Maybe a few more hundred above this, as their sizes where about the size of a fifty pence peice held at arms length. I remember saying, ''mum... is that aliens?''

I can't remember the discussions very well, but the incident was as clear as day. We never reported the incident. We found out, incidently that some other people had reported the sighting, most likely to the local police who (probably in the amusement of such a bizarre case) made a relatively large investigation into the sighting. They checked everywhere to see if there had been any search lights involved among a few other conventional explanations, even though most of these conventional explanations could be ruled out easily due to the nature of the sighting and description of the observations made. Our's fitted in exactly with those who also witnessed the event.

With no leads, the sighting went down as a curiosity. Apart from those who saw the incident, I doubt the event will be remembered by anyone nowadays in this town. Sad really. It could have been one of the most important events to ever strike this quintessentially small town.

My second sighting

During this last winter, I was going up to the local Grammer school and observing the night sky from the back, where there is an open field on crystal clear nights. But one night I simply took a walk up that area with no intentions of any star gazing or UFO spotting. I was... caught in my gasp of awe when I looked up, and a shadowy triangular object passed overhead and was either (relatively low) OR an extremely large object in general - and it passed with a speed not too fast; perhaps the speed of a commercial airliner. No sound could be heard. And if this had been seen from not directly above, I don't think I would have seen it. The reason why is because as it passed overhead, I made it's shape from the moonlight which almost seemed to make the silloutte outline of this object. I cannot confirm whether it was an aircraft or not.

I remember when I saw it, I said, ''Oh my God.''

I could almost believe there might be a terrestrial explanation for both accounts. The first account however makes me sway to more, unbelievable answers due to the incredibility of the event itself. The second sighting may have been a special secret aircraft. But I cannot be certain.
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I can certainly testify that in the first sighting, it couldn't have been a product of the imagination and that they seemed very real tangible objects with a luminosity of ten street lamps merged into just one object with a shimmering blue, as though it was an oscillating color.
The first very well could have been a product of your imagination. How are you in any position to say it wasn't?

The fact that you immediately assume extra-terrestrial origin proves your desire for the explanation to be exactly that. If you considered it objectively, and realistically, your wildest idea would be some secret government project, not some travelers from outer space. At least we have evidence that the government experiments advanced technology.
I say it wasn't because several minds are incapable of sharing the same dellusion.

I haven't assumed any extraterrestrial origins de facto. You are a terrible reader for someone who says they take time out of writing books.
As for government experiments... would you like to explain to me why then, the United States Government have been ordered to shoot these things down in the past? Indeed, why have the Ministry of Defense done similar things?

Whose technology is it? Keep in mind Britain and America are two of the greatest superpowers in the world, so whatever top technology there is, we are most likely to have it.
I say it wasn't because several minds are incapable of sharing the same dellusion.

I have no idea what a "dellusion" is, but I do know that more than one person can absolutely have similar delusions. It's a phenomenon known as mass hysteria.

I haven't assumed any extraterrestrial origins de facto. You are a terrible reader for someone who says they take time out of writing books.

Sure you did.

The first account however makes me sway to more, unbelievable answers due to the incredibility of the event itself.
As for government experiments... would you like to explain to me why then, the United States Government have been ordered to shoot these things down in the past? Indeed, why have the Ministry of Defense done similar things?

First, what constitutes "these things?" Just because you can't identify some lights in the sky doesn't mean they don't know exactly what it is. Second, what do you mean the government has been ordered to shoot them down? Who orders the government to anything? Are you trying to say the government has ordered UFOs shot down? If so, show me some evidence of this.

Whose technology is it?

Ours, I presume.

Keep in mind Britain and America are two of the greatest superpowers in the world, so whatever top technology there is, we are most likely to have it.

First of all, the United States is the world's only superpower. Secondly, just because our military is the most technologically advanced, we aren't the only ones who have advanced military technology. Thirdly, I already said it was our technology. I mean, I have no idea, but if it's happening over our country, it's a safe assumption that the craft belongs to us.
I have no idea what a "dellusion" is, but I do know that more than one person can absolutely have similar delusions. It's a phenomenon known as mass hysteria.

Sure you did.

Under what medical facts do you obtain that ''delusions'' can be experienced by more than one person? Mass Hysteria covers a wide range of things, but what you are wanting everyone to believe here today, is that two seperate groups of people, unknown to each other, observed the same ''mass delusion'' at exactly the same time as myself and my parents.

Please be careful here... is this what you are insinuating, because if this is the case, then I think people here would rather believe an alien story, than believe that hogwash.
Under what medical facts do you obtain that ''delusions'' can be experienced by more than one person?

Stop trying to sound smart. "Under what medical facts do you obtain" makes you sound like someone for whom English is their second language. Just talk like a normal person.

You're asking me how I know that delusions can be experienced by more than one person. I'm telling you that the very definition of mass hysteria is such an event. Here, read this, or this. Or, if you like, this.

Mass Hysteria covers a wide range of things, but what you are wanting everyone to believe here today, is that two seperate groups of people, unknown to each other, observed the same ''mass delusion'' at exactly the same time as myself and my parents.

Yeah, I really think you're full of shit on that other part. You didn't report the event, but somehow later found out that it was reported, and a large-scale investigation took place? How would you possibly be privy to this information? It's suspect at best.

But even if you aren't lying (which would be a surprise, given your track record of dishonesty and plagiarism here at sciforums), then I return to my previous point about there being a terrestrial explanation. I'd guess the real story is that you saw something and showed it to your parents. I doubt there were any third parties involved.

Please be careful here... is this what you are insinuating, because if this is the case, then I think people here would rather believe an alien story, than believe that hogwash.

Interesting that you say what they'd "rather" believe, because that is exactly what it boils down to for Believers. You'd rather believe the outrageous extra-terrestrial explanations than the terrestrial ones, which are, by comparison, terribly boring.

I have explained this with some detail in other threads. I explained that the other group of people who witnessed the event had reported it. We certainly never.

How does that make me, full of shit? Is it so hard to believe that no one else saw it? I'd say that made it more credible.

Interesting your tactics of trying to turn it all round.
I also see you never answered my question.

How can two seperate groups experience the same delusions at exactly the same time, completely independantly... ?

You started off well, with serious questions. Now you've reverted to name-calling. Smart!

I have explained this with some detail in other threads. I explained that the other group of people who witnessed the event had reported it. We certainly never.

I didn't ask what you explained in other threads, I asked you how you were privy to such information. Clearly you're just buying time until you can think up a passable lie.
I also see you never answered my question.

How can two seperate groups experience the same delusions at exactly the same time, completely independantly... ?

I said the question was irrelevant, because you probably lied about the other people. But if other people did in fact see it, entirely independent of you, then you may very well have saw something in the sky. That doesn't make it an alien spaceship.

You started off well, with serious questions. Now you've reverted to name-calling. Smart!

Name-calling? Stop playing the victim and answer the questions posed to you. Have some integrity for once.
No, no Jdawg. This isn't about being a victim. This is about proper conduct. This is why conversations (like the thread created recently on the psychology of the debates between the believer and the skeptic) has the skeptic always to revert to aggresiveness and name-calling.

Set an example. Show not all conversations needs to be like that.
I didn't ask what you explained in other threads, I asked you how you were privy to such information. Clearly you're just buying time until you can think up a passable lie.

I don't need to lie. I have a thread from about 2 years ago in my archives which will confirm it.

It was in the local newspaper.


ps. I hope you don't think I time-travelled and changed that. I mean, I am just a big filthy liar, aren't I?
No, no Jdawg. This isn't about being a victim. This is about proper conduct. This is why conversations (like the thread created recently on the psychology of the debates between the believer and the skeptic) has the skeptic always to revert to aggresiveness and name-calling.

Set an example. Show not all conversations needs to be like that.

Oh, please. Who threw the first stone in this conversation?

Reiku said:
You are a terrible reader for someone who says they take time out of writing books.

Believers are always the first to hostility. You react that way when your worldview is challenged, because your grasp on it is so tenuous, and it collapses under the slightest scrutiny, that you are forced to distract from the debate with insults and other subterfuge so you don't ever have to reconsider your position.
Believers are always the first to hostility. You react that way when your worldview is challenged, because your grasp on it is so tenuous, and it collapses under the slightest scrutiny, that you are forced to distract from the debate with insults and other subterfuge so you don't ever have to reconsider your position.

I'm not hostile, and I haven't been towards you.

I have been very cool headed all night, thank you very much. :bugeye:
I don't need to lie. I have a thread from about 2 years ago in my archives which will confirm it.

So? That doesn't make the story any more true, it just means that you told the same lie two years ago.

Quick question: why rehash it now?

It was in the local newspaper.

Says you. What paper? I think I'll see if I can find it online. If it was two years ago, there's every chance it was also online in some capacity.

ps. I hope you don't think I time-travelled and changed that. I mean, I am just a big filthy liar, aren't I?

You haven't proven anything yet, except that you have no integrity. Let's see if we can't get to the bottom of this mystery, eh?
I'm not hostile, and I haven't been towards you.

I have been very cool headed all night, thank you very much. :bugeye:

Really? Do you not remember "PUT UP OR SHUT UP" from, like, yesterday? I can go to the archives, if you like.