My ufo experience

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but that is your.....and i err am not sure where ths drug shit has come into this discussion for-----experence kid. many people smoke cannabis very late in life. i know one old due in his 80s puffin away, and he loves it

psychedelics? promordially used in a sacramental way amongst Indigenous peples all oer the globe
see. the prpaganderists against substances like cannabis and psychedelics always balme tem, and never te actual system tat can cause panic attacks fr the user of substances tat open them up--stimulation

NO. like the phlos of this world, they actually DEFENDthe covert madness of these regimes. and HE's SOBER!

or pssssst--he says he is. sounds fukin pissed half the time , to me.....?
Look carefully at what you imply and what source of evidence you are to me. You suggest the Policeman in question is "First Person Evidence". First Person is where the person giving you the story is the person that saw the event with their own eyes.

You now tell me and the rest of the forum about this policeman, which makes the story "Third Person Evidence". The difference between the two pieces of evidence is that the Policeman would of said things based upon the circumstances of discussion (i.e. He might of been detaining you and talked to you about things you are passionate about to get a better understanding of your state of mind and keep you calm while being processed), You are also dealing with your recollection of what was said to you, which can cause alterations in the story for what was said either through your memory having holes and your mind filling in the gaps or because you want to sensationalise about what was said by missing out certain narrative pieces of context.

You then have Photographic evidence (be it digital or not). There have been many instances of the Lochness Monster and Fairy's at the bottom of someones garden to show occurances of trick photography. Again a decent faked photo can be sold to people if it seems to be real.

Another statement people have said usually in this context is: "There's always a camera present when a saucer fly's by". Admittedly in recent years there has been an increase in the number of people available to take pictures but you only ever find one shot(picture) of a UFO by a single sky watcher, when most of the time these sky watchers tend to camp a particular place like twitchers (birdwatchers) with rare bird sightings.

(Just because something comes straight from a Digital Camera card doesn't mean that it wasn't faked. I can place any picture onto a camera and timestamp with a different time, it's just software manipulation and emulation.)

As for Electropropulsion manmade flying machines, well there's been the Internal Combustion flying machine for many years, there is also the Electricpropulsion Model aircraft however the main problem with them was the batteries that store energy can only store so much for so long and when the models in use it drains quickly (especially with radiocontrolled.)

As someone use to point out to me back when I use to post about my personal beliefs, You've alot of "Keywords" but thats it. I bit like littering this post with Quantum Mechanics, Wormholes and Quasars, with Zero-point and Free energy to boot.
All those words are used but actually have no real context with one another or any scientific reason for being placed together other than just being used as an example.

The reason Drugs came into the conversation topic was the fact that a number of people that make these Extraordinary claims are "wasted" for the most part.

Most drug users view of reality is warped by their drug usage so much so that drug users all too often are defense of their activities claiming their drugs can do no wrong, in fact they can become so zealot-like with their belief's that they can become complete anarchists waging war on the state or government because their activities are perceived illegal (As right they should be).

It doesn't matter that "Indigenous people" use any forms of drug in ceremony or ritual, during the 17th-18th century, lead based facepaint was percieved a social normality, although the paints themselves we know now to be deadly. The same can be said for the usage of Pewter goblets that had a certain amount of lead within them too which generates questionable reactions to accused poisoners in palaces etc.
psychedelics? promordially used in a sacramental way amongst Indigenous peples all oer the globe
Used rarely in special ritual ceremonies, not abused almost each day.
[Edited by Stryder]
Sorry Duendy, This statement is deleted since it's not to do with discussion just an insult to another member of sciforums. Please try to refrain from acting irrationally.
Stryder.... haha, well, maybe one day you guys will know of flying saucer technology, but for now you're all muggles. And thats the honest to god truth.
chill out I modded your posts because I was trying to stop a flame riot not start one. The rest of your posts I had to delete, since afterall someones granny might be reading them.
phlogistician said:
Woah, looks like duendy is on the road to an aneurism! I reckon her dealer must be 'on holiday'!
So STYRDER--let me know. really explain to me in full. why is THIS post not edited? not that i wat you editing ANY post. but why do you let tis dick-headet all have freedom to say what they like and make insinuations about othwers taking drugs and a catelogue of past slanders etc, andpick on MY relatively compleytely harmless old saying??
i await further reply to this and my preceeding post regarding your action that sparked all of this off.
duendy said:
So STYRDER--let me know. really explain to me in full. why is THIS post not edited? not that i wat you editing ANY post. but why do you let tis dick-headet all have freedom to say what they like and make insinuations about othwers taking drugs and a catelogue of past slanders etc, andpick on MY relatively compleytely harmless old saying??
i await further reply to this and my preceeding post regarding your action that sparked all of this off.

Maybe because my post isn't full of expletives, duendy? I didn't see the post of yours that got deleted, but if it was anything like the frothing rant that followed it, I'm surprised you didn't get a suspension. Come on duendy, you really think you can get away with calling a mod a 'bastard' and a 'little hitler', drop half a dozen 'fukin' and a couple of 'fuks' in, and not get a reprimand?

You really have addled your mind with drugs.

Oh, and as you raised apologies, I think you should apologies to Stryder for your outburst.
Edited just to prove that the profanity isn't necessary

phlogistician said:
Maybe because my post isn't full of expletives, duendy? I didn't see the post of yours that got deleted, but if it was anything like the frothing rant that followed it, I'm surprised you didn't get a suspension. Come on duendy, you really think you can get away with calling a mod a '*******' and a 'little hitler', drop half a dozen '*****' and a couple of '****' in, and not get a reprimand?

You really have addled your mind with drugs.

Oh, and as you raised apologies, I think you should apologies to Stryder for your outburst.
phlo, you stirring authoritarian brown-nosin gutter rat. **** the *** off outta my business. this has nurthin to do you with you---only in the fact that why the*** should thelikesof YOUr posts not get ***** edited and my post which you admiot yo dont even **** KNOW about----typical of you you nonce--IS edited for ...what. a harmless saying...??? thisis not **** good enuf. you silly ****.
anyway. mind yer business

as horrendoulsy insulting, full of ****. provoking, insluting etc etc and dull your psots are, i still would not want them censored. or anyones. THAT you ********, you matter-headed ******* is what i am goin on about.

now as i say. go and play wid yurself. and keep out . tis is between me and styrder. is he in bed or WHAT?!
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duendy, you're cruising for a slapping. You need this place more than it needs you, so say sorry and apologise for all your profanity before you get a ban.
Off topic, in recent news there have been concerns made about the "Modern Teenager" and how Disrespectful they have become. The problem concerned itself about what has happened to todays youth with the lapse approach to dealing with their wrong doing.

The legal constraints on Corporal Punishment has created a majority view that "Smacking naughty children" is the wrong thing to do. I'm not suggesting it's right, however such a liberalised attitude has caused alot of "Out of control children". They threat violence on each other and on their parents, with recent years escallating to actual brutal slayings. (Modern society has allowed an almost "Lord of the Flies" approach with children roaming the streets)

The reason I mention all this Duendy is that such a disrespectful attitude in Youth isn't addressed when older people respond with the same disrespectful attitudes.

I know Phlog has said things in the past to goad some of you into responses, however I believe thats because he tries to explain something to those particular people multiple times and eventually gives up, resulting in insultive narratives. Sub-consciously he's probably a little upset that you just can't grasp what he was getting at. Now I'm not saying that insulting you was the correct way of dealing with you, however what alternatives does he have? Especially when he doesn't insult you and you start insulting "him" because you don't want to listen or percieve what ever is being discussed any other way than the way you see it.

I am going to keep deleting your posts if you continue to use insultive and vulgar dilects because there are Children that can frequent this forum looking for answers, Which I'm hoping will learn about mutual respect rather than just continue this cycle of disrespective attitudes towards one another.
phlogistician said:
duendy, you're cruising for a slapping. You need this place more than it needs you, so say sorry and apologise for all your profanity before you get a ban.
you think i need 99% of dick-brains likeyou? you mo thick than i thought
duendy, discussions with you are all but intelligent

on that I leave this post for deletion by Stryder,
thanks for keeping order,
duendy, you claim I have insulted you, when all I have done is remind anyone reading this thread that you don't have a job, aren't very sane, and take drugs.

You've never actually refuted any of this, you just get angry and hurl insults when I bring it up. But it is true, isn't it?
Avatar said:
duendy, discussions with you are all but intelligent

on that I leave this post for deletion by Stryder,
thanks for keeping order,
well yeahhh of course. good avatar ever the conformist.
who thinks himself theeee 'critical thinker'. i cannot tell you how funny you are in your certitude that delusion
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