My ufo experience

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phlogistician said:
So, you not going to answer why your spelling still sucks despite alleging you had your set top box fixed duendy?
ok that's it!!!!....hmmmm where's the fukin maskin tape..??????
Ok, here is what you saw in the sky: A flying machine which was invented by Nikola Tesla. The green glow you speak of is the result of high voltage electricity ionizing the air around the metal hull of the flying machine and causing it to glow.

The flying machine is owned only by the "wizards," or whatever you want to call them. But I will assure you, they are PEOPLE and not ALIENS. Thats what you have to remember here, its just a top-secret craft which would blow the automobile off the road if they let the public in on their secret. We are all "energy slaves," and if we had saucers we wouldn't need to pay the monthly electric bill because you would have a "free energy" machine in your home.

The flying saucer would allow you to visit anyone in the world on a whim!! The speed and acceleration they are capable of is so immense that it blows the mind...

Ive seen them take off at high speeds and do 90 degree angles without slowing down at all.... so they control inertia, and momentum through high voltage electricity, since all matter is made of electric charges, this concept functions sooooo nicely they will keep it a secret for as long as they can....

*bibboty bobbity SPOOK*
OK i'm gonnaplay Devil's Advocate

if free energy is being hidden, what is te main purpose it WOULD be hidden?is it cause pople would not be fleeced by power. is itcause the very rich owe teir MAINTANENCE of wealrh to energy-power? would it affect the elite if free energy WAAS real and became public knowledge?

You claim tese craft are man made and can go at enormous speed, sudden turns etc, HOW could human body cope wit such as that? you have any knowledge of how they'd manage that inside a craft?

Do you feel ALL UFOS are manmade?

hah...not much devil's advocate i'm afraid. didn't gp accordn to plan
duendy said:
You claim tese craft are man made and can go at enormous speed, sudden turns etc, HOW could human body cope wit such as that? you have any knowledge of how they'd manage that inside a craft?

Aliens have special materials that make you body safe. It's almost like driving i a luxury car, actually. They even have lap dancers to pleasure you during the journey

duendy said:
Do you feel ALL UFOS are manmade?

The one that landed in rosswell was. But most of these are made by the aliens. Aliens aren't really big on outsourcing yet.

duendy said:
hah...not much devil's advocate i'm afraid. didn't gp accordn to plan

Gotta luv ya
free energy? who says it's not something as predictable as fusion? a fusion craft with an ion drive made to work in the atmosphere would have one hell of a fuel efficiency, especailly if it used outside air. yeah, i tend to analyze the ideas for these spacecraft sightings for a plausible craft. kinda like a puzzle.

i think aliens would keep a body from liquifying in extreme gees by either immersing the human body in liquid, which disperses strain off the bone structure and pressure is uniform thourhgout the body, or injecting some kind of nanite to build a temporary reinforcement structure on the body's celluar level, which'd pretty much turn a human body into a piece of stone for the periods of acceleration. or they just warp, which'd bypass the gee force all together, i think...
I have to admit over the years I've been very critical of peoples interpretations of both events and what is real.

For instance in Weed_eater's post they Hypothesize how an alien would overcome G-Force which is fine since it uses imagination and imagination can be the cheapest form of experimentation as long as your Parameters are accurate.

A wrong personal understanding of physics or a misinterpreted thesis is enough though to cause the Imagination to dwell on fiction and not synthesize reality.

As for Free-Energy, well to what degree does anyone actually know about what is and what isn't possible. For those that believe it is they might have a literal library of excerts from New Scientist, American Scientist, Focus and a number of other sensationalisation presses, although those are the more reputable ones in comparison to someones home thesis written in HTML and lacking any forms of Bibliography or corresponding evidence.

For those that disbelieve it's mearly a lack on their part of prior knowledge, their own definitions of how physics is, how they were taught and lack of evidence (Which might not be due to lasiness but evidence not existing in the first place.)

What I can't make however is the JUMP that people tend to assume, Yes there are people that have attempted to use Zero-Point energy to generate Free Energy and others have attempted to creation Fusion and Antimatter reactors. However the main problem with all these attempts is the same as the old quest for Perpetual Motion devices, "You don't get the same amount of energy as what you put into it, let alone generating extra energy."

Again peoples Imaginations fuel their quest for the Why they should look into it and this is where the concepts of Spaceship reactors are born, especially considering that any spacecraft would have to hold it's own fuel with a conventional propulsion system and have a great amount of waste.

The problem however with science isn't just theory and plausibility, as mentioned multiple times by many posters it's down to Testability. For instance it's possible to Imagine a craft travelling at or near light speed, however we can't actually do it, not just because of the physics but due to questions like: how would something that could go that speed be manufactured? and where would the funds for manufacturing it come from?

In essence keep statements a hypothesis, and everything a theory until it can be proven and as I mentioned proof is Testability and of course Duplication. (Thats why so many radioactive states are still to this day contested due to inaccuracies in Duplication).
Then Stryder, please explain to me how a "flying machine" might be able to travel across a 3 mile stretch of mountains, doing extremely erratic movements, and clearing the 3 miles in about 5 seconds.... This craft was HALLING ASS, and I saw this with my own eyes.... (plus two other witnesses)

You want more examples? A policeman I know, told me that one night, while he was patrolling at 4 in the morning, he saw a flying saucer which was "larger than the school it was floating above" and that it "flew away at a very high speed with no sound."

Here is another one. A few years back I was waiting for a ride under a cloudless sky. Before my ride came I saw two HUGE circular shadows moving quick as hell and covering up a VERY large part of the mountain. As I know, shadows cast from objects in the sky, when the sun is high in the sky, are the size of the objects casting them, since the sun is so far away.

Look, Ive seen some awesome technology in the sky that is made by intelligence, and I've NEVER seen an alien, thats for damn sure.
You claim tese craft are man made and can go at enormous speed, sudden turns etc, HOW could human body cope wit such as that? you have any knowledge of how they'd manage that inside a craft?

The high voltage high frequency electricity in the ELECTROPROPULSIVE flying machine (flying saucer) allows it to CONTROL momentum, this is why the bodies are not destroyed, its the only way such 90 degree angles in flight would be possible.

Do you feel ALL UFOS are manmade?

Unidentified Flying Objects only exist as soon as the OBSERVER DOESN'T KNOW WHAT HE IS LOOKING AT.

So what I've seen are not UFOs, since I know what they are. They are top-secret flying machines which have been kept secret for over 50 years by the "wizards." Just think about it, they kept the stealth bomber secret for over 20 years! (the only reason you or I know about that today is because they put the stealth bomber on public display in 1988)
dont care what the socalled skepticshere say...people HAVE seen them
Photographs and videos exist which show them
professinal people like pilots, policmen, etc have seen them
I have seen them on film footage on TV

so what do we K N O W?

that they have been Seen

lets forget the 'abduction' phenemena and just focus on UFOs

after seeingthem, and oh yeah---people actuall in this thread have seen them---'we' natruarally wonder who is driving them and how they can be, and operate as they do. for they defy our present understanding

BUT, dont you admit, tere do exist theoris like m-brane theory which speak of folding spacetime and travelling down wormholes

do ou discount these theories? if you say yes, dont just give us A sentence. tis is a debatin society.....? why do you discount them IF you do?
Something to look out for on the screen, Alien Autopsy [2006]

It should explain why I don't think that photographic or video should be included as evidence, since there are so many newspapers and television companies that "Pay" without any care of authentication (afterall if you fraud the people, then it's your head on the chopping blocks not the press.)

Tied in with the usual stories of people seeing things, for many years Fisherman use to tell tales of how long their fish was, but it was always the one that got away.

There are countless defense projects that many countries and contracted companies participated in, there are then the countless numbers of criminal organisations that might well use aircraft and aerospace in general to go about their business, ontop of that there are meteorological stations that also conduct tests with the weather, there are than some types of people that might actually attempt to seed weather clouds.

In fact a local in a Village I once use to live use to occasionally use a jar lid with some paraffin and a plastic shopping bag, the paraffin would be lit to heat the air in the bag and the bag then let go. The problem with this was if the bag caught light it would drop molten plastic everywhere, potentially starting fires.

It just proves that there is alot of people that will purposely place deceptive things into the air, and then of course there is the witnesses on the ground that can be just as deceptive.

(An experiment in peoples guilibity just needs a group of people from a local village or town to create a story of a sighting and then send their varients of stories to magazines, the conclusion will be that eventually even people not in on the hoax will start believing they saw something.)

As for theories on folding Spacetime and Wormholes, as said they are theories which are avenues of discussion and potential exploration however if they can't be tested then they remain nothing more than theories.

I do hope you guys realise that I'm not writing this to say you are wrong, I'm mearly trying to point out that without conclusive evidence then it's nothing more than folklore and myth.
I'll explain this simply, 10 years ago I would of been all for Aliens, UFO's conspiracies and the like, however I've had the time to pickup on bits of information over the years and of course more importantly more information being made available that suggests that people cry conspiracies over anything.

I realised that when young I had "theories" that were untested and ill-understood science from the lack of education, I found a number of those thoughts written on the web and I have to admit I'd sound as bad as some of those that post here in this forum. Luckily my own personal problems at the time involving the use of pot smoking have ceased now (and have done for some time) and I realise just how wasted I must have been to conjure a belief system involving such conspiracies.

It's not so much age thats got me, just better experience and of course a mind no longer hampered by self-endulgent drug usage.
You seam quite intent upon discrediting.

Pot doesn't cause you to have hallucinations, thats quite simply said. It takes what is known as: Psychedelic drugs, to do shit like that. (Im talking acid, mushrooms, etc)

If you disbelieve this you should go read about this on WWW.EROWID.ORG (you cannot deny the experiences of others)

Well Stryder, I think you're denying alot stuff, I don't think the police officer I talked to was on pot when he saw a flying saucer bigger than the school it was floating above... after which it silently shot away...

After all, Nikola Tesla said himself that the flying machine he was in the process of inventing/constructing would fly AND be "devoid of sustaining wings, propellers or gas bags." (gas tanks) And that description certainly fits the ELECTROPROPULSIVE FLYING MACHINE in description.
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Strtyder, yer sobriety dont seem tohave done much good for your logositics and intuitional capacities....really

pretty poor critique, and i'm not saying this to get at you
duendy said:
Strtyder, yer sobriety dont seem tohave done much good for your logositics and intuitional capacities....really

pretty poor critique, and i'm not saying this to get at you

Look duendy, Stryder no longer sees the world the way he did, because he doesn't indulge in various substances anymore. You have yet to get clean and see the world the way it is.

Drugs do not allow you to see more of reality. They merely alter your perception of it. Yours, and yours alone. No truth is revealed, you just hallucinate, or get paranoid and make false connections. Stryder has beaten that, and bloody good show.

He's also had the grace to admit his former beliefs flawed. Now, here's the question duendy, what would you find it harder to leave behind, your drugs, or your belief system? Would you have the guts to admit you were wrong afterwards?
phlogistician said:
Look duendy, Stryder no longer sees the world the way he did, because he doesn't indulge in various substances anymore. You have yet to get clean and see the world the way it is.

me))and you haven't one clue what you are talking about. you dontknow me or what i do. So as usual your words and point of view are totally useless and empty. Though givin credit whereits due, you do give good advice about computers......

Drugs do not allow you to see more of reality. They merely alter your perception of it. Yours, and yours alone. No truth is revealed, you just hallucinate, or get paranoid and make false connections. Stryder has beaten that, and bloody good show.

me)))as i say. as usual you make some empty meaningles statement and IMAGINEit has some import.........luvvvy, it doesn't. seriously. In fact, it is embarrassing in its massive unsophistication!

He's also had the grace to admit his former beliefs flawed. Now, here's the question duendy, what would you find it harder to leave behind, your drugs, or your belief system? Would you have the guts to admit you were wrong afterwards?
heres the irony. first you make assumptions that dont exist. and here's you--a supposed teetotal non-whatsoever drug-taker. yeeet, you are one of theee most hard-headed, bloody-minded, nincompoops, of limited undertanding, i've ever met
Don't know you or what you do, duendy? You do nothing! You don't have a job, do you?

Get sober, get sane, and get a job. Become a real person. Leave all your childish fantasies behind. The only person conspiring against you achieving this is YOU duendy.
phlogistician said:
Don't know you or what you do, duendy? You do nothing! You don't have a job, do you?

Get sober, get sane, and get a job. Become a real person. Leave all your childish fantasies behind. The only person conspiring against you achieving this is YOU duendy.
oh sweet jesus phlo, yer not comin on as some kinda ROLE model is u....?
I'll just show what irrationality is about from a brief glimpse at something that floats around on the net still to this day:

a brief history into how my mind was at the time, I first got onto the internet in 1996 and I as a late teen decided to look into how to make websites, the problem I had wasn't that I couldn't design a website but more to the fact I had no content for one.

The internet at the time was a place filled with like minded people that liked discussing the same sort of things that we discuss here at sciforums, and I decided that I wanted content for my website. Now to fill it with content I decided that I wanted to create outside theories on un-answered and obscure questions, with my emphasis on gaining hits to my website or getting my theories acknowledged.

This was my reason for reading, thinking and writing about subjects like we deal with here in pseudoscience originally and that continued up until mid 1999. Then I had to stop doing drugs because of the consequences of doing them. My body had got to the point where it had reached saturation and something had to give, resulting in a few panick attacks.

Cannabis CAN be hallucinogenic if done in quantity and with certain qualities. If a very high amount of THC is present in a particular well grown batch of green then you'll trip, if you happen to have a poor quality solid cannabis type thats suppose to only contain pressed cannabis it's likely that it also contains plastic film/wrapping and potentially other chemicals placed their to enhance it's addictiveness or lower it's scent in regards to snifferdogs. The contaminents can be hazardous.

I mention this because I had two reasons for quitting...
1: I wanted to study and to study means looking at the evidence not just dealing constantly with presumption.
2: My usage of Cannabis cause a chemical change in my brain which means if I do smoke it or injest it, I end up suffering a panick attack.

The latter points a pain because if it was ever found that I had some ailment that could be cured or at least made more comfortable by the use of Cannabis, I won't be able to use it because of the change to my physiology.

In 2000 I completely stopped it's usage, however for a few years afterwards I suffered from the damage caused by usage and from realising that some of my basic understandings of physics and the world were completely inaccurate. I'm still to this day learning and realising things I might of errored in previously, and as Phlogistician mentions it's difficult to actually admit when something has been wrong. You might not bring whatever it was up in the future and just hope that eventually it will be swept under the carpet.

In my case however I realised after 2000 or so that what you post on the net potentially sits there archived for future prosperity. Which is kind of what I tried to explain to you posters about how I was moderating, namely why I would leave you posts intact and your comments because one day you'll have to come to terms with anything that was inaccurate or how harsh you might have been on others.

btw, I never did really build a decent website, I still lacked the content and I realised that I didn't want to fill a website with delusion thinking for both my own wellbeing and to stop others potentially drawing the wrong conclusions based upon my written work and irrational thinking.
Yes, but you still deny what the police officer saw? You deny what I have seen? You deny what my DIGITAL CAMERA has seen do you? Im sorry, but my digital camera doesn't do drugs, it can't. I have photos of some very interesting things in the sky, but I won't bother to show you because you will claim them "fake." (even though the photos come RIGHT OFF of my digital camera which burns all its data right to a small cd-r disk, which means I didn't process it with photoshop, but Im not going to bother showing them to you... you don't understand how the ELECTROPROPULSIVE MAN MADE FLYINGMACHINE works.... so much for Nikola Tesla....)
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