My ufo experience

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cool skill said:
What an idiot.
I never even mentioned any website.

You have a real problem with context don't you? You also try to pathetically wriggle out of situations, by alleging someone accused you of something.

Now, check back, you had a rant at me, because I critiqued a web site. The context of the discussion, therefore, is whether my critique was fair. I asked if you saw something different on the website to me, because if you did, maybe my critique could have been too harsh. But no, you just jump onto your rather childish fallback position of bleating 'I didn't say that', when I hadn't accused you of saying anything, far from it; I was trying to get you to say something relevant!

But it shows how desperate you are if you would side with this loser who is building up to advertise his DVDs.
phlogistician said:
You mean your knee jerk opinion? Jesus, that's exactly what you falsely criticise others for.
noticed.......? you are always judgin others wit what YOU do!
lt me spell it out. a new person shares his website said to consist of UFO pics. i dont know him, he seems alright, courteous. i trust him for now. cause i dont know him yet

I KNOW commie...know his views about this. that plus his dodgy pic makes me fink..hmmmmfake/instantly -near enuf

ten he puts up te newbiesand i amit, it DOES look blurry. but will give him benefit of doubt. cant see other pics. knowing commie he woulda picked out orst. so...

but youuuuu, youuuuu. straightaway are at the new guy's throat!

as per ruddy usual
phlogistician said:
But it shows how desperate you are if you would side with this loser who is building up to advertise his DVDs.
I guess you are too brain dead to be aware that I could care less about any website or any DVD. You really are a clueless twit.
Great thread. A newb with his blurry photos "UFOs" and the one-and-only Cool Skill doing his best to troll among the big boys again.

The blurry photo boy will go on his merry way once he realizes no one will buy that the photos show anything but points of out-of-context lights and leave sciforums behind in search of greener pastures to try and con the gullible into believing his silliness. But the real story here is Cool Skill.

I'm constantly amazed at the lengths Sean will apparently go to in order to piss people off and try to get them to respond with some hostile or negative manner so he can cry about how he was "flamed" and "trolled." If it isn't a silly pseudoscience thread, its some rant about atheists. CS will call people idiots, twits, braindead, morons, dumb, retards, and tell them to "go fuck" themselves, and then have the gall to cry afoul when someone criticizes him for it.

I'm constantly amazed but, more importantly, entertained by your antics, cool skill.

Please. Do continue.
duendy said:
but youuuuu, youuuuu. straightaway are at the new guy's throat!

The guy asked for comments;

lsufos said:
comments are welcome

I commented. I was honest, and said his web site was crap. Yo know, based on the evidence (ie his web site) and I stated why.

No, on the other hand, all you do is make assertions that you don't bother to back up. See the difference?
phlogistician said:
The guy asked for comments;

I commented. I was honest, and said his web site was crap. Yo know, based on the evidence (ie his web site) and I stated why.

me)))your err 'honest' is malicious

No, on the other hand, all you do is make assertions that you don't bother to back up. See the difference?
no actually. i just see ypou snarlin away wit not much to say. all bark an no BITE
You think his web site is any good then, duendy.

Oh, hold on, you can't see pictures and videos on your Web TV setup can you? In fact, you can see very little. Shows how gullible you are duendy, when you believe stuff, without even seeing it!

His web site sucks. If you could actually see it, you'd know that.

btw, a while ago, on the thread where you were asking about computer advice, you said the ntl: guy had been round fixing your box. How come your spelling is still so crap? You used to blame it on the keyboard, but that excuse is past it's sell by date.

So you are a retard, after all, eh?
phlogistician said:
You think his web site is any good then, duendy.

Oh, hold on, you can't see pictures and videos on your Web TV setup can you? In fact, you can see very little. Shows how gullible you are duendy, when you believe stuff, without even seeing it!

His web site sucks. If you could actually see it, you'd know that.

btw, a while ago, on the thread where you were asking about computer advice, you said the ntl: guy had been round fixing your box. How come your spelling is still so crap? You used to blame it on the keyboard, but that excuse is past it's sell by date.

So you are a retard, after all, eh?
you SOUND 10 yearsold....!
heh... there's no "attack" sonny. Just observation. Fascinating observation at that.
duendy said:
you SOUND 10 yearsold....!

You know, I thought you were a school kid because of your appalling prose.

What causes you to say that I sound ten years old? Or is that just a put down, because you have run out of things to say?
phlogistician said:
You know, I thought you were a school kid because of your appalling prose.

What causes you to say that I sound ten years old? Or is that just a put down, because you have run out of things to say?
no it's not just some empty put-down. i MEAN it. emotionally you seem stuck in 10 year old mode
duendy said:
no it's not just some empty put-down. i MEAN it. emotionally you seem stuck in 10 year old mode

That's a ridiculous claim to make, on the basis of me criticising a web page you can't even see, duendy!

Do you not see that you look a bit daft, defending something you have little knowledge of?

Also, why can't you answer a simple question? You stated that the cable guy came round to fix your WebTV, but your typing is still really poor. So, why, if you can't blame your keyboard anymore? You always fall back to insults when you are put on the spot duendy, so instead, just answer the question, did you get your setup fixed or not? If yes, why is your typing still so bad?
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phlogistician said:
That's a ridiculous claim to make, on the basis of me criticising a web page you can't even see, duendy!

Do you not see that you look a bit daft, defending something you have little knowledge of?

Also, why can't you answer a simple question? You stated that the cable guy came round to fix your WebTV, but your typing is still really poor. So, why, if you can't blame your keyboard anymore? You always fall back to insults when you are put on the spot duendy, so instead, just answer the question, did you get your setup fixed or not? If yes, why is your typing still so bad?
Ah, so you have run out of things to say, duendy. You needn't have underlined my point, you could have just not said anything.
phlogistician said:
Ah, so you have run out of things to say, duendy. You needn't have underlined my point, you could have just not said anything.
tut TUT!!!
if youuuu dont get yur sorry arse UP them stairs, i'm gonna beat it till it GLOWS in the dark!
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