My turn for genocide

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Say... ...if these figures are correct, it would seem that the "Palestinian Genocide" isn't exactly going according to plan - at least if the goal is wiping out the Palestinians.
The demographic reality is: After 60 years of the Nakba 'Catastrophe' The Palestinian population has increased more than seven fold.

The Palestinian population was 1.4 million 1948, while the estimates of 2008 are 10.5 million. 5.0 million are still living in Palestine according to statistics from the end of 2007...

...According to estimates and statistics, the Palestinian Arabs and the Jews will have an equal number of populations in Palestine by 2016.
Thats like saying the Holocaust didn't happen because 1 million [?] Jews are now 10 million.
I wonder if you can commit genocide without anybody knowing you're doing it? Subtle genocide while wearing a halo.

Killjoy said:

Say... ...if these figures are correct, it would seem that the "Palestinian Genocide" isn't exactly going according to plan - at least if the goal is wiping out the Palestinians.

I'm curious if we even have a word for the erasure of a culture through assimilation insofar as you don't exterminate a bloodline, but rather just make it disappear into the masses.
I think the word is assimilation. If you don't stand out there is no need to assimilate

Of course the difference is when it is not voluntary
Jews were living on the land, and their lives were threatened by Arabs. Life trumps land.

Is that your justification for genocide? Because I don't see how some Jews living on a land means all Jews have a right to move there just as I would not see how some Muslims living on the same land would give all one billion Muslims the right to live there. Mythology shouldn't trump history.
There was no genocide. Anyway, population displacement was first of all not completely the fault of Jews, it was encouraged by many Arab sources, and it was to an area where Arabs typically lived. So, instead of genocide, an accurate description would have to say that some Arabs became refugees due to the Arab/Jewish civil war, which has not ended. If the US civil war has been a draw, a similar situation would have occurred, with the country splitting into two parts.
I don't think 7% of the Palestinians who happened to be Jews needed 57% of the land. At its very basic, minus all the rhetoric, the issue is, at best of land theft for ethno-religious tribal reasons and at worst, an ethnic cleansing for mythology.
Evidently you are wrong. Comparisons now are about 50/50. Again, you suggest the Native Jews had no right to save their refugee brothers and sisters, and those rescued should be able to exercise no political power or defensive measures against xenophobia and Islamic nationalism. No wonder they resorted to war.
According to the Torah, Abraham was born in Ur and Moses in Egypt. What is a native European/Asian Jew native to? Why would a Moldovan bouncer with hundreds perhaps thousands of years of history elsewhere pick the birthplace of Jesus to be "native" to?

Can I pick Palestine as a "native" Muslim? Can a billion other Muslims also do the same? What about the Christians? Should the entire Abrahamic religious group move to Palestine?
Jews came from Israel, and native Jews accepted their brethren in a time of need, that's all that matters.
Does this mean that native Palestinian Muslims can ask their Muslim brethren to move in to help support them now? Jews don't come from Israel anymore than Christians come from Bethlehem. Thats a myth thats been pandered to for far too long.
Why should I care who Muslims invite to live with them? It's their business. The culture and religion of Judaism came from Israel and remained connected to the various diaspora Jewish populations, that is a fact.
I pretty much lost sympathy for the entire region a long time ago.

But I must admit Hamas having trouble with Palestinian extremists is really funny.
Why should I care who Muslims invite to live with them? It's their business. The culture and religion of Judaism came from Israel and remained connected to the various diaspora Jewish populations, that is a fact.

So all the Jews from everywhere in the world have the same culture and religion as those from the mythical Israel of 2000 years ago?


Where do you think Jews come from?

Which ones? Or do you actually believe their ethnocentric myth of all descending from the same one guy?

People who happen to follow Judaism or like spidergoat, merely consider it a tribal affiliation while rejecting the scriptures came from around the world.
So you're talking about modern Jews, SAM. What about the first Jews? Where do you think they came from?
So you're talking about modern Jews, SAM. What about the first Jews? Where do you think they came from?

You mean the ancestors of the Palestinians? No idea. Africa, maybe? Is it relevant?
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