My telepathic experience?

If you read James R post and then read Begins answers then you could infer that no telepathics would help others with their gifts. Since Begins response inferred that the reason telepathics dont is because they are not generous nor do they have to be. So since there is no record of telepathics making the human condition better and Begin believes in telepathy, why wouldnt at least a few of these telepathics do so? Begins reponse, telepathics are not necessarly generous! C'mon, really out of all of these telepathics none of them are altruistic!

I doubt many people are truly altruistic. Telepathic or not. But it would for an interesting separate discussion, I suppose.
Every bodies telepathic , Everybody is selfish , I call it the Me , Me, Me's
You all should try dropping you denials for an hour and see what is really going on. It will blow your friggen minds. It did mine and I thing I might add is Women intuition is pretty close to what we are talking about. Like how a spouse knows something might be going on with a cheating husband . Something don't feel right and for good reason ( cheating Husband on the sly) I believe there are no secrets. There is denial because the truth is hard to swallow
Every bodies telepathic , Everybody is selfish , I call it the Me , Me, Me's
You all should try dropping you denials for an hour and see what is really going on. It will blow your friggen minds. It did mine and I thing I might add is Women intuition is pretty close to what we are talking about. Like how a spouse knows something might be going on with a cheating husband . Something don't feel right and for good reason ( cheating Husband on the sly) I believe there are no secrets. There is denial because the truth is hard to swallow


Try using [noparse][/noparse] tags. It's difficult in your reply to me for other readers to tell which parts I wrote and which parts you wrote.

James R said:
If you're telepathic, wouldn't you want to use your powers to help other people?

No, why do you assume so?

Are you telling me there are no telepathic people who want to help other people by giving them money?

Maybe you don't want Randi's $1 million for yourself. Maybe you're selfless and altruistic. In that case, it would be a great idea to claim the $1 million and give it to your favorite worthy charity. Wouldn't it?

Again, more assumptions.

No assumptions. I asked you a question.

Why do people have to be generous to fit your mold?

They don't. I'm just surprised that of all the people who have telepathic powers there are apparently none who would be willing to claim the $1 million and give the money to a worthy cause.

Moreover, you're telling me that there are also no self-serving telepaths out there who want $1 million for themselves.

Interesting. Telepaths apparently have no interest in money for either good or evil. Is that correct? They must be very unusual individuals.

Try using [noparse][/noparse] tags. It's difficult in your reply to me for other readers to tell which parts I wrote and which parts you wrote.

Are you telling me there are no telepathic people who want to help other people by giving them money?

No assumptions. I asked you a question.

They don't. I'm just surprised that of all the people who have telepathic powers there are apparently none who would be willing to claim the $1 million and give the money to a worthy cause.

Moreover, you're telling me that there are also no self-serving telepaths out there who want $1 million for themselves.

Interesting. Telepaths apparently have no interest in money for either good or evil. Is that correct? They must be very unusual individuals.

Perhaps the real issue here is, how does this Randi character go about testing for telepathy? Because if he's offering money then I'd assume that he's a skeptic himself, which is hardly impartial.

Randi's testing protocols are open and described quite clearly on his web site:

Basically, he asks applicants "What can you do?" They tell him, and he says "show us".

In other words, applicants tell him what they can do, what equipment/conditions/people/environment they require to do it, under what circumstances they can do it, and so on. The organisation then drafts an agreed protocol that both the organisation and the applicant signs off on as a fair test of the applicant's abilities, prior to any testing being done.

Randi is seldom, if ever, involved in the actual testing. Most testing of telepathic and other psychic abilities is done double-blind. That means that neither the people administering the test, nor the applicant, know in advance what the "right" answers are, so neither can unfairly influence the test.

In other words, Randi's tests are scientifically controlled to eliminate any experimenter bias.

Try using [noparse][/noparse] tags. It's difficult in your reply to me for other readers to tell which parts I wrote and which parts you wrote.

Are you telling me there are no telepathic people who want to help other people by giving them money?

No assumptions. I asked you a question.

They don't. I'm just surprised that of all the people who have telepathic powers there are apparently none who would be willing to claim the $1 million and give the money to a worthy cause.

Moreover, you're telling me that there are also no self-serving telepaths out there who want $1 million for themselves.

Interesting. Telepaths apparently have no interest in money for either good or evil. Is that correct? They must be very unusual individuals.


Randi's testing protocols are open and described quite clearly on his web site:

Basically, he asks applicants "What can you do?" They tell him, and he says "show us".

In other words, applicants tell him what they can do, what equipment/conditions/people/environment they require to do it, under what circumstances they can do it, and so on. The organisation then drafts an agreed protocol that both the organisation and the applicant signs off on as a fair test of the applicant's abilities, prior to any testing being done.

Randi is seldom, if ever, involved in the actual testing. Most testing of telepathic and other psychic abilities is done double-blind. That means that neither the people administering the test, nor the applicant, know in advance what the "right" answers are, so neither can unfairly influence the test.

In other words, Randi's tests are scientifically controlled to eliminate any experimenter bias.

Ahh Randi,

So many bubbles to burst, so little time!
The annoying thing about having had what appear to be psychic moments myself...I can never know when it's going to happen, or even if it's going to happen, or even if my premonitions are going to turn out accurate.
It's just that there have been a very few times that I have known things I would have had absolutely no logical,not even subconscious way of knowing.

And I question these rare, weird events. A lot of them-well, I could have known, by subconsciously gathering clues.
This is why listening to one's "gut instinct" is often a good survival skill.
I think that's the thing about psychic events...they may be objective or subjective. They don't, as of yet, seem to be reproducible on command. They may or may not have personal significance to the person who's having them

I once had a premonition there would be a minor fender-bender at a particular corner near my apartment when I drove through the intersection, and that I should go the long way to work...this as I was walking out the door. I ignored the premonition, drove that way, and there was a fender-bender being cleared, partly blocking the intersection. Yes, it was an accurate premonition-OF SOMETHING COMPLETELY INCONSEQUENTIAL!

Why I couldn't have a nice accurate premonition-say, I should finally play the lottery NOW, here are the numbers I need to pick...:rolleyes:

The irreproducibility pretty much damns psychic phenomena as unbelievable by a lot of people...and I can't fault them for that.

Why should you accept the reality of something so ephemeral?

OTOH, nobody likes to be sneered at and called a moron for believing in something that has happened to them.

note: I have more premonitions when I meditate a lot...I think the meditation lowers the volume in my head so that they stand out more from my general worrying, internal chatter and daydreaming.
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