My telepathic experience?

It's called Electroencephalography (EEG) not a frequency detector

It is common knowledge and if you are unfamiliar with the concept go here:

Of course, we don't know more than we know, but who knows what we'll find as we study brain activity. It's not beyond the realm of possibilities that we respond to signals from each other.

As I said, are we transmitting, are we receiving?

That would be the case for telepathy if there is a scientific basis for it.

It's too weird to put on the table, there is only so much money for research and we have a long way to go before we can even understand the full spectrum of brain related activity. It is something I am very interested in, but I don't think it's supernatural. At some point in brain research there will be a jumping off point, and as we understand the current associated with brain activity we may find a way to study the full effects of that current.

It's all very logical when you understand the nature of frequency response and I do believe it will be measured and proven, and eventually given a brand new name as telepathy is tarnished.

Those are my beliefs, they are not based on delusions.
Just a small point, To broadcast a signal for television, radio or wireless. It requires an input of power that mathematically must measure to the value required to manipulate spacetime for the distance of the planned broadcast if waves or obviously create enough particles.

This technically is not something the Human brain is capable of, the only other method is by surround matricing. This means using dual transmitters and receivers to generate a Cellnet structure where by everything within the cell is matriced. Any differences that occur to the body being matriced will registered from processing all the cells nodes to generate an output. If the output is then doctored and re-applied through this passive cell using an active system it is then possible to generate a Bidirectional connection.

In essence real "telepathy" is artificially induced and uses systems that are could be questionable in regards to health and safety. (Matriced individuals might well be more prone to forms of cancer.)

It's called Electroencephalography (EEG) not a frequency detector

It is common knowledge and if you are unfamiliar with the concept go here:

Thanks. An electroencephalograph reads electrical activity in the brain. Brain waves are electrical impulses, and they have various frequencies, as you say.

Also, as you say, this is common knowledge - at least to scientists who study brain waves. There's nothing mysterious about these waves or frequencies - they are well understood. There's no known way that electrical impulses in the brain can produce telepathic effects.

Of course, we don't know more than we know, but who knows what we'll find as we study brain activity. It's not beyond the realm of possibilities that we respond to signals from each other.

We can pretty much rule out the kinds of signals normally produced by electrical impulses, though. Those are radio waves. If human brains emitted lots of radio waves to the outside world, we'd be able to detect them, essentially with a radio receiver. The problem is that the strengths of any such signals emitted are very very weak, and are completely swamped by radio signals from other sources in the outside world. In other words, as a method for linking human brains together, they would seem to be useless.
pretty much? Really?

100 years ago people would have scoffed at many scientific discoveries, and I have personally had it with flat earth nuts like that. If you are not interested, just shut up and get out of the way, you don't know, I don't know, and neither does anyone else.

As for the rest of your post, you should have given up trying to sound authoritive long ago, you just look like a jerk at this point.

For anyone interested, electrical cycles DO create frequencies, humans can HEAR electrical cycles in machinery, duh, this is where this SCIENCE is headed, no matter what any nutjob here wants you to believe. I am not sure how you survive in all this negativity, but there are people trying to discover the cause. Hang in there.

btw james, when I was 15 I speculated on magnets to my dad, who is an engineer, much of what he told me was impossible, is happening today.

Get a grip on your ego.
100 years ago people would have scoffed at many scientific discoveries
So what?

As for the rest of your post, you should have given up trying to sound authoritive long ago, you just look like a jerk at this point.
Maybe you should learn some physics.

For anyone interested, electrical cycles DO create frequencies, humans can HEAR electrical cycles in machinery
Evidence please. If you're talking about mains hum then no, we can't hear the electrical cycles.

duh, this is where this SCIENCE is headed, no matter what any nutjob here wants you to believe
What you've presented in NOT a science. Nor is it scientific.

btw james, when I was 15 I speculated on magnets to my dad, who is an engineer, much of what he told me was impossible, is happening today.
All you've shown here is that your dad wasn't up to speed on what magnets could do.
Or given to making claims he couldn't support.

AND! We are not radios and a radio receiver is not a human brain. How ridiculous are going to be?
Right. So what sort of signals are you talking about?
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pretty much? Really?

Yes, really. There are four known fundamental forces in physics: electromagnetism, the two nuclear forces and gravity. That's it. Everything we can see in the world around us can be explained by one or more of these forces.

If you believe in telepathy then you have a few ways you can try to explain it:

1. Telepathy is an electromagnetic phenomenon.
2. Telepathy is a gravitational phenomenon.
3. Telepathy is associated with the weak or strong nuclear force.
4. Telepathy requires a fifth, previously unknown physical interaction.
5. Telepathy doesn't exist.

Before jumping to explanation 4, better make damn sure you've ruled out the other explanations. Start by ruling out number 5, then move on and deal with 1-3. That leaves only 4.

Note that I've given you a good reason to rule out explanation 1. I also have good reasons to suspect that 5 is the true explanation.

100 years ago people would have scoffed at many scientific discoveries, and I have personally had it with flat earth nuts like that.

New scientific discoveries are usually quickly verified by independent researchers. They do not hang around for a century or more without verification. A discovery like x-rays was totally unexpected at the time. The idea that somebody might be able to take a photo of the bones inside your hand without cutting into your hand was scoffed at. Until Roentgen showed people his photos and demonstrated the process. After that, nobody scoffed any more. The proof was clear. The methods could be duplicated. The scientific community quickly came to believe in x-rays.

If you are not interested, just shut up and get out of the way, you don't know, I don't know, and neither does anyone else.

If I wasn't interested, I wouldn't be posting in this thread, believe me.

As for the rest of your post, you should have given up trying to sound authoritive long ago, you just look like a jerk at this point.

Why? Because I dare to question the existence of telepathy? Because I dare to disagree with your personal belief in it?

Are you finding my questions inconvenient? Perhaps you'd rather if I just said "I agree with everything you say, begin1910. Telepathy undoubtedly exists. Most likely you're telepathic yourself. You have a lovely aura." Or something like that?

Do you want an honest discussion, or do you just want people to agree with you, flatter you and admire how special you are with your special powers?

For anyone interested, electrical cycles DO create frequencies, humans can HEAR electrical cycles in machinery, duh, this is where this SCIENCE is headed, no matter what any nutjob here wants you to believe.

I wrote before that electrical cycles have frequencies. There's no disagreement about that.

If those frequencies create vibrations in machinery, then the machinery can, under some circumstance, make a noise like a hum. Nobody disputes that, either. There's nothing telepathic about humming machinery.

I am not sure how you survive in all this negativity, but there are people trying to discover the cause. Hang in there.

You should try to confirm an effort before you rush off looking for causes. If telepathy doesn't work, there's no point looking for what causes it. You'll waste your time looking for the cause of something that doesn't exist.

So, step 1 is to prove that the effects of telepathy are real. How? A good way is to use a double-blind scientific test like the ones Randi uses. You can do those yourself to make sure you're not deluding yourself.

btw james, when I was 15 I speculated on magnets to my dad, who is an engineer, much of what he told me was impossible, is happening today.

Like what?

Get a grip on your ego.

I really don't see how my ego is relevant here. All I'm doing is telling you some facts that you seem to prefer not to hear.

AND! We are not radios and a radio receiver is not a human brain. How ridiculous are going to be?

So do you agree with me that telepathy can't be an electromagnetic phenomenon?
1. Telepathy is an electromagnetic phenomenon.
2. Telepathy is a gravitational phenomenon.
3. Telepathy is associated with the weak or strong nuclear force.
4. Telepathy requires a fifth, previously unknown physical interaction.
5. Telepathy doesn't exist.
i have good reason to suspect it does exist.
one word, biofeedback.
this seems to imply an electromagnetic property.

another reason is an EKG. these can be recorded outside the skull which again implies an electromagnetic property.

but then again randi still has his money.
i have good reason to suspect it does exist.
one word, biofeedback.
this seems to imply an electromagnetic property.

another reason is an EKG. these can be recorded outside the skull which again implies an electromagnetic property.

but then again randi still has his money.

Randi would want someone to walk in and claim it's possible without any scientific equipment manipulating the effect (In fact having a lab working on generating the "effect" would undermine the prize rules to my knowledge)

To be honest though Randi's prize isn't about defining science, or pointing out what is true or not, it's really there to expose scam artists, you'll notice nowadays though the number of scammer's have been reduced in wanting to try and get the prize, dreaming up all sorts of cock and bull about how the tests are rigged.