Muslims what do they offer?

Ophiolite said:
What about the right to be covered up?

Oh the right to wear a potatoe sack over your head?

The only women who conform to this, are either brainwashed into thinking it is the will of allah, or there husband or father is forcing them, i dont see any free will rights there do you?

I dont know your gender, indeed if you have one at all, that one can put a name too.

But would you be happy walking around with a potatoe sack over your head?
If your answer is yes, then that does not say much for your level of free will or intelligence, does it, which might explain much about you, i suppose.
Ophiolite said:
I recommend beginning with the three chapters of Gibbon in The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire devoted to the Arabs and Islam. Gibbon was no fan of the Arabs, so his positive words with regard to their achievements may carry some weight with you.
The relevant chapters are 50-53. The first two of these provide background and are worth reading just to savour Gibbon's wonderful style. The third chapter specifically addresses Arabic achievements in the Arts and Sciences. You will find Gibbon is typically scathing of some and heaps fulsome praise on others.

I have found an online version and have copied/pasted those chapters into a word document, resulting in 278 pages. Forgive me if I take some time to digest.
vincent28uk said:
The only women who conform to this, are either brainwashed into thinking it is the will of allah, or there husband or father is forcing them, i dont see any free will rights there do you?
You've spoken to them all, have you?
Vincent, I wish you would consider the following possibilities:
1) Infantile humour becomes tiresome after a while.
2) You undermine the tiny piece of validity that might be present in some of your positions by the total lack of logic or debating skill.
3) You may be spending too much time down Patpong Road.
Possumking said:
Muslims were the pioneers in medicine, astronomy, and learning a long, long time ago.

yes they were, but you have to remember that Islam burnt over two thousand scrolls that "were not fit to worship Allah". the Muslum advances in those sciences ended somewhere about the 15th century. If Islam had continued in those sciences, then why is most of the Islamic World living like a second or third world nation.
Scrolls such as:
1. Negative square roots
2. other mathematical treatices
3. Other scrolls not "praising Allah"

Questions one must ask
1. Why does not the Islamic world not have a Space agency (one that actually launches a rocked [without the express purpose of killing infidels]?
2. Why does the Islamic world depend upon "infidel" inventions in order to maintain thier states?
3. If the West were to immidiately stop all this technology, would not the Islamic World return to the 15th century or less?

Let us now expand upon that thought. Let us name the following items and thier origin:

1. AK47 - Russia
2. RPG7 - Russia
3. Oil Rigs - United States of America
4. Cars - !not an islamic invention! - multi-national
5. Central heating/cooling - !not an islamic invention! - multinational
6. Jet planes -
a. United States Of America
b. Russia and the former Soviet Union
c. China
d. Cuba

This list is not complete and I can go on forever. the point is that once the Islamic hold on science stagnated, that world became stuck in the 15th centuru or less.
If you were to account for this, then you could say, "if it were not for "infidels, athiests [worse then infidels], or Communism, the Islamic World would still be nothing more then beduine camel jockeys crossing the desert."
It was the west "infidels", athiests "Former Soviet Union", and Communists that made the current and "modern" Islamic world. With out these leaps, the Islamic world would still be in the 15th century or less. in fact, one person said, "the Modern Islamic mind is nothing more than a 15th Century mind trapped in the 21st Century."

The Islamic world's leadership in those sciences stagnated during the crusades and the the Rennesance (excuse the spelling). the 15th Century saw the emergence of the Western mind and it's longing for information. This period also saw advanced in science since the Islamic time.