Muslims what do they offer?

geeser said:
muslims stole most of there ideas, spoils of war, etc. "
Assinine prat. So, when atheists develop concepts on a foundation of previous investigations and discoveries they are conducting research. When muslims do the same thing they are stealing.

Please take your small minded, ill conceived, basless prejudice back to the gutter where it belongs.
ophiolite said:
when atheists develop concepts on a foundation of previous investigations and discoveries they are conducting research
I'm interested as to what research atheist have done, and about what, apart from studying religious books, I cant think of anything else.

I was one of these muslims, born in turkey brought up in england from the age of five, we were fed this junk from day one, muslims are the best, mohammed is the best, allah is the best etc, anything they could take credit for they did, we had the first written language, we were the first astronomers, the first in mathmatics etc, we were even told our religion came before hebrew and christianity, yes the are some scholarly muslims, yes we may of developed somethings for the better but theres is not much if anything we've actually invented.
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Ophiolite said:
Assinine prat. So, when atheists develop concepts on a foundation of previous investigations and discoveries they are conducting research. When muslims do the same thing they are stealing.

Please take your small minded, ill conceived, basless prejudice back to the gutter where it belongs.
oh yes I can be a silly prat, but not regarding this.
what research do atheist do, other than study religion.?
what countries have atheist conquered.?

I dont have an ounce of prejudice, only stating facts, hell even the xians stole inventions, now if the original question was "man what does he offer" then I would be singing is glory, the thread is "muslims what do they offer" not sikhs, not buddhist, not hindus, not xians, not any other religion.
no religion can take credit for mans achievements, man advanced because of man not because of religion.

if I had some prejudice, I would take it back to the gutter.
if your upset with me in future, read the thread title it may help.
Most, if not all, contributions were made based on translations of Greek and Egyptian texts, most were mathematical and some astronomical.

Of course, we're still waiting for the contribution that supports the Split-Moon Model.
kenworth said:
superb facial hair.


Ophiolite said:
Assinine prat. So, when atheists develop concepts on a foundation of previous investigations and discoveries they are conducting research. When muslims do the same thing they are stealing.

Please take your small minded, ill conceived, basless prejudice back to the gutter where it belongs.

I completely agree, it is baseless to deny that Muslims didn't contribute to the growth of world civilization. People need to learn that Muslims had made great strides in the sciences and were responsible for directly influencing the european renaissance. Musims did respect and study ancient knowledge of civilizations like Indian, Egyptian, Greek, Roman, and Chinese, however Muslims were not only responsible for archiving and bringing various discoveries together but Muslims expanded on this knowledge and taught many Europeans, many of whom became the early founders of the European renaissance. At the height of Islamic rule, Muslims were the foremost in technology, but since the end of the Ottoman Empire we have been in a Dark Ages and lack of scientific achievement due to no central leadership and also european colonization and massacres of our most intelligent scholars during the colonial period.

There are great Muslim scientists in many fields, especially medicine and science in this age. I have heard the top brain surgeon in the world is an Iranian who lives in USA. Muslims have been very active in medicinal discovery and profession even today.

An Islamic school of brain surgery also flourished from 800 to 1200 A.D., the height of Islamic influence in the world. Abu Bekr Muhammed el Razi, who lived from 852 to 932 in the Common Era, was perhaps the greatest of Islamic brain srugeons. A second Islamic brain surgeon, Abu l'Qluasim Khalaf, lived and practiced in Cordoba, Spain, and was one of the great influences on western brain surgery.

DiamondHearts said:
People need to learn that Muslims had made great strides in the sciences and were responsible for directly influencing the european renaissance.

And anyone can find these marvelous fabrications at any Islamic website.
Clearly you are knowledgeable in this area. Therefore I await references from you to learned works which explicitly or implicitly demonstrate Islamic scholars had no significant impact upon the Renaissance.
Is there anything other than what's on an Islamic website that demonstrates they did?
Ophiolite said:
Clearly you are knowledgeable in this area. Therefore I await references from you to learned works which explicitly or implicitly demonstrate Islamic scholars had no significant impact upon the Renaissance.


Western civilization was profoundly influenced by the rapid rise and expansion of Islam from the 7th until the 15th century. By 732, 100 years after the death of Muhammad, Islam had expanded from western Asia throughout all of northern Africa, across the straits of Gibraltar into Spain, and into France, reaching Tours, halfway from the Pyrenees to Paris. Muslim Spain rapidly became one of the most advanced civilizations of the period, where much of the learning of the past—Oriental, Greek, and Roman—was preserved and further developed. In particular, Greek and Latin scholarship was collected in great libraries in the splendid cities of Córdoba, Sevilla (Seville), Granada, and Toledo, which became major centres of advanced scholarship, especially in the practical arts of medicine and architecture.

Inevitably, scholarship in the adjacent Frankish, and subsequent French, kingdom was influenced, leading to a revitalization of western Christian scholarship, which had long been dormant as a result of the barbarian migrations. The doctrines of Aristotle, which had been assiduously cultivated by the Muslims, were especially influential for their emphasis on the role of reason in human affairs and on the importance of the study of humankind in the present, as distinct from the earlier Christian preoccupation with the cultivation of faith as essential for the future life. Thus, Muslim learning helped to usher in the new phase in education known as humanism, which first took definite form in the 12th century.'s%20Influence%20on%20the%20World.htm astronomy.htm

DiamondHearts said:

From the above link:

"The Islamic influence contributed to the development of glassblowing, arguably the single most important innovation in the history of vessel glass manufacture, invented by the Syrian glassmakers of the Roman Empire.

The origins of fine Italian glass, or cristallo, can be traced back to the 10th century, when glassmakers in Asia Minor and the Middle East created the first luxury glass since antiquity. These craftsmen used ancient Roman techniques such as enamel painting and gilding, which they may have either revived or rediscovered independently."

From the above link:

"Getty curator Catherine Hess explains (in a video clip) how the exhibit was born from the realization that Islamic art forms and the technology used for their development were "entirely responsible" for the development of glass and luster painted ceramics in Renaissance Italy. The earliest objects in the show date from 9th century and originated in Syria and Iraq where the technologies of ancient Egypt and Rome were rediscovered."

From the above link:

"The Arabs built their physics upon Aristotle... Al-Haitham began with the Optics of Euclid and studies of refraction by Ptolemy... In his Process of Calculation, Al-Kharazmi used the word al jabr, meaning compulsion , for the first time.
Algebra, cultivated by the Muslims, had its roots in Greek and
Indian mathematics. This union of Greek and Indian
mathematics began in the ninth century with the work of Al-
In the tenth century, the Arabs translated further Greek
mathematics into Arabic, and came up with some elaborations
of their own."

I removed the religious links as they did not agree with the links above, but were instead geared towards the same propaganda spouted by Diamondhearts.

And it also appears the links provided by Diamondhearts only served to undermine Diamondhearts propaganda and supported the view that Islamic scholars contributed some mathematics and astronomy, as was already noted.

Sorry to burst your bubble once again Diamondhearts, but I'm sure you'll simply ignore the facts YOU presented.
Hello brick wall. Delighted to make your acquaintance. I hope you wont be offended if I don't waste any more time talking to you. Thank you.
Ophiolite said:
Hello brick wall. Delighted to make your acquaintance. I hope you wont be offended if I don't waste any more time talking to you. Thank you.

I suppose it is now my turn to remind you of the quote option. To whom do you refer?
The previous post and your good self.
I am amazed and saddened to see one who I thought not only capable of objective thought, but also routinely a practioner of it, falling into such a biased, distorted take on Islamic achievements.
Ophiolite said:
Assinine prat. So, when atheists develop concepts on a foundation of previous investigations and discoveries they are conducting research. When muslims do the same thing they are stealing.

Please take your small minded, ill conceived, basless prejudice back to the gutter where it belongs.

"Muslims what do they offer?"

Most stupidest thread title award, must go to this one.

You tell me, what they offer, after you have thought about it, and tried without sucess to find any answers, you will have your answer?

I will tell you what they dont offer, and never have, not one invention to further mankind, not one vaccine or medicine to heal the sick, fact not fiction.

The only thing they offer is a filthy black liquid called oil, but at a price 70 dollars a barrel, to destroy the world with pollution.

Do they offer religous harmony, NO.
Are they in control of there violent emotions over religon, NO.

So what are the + & - of islam in the world, well there is nothing on the plus side to say, please enlighten me otherwise, if after a decade of research you find something.

Kebabs, & a very violent religon is this the extent of what they offer us?

Hundreds dead this week, in another & ongoing daily feast of bombs, attacks this week in countries that i know about, pakistan,thailand, india, egypt 3 churches attacked, iraq, afganistan, i have no doubt there is possibly another 10 or more countries to be added here this week, but i am afraid i grow tired of reading of muslim miltants on the rampage, i have excepted it as the norm of this religon.
Ophiolite, you are an assemblage of mafic and ultramafic lavas and hypabyssal rocks, & thats all you will ever amount to.
I was in this museum (either the Ontario Science centre or the ROM..or both) and I saw a lot about how muslims/arabs helped with medical advancement back in the day. I was also at Mcgill university and they had in the Medical library a special section with really old books on Medical history. The guy taking care of the place decided to tell us about it, and I'm pretty sure he mentioned Muslims in the history stuff he was saying, and some of the text I saw was difinatly arabic-ish. <---though I'm not totally sure, it was a while ago.
Ophiolite said:
The previous post and your good self.
I am amazed and saddened to see one who I thought not only capable of objective thought, but also routinely a practioner of it, falling into such a biased, distorted take on Islamic achievements.

Sorry to have not met your expectations. Perhaps you are correct and I have merely given way to argue Diamondhearts views adamantly and without objective thought.

If it takes you to shake my head a bit, then I will resign myself to further explore the Islamic achievements you refer. Therefore, I ask that you steer me in the right direction as I abhor the biased and the distorted.
vincent28uk said:
Ophiolite, you are an assemblage of mafic and ultramafic lavas and hypabyssal rocks, & thats all you will ever amount to.
In other words, the foundation of all continents and oceans. Thank you for your compliment.
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