Muslims what do they offer?

Harmonic_Subset said:

That is the biggest laugh, i have ever had in this forum, it about sums up how backward this religon is, where women are treated like the elaphant man, john hurts face was covered to in the movie.

I bow to you, no i kneel to you, for your humour, and insight into this religon, i am against women being treat as doormats, or cattle, or for being looked upon, as though they are the elephant man.

Believe it or not i have nothing against, any religons, but i detest religous violence, and women being treated as second class citizens, so i am against islam until they grow out of this madness, if thats possible.
Ophiolite said:
In other words, the foundation of all continents and oceans. Thank you for your compliment.

I see being a geologist, you ignored my response as to what muslims, have brought to this world other than kebabs, and our pollution & worlds downfall oil.

What i am asking is to get out of the rock sediment, you are encased in, and focus in on reality, i dont give a fuck about racism or facism, it means nothing to me, what i do care about is religous violence, that is a insult to every fibre of my being, i care about women not being given the same rights 100% under there religon, thats what is important to me, not the UK or anything else, humans come first, we are all fucking equal regardless of sex or religon, something islam can not or will not accept....
Ophiolite said:
The previous post and your good self.
I am amazed and saddened to see one who I thought not only capable of objective thought, but also routinely a practioner of it, falling into such a biased, distorted take on Islamic achievements.

Or perhaps you're too pro-Islam?
Gordon said:

So you believe that the geocentric concepts of Aristotle (atheist) were more advanced scientifically than the ideas of Newton (Christian) or Galileo (also Christian).
Maybe not Aristotle. But Aristotle was was born in 384 BC, Galileo in 1564, and Newton in 1643. That’s a difference of almost 2000 year.

However I do think that Archimedes (also born about 2 millenia before Galileo and Newton) was the more cleverer of the three (my opinion). Perhaps one of the most clever persons that ever lived. Ever see the Antikythera mechanism? Bloody amazing! Nothing had come close to its complexity in nearly 2000 years!

A reconstruction was made in 2002 by Michael Wright, mechanical engineering curator for the Science Museum in London, working with Allan Bromley. He analyzed the mechanism using linear tomography, which can create images of a narrow focal plane and thus visualized the gears in great detail. In Wright's reconstruction, the device not only models the motions of the sun and moon, but those of every celestial body known to the Ancient Greeks: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.

How does this fit with the Muslim Thread?

“Such devices are mentioned elsewhere as well. It also adds support to the idea that there was an ancient Greek tradition of complex mechanical technology which was transmitted via the Arab world, where similar, but simpler, devices are found later

Like I said, the Muslims built on what was already there, just as everyone else had. In some cases ther made improvements and in other (such as the above device) they couldn't even match what had come over a 1000 years before.

Gordon said:
I would have said that the most rapid period of technological and scientific advance was the 19th. Century through to the beginning of the 20th. and a vast amount of that was by Christians.
Actually major advances in technology occurred during the period called the Renaissance, the Renaissance was directly preceded by a period called the Dark Ages (or Middle Ages).

- The Roman and Greek Empires were much more advanced than most people realize.
- Then Christianity enveloped Europe and we have a period that is referred to as the Dark Ages – a Church controlled Europe stagnated.
- Then there is the Renaissance, a time when the Church was finally removed from power – THIS is when scientific progress took off.

I think you’ll agree your Galileo example fits in nicely.


PS: Most scientists and great thinks from ancient Greece till now are and were atheists.
Crunchy Cat said:
They have been excellent behavioral specimens of socioeconomic discord tempered by micro-managed philosophy. In short they are the poster children for what happens when viral belief, poor education, and inability to adapt come together.

The amount of knowledge concerning "what not to do" coming from them is quite impressive and IMO this is an immense contribution to the world.
WOW the glass is half full!

DiamondHearts said:
Muslims were responsible for the major advancements in medicinal technology, and the popularizing of many herbal remedies and synthesis of medicines. Muslims were the first to measure the Earth's diameter fairly accurately.
Simply put, pull your head out of the sand, buy a book, open it, try to learn something.

(276 BC - 194 BC) was a Hellenistic mathematician, geographer and astronomer. Eratosthenes' measured the circumfrance of the earth at 252,000 stadia, a value that corresponds to 39,690 km. The Earths circumphrance is around 40,008 km.

Now for the typical DiamondHearts responce (as I can imagine it): Well, Eratosthenes, much like Alexander the Great (Surah 18:89-98 also known as Zol Qarnayn), was also Great Muslim living in Ancient Greece and Egypt and … … … … …

Oh, and incidentally, if you actually read a little about Al-Khawarizmi’s life you’d know he made his living initially translating Classic Greek mathematical works into Arabic, he also may have lived in Egypt for a period, was born almost 1000 years later and built his theories based on classical mathematics. Do you even know why he is considered the father of algebra?

Pull your finger out,

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Michael said:
well actually the Kebab predates Islam!

Michael, are you saying they did not invent the kebab?

I read your link, i am more than willing to accept that muslims are indeed the inventors of this awesome discovery.

What i would like to know is what are there contributions too technology & medicine, i am afraid i can not find one.

After thousands of years, what have 1 billion people done to further mankind, a kebab or a persian carpet, really does not cut it for me.

The only inventions that they claim as there own, can be dismissed as outright lies, mostly on muslim propaganda websites, or geocities sites.

By the way michael, which one of the many beutiful girls above, would you consider wife material, i quite like frogh who lives in a tent, her beuty shines through her burqa.
vincent28uk said:
What i am asking is to get out of the rock sediment, you are encased in, and focus in on reality, i dont give a fuck about racism or facism, it means nothing to me, what i do care about is religous violence, that is a insult to every fibre of my being, etc....
I am addressing the contributions of Islam to global knowledge in the past. That is the aspect of this thread that interests me.
s0meguy said:
Or perhaps you're too pro-Islam?
Or perhaps not. I am entirely neutral in regard to Islam. I am wholly opposed to the distorted, myopic, corrupt and mysogonist interpretations followed by some Muslims today. I place the House of Saud at the top of that list. Saudi Arabia is the one country on this planet I steadfastly refuse to visit, for that reason.
(Q) said:
Therefore, I ask that you steer me in the right direction as I abhor the biased and the distorted.
I recommend beginning with the three chapters of Gibbon in The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire devoted to the Arabs and Islam. Gibbon was no fan of the Arabs, so his positive words with regard to their achievements may carry some weight with you.
The relevant chapters are 50-53. The first two of these provide background and are worth reading just to savour Gibbon's wonderful style. The third chapter specifically addresses Arabic achievements in the Arts and Sciences. You will find Gibbon is typically scathing of some and heaps fulsome praise on others.
Michael said:
Actually major advances in technology occurred during the period called the Renaissance, the Renaissance was directly preceded by a period called the Dark Ages (or Middle Ages).
That was the Dark Ages in Europe. It was not the Dark Ages in the Islamic world. Quite the contrary. You should at least concede the preservation of much ancient knowledge by the Arabs while Europe (bar Moorish Spain) languished in filth and ignorance. In a reversal of that contrast today is the heart of the Dark Ages for Islam.

DiamondHearts said:
Muslims were the first to measure the Earth's diameter fairly accurately.
I only just noticed this glaring nonsense, courtesy of Michael. Can I strongly suggest DH if you are espousing an unpopular view (which for some obscure reason Islamic contrinutions to the wolrd apparently are) that you be meticulous in your claims and their verification. This stupid statement brings into question each and every other statement you have made. I object to having a position which I hold, superficially undermined (if I may use a metaphorical oxymoron) by the thoughtlessness of someone who is meant to be on the same side. Please be more careful in future.

{Michael, while Erastothenes generally takes the credit for this, he almost certainly picked up the knowledge from the Egyptians. }
Ophiolite said:
I am addressing the contributions of Islam to global knowledge in the past. That is the aspect of this thread that interests me.

Which is what?

How to make a kebab, or a persian carpet?

There are no vaccines or medicines or antibiotics, or technology, ever invented by any muslim, what your saying there contributions are speaking on the subjects, any fool can speak, it takes intelligence to invent.
Ophiolite said:
Can I strongly suggest DH if you are espousing an unpopular view (which for some obscure reason Islamic contrinutions to the wolrd apparently are) that you be meticulous in your claims and their verification. This stupid statement brings into question each and every other statement you have made.

I was under the impression, the end product of anything is the verification, or are you saying if someone invents something in japan a vaccine, and a muslim claims this vaccine as there invention months later, we should not be meticulous in this matter, and let the muslim claim the glory because it is politically correct to do so.

Hear say & people speaking on inventions, does not make you the genius behind the invention, any fool can say after someone invented something, oh i was doing the same work too.
Your response makes no contact with my remarks in any sensible way that I can see. Reread what I have written. If you are still having difficulty with comprehension I shall happily rephrase.
O, I'll rephrase anyway. I was telling DH to get his facts right. He posted a foolish claim about Muslims making the first accurate measurement of the Earth. I suggested he check his 'facts' before posting them. Was that so difficult to understand?
Ophiolite said:
What have you invented Vincent?

British Inventions A-Z
The following British inventions are defined as having been made in the United Kingdom or made by a person of British citizenship. We are placing together inventors of English, Irish, Scottish and Welsh origins (pardon to those of you belonging to separatists movements.) It should also be noted that the British inventions named will include inventions that have been invented in other nations i.e. computers, cars, or steam power and are not necessarily exclusives or firsts. This list is far from complete (suggestions welcome).
Anemometer - Robert Hooke
Disc Brakes - Frederick William Lanchester
Tin Can - Peter Durand
Cat Eyes - Percy Shaw
Portland Cement - Joseph Aspdin Cordite - Sir James Dewar, Sir Frederick Abel
Corkscrews - H.S. Heeley
Crossword Puzzles - Arthur Wynne
Depth Charges Diving Equipment/Scuba Gear - John Smeaton, William James, Henry Fleuss
EKG (Underlying Principles) - Various
Electric Motor - Michael Faraday Electromagnet - William Sturgeon
Fax Machine - Alexander Bain
Gas Mask -John Tyndall and others
Dew-point Hygrometer - John Frederic Daniell Holography - Dennis G·bor
Internal Combustion Engine - Samuel Brown
Jet Engines - Sir Frank Whittle Kelvin Scale - Lord William Thomson Kelvin
Metal Lathe - Henry Maudslay invented the first in 1797.
Lawn Mower - Edwin Beard Budding
Lightbulbs - Humphry Davy, Sir Joseph Wilson Swan, James Bowman Lindsay Locomotive - Richard Trevithick
Power Loom - Edmund Cartwright
Little Nipper Mousetrap - James Henry Atkinson

Penicillin - Alexander Fleming
Penny Farthing - James Starley
Periodic Table - John Newlands Periscope - Sir Howard Grubb
Polyester - John Rex Whinfield and James Tennant Dickson
Puckle Gun*- John Puckle
Radar Locating of Aircraft - Sir Robert Alexander Watson-Watt
Radio (Underlying Principles) - James Clerk Maxwell Rubber Bands - Stephen Perry
Rubber Masticator - Thomas Hancock
Seed Drill - Jethro Tull
Seismometer - James Forbes
Seismograph - John Milne, Sir James Alfred Ewing, Thomas Gray
Sewing Machines - Thomas Saint
Shrapnel - Henry Shrapnel
Steam Engine - Thomas Savery, Thomas Newcomen, James Watt Steel Production - Sir Henry Bessemer
Submarine - William Bourne,*
Spinning Jenny - James Hargreaves
Spinning Frame - Richard Arkwright
Spinning Mule - Samuel Crompton
Television - John Logie Baird
Thermos - Sir James Dewar Toilet Paper - British Perforated Paper Company
Torpedo - Robert Whitehead 1866*
Umbrella (steel-ribbed) - Samuel Fox
Universal Joint - Robert Hooke (also Iris Diaphragm, Balance Spring) Vacuum Cleaner - Hubert Cecil Booth
Viagra - Peter Dunn, Albert Wood, Dr Nicholas Terrett
Wacky Inventions - Arthur Paul Pedrick
Waterproof Fabric - Charles Macintosh World Wide Web - Tim Berners-Lee

As a small country of only 60 million, that is our contribution to the world, i have never said i invented anything, 60 million people & all these inventions, now 1 billion muslims, what on earth have they been doing for thousands of years, besides praying?

It seems muslims are living off the backs of all of western people, our medicines, our technology, what on earth would they have today if infidels were not about, well kebabs, persian carpets.

When bird flu kicks off, just who do you think will develop a vaccine, the muslim world?

No they wont, but they will be looking to our scientists & medicines, for the cure.
Ophiolite said:
O, I'll rephrase anyway. I was telling DH to get his facts right. He posted a foolish claim about Muslims making the first accurate measurement of the Earth. I suggested he check his 'facts' before posting them. Was that so difficult to understand?

May i suggest if you have trouble phrasing things in the correct way the first time, in a coherent manner, in which we all can understand, then you submit your posts to me first by private messaging, so i can proof read them & edit out any mumbo jumbo, then return a more coherent post to you, so you can post that to sci forums instead.

I will wait for your first private message, to be proof read, regards Sir Vincent First Knight of her majesties round table.....
Great! (Drips sarcasm). Shall I make a list of all the inventions and discoveries made by Scots and demonstrate that on a per capita basis they outstrip the rest of the world, unless some bastard from Andorra once got a Nobel Prize?

I asked if you had invented anything. You haven't. In your own words - any fool can speak. It takes intelligence to invent.
Ophiolite said:
Great! (Drips sarcasm). Shall I make a list of all the inventions and discoveries made by Scots and demonstrate that on a per capita basis they outstrip the rest of the world, unless some bastard from Andorra once got a Nobel Prize?

I asked if you had invented anything. You haven't. In your own words - any fool can speak. It takes intelligence to invent.

You are bi-passing the system i have set up for you, i have cleared my inbox, so i can proof read your posts first, if you insist on posting mumbo jumbo, how on earth can i present you as a coherent, intelligent member of sci forums.

The scots are british, there part of the uk, they are not a distant island, and scotland is a awesome countryside, perfect to think & invent things.

If i invented anything or any poster here did, do you think they would be posting here, they would be getting there brains shagged senseless in bangkok like i am.

Remember Sir Vincent, the First knight of Her Majesties, Round Table awaits, your first private message, for proof reading.
vincent28uk said:
how on earth can i present you as a coherent, intelligent member of sci forums.
By continuing to disagree with everything I say. That will convince all but the congenitally disadvantaged.