Muslims what do they offer?

Ophiolite said:
By continuing to disagree with everything I say. That will convince all but the congenitally disadvantaged.

Ophiolite what can you offer me?

Sex, intelligent conversation, role playing, bondage, here is my mobile number, and we can discuss this more +66-69043246, my name is Sir Vincent, but you will be allowed to address me as Sir, only on the phone.
Ophiolite said:
By continuing to disagree with everything I say. That will convince all but the congenitally disadvantaged.

You've got that more than right, Ophiolite. Little vinnie, get a clue. For once in your life, get a clue.
Cottontop3000 said:
You've got that more than right, Ophiolite. Little vinnie, get a clue. For once in your life, get a clue.

Oh bambi's back, who have you not threatened in sci forums yet?
The girl scout with a white mustang parked in front of your house?

I hear sly stallone no doubt your hero, is making yet another rocky & another rambo film, christ you talk about flogging a dead horse, are you sly's speach coach, cotton by chance.
Ophiolite said:
That was the Dark Ages in Europe. It was not the Dark Ages in the Islamic world. Quite the contrary. You should at least concede the preservation of much ancient knowledge by the Arabs while Europe (bar Moorish Spain) languished in filth and ignorance. In a reversal of that contrast today is the heart of the Dark Ages for Islam.
Yes I agree. However, I must wonder, if not for their conquest wouldn't the Byzantine have done just the same?
It is a valid question Michael, which I am ill prepared to answer.

Cottontop - do you have any pictures of the girl scout with the white Mustang? ;) Vincent has got me all in a tizzy at the thought of her. :)
Just out of curiosity what race are muslims Diamond?

And another thing, go back to your hole you have no interest or desire to honestly discuss anything.

PS I find you offensive (my sons godfather is a homosexual and I know 3 apostates)
Saying that Arabs did not contribute anything to civilization and that Muslim people are living on the backs of the west are racist things to say.
DiamondHearts said:
Saying that Arabs did not contribute anything to civilization and that Muslim people are living on the backs of the west are racist things to say.

Ok then quote who said it and argue the point. Making a blanket statement like 'you are all racists' is ...well.. racist ;)
DiamondHearts said:
Saying that Arabs did not contribute anything to civilization and that Muslim people are living on the backs of the west are racist things to say.

There may be racists on this forum, Diamondhearts, and you are certainly one of them.
DiamondHearts said:
Saying that Arabs did not contribute anything to civilization and that Muslim people are living on the backs of the west are racist things to say.
I can think of one Arab who made a huge contribution - Abu Ja'far Muhammad.
Hes the guy who created Algebra and possibly also helped develop the Arabic decimal system, which we all use today, in place of Roman numerals.

Certainly one of the most brilliant minds in the history of the world.
DiamondHearts said:
and that Muslim people are living on the backs of the west are racist things to say.

Would you say that westerners were living on the backs of muslims during the wests' dark ages?
DiamondHearts said:
Saying that Arabs did not contribute anything to civilization and that Muslim people are living on the backs of the west are racist things to say.
As for me I said Arabs/Muslims contributed by building on what came before. Things progressed at about the same pace as before Islam, after Islam. What is racist in that statement?

Also, I don’t believe in Race, the term holds little meaning now a days.

That said, to me the Atheistic Greeks were the true philosophers of antiquity and the superstitious Romans the engineers.

And as for the Middle East I really like this Syrian guy I have been reading about:
Abu 'alaa' Ahmed ibn Abd Allah ibn Sullaiman al-Tanookhy al-Ma'arri

He appears to be a great Islamic Atheist. Here are some of his sayings:

"The inhabitants of the earth are of two sorts:
Those with brains, but no religion,
And those with religion, but no brains."

"As for religion, all men unquestioningly accept the creed of their fathers out of habit, incapable of distinguishing the true from the false."

"Religion is a fable invented by the ancients, worthless except for those who exploit the credulous masses."

"Religions have only resulted in bigotry and bloodshed, with sect fighting sect, and fanatics forcing their beliefs onto people at the point of a sword. All religions are contrary to reason and sanity."

It’s a shame Muslims don’t promulgate some of these guys.

Also note, you were the person who said Muslims were the first to measure the circumference of the Earth. If I were you I’d seriously take a look into the site that posted that peace of propaganda because more than likely they are filling your head with bull shyte.

In the Great Words of the Islamic Scholar and Poet Abu'l-`Ala' al-Ma`arri:
As for religion, all men unquestioningly accept the creed of their fathers out of habit, incapable of distinguishing the true from the false."

See the brilliance in such a succinct statement? It summed you up in a few words.

You see, free-thinkers question things. Especially when the claims are fantastic. There is nothing wrong with that. Speaking of which there is a series of questions waiting for you over in yonder thread.

Ophiolite said:
Cottontop - do you have any pictures of the girl scout with the white Mustang? ;) Vincent has got me all in a tizzy at the thought of her. :)
Sadly, no. The little bitch runs off every time I try to get a picture of her.
mustafhakofi said:
If they dont stop iran soon, they will destroy the planet.
Iran doesn't have nearly that much nuclear capability. Even if they bought fuckloads of fissile material, they still will not have enough to destroy the planet. Large, wealthy, and powerful countries like the United States, France, and Russia do have those capabilities, but only if they fired all of them at once. If the US gets involved in a war with Iran, it'll probably be done with conventional weapons: naval artillery, cruise-missiles, airstrikes, blockades, and possibly invasion, but after the Iraq debacle, that's probably a last resort to bombardment. Even if the US were to decide to use nuclear weapons, we won't use enough to cause a friggin BDZ. Probably a couple strategically-located areas, i.e the capitol city and major manufacturing centers.
DiamondHearts said:
You people are really offensive and racist. Do you people have no morality and respect for other human beings?


"You people are really offensive and racist. Do you people have no morality and respect for other human beings?"

I find this picture offensive, & i would imagine all free women in the world would also do , as would any non male chauvensist pig.

"Do you people have no morality and respect for other human beings"

Judging by this picture your ilk do not no.

What is a woman to you a elephant man, to be covered up at all times.

I have seen these women looking like that in thailand & the Uk & i just look at them in disbelief.

For your info diamond this complete cover up of muslim women, is now banned & against the law in some european countries, belgium for one, and the dutch have or are putting laws in place against it.

At last some european countries are standing up for womens rights.....