Muslims what do they offer?

Continuation of astronomy which was also reflected in architecture.
Continuation of mathematical and the numeral notation system we use such as algebra.
Split cannons
Decent discussions of pulmonary circulation.
Chemical progression, alcohol, alkali .. ect

Basically Islam was really not much different in terms of Middle Eastern scientific progression than pre-Islam.

That is, the area around the Mediterranean including Greece, Egypt, Roma, Carthage, Spain, Babylon, ect… had been slowly building on previous inventions and this didn’t really cease with the advent and introduction of Islam. Remember also that India and China traded extensively so the ME was in an ideal position to be in to accumulate new information. Ex: even in Roma pre-empire it was not unusual for rich roman daughters to walk about the city wearing silk from China.

Also the ME was obsessed with moon Gods (Allah used to be represented as the moon) plus the Arabic language is actually ancient Syriac and the Islam religion is an addition to the historically established religions of Judaism and Xianity. It wasn't really much of a change on the previous way of doing things. It actually incorporated many of the Myths from the peoples around the area (Xians, Jews, Zorostrians, Arab-nature worship and what are today the Mandaeans). So really Islam is not much of a change for these guys. Therefor, one would expect the over the centuries these people would retain the previous knowledge base and add to it and that is exactly what happened.

However, the Islamic political system in practice is really just feudalism and monarchy. Which you can see today in the modern ME. The religious establishment plays a part similar to the Catholics in ancient Europe and the Sultans play the part of the Kings. During the Islamic Golden age They became too dependant on controlling coin flowing from trade between China/India and Europe. Soon after the Portuguese and Spanish find away around the ME the Islamic system completely caves inward and the wealth rapidly evaporates.

I would say that the achievements made during Islamic ME is pretty much in line with pre-Islam. That is to say it didn’t make much of a difference .... not deterring nor seriously encouraging scientific endevour.

To me, rapid scientific advancement occurred during the Greeks Golden age (most philosophers were pretty much atheist) and then again it really begins to take off in Europe after the Church is curtailed.
nothing never have, although they do like to take credit for a lot, but if you study you find they stole the ideas from the people the conquered, they only offer death now, plain and simple, to anybody or everybody, that does not follow, islam. if they dont stop iran soon, they will destroy the planet.

So you believe that the geocentric concepts of Aristotle (atheist) were more advanced scientifically than the ideas of Newton (Christian) or Gallileo (also Christian).

And before anyone says that Gallileo was in trouble with the established (Roman Catholic) church - yes he was but that was because they had adopted Aristotle's pagan version of the universe as their view rather than what scripture actually says.

I would have said that the most rapid period of technological and scientific advance was the 19th. Century through to the beginning of the 20th. and a vast amount of that was by Christians.

Arguments like this miss the point however. God's gifts for creativity be it scientific, mathematical, artistic, poetic or whatever are given to all people irrespective of their religion. God is the ultimate Creator. We are all made in His (actually technically 'their' as the word used for God is plural in the Hebrew) image so we can all create things like Him but to a lesser degree. They are merely different things from one person to another. Your religious beliefs (or lack of them) have absolutely nothing to do with it.

Now if you are addressing moral issues, that would be very different. In the UK slavery was abolished by Wilberforce, a fervent Christian, Elizabeth Fry another Christian improved our prisons, Florence Nightingale (another Christian) virtually invented modern nursing, almost all education of working class people was funded by churches as were very many hospitals etc. etc.

You can look at some atheist moral philosophies in action: Stalin, Hitler, Mao Tse Tung, Pol Pot, the list goes on and on in the 20th. century.

I find the hatred comments concerning Islam and Iran rather saddening. I presume the writer is from the USA. I regret that as a matter of simple scientific fact the country which is destroying the planet faster than anyone else is of course the USA (although the rest of us in the west are helping you along!). All US citizens would do well to remember that in accordance with US foreign policy, the CIA funded and supported Saddam Hussein in Iraq in order to combat Iran. The USA does not have a good record in its dealings with the middle east. In fact it is fair to say that US foreign policy in the last 60 years has been a complete disaster almost from beginning to end for both the USA and the rest of the world! Either your political system needs to generate people who have some understanding of and interest in world affairs or I suggest it is time to change it. All that happens at the moment is that it generates those who are really not up to the task of leading a Superpower. I have to say George Bush and his hawkish advisers in charge of the US nuclear arsenal scares me a lot more than a bit of enriched uranium in Iran!
Firstly Gordon there is a section for politics further up the page. Secondly Mustafhakofi is in fact an ex-muslim who has been made an outcast by her family for leaving islam. So mustafhakofi has more first-hand experience than you and the right to be critical. Interesting though, your knee jerk reaction was to assume she was american.
You can look at some atheist moral philosophies in action: Stalin, Hitler, Mao Tse Tung, Pol Pot, the list goes on and on in the 20th. century.

Look at what the Christians did in the crusades and manifest destiny. Hitler was supported by many christians. Also many historical leaders were christian and lead much like the Stalin, Hitler. There are evil people throughout the world. I am a christian and know atheists who are good people unlike Stalin, Mao, Hitler, etc.
Ebed El Olam

Becareful not to judge my friend, our goal is to show love that reflects Christ.
Possumking said:
Muslims were the pioneers in medicine, astronomy, and learning a long, long time ago.
what of the chinese and greeks etc. muslim stole most of there ideas, spoils of war, etc. remember muslims have only really been a force since the seventh century, a lot happened well before islam even got together. you cant really credit them with much of anything, now can you. you would have to give the same crediit to the mormons and the scientolocists, for example.
alexb123 said:
In terms of a contribution to the world what do they offer?

They have been excellent behavioral specimens of socioeconomic discord tempered by micro-managed philosophy. In short they are the poster children for what happens when viral belief, poor education, and inability to adapt come together.

The amount of knowledge concerning "what not to do" coming from them is quite impressive and IMO this is an immense contribution to the world.
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Crunchy.... Straight and on target. That was great.

In some strange quirky way they have strengthened Christian resolve. Bible prophesy is at an all time high for presumed accuracy, especially that of the end times. Contribution to the world?....Nah, I just thought I'd throw that in there.
Muslims were responsible for the major advancements in medicinal technology, and the popularizing of many herbal remedies and synthesis of medicines. Muslims were the first to measure the Earth's diameter fairly accurately. Muslims were responsible for inventing the astrolabe which led to the creation of the modern compass. Muslims in the early era of Islam were the first to popularize wind technology and expanded wind power in the world. Muslims were the first to expand on and develop new ways of irriagtion and water storage after the romans. Muslim architecture lead tot he perfection of the dome, and the magnificient mosques and buildings in the Muslim world, of which the most famous are the Masjid Al Haram, Alhambra, Taj Mahal, etc. Muslims were the first to invent soap and bathe atleast weekly as is stated in the books of Sunnah, they popularized the concept of cleanliness and bathing regularly. Islamic nations were the first to make doctors swear by an oath to serve and not disclose information on patients. Islamic education systems were the first to have specialties in many new fields of medicine and were the foundation of modern medicinal studies. Muslims were the first to argue that reason can be used to prove faith, which also influenced other religious propagandists. Muslims were responsible for inventing the cannons, and started using gunpowder in warfare. Muslims were the first to synthesize organic molecules with reactions. Muslims invented the entire concept of Algebra and also were the first to use the concept of zero in calculations. The Islamic civilizationw as the first civilization in history which agreed to the concepts all races are equal. Islam preached as a religion and earning your wage is also worship, and Muslims united the Silk road under one rulership and guaranteed the safety of the travellers. Muslims sailors sailed to various regions of the world and had already mapped asia and africa before the european's started their age of discovery of the new worlds. Muslims banks made it easy to deposit money in one area of the empire and withdraw from another, this trust was carried out by private businessment and also the Islamic government. etc...
Muslim scholars also laid the foundations of mathematics. Muslims were the first to recognize the importance of and use the zero effectively, borrowed from the Indians, bringing to Europe what is now called "Arabic numerals". Otherwise, the scientists and mathematicians of Europe would probably still be counting on their fingers or fumbling with clumsy roman numerals when analyzing data. Muhammad bin Mousa Al-Khawarizmi is considered the founder of modern algebra, and the mathematicians that followed made ever more impressive contributions. Ghiath Edden Al-Kashi, approximated pi to 16 places past the decimal point. The system know as Pascal’s triangle, which assists in factoring equations in the form of (a + b)n, was developed by Al-Karkhi, and not Louis Pascal. Later Muslim mathematicians were able to factor equations as complex as fourth degree equations; fifth degree equations are impossible to factor. (Mahmoud 137-147) The contribution of Muslim mathematicians to algebra is integral to the development of all sciences as mathematics is frequently referred to as the language of science. Newton would have had quite a difficult time quantitatively describing his laws of motion without using the algebra first implemented by the Muslims.

Medicine in Islam

Muslim Heritage

Setting the Record Straight

To name a few.

I hope this helps.

I'll repeat for you diamond.
muslims stole most of there ideas, spoils of war, etc. remember muslims have only really been a force since the seventh century, a lot happened well before islam even got together. you cant really credit them with much of anything, now can you. you would have to give the same crediit to the mormons and the scientolocists, for example.
infact if it was'nt for these war mongers the dark ages would probably never have happened, and yes I know xianity took a bad turn then but what catalyst, made xians become so fundamental. "islam"
DiamondHearts said:
Muslims were responsible for the major advancements in medicinal technology, and the popularizing of many herbal remedies and synthesis of medicines. Muslims were the first to measure the Earth's diameter fairly accurately. Muslims were responsible for inventing the astrolabe which led to the creation of the modern compass. Muslims in the early era of Islam were the first to popularize wind technology and expanded wind power in the world. Muslims were the first to expand on and develop new ways of irriagtion and water storage after the romans. Muslim architecture lead tot he perfection of the dome, and the magnificient mosques and buildings in the Muslim world, of which the most famous are the Masjid Al Haram, Alhambra, Taj Mahal, etc. Muslims were the first to invent soap and bathe atleast weekly as is stated in the books of Sunnah, they popularized the concept of cleanliness and bathing regularly. Islamic nations were the first to make doctors swear by an oath to serve and not disclose information on patients. Islamic education systems were the first to have specialties in many new fields of medicine and were the foundation of modern medicinal studies. Muslims were the first to argue that reason can be used to prove faith, which also influenced other religious propagandists. Muslims were responsible for inventing the cannons, and started using gunpowder in warfare. Muslims were the first to synthesize organic molecules with reactions. Muslims invented the entire concept of Algebra and also were the first to use the concept of zero in calculations. The Islamic civilizationw as the first civilization in history which agreed to the concepts all races are equal. Islam preached as a religion and earning your wage is also worship, and Muslims united the Silk road under one rulership and guaranteed the safety of the travellers. Muslims sailors sailed to various regions of the world and had already mapped asia and africa before the european's started their age of discovery of the new worlds. Muslims banks made it easy to deposit money in one area of the empire and withdraw from another, this trust was carried out by private businessment and also the Islamic government. etc...

Wow, according to Diamondhearts, Muslims must have invented sliced bread, too. Or perhaps, its the only thing they didn't invent.