Muslim pilot prayed instead of taking emergency action to land plane... 16 dead

So the passengers would have been better off if they land on ground instead of water? If they had landed a couple minutes earlier? He did a textbook case of crash landing, without fuel. I don't know anything about planes, but I fail to see what he could have done without fuel.

We will never know, will we? Those few minutes of panic and their stopping everything to pray, they could have done something else.. That instead of wasting valuable time praying, they could have saved everyone or no one at all.. What they did was astounding to say the least. I'll point out again..

They claimed he then opted to crash-land the plane instead trying to reach a nearby airport.

A plane without fuel can glide and have done so in the past. What those passengers should have gotten were competent pilots who were up to the task and their training. Not some pilots who started panicking and then praying before they even started to follow procedure. Yes, many did survive, but 16 died and those 16 could have maybe survived if they didn't have 2 bumbling praying fools in the cockpit.

I don't know about you, if I am in a plane and the engine's cut out, I would want and expect the pilot to be doing his or her job. And that does not include panicking, start praying before even starting to follow procedure. A good pilot follows procedure and tries to do what he can to get his plane down in one piece. A bad pilot starts panicking, starts praying and then after he's done praying, starts to follow procedure. It is the time he lost while praying that could have saved many more lives on that plane. He could have landed it at the nearby airport, or he could have slowed that plane down during the glide and saved more of his passengers. Instead, he chose to stop what he was doing and start praying.

Tell me, if it was one of your relatives who died on that plane, would you be so kind and understanding about a pilot who chose to pray instead of doing what he was meant to do (ie. fly the plane and follow procedure)?
they could have done something else

Like what? They were out of fuel, and he did land in the water. Its second guessing to think he could have glided on to a tarmac

A bad pilot starts panicking, starts praying and then after he's done praying, starts to follow procedure. It is the time he lost while praying that could have saved many more lives on that plane.

How? Its all second guessing.

Tell me, if it was one of your relatives who died on that plane, would you be so kind and understanding about a pilot who chose to pray instead of doing what he was meant to do (ie. fly the plane and follow procedure)?

I'd assume the pilot wanted to live as much as the others did. How long did he pray? one second? 15 minutes?
Like what? They were out of fuel, and he did land in the water. Its second guessing to think he could have glided on to a tarmac ...?

I agree. Its kind of like second guess the pilots who landed in the Hudson river.
But I think he did all of his praying after he landed
I agree. Its kind of like second guess the pilots who landed in the Hudson river.
But I think he did all of his praying after he landed

Sure, but would he have gone to jail if some passengers had died?

Or will he go to jail for not following emergency procedures and heading for the nearest airport?
So just because he panicked and prayed for a moment he wanted to save his soul? Couldnt have been that he just panicked right? Nah, he was aware enough to go to his religious training (A pilot with a religious training?) instead of his pilot training. So the moral of the story = bad muslim pilots...

Funny stuff
Bells, if you want the measure of S.A.M, pay attention not to what she does respond to, but what she does not.

It's not an original defensive technique, nor particularly interesting in the long run.
This is bullshit! There is no telling if attempting to crash land the plane at the airport would have ended up any better or worse. Unless they have a few physicists give their opinion that the plane could have actually landed with the nose up on the runway, I don't want to hear this crap. What kind of defense attorney did they have, jeeze.

In life or death situations, if there is a second to pause for a quick prayer, they aren't worse off.

Water is a much safer place to crash than on land.

All I can fathom is that we must be missing a ton of facts here and the spin on the article must be slanted.

Who knows.
The article is slanted? The pilot was convicted in a court of law in his own country.

Tunisian pilot jailed in Italy... Italy has a track record in recent years of treating foreigners harshly under the law. But, like a poster on the Guardian website said:

Having pilots who shout F***ing hell, what the f***'s wrong with this f***ing thing? The f***ing fuel gauge shows half f***ing full! will save countless lives.
The article is slanted: the conviction was because the pilot panicked, rather prayed.
Praying out loud... ooh, even men can talk AND do something else :)
And FWIW passengers always tend to think a plane in trouble should turn back...
Bad idea, if you're low on fuel and due to lose your engines (or have already run out) then turning will cause your airspeed to drop and reduce whatever options you have.
IM(rarelyH)O once he'd finished panicking the guy did the right thing.