Muslim pilot prayed instead of taking emergency action to land plane... 16 dead

[I'm a little bit astounded that intelligent people like you, Bells and iceaura don't see right through this sick charade.

After having a quick glance at it in my hungover state, I would have to agree with ice. There doesn't appear to be anything mentioned in that report as reported by the media about the court's findings. I would imagine such a report would give detailed descriptions if the pilot/co-pilot had panicked to such an extent as to no longer be able to actually do anything they were meant to do?

It does appear to be a bit of a witch hunt and gross misrepresentation in the courts and how they could have bought into it is beyond me. I guess the public and relatives wanted some bloodletting and bloodletting they got.

I feel thoroughly ashamed of myself right now.

I would like to reiterate however, that if it was as reported in the media, then the pilot would be in the wrong. His religion matters little to me in that regard. I didn't care if he was a Muslim, Jew, Christian or any other religion under the sun. What struck me was the reports that he ceded all control of the plane to his co-pilot to pray.

Meh. I feel embarrassed now. Note to self, next time try to find the actual incident reports instead of relying on what is said in court.:(
It's common for aviation accidents to get misunderstood like this, because most public arenas perpetuate unrealistic hollywood notions of what it's like to be in the pointy end of a misbehaving airplane. Don't be embarrassed. I apologize for lumping you together with those who easily fell into the cultural bigotry underlying this tawdry witch-hunt. Your forgivable bigotry seems limited to pilots who fly from the right side of the airplane (like I do) :p
It's common for aviation accidents to get misunderstood like this, because most public arenas perpetuate unrealistic hollywood notions of what it's like to be in the pointy end of a misbehaving airplane. Don't be embarrassed. I apologize for lumping you together with those who easily fell into the cultural bigotry underlying this tawdry witch-hunt. Your forgivable bigotry seems limited to pilots who fly from the right side of the airplane (like I do) :p

As you know, I detest flying. So a pilot who panics and then gives all control to the co-pilot because he is no longer in a fit state to fly the plane is a terrifying thought for me. That he was reported as having done it to start praying is equally as bad if he had done it to curl up in a corner of the cockpit or rushed to the loo.

His religion meant zero to me in that regard. What did matter is that the court found he failed to fulfill his responsibilities as was expected of his role. The report you posted seems to show things to be in a different light.
bells concidering your OWN opinions of the procuters in australia (which unlike alot of eroupe has the prusumption of innocence rather than guilt) im suprised you automatically trusted the courts
bells concidering your OWN opinions of the procuters in australia (which unlike alot of eroupe has the prusumption of innocence rather than guilt) im suprised you automatically trusted the courts

I would have assumed in such a case, that all avenues of investigation would have been looked at. That the court found them guilty based on the pilots calls to his God to save them in such an instance is quite astounding. The articles reporting on the case stated that the captain ceded all responsibility to the co-pilot in his panic. The report that hype posted showed otherwise. I would hope all the evidence would be looked at in the appeal's process.
i doubt it, i doubt ghat any single judge would make this sort of decision (ignoring the facts) without outside pressure probably both from above AND political. its possable the EU human rights commission would but that would depend if they had the cause to take the case
i doubt it, i doubt ghat any single judge would make this sort of decision (ignoring the facts) without outside pressure probably both from above AND political. its possable the EU human rights commission would but that would depend if they had the cause to take the case

So what exactly does that mean, Asguard? That if a court judgement doesn't go exactly the way you think it should, you denounce the court as incompetent, bias and ignorant?

And yet, if a court issues a ruling that you like, then ...what... you're happy as a lark?

Ahh, yes, all too human ....including all the biases and frailties. See why I say, consistently, that humans suck?!

Baron Max
Theres been a resurgence of extreme right wing influence in Italy lately. Gypsies and foreigners are subtly being tracked and other things seem to be going on as well. Its a strange case: the headline makes it sound as if the problem was that he prayed in an Islamic manner, while in fact the actual problem seems to be something else
Are you saying that Italians veer to the knee-jerk (goose-stepping even) right sometimes? What ever gave you that idea?
Well, it started when there was worldwide outcry about dead gypsies lying ona beach with Italians just sunbathing and not caring. Or maybe it was when they started giving money to people to have children, but when they found out they gave money to non-whites, they withrew that funding.