Muslim Marriage Contract

The news is in the UK, the Islamic scholars are from everywhere.

He was seated before a row of ulama, distinguished Islamic scholars, from Afghanistan to Yemen at the International Consultation on Islam and HIV/AIDS, organised by the charity, Islamic Relief Worldwide (IRW), in Johannesburg, South Africa, last week.

what problems have you personally had with Muslims?
- One Muslim woman refused to shake my hand.
- I was told the Qur'an was the only perfect book.
- I was told Arabic is the perfect language (God's language).
- I was told Islam is the only true religion.
- I was told Jews are a big part of the problems with society.
- I was told homosexuals are another big part of societies problems.
- I was sad to see the Japanese woman marry the Imam and now wears a burka and refuses to speak to any of her family members.
- I was sad to see the teenage girl about get sucked under a wave trying to swim in a burka at Bondi beach.
- I was told by an ex-Muslim not to debate with a Muslim student because my life could be in danger (I didn't believe this but that was strange - paranoid comes to mind).
- Living in Sydney I was dismayed at the way the3 different Pakistani Muslim gangs gang raped some teenage girls. I might have kids one day and I don't want to have to put up with this shit.
- Living in Sydney I was dismayed at the riots between Muslims and skin heads, I do like to go to the beach, why do I have to put up with that shit?
- Living in Sydney I know which clubs have problems due to Muslims Lebanese gangs.

That comes off the top of my head anyway, why do you ask?
So apart from the fact that one Muslim woman refused to shake your hand, which clearly shows she had superior judgement [like Dawkins], what personal problems have you had with Muslims?
I'm not an island SAM, I live in a social group called society. If I walk down the street and bullets are flying, even though I might not specifically be targeted, I think I can safely say I have a personal problem with it.

I don't want to live in a society where Atheism or Monotheism or Buddhism is drilled into people's heads as the ONLY correct beleif. I don't have to be a Slave or own a Slave to know Slavery is not good for my society and to know that this does personally affect me. As I said, I'm not an Island.

I'm not exactly sure what this has to do with my post? Are you suggesting that Russian, Thai, Indian, Filipino, English, Spanish, German, American, Chinese societies are NOT have a problem with the minority Muslims who live there?

I don't know about you but I can't remember religous riots between skin heads and Thai Buddhists? And there's a God damn HUGE mega Buddha on the mountain just an hour south of here. But, meh, for some reason no problems?

The parents of those Pakistani gang-rapists taught their kids (brainwashed) that Islam is the only true religion and Western girls are sluts. So the kids raped some sluts. By raped I mean, gang-raped for a few days repeatably and even went so far as to video tape it. Sick. So, I have to wait until it is my turn to be raped before it affects me? Please. We live in societies.

I think you will be happier if you stick your head back in the sand ... it's the poor British girls fault, it's the poor British girls fault, it's the poor British girls fault, it's the poor British girls fault, The Qur'an is Perfect, The Qur'an is Perfect, The Qur'an is Perfect, The Qur'an is Perfect's the poor British girls fault, it's the poor British girls fault, it's the poor British girls fault,

Wake up and smell the coffee,

What personal problems have you had with Israelite Jews? Oh, and Atheists?
So, again, what personal problems have you had with Muslims?

I don't see anything specially related to Muslims in any of your complaints.

US troops sodomise Iraqi kids to get "confessions" from their parents.

Israelis shoot rubber bullets into the eyes of four year olds.

White Christians have committed genocide wherever they have stepped on [and whoever] replacing the natives with white people.

As for your turn to be raped? Why, just ask any American, the US has the highest rape statistics of any country where such statistics are noted.
yes yes yes deflect, rewind, repeat we all know it.

So, what personal problems have you had with George W Bush II? You and he have a tiffel? How about Israelite Jews? Atheists?
Are you fricking kidding me? Have you heard yourself talking about Muslims? Thats what George Bush and the Israelis have done. Lets hear your opinion on the Sikh marriage contract, or the Hindu marriage contract. Or even the Buddhist marriage contract. What do you think of the Buddhists tearing down the statues of Dorge Shudjen? Do the Garudhammas indicate that Buddha was a sexist?
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And people will do anything to see Iraq fail. Why? It's time these people got a break.
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As you can see for yourself, the teachings of Islam need not be judged at all, but instead, simply observed for it's hard line intolerance as it's already ostracized a large group of people; gays.

Since Islam condones lying, it would ostracize another group of people who consider lying immoral.

And the list of "teachings" goes on...

First of all, Islam does not condone lying. You attempted to raise this non-issue some time back, if I recall correctly, and it blew up in your face. My post in your thread remains unanswered, by the way.

With that out of the way, I will make the remainder succinct: homosexuality is not permitted within Islam. There is absolutely no question about this issue. You can call it "ostracizing" if you like, but the fact remains: if you can't make a lifestyle sacrifice for the will of Islam, then you truly shouldn't be a Muslim. Of course, we have some people who adore these lifestyles to unhealthy levels; so much so that, in order to preserve them, they interpret the divine scriptures to suit their satisfaction. This is among the worst of crimes. Homosexuals don't deserve to be ostracized or severely punished; rather, it would be ideal to help them shed their perverse outlooks. Most of these problems involving homosexuality can be promptly dealt with prior to puberty, when many of these feelings are recognized. Pro-active solutions must be pursued.

Is homosexuality permitted under and Islamic government?

Suppose a person were raised a Muslim but renounced Islam, became apostate and decided to live their life as they wanted to, including having sex with men (or women if the person were a woman).

Well, is that permitted in a country with an Islamic government?

Lets hear your opinion on the Sikh marriage contract, or the Hindu marriage contract. Or even the Buddhist marriage contract.
Marriage contracts should not be legal in the USA or AU. If a parent is found to have forced their children into a marriage then we should do everything in our power to prevent such instances from occurring.

But, because this is usually done in ignorance, then I think the best thing would be to include a study on marriage contracts along with the religious education I was referring to so that when these kids grow up they understand that they do not have to get married to anyone other then someone of their own choice. Hopefully those that do succumb to family presser and enter into an unwanted marriage will at least see to it that it doesn't happen to their children.

What do you think of the Buddhists tearing down the statues of Dorge Shudjen?
Which Dorje Shugden statue was torn down? Who built it and where was it built? How old was it. Let me know what you are talking about and I will let you know what I think.

Buddha a Chauvinist
Firstly, it's really hard to know if Buddha was even a real person. But, I think he probably was. Although he may be a compost character as is often the case.

The question is do the majority of Buddhist think that chauvinism is something a Good Buddhist practices. If so then do the majority of Buddhists think that Buddhist scripture can be superseded.

If the answer is that Buddha thinks that chauvinism is a Good thing and that's the end of that then I think he was wrong. He may have written some lovely things, plagiarized others and lived an interesting life worth reading about but on the concept of male chauvinism he was wrong.

Man and Woman should be regarded as equals and their lives be determined by merit. Both should be given equal opportunity. Religiously, if there are Priests then there should be Nuns. If a man can work then so should a woman be given an opportunity to work. If a man can go to Uni so to should a woman be given an opportunity to go to Uni.

Women have been oppressed for since about the time of agriculture and so an enlightened person would through his actions set examples that would one day see that women are treated legally equal with men.

So then it's not only about being Muslim really.

Is polytheism permitted under an Islamic government?

Suppose a person were raised a Muslim but renounced Islam, became apostate and decided to worship multiple Gods and Goddesses.

Is that permitted in a country with an Islamic government?

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You're kidding right? Do you even know any Muslims, Hindus or Sikhs??????:eek:

Of course, you are welcome to continue to educate us about your bias. :rolleyes:

Take anyone from North India and you'll find the same attitude, but apparently in Britain, they are WORSE!

They are worse in what way ? Even if they are, we can possibly discuss them after you have addressed the issue I raised on ths thread. Aty present you are simply trying to divert attention from it, as nust be plain to anyone who reads your posts.

I report a new item I hear on the radio and that means I am biased . So would you like to censor what I hear and only report positive things about Muslims ? You are running true to form but remember that name-calling is of no value in supporting your views.

Yes . I know some Hindus and Muslims I have got to know over the years from shopping for spices. I don't just shop; I have conversations with these people, although not about religion.

All you are doing is once more avoiding the issue. Where's the problem with spending ten minutes listening to the BBC recording and telling us what you think.
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First of all, Islam does not condone lying. You attempted to raise this non-issue some time back, if I recall correctly, and it blew up in your face. My post in your thread remains unanswered, by the way.

With that out of the way, I will make the remainder succinct: homosexuality is not permitted within Islam. There is absolutely no question about this issue. You can call it "ostracizing" if you like, but the fact remains: if you can't make a lifestyle sacrifice for the will of Islam, then you truly shouldn't be a Muslim. Of course, we have some people who adore these lifestyles to unhealthy levels; so much so that, in order to preserve them, they interpret the divine scriptures to suit their satisfaction. This is among the worst of crimes. Homosexuals don't deserve to be ostracized or severely punished; rather, it would be ideal to help them shed their perverse outlooks. Most of these problems involving homosexuality can be promptly dealt with prior to puberty, when many of these feelings are recognized. Pro-active solutions must be pursued.


What planet are you living on ? All the available scientific evidence shows that homosexuality is not a choice; it's the way people are. Now, if someone is born within the Muslim community and they happen to be homosexual, what is your advice to them ?

On this issue you are at one with fundamentalist Christians and I do not consider that a point in your favour.
Marriage contracts should not be legal in the USA or AU. If a parent is found to have forced their children into a marriage then we should do everything in our power to prevent such instances from occurring.

But, because this is usually done in ignorance, then I think the best thing would be to include a study on marriage contracts along with the religious education I was referring to so that when these kids grow up they understand that they do not have to get married to anyone other then someone of their own choice. Hopefully those that do succumb to family presser and enter into an unwanted marriage will at least see to it that it doesn't happen to their children.

Which Dorje Shugden statue was torn down? Who built it and where was it built? How old was it. Let me know what you are talking about and I will let you know what I think.

Firstly, it's really hard to know if Buddha was even a real person. But, I think he probably was. Although he may be a compost character as is often the case.

The question is do the majority of Buddhist think that chauvinism is something a Good Buddhist practices. If so then do the majority of Buddhists think that Buddhist scripture can be superseded.

If the answer is that Buddha thinks that chauvinism is a Good thing and that's the end of that then I think he was wrong. He may have written some lovely things, plagiarized others and lived an interesting life worth reading about but on the concept of male chauvinism he was wrong.

Man and Woman should be regarded as equals and their lives be determined by merit. Both should be given equal opportunity. Religiously, if there are Priests then there should be Nuns. If a man can work then so should a woman be given an opportunity to work. If a man can go to Uni so to should a woman be given an opportunity to go to Uni.

Women have been oppressed for since about the time of agriculture and so an enlightened person would through his actions set examples that would one day see that women are treated legally equal with men.

Sorry SAM but you are attempting to derail thre thread.If you wantto talk about Hindus ans Sikhs, by all means start a new thread.

This thread is specifically about Muslims rejecting a marriage contract which had been discussed and debated over a period of four years. Originally supported by the Muslim Council of Britain, it has now been rejected.

Try and stay on topic and stop trying to kid us that Pakistan is a typical Muslim state; you know it is not.
Come on SAM, I'm waiting withe bated breath for your response ! Don't disappoint me !
First of all, Islam does not condone lying.

I don't know why you want continue lying about that, oh yes, I do know why. You habitually lie, is that NOT because you're religion condones it, or is it just a coincidence?

the fact remains: if you can't make a lifestyle sacrifice for the will of Islam, then you truly shouldn't be a Muslim.

The sacrifices one must make to catapult them back to the dark ages of medieval thinking are far more than just one thing. There are many such sacrifices; intellect, morality, ethics, tolerance, rationale, equality, peace, etc. But, if I was indoctrinated from childhood, I would have never had the opportunity to form and experience those traits and wouldn't know them from Adam.

Of course, we have some people who adore these lifestyles to unhealthy levels; so much so that, in order to preserve them, they interpret the divine scriptures to suit their satisfaction. This is among the worst of crimes.

Yes, we already know the pitfalls of faith and religion, no need to remind us that every single theist on the planet does exactly the same thing, that has been made evident here countless times when theists are asked about their beliefs, you included.

You've already filled us in on your desire to place Jew's heads on lances and how you'd love to punch out Dawkins, for example, to suit your satisfaction and your faith.

Homosexuals don't deserve to be ostracized or severely punished; rather, it would be ideal to help them shed their perverse outlooks. Most of these problems involving homosexuality can be promptly dealt with prior to puberty, when many of these feelings are recognized. Pro-active solutions must be pursued.

I've met plenty of gays in my life, as well as Muslims. It's not difficult to understand the differences in outlooks and which ones are sane and which perverse *hint hint*

Essentially, what you're claiming is that ones "outlook' is determined by who they sleep with.