Muslim Marriage Contract

And people in Britain are suffering? They cannot afford to feed themselves?

YES. There are millions of poor people in Britian. Poor white ones too. But they are invisible. To you, to people like Madonna who bullshit their way through another 40 million dollar concert. blah, blah, blah.
The chosen few, driving a mercedes, telling me how repressed they are. My heart bleeds for them, go by some baubles for yourself to feel better.
You seem to think the Muslim Council has any major role in Muslim society. You're too influenced by Christian religious structures. Any organisation in Muslims is only as important as they want it to be. There are thousands of such organisations floating around for every Ali, Ahmed and Majid. The question should be, why are there so many Muslims in Britain taking any of these councils seriously? I mean, why should they even care? They don't make any laws and nor are any Muslims bound by them. Wanna get married? Find yourself any imam to read the vows, get four witnesses and you're done. :shrug:

You will do anything but address the problem. Women are oppressed. They cannot marry without the consent of a father or a male relative. That equates to force in my book. Muslim men are not prepared to sign a contract stating they will not take a second or third wife.

BTW , the Muslim Council has been in existence for over ten years and it is regarded as a responsible body in religious matters.

As an atheist, I have no truck with any religious organization. As a humanist I care about others.

Your quick guide to marriage is misleading. First a woman who tried to go against her family's wishes would face reprisals. Yet again I mention that we have safe houses wher such people can hide, which is not the same thing as leading an axtice life.

Muslims live in closed communities, so it is asking a lot of a young woman to subject herself to ostracism, given her dependence on her family. The mere hint of her wanting to marry a non-Muslim would be regarded as bringing dishonour on her family and entail a severe beating. This might be accompanied by a one-way ticket to Pakistan.

Hindus and Sikhs have integrated into our society but not so the Muslims.

Yet again I ask you to listen to that programme; it will answer some of the questions you have asked me. Why not hear it from the horse's mouth ?
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YES. There are millions of poor people in Britian. Poor white ones too. But they are invisible. To you, to people like Madonna who bullshit their way through another 40 million dollar concert. blah, blah, blah.

Current estimates are that there are 2 million people living below the poverty line in Britain.
HAHAHa enjoy Myles it's all smoke and mirrors, folks blowing up schools kids in the name of allah are just as muslim as sam. Why? who's to say they aren't?
More BS. Each time we hear of these type of practices going on with Muslims, it's always un-Islamic. So, Muslims simply ignore the Quran and do what they please? Who actually follows the Quran? Anybody?

As I said, judge Islam by the teachings of Islam (Quran and hadith), not the actions of random people. If you're going to criticise, criticise those that are actually responsible for doing whatever, it is not logical to attack their religion when their religion actually condemns what they are doing.

Then, why don't Muslims follow the Quran? Isn't it perfect? Would it not fix the problems of backwards villages? Hello?

Its annoying when you play dumb. You know what I'm talking about (I sure as hell hope you do). *crosses fingers*
what is so bad about poligamy?

It only really works in a society which is constantly at war (war dead=fewer males) or with huge inequality (a few very wealthy men can absorb the natural statistical 1-2% extra females) Other than that you get a good deal of bachelor adult males a demographic that never bodes well, especially for neighboring states (research it).
As I said, judge Islam by the teachings of Islam (Quran and hadith), not the actions of random people.
What an utter crock so when you face allah on judgement day you are gonna tell him
"judge me by the teachings I read not by my actions"?
Feckin' hilarious (he'll think so too I guarantee)
Oh please, I'm a Muslim woman. IMO, if women want something done, they should just do it. Not whine about what the men won't give them. No one gives you your rights. You have to stand up and take them. I've argued Islam with the best of muftis. Its because I actually bothered to study the religion and not wait for other people to tell me what I can and cannot do.

Muslim marriage contracts are weighed heavily in favour of the woman. You MUST accept the contract [they ask you THRICE: do you agree?], can demand your dowry and refuse to finalise the marriage until it is paid, you get to keep all your money and in the event of divorce, get maintenance until you remarry. Your children get support until maturity. That beats any western court any day. If women are being cheated, they have no one but themselves to blame

I agree with a lot of that, however women should not be blamed. Muslim women are not meek and timid, that is just a stereotype, Islam gives women their rights, the Prophet Muhammad was revolutionary in the way he elevated the status of women. Its a shame that in some Muslim countries, people with a village mentality wish to conceal and hide these rights from women. Islamic education is very important, woman must know their rights.

Those women are not dumb; they are intimidated. Perhaps you would care to visit the UK and give them the benefit of your advive. Don't be surprized ,
though, when blood is shed ny those non-Muslim Muslims who cling to their interpretation of Sharia.

Surely your wonderful Islam should accord women the rights they seek.

LIsten to the programme !

Girls that are aware of their rights are not intimidated - I can assure you. When it comes to marriage alot of the pressure comes from family members, mothers and fathers, they use emotional blackmail and other such things.
HAHAHa enjoy Myles it's all smoke and mirrors, folks blowing up schools kids in the name of allah are just as muslim as sam. Why? who's to say they aren't?
M*W: S.A.M. has let her religion stifle her intellectual ability (if she even had one in the first place). That said, S.A.M. is not a good representation of a Muslim. She hates the "West" so much, I wish she would go back to her own country to live in war and poverty.
its a shame is what it is. so much to say but what would be the purpose? change is taking too long, too many suffering.
You're obviously doing something very wrong.

Sam those pics are not representative - they are two extremes. I've been to Pakistan and you don't really see that, you see girls dressed in traditional clothing. I've been to the North of England and other areas with a large Muslim pop. and have rarely seen that many women in Niqabs. Only a small percentage of Muslim women wear the Niqab in the UK, you rarely see it, seriously - though many more wear the hijab - the standard headscarf.
it is not logical to attack their religion when their religion actually condemns what they are doing.
Well as has been drilled into us there is no central decision making body in islam ( a good thing apparently) so when some random muslim says allahu akbar and cuts of some dudes head while quoting the quran or hadith and interpreting it as he sees fit he cannot be condemned because he is as right as you are and no one can tell him different. A very convenient belief system, everything goes.
I agree with a lot of that, however women should not be blamed. Muslim women are not meek and timid, that is just a stereotype, Islam gives women their rights, the Prophet Muhammad was revolutionary in the way he elevated the status of women. Its a shame that in some Muslim countries, people with a village mentality wish to conceal and hide these rights from women. Islamic education is very important, woman must know their rights.

Girls that are aware of their rights are not intimidated - I can assure you. When it comes to marriage alot of the pressure comes from family members, mothers and fathers, they use emotional blackmail and other such things.

They also use physical force. To my way of thinking, to be aware of one's rights witout bieng able to exercise them is worse than being ignorant.

Did you follow uop that BBC link I gave you ?