Muslim magazine journalists pretended to be Roman Catholics :D

It gets to that, doesn't it?

I mean when one considers the religious persecution of non-Muslims in Malaysia, the burning down of churches, the spying and the making up of rumours by journalists who work for a Government newspaper.. One has to wonder how she simply does not get it. And one also has to wonder how she can demand respect for her faith when she repeatedly shows a complete lack of respect for the faith of others.

And she just dismisses it all to 'it's just a wafer'..

It will only become more than 'just a wafer' if the victims are Muslims.
Those courses and others. As for the rest: ask your local Wahhabis.
so what do you know of the verse's meanings?

see? that's why sam is the greatest woman on sciforums, she could drive even a restless relentless one-dimensional no-windows no-side mirrors pedal-flooring barrier-crashing poster like you to stop, plug the cotton out your ears, lower the volume on your "lalalalala.." stereo, and say; "whatever"..
see? that's why sam is the greatest woman on sciforums, she could drive even a restless relentless one-dimensional no-windows no-side mirrors pedal-flooring barrier-crashing poster like you to stop, plug the cotton out your ears, lower the volume on your "lalalalala.." stereo, and say; "whatever"..

So you think that acting like you are hypocritical by evading all relevant points, acting like a bigot and a troll who is retarded and stupid, to the point where people don't want to associate or speak to you, makes you great?

Ermm.. okay.
So you think that acting like you are retarded and stupid, to the point where people don't want to associate or speak to you, makes you great?

Ermm.. okay.

i was never a fan of countering fire with fire (lol what a pun!:D), but that was mainly because i was never that good at it, while sam is very capable of intelligent argument, she's also capable of complete bigotry, and that's what you need with a fellow complete bigot, take me for example, i simply can't deal with michael, he has no trend to his behavior my brain can pick up let alone explain, other than he hates islam period, and even that isn't absolutely clear to me as in how and why and for what and other stuff, he's just slippery and doesn't get tired of repeating himself it just drives me CRAZY..

but along comes sam and delivers the knockout, BAM!.. my hero!!
while sam is very capable of intelligent argument,
Not evidenced in this and other threads of late.
she's also capable of complete bigotry
As has been evidenced in this and at least one other thread in the last couple of days.

and that's what you need with a fellow complete bigot,

How delightful. I will keep that in mind the next time she starts to demand that theists be treated better on this forum. In fact, I will be saving this thread and at least one other to remind Sam of just how hypocritical she is the next time she moans on and on about how theists are treated on this forum. And the next time she snips about how Muslims are treated on this forum or spoken to and of, I shall be here to remind her of just how she views and speaks of Christians. After all, that's what you need with a fellow bigot like Sam, correct?

take me for example, i simply can't deal with michael, he has no trend to his behavior my brain can pick up let alone explain,
Is it difficult for you to follow a cohesive debate and take part in said debate?

other than he hates islam period,
Michael hates all religions, I believe. Although he does not demand that people be jailed or threatened with arrest if one wants to change religion. Sam hates Christianity and Christians, thinking them stupid and idiotic, not to mention a few other choice terms thrown in this and another thread. Now, reading through this thread, Sam has been the only one acting the bigot. Michael hasn't really taken that much part in this discussion.

and even that isn't absolutely clear to me as in how and why and for what and other stuff, he's just slippery and doesn't get tired of repeating himself it just drives me CRAZY..
I would respond if you had made some sense..

but along comes sam and delivers the knockout, BAM!.. my hero!!

How wonderful for you.

Your hero is the forum troll who is a hypocritical, intellectually dishonest, bigot. I am sure she will be happy she has a fan.:)
i was never a fan of countering fire with fire (lol what a pun!:D), but that was mainly because i was never that good at it, while sam is very capable of intelligent argument, she's also capable of complete bigotry, and that's what you need with a fellow complete bigot, take me for example, i simply can't deal with michael, he has no trend to his behavior my brain can pick up let alone explain, other than he hates islam period, and even that isn't absolutely clear to me as in how and why and for what and other stuff, he's just slippery and doesn't get tired of repeating himself it just drives me CRAZY..

but along comes sam and delivers the knockout, BAM!.. my hero!!
Oh scifes, please.

Now, you wrote this: but, if something is right, and the rest is wrong, then laws are there to enforce that which is absolutely right

Could you explain what you meant by this and how it fits into said conversation. See, when I read this I'm starting to so overturns of racism-like ideology spilling out of that sentence.

As a Hypothetical EXAMPLE: Think about how it would be to live in a Fundamentalist Christian community where it's ILLEGAL for you to convert to Islam. Where Christians who convert to Islam are threatened, jailed and even MURDERED. And then, to justify this behavior someone (who just so happens to be Christian) says, well scifes, if something is right (the Bible), and the rest is wrong (the Qur'an), then laws are there to enforce that which is absolutely right (Christianity).

How do you think that would make YOU feel. What if your Mosque was burned to the ground for the crime of using the word Allah. Suppose the Christians, who used the word Allah to refer to the One God 600 years BEFORE Muslims, used that as their logic. We used it first - therefor you can't. See, you can't argue with logic like that. Because it isn't logical. It's illogical and bigoted. But, the Christian can't see that. Because they truly think the Bible is Perfect, the Qur'an is bullshit, and you shouldn't use the word Allah because it may trick good Christians into following you to hell.

Plain enough?
Thank you

GeoffP said:

I'm sorry: in which part of that thread was meant to be the religious condemnation? I don't recall it, but perhaps with your magical powers you can discern more, as you discern less.

Frankly, Geoff, I didn't think it required magick. Usually, with things like this, literacy suffices: #2046016/5

I'm really not aware of your or Sciforums' "longstanding traditions" on the matter, Tiassa: but holding your protege up to her own standards is certainly a tradition of mine. The question is just as offensive when she proposes it in the manner she does, which one would expect a moderator of Ethics to understand, ethically.

Funny, that. For the most part, that's what S.A.M.'s been doing to other people. And some of my colleagues are convinced that this is arguing in bad faith. Are you admitting to arguing in bad faith?

I'm sure I've asked this before, but exactly why are you the moderator of Ethics, again?

I'm sure I've said this before: I was elected.

Oh, and as it's only Muslims I apparently take to task for this issue, are you then announcing your own reversion to that faith?

How can I revert to something I've never been?
As a Hypothetical EXAMPLE: Think about how it would be to live in a Fundamentalist Christian community where it's ILLEGAL for you to convert to Islam. Where Christians who convert to Islam are threatened, jailed and even MURDERED. And then, to justify this behavior someone (who just so happens to be Christian) says, well scifes, if something is right (the Bible), and the rest is wrong (the Qur'an), then laws are there to enforce that which is absolutely right (Christianity).

How do you think that would make YOU feel. What if your Mosque was burned to the ground for the crime of using the word Allah. Suppose the Christians, who used the word Allah to refer to the One God 600 years BEFORE Muslims, used that as their logic. We used it first - therefor you can't. See, you can't argue with logic like that. Because it isn't logical. It's illogical and bigoted. But, the Christian can't see that. Because they truly think the Bible is Perfect, the Qur'an is bullshit, and you shouldn't use the word Allah because it may trick good Christians into following you to hell.

But why only religious persecution, Michael? How about, for no reason at all?

Isn't it better if you're tortured, killed, sent off to concentration camps from which you disappear for no reason at all? How about if you're stripped naked, have rods thrust up your anus, get attacked by dogs for no reason at all?

How about if you have your home demolished, your mosque blown up, your kids burned down with white phosphorus, your family disembered by drones, your Quran flushed down the toilet, for no reason at all?

How about you open the newspaper to see your son, his face a mask of death, with a pretty girl doing a thumbs up sign over his dead body and discover that he died after hours and hours of torture, after which he was thrown into an unnamed grave which no one bothered to record, for no reaon at all?

How about if all this is shrugged off as "stuff happens"?

Would it be preferable if the Malaysians treated people like that?

I mean, we are ultimately talking about a spit out piece of wafer and extrapolating to unsubstantiated fantasies of what it entailed. I didn't read anything in the article those journalists finally wrote to support any of your claims, so I wonder, what exactly drives your crusade here? Could it reason at all?

What is it that drives people like you and Geoff and all those good secular people in your society who go on prolonged demonising and killing sprees, for no reason at all?
Frankly, Geoff, I didn't think it required magick. Usually, with things like this, literacy suffices: #2046016/5

Which has what to do with Geoff?

This is your assertion?

swarm said:
1. What are your first associations with the word "cannibal"?

The eucharist

2. Could you have a friend that's a cannibal?

Any xtian

3. Can you accept cannibalism as a part of a religious practice?

Its central to xtianity.

(Your link)


So you are upset that Geoff did not get shitty with swarm in the same way that he is shitty with Sam?

So Sam denigrates a whole sector of theism, dismissing their plight in Malaysia as if they were being childish for wanting to not be repressed and persecuted, denigrating their beliefs and how they practice it and Geoff, a Christian and a Catholic, responds to her statements and you're shitty because he did not respond to a post by Swarm in 2009 where he said that Cannibalism is central to Christianity?



I believe you forgot your straws at home. I suggest you go home and grasp them some more.

Funny, that. For the most part, that's what S.A.M.'s been doing to other people. And some of my colleagues are convinced that this is arguing in bad faith.
Possibly because she is...?

Are you admitting to arguing in bad faith?
I believe she is being treated exactly as she treats others on this forum. If she acts like a bigot and a twat, she will be treated as such.

I'm sure I've said this before: I was elected.
Ah yes, the good old days when you actually stood for something instead of being a blind mouse following her pipe.

How can I revert to something I've never been?
Are we still talking about the OP here? Can someone please tell me what the journalists did, apart from spitting out a wafer that has the Christians so oppressed they are running helter skelter in search of shelter?
But why only religious persecution, Michael? How about, for no reason at all?

Isn't it better if you're tortured, killed, sent off to concentration camps from which you disappear for no reason at all? How about if you're stripped naked, have rods thrust up your anus, get attacked by dogs for no reason at all?

How about if you have your home demolished, your mosque blown up, your kids burned down with white phosphorus, your family disembered by drones, your Quran flushed down the toilet, for no reason at all?

How about you open the newspaper to see your son, his face a mask of death, with a pretty girl doing a thumbs up sign over his dead body and discover that he died after hours and hours of torture, after which he was thrown into an unnamed grave which no one bothered to record, for no reaon at all?

How about if all this is shrugged off as "stuff happens"?

Would it be preferable if the Malaysians treated people like that?

I mean, we are ultimately talking about a spit out piece of wafer and extrapolating to unsubstantiated fantasies of what it entailed. I didn't read anything in the article those journalists finally wrote to support any of your claims, so I wonder, what exactly drives your crusade here? Could it reason at all?

What is it that drives people like you and Geoff and all those good secular people in your society who go on prolonged demonising and killing sprees, for no reason at all?

In other words, if the persecuted are not Palestinians or Iraqi's, ie. not Muslim, then they are not persecuted and what happens to them is merely trivial.
Please tell me how the journalists persecuted the Christians.


tiassa said:
Funny, that. For the most part, that's what S.A.M.'s been doing to other people. And some of my colleagues are convinced that this is arguing in bad faith. Are you admitting to arguing in bad faith?

No they are just the right kind of bigots. :p
Are we still talking about the OP here? Can someone please tell me what the journalists did, apart from spitting out a wafer that has the Christians so oppressed they are running helter skelter in search of shelter?

Ah geez Sam. I don't know..

How about making up a rumour of illegal conversions and deceitfully posing as Catholics to gain entry into the Church, take communion (for God knows what reason), spit it out and photograph and publish the image... all to spy on Catholics who may "gasp" be baptising someone who may have wished to convert to Catholicism.. When no one was converting and they knew it because they made it up..

This in a country where Christians are being persecuted and threatened with death for using the word "Allah" and their churches being torched, with fear of arrest and detention..

What do you think those journalists were hoping to do when they write and report such things Sam? In an atmosphere where Christians are quite literally in fear of their lives.. Could it be that such actions as those on the part of journalists would fan the fires of hatred some more?

Are you actually that thick that such things have to be explained to you.. repeatedly?
How about making up a rumour of illegal conversions and deceitfully posing as Catholics to gain entry into the Church, take communion (for God knows what reason), spit it out and photograph and publish the image... all to spy on Catholics who may "gasp" be baptising someone who may have wished to convert to Catholicism.. When no one was converting and they knew it because they made it up..

Where does it say they started rumours or posed as Christians or were spying?