Muslim magazine journalists pretended to be Roman Catholics :D

True, but at least scifes is honest about where this attitude really comes from. None of this "It's the "West's fault" or "It's the Modern State's fault" or "insert excuse". Theistic bigotry is a direct extrapolation from the ideas there's only (i) One God and (ii) the Qur'an is Perfect. Most people raised to believe in these two incorrect ideologies tend towards similar theistic bigotries.

Which is why I say, raise people to think Whites are God's Perfect Race and expect bigotry against Blacks. Even expressed in Law. It's simply a natural extrapolation of the race meme and the White supremacy meme all wrapped in a blanket of God's Will so as to make the Bigot feel justified, warm and cozy and most of all comfortable in their suppression and mistreatment of the minority or the oppressed.

Now we just need to deal with why the "it's not oppression if it's right" argument is inherently bigoted and wrong-minded.

I usually try the: How would you feel if it were you? Approach. But most people have crossed that bridge a long time ago - God is on their side after all.
i'm very tempted to reply to your whole post, but think this'll suffice:
There's nothing wrong with teaching creationism in school. As a popular topic in the mainstream I think it should discussed - in Philosophy course for example. To be taught in a "science" course, you need to have something called "evidence" that is "measurable".

you, michael, are the president of the first country in history to announce its religous status as atheistic, among all the other secular and religious countries.

at that time, evolution has found all its missing peices and more. it has been promoted from a theory to a freakin solid fact, like gravity.

in the whole world, creationism being taught in science classes is still a wide spread thing.

in your country, a teacher wants to do the same, to teach his science class creationism.

you do all you could to show him and teach him why it is wrong, he does not budge.

will you, or will you not, tolerate him?
will you, or will you not, oppress him?

and f***ing why?

is your answer "because right shouldn't be tolerant of wrong" or not?
I usually try the: How would you feel if it were you? Approach. But most people have crossed that bridge a long time ago - God is on their side after all.
let's see what you find on the other side of the bridge:D
scifes, again you're alluding to the old "it's not oppression if it's right" argument. Classic Quran 2: 256 Wahhabi stuff.

i have no idea whatsoever how are you using that verse and what is its significance, really:confused:

i've googled it and found others rambling about it, and i can't even figure out if they're pro muslim or anti muslim:confused:

please state your position clearly, as i'm totally lost here:shrug:
Some interpretations of that passage call it as "There is no coercion in religion, for the right hand is henceforth distinct from error." As in: "even if you force someone to believe something (or at least oppress those who don't), it isn't really forcing, because who can really be forced to believe the truth?" This is a parallel to some of your arguments, and is a little heinous besides.
scifes said:
in your country, a teacher wants to do the same, to teach his science class creationism.

you do all you could to show him and teach him why it is wrong, he does not budge.

will you, or will you not, tolerate him?
will you, or will you not, oppress him?
You don't oppress him. You fire him from his job teaching science, for poor performance, but you do not spy on his conversations or jail him for his opinions.

What 's your point?
i'm very tempted to reply to your whole post, but think this'll suffice:

you, michael, are the president of the first country in history to announce its religous status as atheistic, among all the other secular and religious countries.

at that time, evolution has found all its missing peices and more. it has been promoted from a theory to a freakin solid fact, like gravity.

in the whole world, creationism being taught in science classes is still a wide spread thing.

in your country, a teacher wants to do the same, to teach his science class creationism.

you do all you could to show him and teach him why it is wrong, he does not budge.

will you, or will you not, tolerate him?
will you, or will you not, oppress him?

and f***ing why?

is your answer "because right shouldn't be tolerant of wrong" or not?
Science is taught in Science classes. Evolution is not a theory it's a fact. People may theories on certain processes. Evidence for or against the theory can be discussed in school.

I've never heard of Japanese or Chinese having this dilemma - I wonder why?
The Eucharist as what? The actual Body and Blood of Christ? Or a symbolic representation? I think you'd have a hard time genotyping Jesus from a piece of bread.

Son of God, Lamb of God ( He then an actual Lamb? Good heavens!), He takes away the Sins of the world - have mercy on us. 'Son' of God (in a form of descendancy that not ever , conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary (although, not completely important that she's a virgin, but I'm willing to take everyone's word on this), suffered under Pontius Pilate, died and was buried. On the third day, rose again, ascended into Heaven and seated at the right hand of the Father. Communion of saints, forgiveness of sins, resurrection of the body, life everlasting. And so forth.


Important - a medium of respect; a commemoration of His sacrifice.


I am indeed honoured at your interest. I thank you.


I do believe you need to see a Catholic priest very soon and confess all.
I do believe you need to see a Catholic priest very soon and confess all.

I'll take your deep and sincere concern for my spiritual well-being under advisement.

If only I knew what it was I was to confess to. Ah well.