Muslim Festival of Animal Sacrifice


Oh my god, what are you saying???!!!! :bugeye:
i'm a muslim too, and in eid, we don't spread organs in the streets or something like a bloody creatures,
oh my god, :confused:
do you even know what is eid, the story of teh eid, is about a pearson in the very ancient ages, a man was going to kill his own son,for what, for a dream, for ower beleifes, god was testing his loyelty, when that man was going to kill his son, god send him a sheep, so he don't sacrefy with his son, but with the sheep,
and here, we don't sacrefy animals each year, and sprea their organs in teh street, oh god,
i cant even think about it
what we do in it
is we sacrefy with the sheep, the butcher, take the meat from him... i don't know how to say it, you know what i mean anyway, then, we put the meat on the barbQ, and we eat, it's like a barbQ party for you, or the thanksgiven,
do you also know that the way that muslim and jews sacrefy the animals, (not sacrefy, i don't know the word, it's kill him, and take the meat, and eat, after cooking it effcorse, i want find it weird if you thoght that we drink their blood and we eat the meat without cooking it :bugeye:)
anyway, this way of taking his meat, is healthier that killing them with a gun shot, or to cut the air from him, the way we do it, make all the bad blood, and the bad gases out of his body,

now let me go back to the main topic,
we don't kill them and spread their meat around the street
That's still unintelligent - especially since there are no more Aztecs, Romans, etc. Never heard of Catholicism and the Protestant religions? They are pretty big in the religious world and NONE of them practice animal sacrifice. It's not beside the point because you made a blatant and stupid claim!!

I'm still calling you unintelligent because you specifically said ALL religions in your post that I quoted. So that rock you crawled out from under was really. really dense.

By the way, my name is NOT "dude" - that's just childish term used by childish people.

Actually I have heard of Christianity (and the protestants) and the Bible does reference animal sacrifice. So please do your homework before you call me out.
And dude.....please dont be so pathetic as to make this discusiion personal. It sis just a discussion. Do you cuss at your tv when your favorite football team doesnt score?? Oh and to be specific, in the New Testament Mary and Joseph sacrifice 2 doves...and its not because they were starving...
That's still unintelligent - especially since there are no more Aztecs, Romans, etc. Never heard of Catholicism and the Protestant religions? They are pretty big in the religious world and NONE of them practice animal sacrifice. It's not beside the point because you made a blatant and stupid claim!!

I'm still calling you unintelligent because you specifically said ALL religions in your post that I quoted. So that rock you crawled out from under was really. really dense.

By the way, my name is NOT "dude" - that's just childish term used by childish people.

What does it matter if there are no more aztecs or romans or whatever, it still happened, and if they were still here...theyd probably still do their rituals and would be on here arguiing with you about your nonsense...also

Yes I still am a child so I will talk like one....just like how you still argue like a child
calling me stupid regarding one sentence and not adressing the main point at all. so I will take your silence as you agreeing with me on the main points and you disagreeing with me on the one sentence thing.
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Which religions today practice animal sacrifice?

Islam? yes
Judaism? yes
Xiantiy? <== whats that? christianity, if so...then i dont think they still do it, but there is a passage about it in the Bible
Catholicism? see above statement
Hinduism? yes, some Hindus are vegetarien, but some practice Ashwamedha (horse), Agnistoma (goats) they dont eat the meat, but the animals do get sacrificed)
Shinto? dont know
Buddhism? dont think so
Taoism? i have no idea
Scientology? I have not looked into this religion at all, im sad to say[/COLOR]

but the read-only dude(tte) was right I shouldnt have said ALL religions, thats generalising, but its save to say that most ancient religions have done it, and a lot of mainstream religions still do it.
killing an animal to appease a God seems kind of primitive to me. But, when in Rome....
killing an animal to appease a God seems kind of primitive to me. But, when in Rome....
me too. though there are secular sacrifices of animals - bullfights, for example - and, really, the way factory farm animals are treated dwarfs the world's religious cruelty to animals.

Actually on second thought I would not say primitive - since many so called primitive groups had much more respect for animals than modern humans. Instead I would say 'confused and cruel'.
What does it matter if there are no more aztecs or romans or whatever, it still happened, and if they were still here...theyd probably still do their rituals and would be on here arguiing with you about your nonsense...also

Yes I still am a child so I will talk like one....just like how you still argue like a child
calling me stupid regarding one sentence and not adressing the main point at all. so I will take your silence as you agreeing with me on the main points and you disagreeing with me on the one sentence thing.

I'm no child and neither do I talk like nor argue like one. I speak from actual experience and knowledge, while you are acting like any other uneducated child - talking about things that you know far too little about.

For example , there isn't just A passage in the Christian Bible about sacrificing, there are hundreds of them. Most of them found in the book of Leviticus, but several other books as well. And all of them found in the Old Testament which most Christians today understand are to be no longer followed.

So it's clear that you need to do a LOT more studying and learning before you attempt to teach things to your elders who know FAR much more than you do at this point. So stick a sock in it, kid!
me too. though there are secular sacrifices of animals - bullfights, for example - and, really, the way factory farm animals are treated dwarfs the world's religious cruelty to animals.

Actually on second thought I would not say primitive - since many so called primitive groups had much more respect for animals than modern humans. Instead I would say 'confused and cruel'.

You know this because you were there? No...of course not, you are saying this based on a 'feeling; you have?

They slit their throats and drank their blood. Sure they were nice about it, so were they nice to humans before they ate them too.
Which religions today practice animal sacrifice?

Islam? yes
Judaism? yes
Xiantiy? <== whats that? christianity, if so...then i dont think they still do it, but there is a passage about it in the Bible
Catholicism? see above statement
Hinduism? yes, some Hindus are vegetarien, but some practice Ashwamedha (horse), Agnistoma (goats) they dont eat the meat, but the animals do get sacrificed)
Shinto? dont know
Buddhism? dont think so
Taoism? i have no idea
Scientology? I have not looked into this religion at all, im sad to say[/COLOR]

but the read-only dude(tte) was right I shouldnt have said ALL religions, thats generalising, but its save to say that most ancient religions have done it, and a lot of mainstream religions still do it.

Lies - Judaism has no ritual sacrifice occurring in modern day.
For example , there isn't just A passage in the Christian Bible about sacrificing, there are hundreds of them. Most of them found in the book of Leviticus, but several other books as well. And all of them found in the Old Testament which most Christians today understand are to be no longer followed.

So it's clear that you need to do a LOT more studying and learning before you attempt to teach things to your elders who know FAR much more than you do at this point. So stick a sock in it, kid!

you sure about that?? because. I for a fact know that the ritual slaughtering of the 2 pidgeons (doves, whatever) was in the New |Testament. They were slaughtered by Mary and Joseph.... so please get your facts straight, and you still fail to adress the points that I made regarding THIS thread. So instead of making it personal and insulting me..... why dont you use your old person wisdom that you keep talking about and admit that your either wrong...and or biased....

do you hate/dislike muslims...?? Because if thats what this is about, then we can end our conversation immediately!
That is true, but then again it is not forbidden. Have you heard of the Korban.... Jewish law cites that you can ritually slaughter (ie burn an animal alive when needed). Also the Shechita is the equivalent of the muslim traditional slaughter. Islam and Judaism are very alike.

Kosher is Dhabiĥa halal, halal is not Kosher. Typically neither are ritual slaughter. One's tradition, and the other I'm not sure. Karbanot are slaughterings but haven't been done for thousands of years.
Kosher is Dhabiĥa halal, halal is not Kosher. Typically neither are ritual slaughter. One's tradition, and the other I'm not sure. Karbanot are slaughterings but haven't been done for thousands of years.

ye sthats what i said, there is traditional slaughtering...for food (thats exactly what Al Eid is also about)

and the in Karbanot I dont know if its practised or not, I just know that its legal (even today). Im actually against ritual slaughtering be it in Islam od Judaism or whatever. But I do celebrate al Eid (I buy meat at the butcher instead of offering an animal :), dont tell my mom)

yeah, i know, not all of us my a sheep alive, then make him ino meat to eat :p
some just buy meat from the butcher,

also, the eid, is not just about eating meat, when you buy a sheep, you don't take all his meat, you must donate some of ot to the poor people, that they are in need, theres another eid too, not about food, it's about meating the family and people that you didnt see for long time, and a time to forgive who you fighted with,
and in that day, people donate also, with money, cakes, clothes, or whatever they can donate to poor people, ...

and also, don't you think that you shouldnt mok of relegions' abitudes, without even making a search, about it,

also, you laready think that muslims and arabs, are primuitive, extremist, and stuff,
live in tents, or poor dirty houses, or dirty city with small roads, and bombs falling around all over the time, no freedom and bla bla bla
you know, i'm surpruized, if you think we are primitive, then why you discuss about this habit wich you consider it primitive, well, i do also a little bet, but it's a part of our relegion, like all the other forgetten parts of other relegions like christanity ...
Why did you make me a Jew; you could try some other things. I don't believe in any religious mumbo jumbo. I gave Muslims (and particularly the ones in this incident) as an example just to show their hypocrisy about other types of slaughter ceremonies in the name of "religion". Jews or Christians are doing the same thing do not justify open slaughter of animals in the name of religion. We all eat animals, but we do not display their internal organs other than purpose of eating. In Muslim countries, this turns into a festival and people are advised to remember their "Allah" throughout this practice. If showing off your animal killing to others is an accepted, a "normal" or "humane" way to satisfy our social relations, these Muslims in the subject geography should not have blamed this 15 year old girl. That's my point.

Fair enough, but you missed the point. If Americans are doing the same thing (slaughtering their animals while blaming others doing the similar practices for a different belief), I don't see any problem with it.

If you have an argument against hypocrisy, I would like to hear. If you are going to defend the hypocrisy with one another, it doesn't answer the question.

Do you suppose showing internal parts is a part of sacrifice ceremony. How did you arrive this opinion. Not doing such a thing is best from Islamic aspect. But, you are right on a subject. These ceremonies are not arranged properly, and maybe you supposed these bad views were a part of these. There is not enough had protein in Muslim countries. Especially poor people can not buy red meat. And one reason of sacrifice is providing necessary protein to these people. It is very important. One of the differences between cutting cat or veal is that. Quran says: "Allah needs neither meat, nor blood of animal, but only your faith". Beside that, there is another reason. Think that. If you cut a
livestock in anywhere in the world to eat, I think nothing will happen. But if you cut a cat, say it is your religion, you will be punished by laws. So, the second difference can be it is beneficial or harmful according the laws.
Protein indufficiency in Islam countries

Have you ever seen photos of Somalian children, having insufficiency of protein, which is necessary to grow up. Do you know a human body needs every type of protein to produce only one human body cell and all protein types exist only in animal products. So, Somalian children can not grow up healthily. People also need a kind of vitamin, I think it is B24, in only red meat to be protected against a sort of illness. And even consumption of total of all sort of animal products, including meat is not enough for healthy diet in Islam countries. On the contrary, people eat meat, much more than necessary, which cause death of much more animals in West. And you talk about there is a hypocrisy in Islamic Feast of Sacrifice. You hold killing a cat frightfully and cutting an animal to eat, for protein insufficiency as equal.
Is it primitive to hunt and eat the animal you kill? Is it primitive to take the biggest fish you ever caught to a taxidermist so you can hang it on your wall? How about a deer's head?
Is it primitive to hunt and eat the animal you kill?
To some degree yes it is if you don't have the need of doing so. I pretty much grew up on deer - all of it from hunting. Because it's extremely cheap and healthy. Without deer, I probably wouldn't have eaten much, if any, meat. Not to mention there are no natural predators and the deer population is no longer regulated by predation so there are huge boom and bust cycles. We need more bears and wolves. However, if the deer population was regulated naturally, and one had the means to purchase meat, then I think hunting for the fun of it is primitive minded.

Is it primitive to take the biggest fish you ever caught to a taxidermist so you can hang it on your wall? How about a deer's head?
FMPOV yes it is. I walk into a house with animal heads stuffed and mounted as trophies and I think less of that individual. Take your cave-man chest thumping somewhere else please. I notice a lot of these people also like to drive "cool" cars and big trucks - depending on the person. I'm from MI Orleander, so please don't take offense ;)

The problem I have with religious ritual sacrifice isn't that it happened in the past, as this is our history of human social development. I greatly appreciate the notion of giving respect to the animal (or plants) that become food. Really, that's both sophisticated as well as humble. Some farmers (ones that actually farm, not assembly line, animal) sometimes think along these lines. Some Buddhists as well. Thanking a God is, well, more primitive. But, in the monotheistic religious paradigm it's probably as good as one if going to get. Which is unfortunate. One thing I do have a problem with is not being able to recognize the cruelty inherent in the method of slaughter and change it BECAUSE some bronze age superstition says you have to sacrifice the animal in some predesignated blood-ritual. That's a mental disease. Even your most uninterested (typical consumer) grocery shopping individual who hasn't even seen a real animal - will usually recognize humane slaughter as more ethical than less inhumane more painful slaughter. Whereas religious slaughter, due to their mental illness, can't.
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