Muslim Festival of Animal Sacrifice

Nepalese officials have been ordered to bring goats to the country's capital Kathmandu so that they can be sacrificed.

The city has a severe shortage of the animals, which are traditionally slaughtered to appease the Hindu goddess of power, Durga, during the festival of Dashain.

A radio campaign has been launched to persuade farmers to sell their goats.

Some Hindus scarifice animals, but not all. But all muslims do sacrifice animals if they can, and are enjoined to do it.
“ public display of animal sacrifice in order to show off one's belief, efficiency, wealth or power ”
Is that what Bakr Eid is? A display of efficiency wealth and power?

Akin to the use of animals for experimentation or Satanic rituals where pets are dissected?

Could you link me to a source where the sacrifice of the goat is linked to efficiency, wealth or power?

What else? In India male goats for bakrid were sold for as much as Rs 150,000. [$35,00]. How many muslims can afford to shell out such a big pile? A display of wealth and power.