muslim and beard?

i know how u read the quran, its the same way of how i read the bible ...

I don't know how you read the bible, but I read the Quran like any other book. Why do you think there is a difference in how books should be read? What is that difference exactly?

but who can understand the quran more than mohammed(salla allahu alihe wa sallam)

Uh, the current standardized version of the Quran was written in 653, 20 years after Muhammad died. He couldn't have possibly read the Quran.

my believe correspond with prophet believes !!, while he not, is this convincing reason !

Your interpretation vs. jags interpretation. You think you're right and he thinks he is right. Will we find other Muslims who would disagree with you both and claim that they are right?
I don't know how you read the bible, but I read the Quran like any other book. Why do you think there is a difference in how books should be read? What is that difference exactly?
well, when you start reading any book while you had precedent ideas, whatever that ideas were ...

Uh, the current standardized version of the Quran was written in 653, 20 years after Muhammad died. He couldn't have possibly read the Quran.
1-Quran indeed wrote on the fronds and other things during prophet live ..
2-Arabs were rely on memorization so as mohammed (salla allahu alyhe wa sallam)
3-Mohammad (salla allahu alyhe wa sallam) was infallible so as all other prohpets ..

Your interpretation vs. jags interpretation. You think you're right and he thinks he is right. Will we find other Muslims who would disagree with you both and claim that they are right?
maybe u didn't read my post very well, there are huge difference between whom study any thing with open mind to know the truth and between how had an agenda, maybe u should read some historic articles about "alquraneen" in India and Pakistan .....
well, when you start reading any book while you had precedent ideas, whatever that ideas were ...

Does that mean you take a bias view of a book before you read it? Shouldn't you judge the book by it's contents and not it's cover?

What do mean by precedent ideas?

1-Quran indeed wrote on the fronds and other things during prophet live .
2-Arabs were rely on memorization so as mohammed (salla allahu alyhe wa sallam)

Memories fade and loose writings aren't that reliable for putting together such a book, again that was created some 20 years after Muhammads death. (walla walla wash ing ton)

3-Mohammad (salla allahu alyhe wa sallam) was infallible so as all other prohpets ..

Islamic propaganda. (shoobee doobee doo waa) pointless preaching.

maybe u didn't read my post very well, there are huge difference between whom study any thing with open mind to know the truth and between how had an agenda

What is that difference exactly? Please explain? What do you consider an "open mind" and how is that different from just using your mind? What agenda are you talking about?

what i have always wondered is why it is important to have a beard as laid down in the Hadith.

In other words isa there a pracitcal reason for it, apart from stopping your chin from getting sun burnt or something!!

Even though i hate shaving (perhaps thats it - cos shaving sucks) i cant ever see myself growing a beard!!