muslim and beard?

Lets look at it in a different way. What is isnad? Isnad is the chain of narration or what we call as a validation of the author[ity] of a collected hadith. For approximately 100 years after the Prophets death, the Rashidun did not permit the writing down of the words and deeds of the Prophet, because Mohammed instructed his people to follow the Quran and not write down anything else. There is, ironically, a hadith that says that:

حدثنا ‏ ‏إسماعيل ‏ ‏أخبرنا ‏ ‏همام بن يحيى ‏ ‏عن ‏ ‏زيد بن أسلم ‏ ‏عن ‏ ‏عطاء بن يسار ‏ ‏عن ‏ ‏أبي سعيد ‏ ‏قال ‏
قال رسول الله ‏ ‏صلى الله عليه وسلم ‏ ‏لا تكتبوا عني شيئا سوى القرآن ومن كتب شيئا سوى القرآن فليمحه ‏

Do not write anything I say but the Quran and whoever writes anything but the Quran should delete it. (Musnad Ahmad, Number 10713)

So it was only a couple of centuries later that people started collecting what the Prophet said or did. To put that into perspective, try collecting in this day of advanced information technology, what your great great grandfather said about anything at all. Or if you believe that famous people are more memorable, what your grandmother remembers about some famous person in her childhood, that can be independently verified.

Secondly, the science of isnad was developed after some scholars realised that there needed to be a systematic verification of what the Prophet had really said and done. To this end, they began to verify the source of the Hadiths collected. e.g. if the Prophet said, " a long and flowing beard looks great but it is desirable that it should be without a mustache" or something like that, how would the authors confirm this 200 years after his death? They'd try to locate the source of this. Once they found at least two people with a common source, they would examine the history of the quoted source, again based on what the source had said or done, based on what other people said about them. On the basis of a general trend for honesty in discourse or apparent presence of objectivity/lack of bias, some sources were considered more reliable than others. Development of this system, entirely new to them, took another 200 years. Now what to do with unverifiable or dubious sources? Can you throw anything away because there is no way to verify it? That was a dilemma, so they came up with a system of grading based on perceived level of accuracy of hearsay information, based on hearsay information. NOTHING WAS DISCARDED. If it was false, it was marked false. If it was weird or unusual or there was only one confirmed narrator, it was marked accordingly. It was not possible to check secondary sources that had died in the meantime for their primary source, however. So that many of the earlier Hadiths are unreferenced and many of the late ones have impeccable citations. Now even if we assume that people were better able to confirm narrations 700-800 years after Mohammed died, there is still NO WAY to confirm what was actually said, not only by Mohammed, but also by any one narrator to another.

More Hadiths relevant to this:

ahhhh S.A.M,thank you


Allahu la ilaha illa huwa layajmaAAannakum ila yawmi alqiyamati la rayba feehi waman asdaqu mina Allahi hadeethan

Who can tell you a more reliable Hadith (saying) than God?


Awalam yanthuroo fee malakooti alssamawati waal-ardi wama khalaqa Allahu min shay-in waan AAasa an yakoona qadi iqtaraba ajaluhum fabi-ayyi hadeethin baAAdahu yu/minoona

In what Hadith after this (Qur’an) are they going to believe then?

Hadith means the supposed sayings of the exalted Prophet collected through hearsay centuries after him. Using these two ’sources’ for translating or explaining the Qur’an in the distant and recent past has only served to confound the Word of God with manmade traditions and it takes away the profound Glory of the Divine Message.

One: The Qur’an explains itself. [6:115, 10:37, 75:17-19]

Two: It repeats its verses from diverse angles for clear understanding.[17:41, 17:89, 18:54, and quite a few other verses]

Three: It has been revealed in the Plain Arabic of its times. [12:2,19:97, 20:113, 39:28, 44:58]

The Prophet(S), who was born and raised in Makkah (Mecca), belonged to the prominent Quraish tribe. Since the Makkans were the first audience,the Qur’an was revealed in their dialect.

“And this Quran has been sent upon me, through this I may aware you and also those to whom it reaches. (6:19)

At another instance it says,

“Say it! I aware you by means of this revelation.” (21:45)

Some people have divided revelation into two kinds. One is mutloo and the other is ghair mutloo or jalee or khafee. One kind is called Quran, while the other is called hadith. These terms are only figments of their imagination that have nothing to do with Quran. If ahadith were also revelation, why then were they not written as the Quran?

In plenty of ayat, they say, AllahSWT has commanded us to follow the Messenger. How can we follow, unless ahadith are not made part of Deen? Actually, this is the biggest and supreme mistake, because of which ahadith are claimed as Deen(islam)

Messenger had two capacities:

1) Messenger: To deliver the letters of AllahSWT to the people, in all honesty. It is made mandatory to have faith in Messenger and confirm him in this capacity. This messengership was terminated with his personality.

2) Leader: To run the affairs of Ummah according to Quran. Conduct the affairs of administration, take decisions on legal matters, follow through on schemes, execution of collective matters like war and peace, and leading the people through on these. In all these issues, subordination and obedience to Messenger is compulsory.

As long as Muhammad was present in the Ummah, it was mandatory to obey him, as that would mean obeying Allah and His Messenger (and this Ummah shall remain faithful to him, as to have cast its faith in him). After the Messenger, to obey his live representatives, will mean obeying Allah and His Messenger. That does not mean, that any salim or Bakr, whoever refers to his name, can stand up and command submission from us. This type of submission or mental attitude emerged when there was no faithful Caliph left in Islam.

Quran is the only book of faith proclaimed by Allah.

“The Messenger put his faith in, that was revealed by his Rab, and also did the momineen.” (2:285)

The Holy Messenger and his Ummah have been directed to have faith in this book.

“Say! We put our faith in Allah and that which He hath revealed to us.” (2:135)

“Say ye! I put my faith in the book, that which Allah hath revealed.” (42:15)

These kind of ayat in Quran are countless in number. Also, in the whole of Quran, there is no mention of any hadith or book other than Quran. As a matter of fact, hadith has been explicitly censored:

And are those people who are buying the occupation of hadith, so they may deviate others from the path of Allah. And make it ludicrous. Hellfire is awaiting them.” (31:6)

(((((In order to defend the ‘Imams’ of Hadith, some commentators try to explain away Lahwal Hadith as music. This obviously makes no linguistic or contextual sense)))))

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You know while impure I was able to touch the koran. It wasn't that hard at all.

You're not a Muslim, so the rules of Islam do not apply to you. Of course, there are some emotional individuals who may not like it. You need not hold sacred what Muslims hold sacred. Just as Muslims need not hold sacred what you hold sacred.

Mutual considerations are usually based on living harmoniously together. You can choose what your goals are and live accordingly. But good or bad, all actions have consequences.
You know while impure I was able to touch the koran. It wasn't that hard at all.

you touched it with your hands,that is not hard at all

touch it with your intellect

NONE with an impure mind cant touch it,not me either.

it mean a person wont learn anything from it,because he/she sealed his thoughts .
you touched it with your hands,that is not hard at all

touch it with your intellect

Unfortunately, there is nothing in the Quran that is intellectually stimulating as it caters to the primitive, the barbaric and the crude, and continuously serves to hinder the intellect and stifle free thinking.

Only the uneducated and boorish would find something compelling from such a book.
i do not want to talk about sunna,i want to t talk about the difference between a LAW and a practice wich is NOT legislated through the quran.

i wanted to talk about HOW a law is defined according to the qoran,and later get into the point of sptephen hawkins about Natural laws.

you are the one who brought sunnah,and then i have to debate about sunnah,and a law. if you feel i trapped you into a debate you didnt want to,then im sorry.

DON'T start with that plz, u know what am talking about ..... u r like whom asked about the wood which the cross made from it, wile the real question is, how the god or the son of god died ?

then make a debate about, is jesus a god or son of god ???
prove the hadith's to be TRUE.

how do you know your hadith are right,when a shia can come up with his own hadith's.


Mr j.a.g, while as i see from ur post, u r capable of KNOW what u r asking for, but with that i will answer u ....but after i give u some tips !

*No one said that all the hadith is sahih/صحيح, of course am talking about alahadith which wrote in ahlusunna hadith books, like mosnad alimam ahmad/مسند الإمام أحمد, mauta alimam malik/موطأ الإمام مالك..etc etc
and NO one said that all shia hadith is false !!
we had a lot of hard standards to decide if that hadit is sahih/صحيح or hasan/حسن or even daef/ضعيف ...
*when we look at any Hadith, and want to deside if is it a sahih or no, a hasan or not, we don't look to the sanad only, we look to the meaning of hadith, we study alsanad and alamten ...

How to study the hadith, and why we divided it to kind ?
We look to :
-checking the narrators
-adding the hadith to whom told it
-the links between the isanid, and if were a breakup between it
-the agrees between the narrators
-acceptance of the hadith or not
and from the study in accordance with standards we divided the hadith to many kinds, like
sahih/صحيح, hasna/حسن, daef/ضعيف, mosnad/مسند, monkatee/منقطع, moaedal/معضل, ........etc etc

So we don't say that the ahadith in sahih albukhary/البخاري are "true" just cus albukary/البخاري is from ahlu assuna, or we said most of alkafy/الكافي ahadith are false cus alkafy aren't suuny -he was shieش', we said that cus we study every hadith, one by one ...a nd don't take any one in any issue, i mean, we can advance "Hadith sahih" as an argument when we speak about "aqida" while we can do the same thing with hadith daef, we can advance "Hadith daef" as an argument when we speak about morals, virtues ....

and if u don't know what the diffrents between hadith saihih, hasan, daef, i will excplain to u.

hadith sahih:every hadith which its "sanad linked" from the begining to the end by the relates of aladel aldabet/العدل الضابط from whom like him, and the hadith is not odd or defect/alea/علة

hadith hasan:it's like the sahih but with small difference, the men whom related the hadith are not in the same degree of reliable and fidelity, which the men whom related th hadith sahih. but no one of them lied !

hadith daef: the hadith which is not sahih or hasan !

by another way, i will give u an example: sam said: that ziad said: aig told me that SkinWalker told him that challenger78 said:"isreal has the right to kill the palestinian"

when we want to study the "sanad" which i mean by it "sam said: that ziad said: aig told me that SkinWalker told him that challenger78 said" that is the sanad, so it's clearly that "ALL" the men in this sand are good men, no one lied ever, no one known as a cheater, the scholar of "aljareh wa altaedel" didn't said any thing about any one, on the contrary, they praised them, and their is no "breakup" in the sanad, which mean: every one related the hadith from the one whom told him, no one said: i don't remember whom told me this hadith or even don't refereed to him, so the hadith is mosnad ...
but if u looked at the maten u will see that there is something wrong, cus it impossible from challenger78 to say that, so the hadith isn't sahih......cus one of the hadith sahih conditions are broken

from this simple example, i wan't from u to focus on some points:
we don't study the hadith only, or even the isnad only, we study both of it, the studying of isnad called the science of men/علم الرجال or الجرح و التعديل/aljareh wa altaedel, in this science we study the situation of every man told alhadith, we study his his character, morals, even his financial situation, how did he memorized the ahadith?, was he wrote the hadith in a book or just memorize it !, was he take a pay for telling hadith or he didn't, how old he was when he told the hadith and when he heard it, did any one said something bad about him?, then we study the age which he lived in, in which country he live ?, by another word: we study every thing, and i mean EVERY THING !!!

then we study the maten, did the hadith contradict with another hadith, what the hadith was talking about, when the prophet said it ...... etc etc etc

So for these reason we said that bukhary books include hadith sahih, a true hadith, while alkafy do not, cus most of alahadith wich alkafy included in his book related from liars and cheaters, and as u know shia act in accordance with altukya/التقية which allow to them to lie if the target was to spread their ideology, and as u know their ideology created in accordance with political conflict, not religious conflict

So my point is, not every hadith are sahih, or every hadith is not, we study every hadith alone, then decide what the kind of this hadith and for what we can do in accordance with it , and as i said not all shia hadith are false, but most of them....

BTW, u know that all islamic books, had something like sanad, which appear whom copied it and whom read it ....

I'm not a expert in religious knowledge, so maybe u will understand my post "hardly", so plz forgive me,

for more information back to:
علوم الحديث لأبن الصلاح/aloum alhadith ly ibn assalah

how did the hadith explain the qoran? show me some aya's

allah said "حافظوا على الصلوات والصلاة الوسطى وقوموا لله قانتين "," Guard strictly your (habit of) prayers, especially the middle prayer; and stand before God in a devout (frame of mind)"
so what os the middle salat !!??

the prophet said :: حدثنا عبد الله بن محمد: حدثنا يزيد: أخبرنا هشام، عن محمد، عن عبيدة، عن علي رضي الله عنه: قال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم.
حدثني عبد الرحمن: حدثنا يحيى بن سعيد: حدثنا هشام قال: حدثنا محمد، عن عبيدة، عن علي رضي الله عنه:
أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال يوم الخندق: (حبسونا عن الصلاة الوسطى حتى غابت الشمس، ملأ الله قبورهم وبيوتهم، أو: أجوافهم - شك يحيى - نارا).
and whom know the history of alkhandak day or alkandak battle will know what did allah mean by middle salat ... but if want to read it by ur self, back to the mouatta alimam malek, hadith number 313, or just back to the sahih muslim, hadith number 629 :وحدثنا يحيى بن يحيى التميمي. قال: قرأت على مالك عن زيد بن أسلم، عن القعقاع بن حكيم، عن أبي يونس مولى عائشة؛ أنه قال:
أمرتني عائشة أن أكتب لها مصفحا. وقالت: إذا بلغت هذه الآية فآذني: {حافظوا على الصلوات والصلاة الوسطى} [2/البقرة/ الآية 238]. فلما بلغتها آذنتها. فأملت علي: حافظوا على الصلوات والصلاة الوسطى وصلاة العصر. وقوموا لله قانتين. قالت عائشة: سمعتها من رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم.", so the prophet told us thet the middle prayer is salat a alaser, u know what nasikh wa mansukh mean !! right?

BTW HOW many time u pray in each day ????
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This is your way of thinking
plz don't make it personal, if u saw any thing wrong just tell me, but don't play this game with me, i'm so sensitive !!

that the scholars know it all.
if u don't know what sunna mean, and u don't want to study it, to believe that sunna explain the Quran, u will never know how the scholars know it ...

believe me or not, but i don't care very much about ur personal opinion !

if its not written in the book,it cant be a rule.
so how should i or every one know, that u realy understand what in the holy book, for exampl
allah said: "الذين يؤمنون بالغيب ويقيمون الصلاة ومما رزقناهم ينفقون ", " Who believe in the Unseen, Are steadfast in prayer And spend out of What We Have provided for them" [2:3]
while he said in another place in the same book:"حافظوا على الصلوات والصلاة الوسطى وقوموا لله قانتين ","uard strictly your (habit of) prayers, especially the middle prayer; and stand before God in a devout (frame of mind)" [2:238] so in the first aya he said "prayer/الصلاة", and in the other aya said "prayers/الصلوات" so it's not one prayer it's 3 or more, but how could u know how many salat in the day !!??, u should back to the hadith cus allah said:"قل أطيعوا الله والرسول فإن تولوا فإن الله لا يحب الكافرين "
"Say: obey God and his apostle: but if they turn back, God loveth not those who reject faith."[3:32] which mean: when u obay the prophet u obay the god, but how could we obay the prophet while the prophet died from centuries ?, the prophet said if u follow my sunna, u obay me !!!
so its an order from the same prophet which the god order us to obay his orders !!!
which parts of my word u don't understand ?, mybe its ur problem if u didn't understad the Quran ....

a impure cant touch the qoran,but he can read it. that is not true.
but i said "if someone aren't impure/جنب, he CAN read the quran without wodu, just he cann't touch the book " so i was talking about pure men NOT impure !

while tortouring the prisoners in Guantanamo,they burned the qoran. the TOUCHED it and burned it. lods of people can TOUCH the qoran,its in the libraries,bookstoores etc.not all of them are "pure
so non-muslim, if he want to pray as we pray, he should do WODU !!!
he is not muslim already !, how could u ask he do what should muslims do, while he is not muslim !!!!!

touching doesnt mean physically in those verses,it mean touch it with your INTELLECT.
The word Mutahreen in 2.223

thoe who are clean. this verse is about being intimate with your wife.its an inconvenience. it doesnt say she cant touch the qoran.

so u understand the quran as u want to understand it!, sometime u literally, and another time with ur INTELLECT, while as i know, the one whom can explain the quran should know the arabic language, know the sunna, know the history of islam, BUT u- i'm sorry to say that- know what u want to know,look, u said" it doesnt say she cant touch the qoran." while i quote this soura ""لا يمسه إلا المطهرون "" whith the explanation of tafssir aljalalyn

So what u do to disprove the tafasir, which excplain literally the quran, u just said "we should try to understand how this faulty comprehension crept into these commentaries." !!!!

u said
let me tell you about the tafsirs and translations(and Jalalayin) :

Men are rulers of women and because some spend on others from their earnings, they have been given supremacy over others.

i think that every one know the arabic language and memorize the quran will see the ur transltaion forget to translat this part of aya,"ما فضل الله بعضهم على بعض", "because God has given the one more (strength) than the other",

important point. When I say that our traditional translations do not give a correct understanding of the Quran
, But my dear the precedent translation of the last aya "لا يمسه إلا المطهرون " is ""Which none shall touch but those who are clean"[56:79]" and the meaning of clean, i translated from the tafsir aljalalyn literally !!
so what this speech was about !!

Before i answer this,can you please tell me what the sunna is? what is in the qoran?what does salat mean?why you dont follow the qoran and tel me what scholars said,when you can tell me what the qoran tell..?
that's ridiculous - i'm sorry again, cus u still think that sunna disagree with quran, or the scholars create their views from the understanding of bible maybe, the scholars create thier understanding and views from thei knowledge of the quran and sunna and their knowledge of the history of islam, of thier knowledge of whom follow the islam, and were better than me and u !!

so whom should i follow, u or the sahaba !!

why u just say that what i said is wrong !!, and give me some aya which disprove what i and the scholars said, just to make me know the the scholars take thier knowledge from another HOLY BOOK !

explain why lods of women (none muslim professors,students ) TOUCH the qoran when they have menstruation?If Allah said no one CAN touch it,then how can it happen ? what is a law according to the qoran? how is a law defined?pleasse ask your scholars.
explain to me why lods of women (none muslim professors,students ) or even any non muslim don't pray as we pary !!!

can you tell me where in the qoran it is said you HAVE to do it in this order? Can you also prove to me that the hadith you are using here is CONFIRMED by the prophet? what is the proof of this being TRUE?

from 1 to 4 : allah said :
"يا أيها الذين آمنوا إذا قمتم إلى الصلاة فاغسلوا وجوهكم وأيديكم إلى المرافق وامسحوا برؤوسكم وأرجلكم إلى الكعبين"

"O Ye who believe when ye prepare for prayer, wash your faces, and your hands (and arms) to the elbows; rub your heads (with water); and (wash) your feet to the ankles......"[5:6]

5- when i search about a hadith, i found one in sunnan albayhaky, hadith number:328,while the hadith isn't sahih, but any one know when we can use this hadith and when we can't

what tools were used to confirm a quote?
i don't use any tools !!, maybe somebodys use these kinde of programs, but i prefer to back to the original books, not JUSt copy and paste/ of course except coping from the Holy Quran or hadith

ust prove to me that these words are THe prophet Muhammeds exact words. ............and when did the qoran distinguish between sunnah and the qoran?

why u just find the hadith which i use it here, then say NO this hadith is false, it's more easier to me to debate with u than !!!

BTW, read my post, which i wrote about the hadith ...

When did Allah said the phrophet have a different message?

yeah, when he said that !!
he didn't, or did he ?
"وأطيعوا الله والرسول لعلكم ترحمون "," And obey God and the apostle; that ye may obtain mercy." [3:132]
the question is when the prophet said the he have different message, or just give me a hadith which include a clear disagreement !!!!

what word is translated as PRAYER in this aya?
wow, from ur post, i thougt u r alama/علامة In arabic language, while as i see NOW, u r some one with some tools give u the ability to COPY and PASTE

anyway, الصلاة = Prayer,
"وأقيموا الصلاة وآتوا الزكاة وأطيعوا الرسول لعلكم ترحمون ",
" So establish regular Prayer and give regular Charity; and obey the Apostle; that ye may receive mercy."[24:56]"

Thank u
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What do you think of the Prophets injunction to his companions to burn any traditions they wrote down?
You're not a Muslim, so the rules of Islam do not apply to you.

Sweet! So its ok if I make a paper mache sculpture of Mohammad having homo sexual relations with a dog out of pages from the koran and excrement?

Or would "some emotional individuals who may not like it" try to assassinate me?

But good or bad, all actions have consequences.

What happened to all that living harmoniously stuff?
“The Messenger put his faith in, that was revealed by his Rab, and also did the momineen.” (2:285)

The Holy Messenger and his Ummah have been directed to have faith in this book.

“Say! We put our faith in Allah and that which He hath revealed to us.” (2:135)

“Say ye! I put my faith in the book, that which Allah hath revealed.” (42:15)

These kind of ayat in Quran are countless in number. Also, in the whole of Quran, there is no mention of any hadith or book other than Quran. As a matter of fact, hadith has been explicitly censored:

“And are those people who are buying the occupation of hadith, so they may deviate others from the path of Allah. And make it ludicrous. Hellfire is awaiting them.” (31:6)

you dont know what SAHIH mean,lol
None said hadith is Sahi?why is it called SAHI BOKHARI?
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wow, from ur post, i thougt u r alama/علامة In arabic language, while as i see NOW, u r some one with some tools give u the ability to COPY and PASTE

anyway, الصلاة = Prayer,
"وأقيموا الصلاة وآتوا الزكاة وأطيعوا الرسول لعلكم ترحمون ",
" So establish regular Prayer and give regular Charity; and obey the Apostle; that ye may receive mercy."[24:56]"

Do NOT post lies about the are free to do that if your not a muslim.
if you only want to win this dicussion,then ill pronounce the dont want to learn,or debate,you want to show YOUR right,and others are wrong. its ok,but not if u lie about the qoraniq words.

SALAH does NOT mean prayer.refer to the root meaning,find out and you will see the real meaning.

if you lie about the quran ever again,i wont waste my time on you.

mr Q,he is anti-islam/religion,but he is honest.learn sumthing from him.
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Unfortunately, there is nothing in the Quran that is intellectually stimulating as it caters to the primitive, the barbaric and the crude, and continuously serves to hinder the intellect and stifle free thinking.

Only the uneducated and boorish would find something compelling from such a book.


refer to the qoranic aya wich HINDER you free thinking .

thank you

Originally Posted by j.a.g
please do me a favour and answer this: what is in the qoran?

What did the prophet used the quran for?

prove the hadith's to be TRUE.

how do you know your hadith are right,when a shia can come up with his own hadith's.

Why did Allah give us the quran?

how is a law defined in the quran?

tell me some of the main carachters of the qoran?

why do we need another lawbook,when qoran tell us EVERYTHING is explained in the qoran?

how did the hadith explain the qoran? show me some aya's

thank you

Okay, Okay, but not now, it's 12:40 am here.....good night
and Peace

im waiting for my answers.

if you dont have to lie to answer me,then plz answer these questions. refer to the meaning and aya. the root meaning of key words.
anyone who know why muslims have beard?
where is it written in the quran ?

i know christians and jews have beard because of its relgion.

but where did muslims find that "order"?


Why do you need divine permission to grow a beard? Is it against all that is holy? I find your enquiry most perplexing. You're saying that Allah made us so that we grow hair on our faces just so He can order us to grow a beard or not.

Does the Quran allow me to grow pubic hair? If for some reason I wanted to trim my pubic area, am I allowed? Is a bald genital area allowed or preferred?

New meaning to the term bearded clam perhaps?

Besides, the women have much nicer beards than the men:D
r u just ignorant or totally stupid, or just u didn't knew how to deal with us here in sci forum !!

or maybe i should name u a LIER

wow, i thought that u don't understand the hadith, but now im sure that u didn't understand the quran either..... why u didn't quote some scholar's explanation of the quran, cus simply i don't trust ur explanation of the quran while u r liar, cheater, and above all u DON't KNOW ARABIC

You two lovebirds should get a hotel room.

Not to worry Ziad, anything you say about the Quran is your opinion, and everything jag says is his opinion, because the Quran itself is just a book of opinions. It doesn't really mean anything except whatever you want it to mean. You prove that by fighting with jag about your opinions.
If this argument between Ziad & Jag took place in a Muslim country on Islamic TV, which of the two gets arrested first?
Whoa! Ziad just sent me the most warmest, peaceful PM you've ever read. He really does exhibit the true Muslim. Peaceful. Warm. Nice.