muslim and beard?


Registered Member
anyone who know why muslims have beard?
where is it written in the quran ?

i know christians and jews have beard because of its relgion.

but where did muslims find that "order"?

U should know that muslims take into consideration of many sources, but in the first place they make allowance for holy quran then the sunna, the sunna contain every thing that prophet mohammed said or did.
so next time when u want to any thing or the reason of any acts u should search in the holy quran then in the sunna, i mean in the books which include the prophet words, like sahih albukhary or sahih muslim ...

and to answer ur question, Rasuluallah mohammed (SAW) said:
- "I have no connection iwth one who shaves, shouts and tears his clothing eg. in grief or affication."
-"Trim closely the moustache, and let the beard flow (Grow)."

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U should know that muslims take into consideration of many sources, but in the first place they make allowance for holy quran then the sunna, the sunna contain every thing that prophet mohammed said or did.
so next time when u want to any thing or the reason of any acts u should search in the holy quran then in the sunna, i mean in the books which include the prophet words, like sahih albukhary or sahih muslim ...

and to answer ur question, Rasuluallah mohammed (SAW) said:
- "I have no connection iwth one who shaves, shouts and tears his clothing eg. in grief or affication."
-"Trim closely the moustache, and let the beard flow (Grow)."



does that mean another book than the quran can give orders?
If left to grow unchecked, the beard may vie for prominence with the head
does that mean another book than the quran can give orders?

Why did Allah send the prophets and messengers?, Why both Adam to Mohammed (peace be upon their names)?
Wasn't it to teach us, why we are here, to teach us the reason of existence, to teach us about the god who created every thing, what he wants for us to do and why !!!!

So, we should take the orders from who created us, from who has more knowledge than Ourselves, and who created us sent his orders as a holy books which included the general orders, i mean :torah, bible and Qur'an, but the prophets job was to explain these orders and apply it, so when we want to know what god means by some orders, we should look to the prophets acts, not cus it's such orders, but cus it's the practical way applying of god's orders,

It is in islam we can know the prophets acts and words, by hadith book which includes them, or by fiqheh books, which include the explanation of comprehension of the Quran and sunna.

In a few words: we don't take the orders from any other book or other source except from the holy Quran or by the understanding of prophet, and to know the understanding of prophet we should know his words, which some times include some verdicts from his understanding of islam and from the inspiration of god,
eg:- allah order us to pray for him 5 times every day, but he didn't tell us how to pray or how do the ablution, but the prophet did,
-allah order us to cut the thief's hand, but he didn't tell us how to cut, but the prophet explain, and that's the prophets job.
Why did Allah send the prophets and messengers?

Because he is impotent? Or because he screwed up the first time? Maybe because he fears what would happen if he showed in person. Because he doesn't exist?

Wasn't it to teach us, why we are here, to teach us the reason of existence, to teach us about the god who created every thing, what he wants for us to do and why !!!!

Yet nothing of that gets taught. Instead he teaches several hundred years of bloody repression.

we should take the orders from who created us

Why? Even if it were remotely true, your god sucks. Why should I ignore that just because he screwed mom once?
Why did Allah send the prophets and messengers?, Why both Adam to Mohammed (peace be upon their names)?
Wasn't it to teach us, why we are here, to teach us the reason of existence, to teach us about the god who created every thing, what he wants for us to do and why !!!!

So, we should take the orders from who created us, from who has more knowledge than Ourselves, and who created us sent his orders as a holy books which included the general orders, i mean :torah, bible and Qur'an, but the prophets job was to explain these orders and apply it, so when we want to know what god means by some orders, we should look to the prophets acts, not cus it's such orders, but cus it's the practical way applying of god's orders,

It is in islam we can know the prophets acts and words, by hadith book which includes them, or by fiqheh books, which include the explanation of comprehension of the Quran and sunna.

In a few words: we don't take the orders from any other book or other source except from the holy Quran or by the understanding of prophet, and to know the understanding of prophet we should know his words, which some times include some verdicts from his understanding of islam and from the inspiration of god,
eg:- allah order us to pray for him 5 times every day, but he didn't tell us how to pray or how do the ablution, but the prophet did,
-allah order us to cut the thief's hand, but he didn't tell us how to cut, but the prophet explain, and that's the prophets job.

Why are the prophet sent?

"O Prophet – behold, We have sent thee as a witness [to the truth], and as a herald of glad tidings and a warner, and as one who summons [all human beings] to God by His leave, and as a light-giving beacon." (33: 45-46)

"Now [as for thee, O Muhammad,] We have not sent thee otherwise than to humankind at large, to be a herald of glad tidings and a warner; but most people do not understand [this]." (34:28)

"Say: [O Muhammad]: "O humankind! Verily, I am a Messenger of God to all of you, [sent by Him] unto whom the dominion over the heavens and the earth belongs." (7:158)

"And [thus O Prophet,] We sent thee as [an evidence of Our] grace towards all the worlds." (21: 107)

ITs clear why he was sent,And how did u use the quran ?

The Prophet (PBUH) was asked to obey the revelation sent down on him (10:109).

The Prophet (PBUH) used to judge matters according to the revelation sent down on him (5:48).

The Prophet (PBUH) was required to solve all human differences through the Quran (16:64).

The Prophet (PBUH) was required to admonish and remind people through the Quran (50:45).

My question was,can another book give any order beside the quran?

As nobody has the right to declare 'lawful' what has been declared 'unlawful', similarly none has the right to declare unlawful that which has been legitimate. The Holy Quran has clarified this point at several places. Thus it is said in Surah Al-Maaidah (5:87-88)

"Make not unlawful the pleasant things which Allah has made legitimate for you and commit no excesses in violating the limits imposed on you __ exuberance as well as diminution, both are equally harmful."

it mean EVEN the phrophet CANT declare anything as haraam(unlawful) or halaal(lawful),even tho the hadith claim its the sayin of the prophet.

The qoran call itself "Tibyaanan li Kulli Shaiyin (16:89)-wich means : ITS EXPLAIN EVERYTHING.

If u think the phrophets act is not in the quran,then what is in the quran?how could He judge according to the quran,if the quran dont have the rules of daily life? how could he solve human differneces according to the qoran ,if the formula is not in it?Why would the qoran call itself tabyaan li kulli shaiyin,if it cant explain the phrophets life?

think again.;)
quote from ziad :
"""In a few words: we don't take the orders from any other book or other source except from the holy Quran or by the understanding of prophet, and to know the understanding of prophet we should know his words, which some times include some verdicts from his understanding of islam and from the inspiration of god,
eg:- allah order us to pray for him 5 times every day, but he didn't tell us how to pray or how do the ablution, but the prophet did,
-allah order us to cut the thief's hand, but he didn't tell us how to cut, but the prophet explain, and that's the prophets job. """


Ziad,quran said it xplain everything,then why didnt it give the order of 5 time prayer ?and who told u the qoran didnt tell u how to do the ablution? u ever red the qoran,or u just like those ignorant ppl above who talk without having any knowledge?

“Do not pursue that of which you have no knowledge. The hearing and sight and the heart—all of them shall have to answer whether personal inquiry was made concerning the matter.” (17/36)
Because he is impotent? Or because he screwed up the first time? Maybe because he fears what would happen if he showed in person. Because he doesn't exist?

Yet nothing of that gets taught. Instead he teaches several hundred years of bloody repression.

Why? Even if it were remotely true, your god sucks. Why should I ignore that just because he screwed mom once?

where did u learn that? please show us the book you use to educate yourself :)

mayb 2+2 is 4..or mayb its 5.. or mayb its 6 ..,,??? answering with a question?

if every student gave an answer like that at the exams,then they really would achieve high marks,right?
quote from ziad :
"""In a few words: we don't take the orders from any other book or other source except from the holy Quran or by the understanding of prophet, and to know the understanding of prophet we should know his words, which some times include some verdicts from his understanding of islam and from the inspiration of god,
eg:- allah order us to pray for him 5 times every day, but he didn't tell us how to pray or how do the ablution, but the prophet did,
-allah order us to cut the thief's hand, but he didn't tell us how to cut, but the prophet explain, and that's the prophets job. """


and who told u the qoran didnt tell u how to do the ablution? u ever red the qoran,or u just like those ignorant ppl above who talk without having any knowledge?

“Do not pursue that of which you have no knowledge. The hearing and sight and the heart—all of them shall have to answer whether personal inquiry was made concerning the matter.” (17/36)

Dear "j.a.g" first of all i want to apologize from u, not cus i do a mistake but cus i didn't explain as i should did ......maybe the reason was cus i'm not english native speaker or just cus i wrote a speech instead of a scientific post coupled with quotation from the Quran and the Sunna !

i'm sorry ...

Ablution :the act of washing yourself.
Ablution is part of some religious ceremonies.
ablutions :Your ablutions are the things you do when you wash yourself.
Cambridge Dictionary

So when i used this word i didn't mean the washing which we do before the salat, but i mean the one which we called it [alghussel/الغُسلُ] cus the salat has some condition like:
u should be muslim/ الإسلام
perception/ الأدراك
cleanness/ الطهارة
cover the private parts/ستر العورة

and the cleanness request from us to clean our self when we touch any impurity or even after coitus, when the sperm get out, or when the women get menstruation ......etc etc
so when i was talking about the Ablution i was talking about alghussel or if u want to say " ritual ablution"* but not about alwodoea/الوضوء ... and for that i said allah didn't explain to us how to "do the ablution"
Ziad,quran said it xplain everything,then why didnt it give the order of 5 time prayer ?

cus allah said, " He who obeys the apostle, obeys God: but if any turn away, we have not sent thee to watch over their","من يطع الرسول فقد أطاع الله ومن تولى فما أرسلناك عليهم حفيظا"[ 4/80],and said " Nor does he say (aught) of (his own) Desire. It is no less than inspiration sent down to him:"وما ينطق عن الهوى,إن هو إلا وحي يوحى"
[53/3-4] so the prophet didn't order any thing from him own self, or any thing contradict with what allah want, and if u read albukhary book which include prophets's words, specifically the hadith number 3674, u will know why we pray 5 times every day ...**

*my friend translated the word for me, i don't know if it's a correct or not cus i did't found it in Cambridge Dictionary, i mean :"ritual ablution"
**i will continue this night or tomorrow ..
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As nobody has the right to declare 'lawful' what has been declared 'unlawful', similarly none has the right to declare unlawful that which has been legitimate.

Isn't there a verse about using your brains, too?

The Quran is a guide but to cling to it without thinking is an insult to it.

The very first revelation to Mohammed was the injunction to read.

And I read that most Hadiths were collected 200-800 years after the prophet died.

Out of 600,000 Bukhari rejected all but 4000. Based on isnad, ie who said it to whom. There is really no way to confirm the validity of what was said. People interpret what other people say, rather than parrot it.

Isn't it better to do something because its right for you, rather than because someone else also did it?
Isn't there a verse about using your brains, too?

The Quran is a guide but to cling to it without thinking is an insult to it.

The very first revelation to Mohammed was the injunction to read.

And I read that most Hadiths were collected 200-800 years after the prophet died.

Out of 600,000 Bukhari rejected all but 4000. Based on isnad, ie who said it to whom. There is really no way to confirm the validity of what was said. People interpret what other people say, rather than parrot it.

Isn't it better to do something because its right for you, rather than because someone else also did it?

A brilliant post.
Isn't there a verse about using your brains, too?

The Quran is a guide but to cling to it without thinking is an insult to it.

The very first revelation to Mohammed was the injunction to read.

And I read that most Hadiths were collected 200-800 years after the prophet died.

Out of 600,000 Bukhari rejected all but 4000. Based on isnad, ie who said it to whom. There is really no way to confirm the validity of what was said. People interpret what other people say, rather than parrot it.

Isn't it better to do something because its right for you, rather than because someone else also did it?

Hi S.A.M

In early publications, we find the ahadith of the Messenger, the sayings of confereesR and declarations of tabaeenR are all together. The later generations began to compile the ahadith of Messenger separately. These compilations are named Musnid e Hind. The first Musnid was written in early third century by Abdullah bin Moosa. After him followed, Musdood Basri, Asad bin Moosa, Naeem bin hamad and others. These were followed by the next generations. For example, Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal, Is’haaq bin Rahu’via, Uthman bin abi Shay’ba and others. In the fourth category comes Imam BokhariR (died hijra 252), who attempted to compile only the genuine ahadith. After him, followed his student Imam Muslim Nishapuri (died hijra 261). Both of these scholar’s books are named ‘Sahiheen.’ Following these books, the writing of ahadith became a popular occupation among hadithists.

All kinds of ahadith, of which there is no number now, came to be written. What needs to be investigated here, is the fact, if ahadith were divinely ordained, then Messenger himself and his conferees, would not have categorically prohibited the writing of it. On the contrary they would have made every attempt to preserve the ahadith.

Let me point out,shia sunni hadith,both sects hadith writer were IRANIAN,and not arabian.

one example of explaining the quran throug hadith.

Quran defines Allah as:


“God is beyond the limitations of time.”

These words are so clear and explicit, one does not have any problem in understanding them—

“He is the first and he is the last!” whereas we find in the collection of Trimidhi, A lengthy explanation of this ayaat by Abu Huraira, the concise summary of which is:

“The Holy Messenger said that the distance between earth and sky is five hundred years of journey. And the distance between two skies is also the same. Now there are seven skies in all, the distance between the seventh sky and heaven is also five hundred years of journey. In the same way there is an earth beneath this earth, which is also five hundred years of journey. And there are seven earths. The distance between every two is also the same... After that the Messenger said, ‘He is the first and he is the last!’

Can it, by any means be claimed as the words of Messenger Muhammad?

In the first gospel of Abu HurairaR, we read in Trimidhi, the path from one sky to the other is five hundred years. In the same Trimidhi it is stated, the Messenger saying, the distance between two skies is 71 or 72 or 73 years. The glaring contradiction is very clearly obvious!

The later story, that there are seven skies, on top of the seventh sky is an ocean; on the ocean are seven ibexes. And on the backs of these ibexes is the heaven. This is an explanation of the following ayaat from Quran, wherein is stated:

The Quran says:


“We have created every living creature from water.”

Meaning, life initiated from water and is dependent on water also. Life cannot sustain itself without water. The intrinsic resource of life is water. The later ayaat therefore means, that God has absolute control over water. In other words, God has complete authority and control on the primary source of life.

This was the truth that has been explained in Quran. And we also read, narrated in Trimidhi, its explanation attributed to MuhammadPBUH.

Now you can decide for your self, can it be claimed, in any way, as the explanation given by the Messenger?

if errors like that can occure in a "authentic" hadith,then we would need the qoran,wich came to eliminate ALL doubts.

Zalikal kitabun la raiba .....

there is NO doubt in this book.

The meian goal of the qoran is to educate ,and lead human beings out from darkness.


“And Man was taught the knowledge of all names.”

It is very obvious. The Arabic word ‘Adam’ symbolizes ‘mankind’ or ‘humankind.’ Humankind has been granted the capacity to grasp the knowledge of universe. Human being has also been given the freedom of choice, which is impossible to exercise without knowledge. Freedom to choose and knowledge go hand in hand.