

By now I figured this would be commonly accepted fact, considering whites only make up 10% of the world population:

1)we're not considering whites:rest of the world ratio
2) concentration of any one race in proportion to the overall concentration has nothing to do with birth/death rate of said "race"

Re: and2000x

Originally posted by Wraith
1)we're not considering whites:rest of the world ratio

You mention nothing else apart from your hatred of whites.

BTW, who is the WE as in we're?

Who does the WE represent, you and who else??
Can anyone give an example where multiculturalism in this world is flourishing?

Here are some examples where "multiculturalism" is NOT flourishing

Rwanda (Hutus & Tutsis)
Zimbabwe and South Afrika (Whites & Blacks)
Balkans (Split along religious, ethnic and cultural lines)
Northern Ireland (Sectarian tensions)
United States, Australia and United Kingdom and other western nations (Ethnic separatism on the increase)
Indonesia (Separatist Muslims in Aceh and Ambon attack Christians)
Singapore (Chinese minority attacked)
India and Pakistan (Kashmir dispute and religious tensions)
Israel and Palestine (Land dispute between two cultures)
listen up Bernard, I'm Tired of your stupididty:

Originally posted by Wraith
1)we're not considering whites:rest of the world ratio


BTW, who is the WE as in we're?
Who does the WE represent, you and who else??

OY vey!
1) why? have you lost the complete essence and context in which this thread is being debated??
2) WE Norman friggin tebbit as in the rest of the members debating this topic in this thread.

You mention nothing else apart from your hatred of whites.
nothing else appart from facts and objective refutations and counetr points to your drivell.
Hatred of whites?? Hellooooo earth to Vienna. My God, you're so dumb you cannot even tell when I'm addressing your predujiced, stereo typical view on this topic with deliberate counter stereotypical imagery, because that's the only language you seem to understand.

Rwanda (Hutus & Tutsis)
Zimbabwe and South Afrika (Whites & Blacks)
Balkans (Split along religious, ethnic and cultural lines)
Northern Ireland (Sectarian tensions)
United States, Australia and United Kingdom and other western nations (Ethnic separatism on the increase)
Indonesia (Separatist Muslims in Aceh and Ambon attack Christians)
Singapore (Chinese minority attacked)
India and Pakistan (Kashmir dispute and religious tensions)
Israel and Palestine (Land dispute between two cultures)

my god! (give me strength)....I've lost the will to post....

Hatred of whites?? Hellooooo earth to Vienna. My God, you're so dumb you cannot even tell when I'm addressing your predujiced, stereo typical view on this topic with deliberate counter stereotypical imagery, because that's the only language you seem to understand.

I suggest you read this again, and again if need be, untill it sinks in.

Changing your tactics and adopting ad hom attacks proves nothing my friend, and is no skin off my nose.
Every group of people is happiest within that group. Introduce outsiders, and you have nothing in common except the basics of humanism and economics, which leads to a society motivated by pity and money.

Multiculturalism is another word for globalism, which will by necessity breed us all into something similar to middle easterns or American Indians.
Originally posted by Dapthar

Multiculturalism only asks that one simply accept different cultures. Who you breed with is your own choice.

First of all, here's a definition so you don't go misusing the word globalism again.

On an unrelated note, 28+ posts in one day? Someone's got way too much free time.

Multiculturalism asks that one accept different cultures/races IN THE SAME SPACES or same political spaces. Your "post" is a sidestep of the issue.

Second, your definition of globalism is not universally accepted.

Third, rate of posting and thinking differs among users. It might be too much for some and too little for others, but where I come from, generating a few pages of articulate text is not considered a time-consuming labor.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Doesn't make sense Vienna

Originally posted by Vienna
Got any figures on that statement?

Tell you what, you find 'em.

Good for you, you know your place.

Why are you so surprised that the British people try to preserve their identity against the forced immigration masses?

Against the "rules" is it?

You mean you've never heard of rotten boroughs? Or the patronage that effectively enabled people to buy cushy gvt jobs, especially ig they were with the royal family? Or how about the navy? Something like a 3rd of their money was wasted on dock yard boondoggles and coruption, from the purser in each ship to the admiralty itself.

Secondly, you cant seem to prove yoru case that immigrants are a danger to the economy etc, so why should I show otherwise?

Forced immigration? Nobody is forcing people to immigrate, thats the point.

Tell you what, youll agree that the key to keeping identity is to have a strong and vibrant culture. Why dont you get invovled in building one? I think youd agree that one based simply upon keeping out darkies would be monumentally limited and dull, wouldnt it? However, if you managed to get a decent, living culture going properly, the immigrants would automatically adapt to fit in, since their moving here would put them so much at the mercy of the home culture. I generally agree with keeping immmigration down, this country needs less people in it, but doign so simply by labelling foreighners as mornos and lesser peopel doesnt get you anywhere.
Its actually one thing I roughly agree with and2000x about, that problems of modern mass culture. However, we differ in what to do about it.
Originally posted by Vienna
So it's logical to say that the whites are in actual fact the minority and are the oppressed.

You perceive acceptance of other cultures as an invasion, yet I don't doubt that if people of your ethnicity moved to a country that was not where a majority of them were born, and they were not accepted with open arms, you would be the first to cry "foul". Your statements seem to project rather a racist bias.
Originally posted by Vienna
At the moment ethnic minorities are about 40 per cent in London. The demographics show that white people in London will become a minority by 2010, and we could have a majority black Britain by the turn of the century.
Even if there was no influx of ethnic minorities into London, it wouldn't make "white" people breed faster. Currently, the "white" birth rate is in decline, so regardless of who is moving in, "white" people in London are reducing their numbers on their own. Even if there was zero immigration and emigration, instead of becoming a minority, "white" populations would simply decline to the point where there is no longer a suitable number of people to maintain a healthy gene pool.
Originally posted by Vienna
Every people under the sun have a right to their place under the sun, and the right to survive.
Yes, but there is no mandate for people to reproduce. You seem to be confusing the two.
Originally posted by Vienna
If people predicted that Indians would be a minority in India in 2100, everyone would be calling it genocide.
If Indians were becoming a minority in India due to slow or negative reproduction rates it would not be "genocide", just the way the population trend was going. This is the current situation in London, so why should the analysis be any different?
Originally posted by Vienna
Can anyone give an example where multiculturalism in this world is flourishing?
Interesting, you craft the question so that you can impose your subjective definition of "flourishing" once someone submits an example. Nevertheless, multiculturalism flourishes almost everywhere, since almost every population on the planet is composed of different ethnic groups, and most of these people go about their daily lives peacefully. Frankly, most of the examples you give are not of multiculturalism not working, but situations in which two or more ethnic groups do not apply the principles of multiculturalism. In fact, in most of the scenarios you describe this is readily apparent, and in the few left, your examples are not even valid. See analysis below.
Originally posted by Vienna
Here are some examples where "multiculturalism" is NOT flourishing

Rwanda (Hutus & Tutsis)
Zimbabwe and South Afrika (Whites & Blacks)
Balkans (Split along religious, ethnic and cultural lines)
Northern Ireland (Sectarian tensions)
Indonesia (Separatist Muslims in Aceh and Ambon attack Christians)
Singapore (Chinese minority attacked)
Israel and Palestine (Land dispute between two cultures)
Tensions in these cases are primarily caused by ethnic groups attempting to stay disparate, neither willing to accept the other, i.e. not attempting to even practice the ideas of multiculturalism.

Also, it's spelled "Africa", a rather egregious error for one so keen on pointing out spelling mistakes.
Originally posted by Vienna
United States, Australia and United Kingdom and other western nations (Ethnic separatism on the increase)
No proof provided, and I don't think you'll be able to find any from a reputable source either.
Originally posted by Vienna
India and Pakistan (Kashmir dispute and religious tensions)
What's the root of this conflict? Separatism. Those who shared certain beliefs separated from India to form Pakistan, and thus, any disputes between these two countries can be traced back to this division. Again, not a failure of multiculturalism, but a failure to apply its ideas.

Frankly, your posts read more like a "debate training dummy" than a serious platform. You over generalize, make numerous logical fallacies, misinterpret data, and make practically every debate mistake possible. You might want to try harder next time, or simply give up if you are not willing to put forth the effort. Also, I note that when evidence is presented that contradicts your ideas, you quietly abandon them, rather than admit defeat. Rather mature. (For the humorless, that was a use of sarcasm.)

Originally posted by Craig Smith
Multiculturalism asks that one accept different cultures/races IN THE SAME SPACES or same political spaces. Your "post" is a sidestep of the issue.
How exactly does my post sidestep that issue?
Originally posted by Craig Smith
Further, "multiculturalism" will produce one world race and thus reduce diversity dramatically.
Multiculturalism only asks that one simply accept different cultures. Who you breed with is your own choice.
You stated that multiculturalism will produce one world race. I stated that multiculturalism does not dictate whom one should breed with, just that one accept other cultures. No "sidestepping", or "sleight of hand", I simply pointed out your incorrect assertion.
Originally posted by Craig Smith
Second, your definition of globalism is not universally accepted.
Nothing is universally accepted. However, those publishing The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language support "my" definition. What do you have to support your assertion that the definition I posted is flawed?
Originally posted by Craig Smith
Third, rate of posting and thinking differs among users. It might be too much for some and too little for others, but where I come from, generating a few pages of articulate text is not considered a time-consuming labor.
That strikes me as odd for two reasons:

1.) I doubt that all of your posts combined would fill one page if it was composed of single-spaced, 12-point, Times New Roman text. You seem to simply blurt out a malformed idea in a sentence or two, and consider it a "post".

2.) Correct grammar and incorrect arguments do not combine to make an articulate post.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Doesn't make sense Vienna

Originally posted by guthrie
However, if you managed to get a decent, living culture going properly
We did, until 40 years ago.

I generally agree with keeping immmigration down, this country needs less people in it
Yes, it's upsetting your applecart.
Last edited:
Originally posted by Dapthar

Oh Pleeeeeease do shut up for a moment.

That was the biggest pile of garbage I have ever seen, I mean where do you dream this stuff up. Stop smoking the gange, and wake up to the real world.

Now you feebly attempted to answer this question with an answer more suited to a politician sidestepping. I will ask you one more time....

Give me an example where multiculturalism in this world is flourishing?

A straight answer please.
You contradict this assertion with your "supporting example". See below.

You cling to absolute realities and absolute concepts, just as most people do in this society. It's always "one or the other" isn't it? Perhaps you need to realize that the actions of people vary depending on their environment (duh).

Yet this is a counterexample to your point. By your logic, they should be fine, since they will constantly defend their culture, regardless of the "attacks" that may occur, one of these being the changes in their social and political lives

Again, you do not take the condition in which it happened into account. Perhaps you need to brush up on contemporary Saudi Arabian history, especially the transitions from tribal life to industrial life in a few decades. Israel is the perfect example to represent my case, where numerous forces combat eachother over things that would seem trivial (to most Americans and other outsiders).

Have you actually read his columns? It's the same old tired, pro-Hitler, anti-immigrant, pseudo-intellectual propaganda dressed up in the guise

Strange, considering his theory makes no mention of Hitler, or a Furher, other than the passing article called "Remembering Hitler, Moving On". Either way, you assume that because it is National Socialist in nature, that is is WRONG. Typical moral dualism.

He touts the ideas he supports as the "truth", but in the end, he falls back upon baseless generalizations

What baseless generalizations? That god doesn't exist? That humanism is the opposite of naturalism? You may not AGREE with his generalizations, but that doesn't make them INCORRECT.

and appeals to fear rather than supporting his ideas with logical arguments.

Fear? What fear? Strangely enough, his site supports drug-experimentation, eugenics, color-blind laws (that's right, REAL racial equality), and other things that 'strike fear' into average people, so I don't see what fear mongering he is bringing other than warning us of Judeo-Christian madness.
YEAH! I love these threads... hope this one doesn't fizzle out like that lame "facts about race" one.

Vienner said:
So it's logical to say that the whites are in actual fact the minority and are the oppressed.


Ah, it's pure poetry. Although not as impressive as that list of white people who were !!!MURDERED!!! Hanky please!

And said:
Strange, considering his theory makes no mention of Hitler,

You should get otheadp in here, he'd mention Hitler in a second!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Doesn't make sense Vienna

Originally posted by Vienna
We did, until 40 years ago.

Yes, it's upsetting your applecart.

My applecart? what do you think it is?

We did 40 years ago? Ok, then in that case, if your that old, think about what happened next. I think if you actually think about it, youll find that the immigrants didnt kill the culture, the people suppoosed to be living it did. I partly blame the consumerist mass consumption culture and later on the loss of british industry, as well as over the whole 40 years the inevitable comedown from empire. Lets face it, the immigrants were an ignored and ghettoised part of the country for decades. Meanwhile, the mainstream culture faltered and died, separate from anything to do with the immigrants. Hey, what about the 60's?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Doesn't make sense Vienna

Originally posted by guthrie
My applecart? what do you think it is?
Tarred with the same brush springs to mind when I hear umpteen Pakistanis saying "stop immigration, it's giving us a bad name."

I think if you actually think about it, youll find that the immigrants didnt kill the culture, the people suppoosed to be living it did. I partly blame the consumerist mass consumption culture and later on the loss of british industry
Yes, the British industry died, and it's never really recovered. Hardly any jobs to be had these days, but the government is begging immigrants to came to this country because of shortage skills - what fucking shortage skills??? There are no jobs!
To me, all this info is beginning to take shape, all this bullshit Political Correctness, mass immigration, british terrorists, no freedom of speech - do you recognise a trend here????
Think about it! Do you recognise what is happening, not only in UK - but all over Europe! (No, not an Islam invasion either). I guess we are all sunk.

as well as over the whole 40 years the inevitable comedown from empire.
The empire finished just after the last World War - nearly 60 years ago.

Lets face it, the immigrants were an ignored and ghettoised part of the country for decades. Meanwhile, the mainstream culture faltered and died, separate from anything to do with the immigrants.
I have mentioned this before - if MC works there would be no ghettos - look at the ghettos today - half cities no less.

Hey, what about the 60's?
Cooooool :D Far out man................
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Doesn't make sense Vienna

Originally posted by Vienna

Yes, the British industry died, and it's never really recovered. Hardly any jobs to be had these days, but the government is begging immigrants to came to this country because of shortage skills - what fucking shortage skills???

You know, depending what you talk about, there is a skills shortage. Its partly due to companies wanting oto much from their prospective employee, and if you look at the health profession, the fact we're bringing in nurse from Spain, or indeed, teachers from the carribean aught to tell you something. Theres also a shortage of engineers, dont ask me how, i dont see much engineering going on, but anyways...
I have yet to see a decent excuse for why the gvt wants to encourage immigration myself. Filling the shit low paid jobs is certainly one job, theres a shed load of fruit pickers over here as well.

There are no jobs!

I'd kind of agree. theres few decent jobs about. theres plenty of useless ones though, enough so they can claim to have things looking rosy even when they arent.

To me, all this info is beginning to take shape, all this bullshit Political Correctness, mass immigration, british terrorists, no freedom of speech - do you recognise a trend here????
Think about it! Do you recognise what is happening, not only in UK - but all over Europe! (No, not an Islam invasion either). I guess we are all sunk.

It depends which trend your talking about. I can see several different trends happening, depending on which way your looking at it. Perhaps you could explain more.

The empire finished just after the last World War - nearly 60 years ago.

Well, to be pedantic 60 years ago is 1943, but we werent really dismantling it till closer to '53, so ill say 50 years ago instead.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Doesn't make sense Vienna

Originally posted by guthrie
which trend your talking about. I can see several different trends happening, depending on which way your looking at it. Perhaps you could explain more.
Sure guthrie,

Freedom and Democracy in Britain????

Political Correctness has gone mad in our country, and creates friction, but it is used as a tool for control by the government. It is from the teachings of Marx and Lenin, and was first used in the Soviet in the 1920's . It takes away our freedom of speech and infringes on citizens’ civil rights. This is why political correctness should not be taken lightly, yet alone tolerated.

The evolution of British freedoms, law and liberties, and the right of the citizen to a fair trial in a British courtroom came to an abrupt end on 24th June 2002.

"Britain has agreed the final form of a new European arrest warrant, leaving Parliament powerless to block or amend the measure. With little fanfare, the warrant was formally adopted at a meeting of the Justice and Home Affairs Council earlier this month attended by David Blunkett. It becomes part of European law, and so must be implemented by Britain, even though ministers have yet to put the issue to a vote of any sort in Parliament... MPs and peers will have no power to change the provisions of the arrest warrant.. Under the scheme -- to come into force by January 2004 -- any citizen of the 15 EU states can be arrested and extradited for a range of offences, some of which are not even crimes in Britain".

So when you next hear a politician talk about "freedom and democracy", just remind them of the 24th June 2002 -- the day on which it was announced that British people (Black or White) could be whisked away out of the country by the agents of a foreign superstate. Oh! and don't forget your freedom of speech has gone and your civil liberties are threatened too.......

Soviet Britain? Soviet Europe??
Ahhh, that way.
Personally, I am also worried about the growth of state-corporate power. I see the EU as a batttleground between bureacrats and the rich people, with us getting squeezed in the middle.
So, you up for demonstrating against the EU constitution and any further union? I am. There is a massive democratic deficit at the heart of the EU, and as such large chunks should likely be dismantled. WE would probably disagree as to what.
However, political correctness is a mirage, a useful tool. I think it is way overstated as a danger to our 'liberties", seeing as a far grreater danger is a subservient press and secret backroom deals. A process that was unaffected by the consevratives in the 80's, and sometiems encouraged, and Blair is now carrying on. Whats coming out about the scottish aprliament building is interesting and downright infuriating, a whole bundle of people deserve to lose their jobs, and would do so if us plebs had a voice.
Originally posted by guthrie
Ahhh, that way.
Personally, I am also worried about the growth of state-corporate power. I see the EU as a batttleground between bureacrats and the rich people, with us getting squeezed in the middle.
I agree with you entirely
So, you up for demonstrating against the EU constitution and any further union? I am.
Too right I am :). I'm up for anything that would keep us out of EU but I feel that we are in too deep now.

There is a massive democratic deficit at the heart of the EU, and as such large chunks should likely be dismantled. WE would probably disagree as to what.
Can you elaborate on this??
However, political correctness is a mirage, a useful tool. I think it is way overstated as a danger to our 'liberties", seeing as a far grreater danger is a subservient press and secret backroom deals. A process that was unaffected by the consevratives in the 80's, and sometiems encouraged, and Blair is now carrying on. Whats coming out about the scottish aprliament building is interesting and downright infuriating, a whole bundle of people deserve to lose their jobs, and would do so if us plebs had a voice.
Spot on guthrie. I agree with a lot you say. I want to see an English parliament too!

Political correctness is not overstated though, have a look at these links and see what you think.