
Only a fool moralizes the deeds of their ancestors, or deliberately attacks another's ancestors for the purpose of making their perceived identity the 'victim'.

You've heard this trash before:
1. You should feel sorry for killing the Native Americans.
2. You should feel sorry for owning slaves.
3. Your ancestors were part of a cannibalistic tribe
4. You owe us reparations for your oppression.
5. You are resposnsible for the holocaust.
6. You blew up Pearl Harbor. blah blah blah
7. You should feel sorry for being rich while others were poor.

Regardless, anyone who plays up their 'culture' as the victim, the defensless, powerless cripple who needs the support of every man woman and child on the earth to heal their wounds is not a person who deserves any attention. Let the 'victim' roam the earth, forever defeated, forever depressed. They want the same thing that their overlords wanted when they smited their culture: power and attention.
What can i rule.

can you provide me with some tips on how i can cbecome more like you?

And when cornered he whimpers attempted insults.

Now, boombox, let me ask you a few questions and hope you're not a complete moron:

1: How is being intolerent of intolerence anything but hypocritical? Don't spin it like a little bitch, admit that it's hypocritical or explain why it's not.

2: Why is having a native culture a bad thing? Why is difference bad?

3: If "diversity" is so great, why is it not working in Britain?

Only a fool moralizes the deeds of their ancestors, or deliberately attacks another's ancestors for the purpose of making their perceived identity the 'victim'.

There's nothing foolish about it.
My ancestors held a noble and strong society together for thousands of years. They sailed the Atlantic and traded and raided as far as the Black Sea.
My ancestor's name was their word for Glory, for speech. They are hardy and eternal.

Damn straight I moralize them. Weaknesses and strengths.

And it is amusing as all hell to see those proponents of "diversity" citing Cortes as being "undiverse" whereas he was in fact one of their ilk.
Suppressing a native culture to the benefit of a foriegn one, all for some "higher" end?
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Originally posted by Vienna
Silly me, of course you don't.
Your an arab muslim who lives in Britain, you're not from Gloucester are you?


1) arab: NO
2)Muslim: NO
3) Britain: No shit sherlock.
4) Gloucester: No

1 out of 4 ain't that bad pointy head.
Re: Re: VIENNA come and address your master

Originally posted by Vienna
I'm fucking love this already :D

Sure did Skippy!

The country you live in was provided by the British invasion and massacre of the Aborigine tribes, which was even more severe and savage on the island of Tasmania where no native survived!

Enjoy your blood country, it suits you!

*waisting" Learn to spell Rolf, y'know in the second language of the stolen country you live in, Aborigine been the original. LOL! :D
Oh was this addressed at me? I'm guessing it was, what with the 'Skippy', 'blood country' and other thing's you've said in regards to where I live. Let's see now...

First off Vienna, get your quotes right and address said quotes to the correct person.

Secondly, you're now reverting to childish name calling? What, can't come up with anything better? Is this what you do when you have no proof to back up your argument? You're a sad little man.

Thirdly, you really are pathetic enough to even comment on people's spelling? Kind of sad actually, especially when I read back over the threads you've posted and seen how supposedly well you spell. Very sad considering that you're English and reside in the Mother Land. You know, since it's your first and probably only language and all? You know, the Mother Land who's citizens did all the actual slaughtering down here and elsewhere?
The country you live in was provided by the British invasion and massacre of the Aborigine tribes, which was even more severe and savage on the island of Tasmania where no native survived!
So I should be thanking you for where I live then? And yes, we all know who massacred the Aborigines in Australia. You must be real proud to be British Vienna. Real proud!

Enjoy your blood country, it suits you!
I do enjoy this country Vienna, with the knowledge that I am not the one who the Aborigines detest. You see Vienna, they detest the white english man. But not all white english men, they detest racist white english men. Oopsy, that's you isn't it? Because you see Vienna, the English soldiers who destroyed the Aboriginal culture in this country were racists. Aborigines dislike people who carry on as you do, stating they hate multiculturalism and the kind of racist name calling you've lowered yourself to in this thread.

When you've gotten a life and can actually argue with some coherence, then get back to me. Because frankly, I find you as annoying as a buzzing mosquito and your reversion into childish name calling and as a so called spell checker has only proven how low you really are. But then I shouldn't be surprised by what you spout in here. After all, you spend your time in the Religious forum pointing the finger at others and saying the 'my god is better than your god' crap.

You have become really boring about your self righteous indulgence in living in someone elses land.

You don't get it do you!

It's not the Aborigines I dislike, it's you!

My ancestors were murderers, they took this land forcibly off the natives and slaughtered them. They don't teach you this in History lessons at school, and they bloody well should. The kids would have more of an idea how brutal the British past has been and it's nothing to be proud of.

Yet you wallow in self gratifying pride how wonderful it all is.

Set an example - give your house and land back to the Aborigine, it was theirs to start with.
i also never said that having a native culture is a bad thing. i said racial/cultural violence is a bad thing.

I don't think many people dispute this.
Why even state the obvious?

why is diversity not working? thats an assertion, but anyway what your percieve as "not working"

It's not an assertion, but an observation. I grew up in outskirts of Detroit. Diversity works great, yeah, that's why having a white skin makes you a target. That's why there is such crime and "evil".
When you learn to distinguish between "thats" and "that's" and "you" and "your" you might also wish to brush up not only on the mechanics but the meanings of English words.

IN MY OPINION is just a symptom of a deeper problem to do with class, so maybe like society isn't working as opposed to diversity not working.

It's like Karl Marx in gen-y speak.
"Like, you know, the workers are alienated from the means of production."

It's fine to make assertions, just try to back them up.
There's nothing foolish about it.
My ancestors held a noble and strong society together for thousands of years. They sailed the Atlantic and traded and raided as far as the Black Sea.
My ancestor's name was their word for Glory, for speech. They are hardy and eternal.

I'm saying that people shouldn't 'moralize', as in feel guilty for anything their ancestors did. If my ancestors looted a church and burnt it down, it would be absurd for me to apologize, simply because I didn't do it. If my ancestors were killed by Christians, I'm not going to blame it on Pat Robertson. Just as an AfroAmerican shouldn't blame modern White southerners for slavery. I only look at history in retrospect as well, meaning I don't consider it 'evil' or 'barbaric' to sacrifice humans to Aztec gods, etc, or to enslave an entire race of people, simply because the modern moral standards didn't exist back then.
Originally posted by and2000x
I'm saying that people shouldn't 'moralize', as in feel guilty for anything their ancestors did. If my ancestors looted a church and burnt it down, it would be absurd for me to apologize, simply because I didn't do it.

i agree. in aus we have this big issua about whites being supposed to apologise to tha natives over historical things. i thinks its nonsense.
Originally posted by and2000x
I'm saying that people shouldn't 'moralize', as in feel guilty for anything their ancestors did. If my ancestors looted a church and burnt it down, it would be absurd for me to apologize, simply because I didn't do it. If my ancestors were killed by Christians, I'm not going to blame it on Pat Robertson. Just as an AfroAmerican shouldn't blame modern White southerners for slavery. I only look at history in retrospect as well, meaning I don't consider it 'evil' or 'barbaric' to sacrifice humans to Aztec gods, etc, or to enslave an entire race of people, simply because the modern moral standards didn't exist back then.
You make some good points here. Don't be fooled by so-called "Black Leaders" who run around screaming for reparations and lawsuits at the drop of a hat. Most black people realize that reparations are unrealistic today. There has simply been too much time that has been passed, and America couldn't afford the financial hit.

I urge all of you to take a closer look at what the media pumps out during the *news*. The news media's ONLY goal is ratings, which equals $$money$$. Just because the news shows some local politician screaming racism and calling himself a "leader", doesn't make it reality.

There is a reason why you will never hear the term "white leader" used. It would upset the illusion of our society that has been built up for the past 50 years. The truth is that diversity works fine in America, that blacks and whites both want the same things in life, that we're all mindless tv worshipping sheep looking for a Christmas bonus, so we can spend more money on crap we don't need. Remember, the media will ALWAYS push a story if it will pit black against white, and unfortuantely it seems to be working on the younger generation now. They want minorities to be "outraged by some injustice", or white people to be "outraged by the reverse injustice". One day minorities are oppressing whites, and the next, the reverse happens according to the news. The idiot box is playing us all for fools.

If the success of America isn't proof that diversity works, I'm not sure what your looking for. Hell, we attract great minds from everywhere in the World because we're accepting of other cultures. We foster and diverse minds and visionary thinkers like a Steve Jobs in computers, a Quentin Tarantino in film making, a (future great) Xev in philosophy, a George Carlin in comedy, or a GW Bush in... uh.. scratch that last one.

You don't have to lose one's history in order to embrace another's culture.
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You've misunderstood me if you think that I posted that as an effort to be personable. Then again, you probably misunderstand women a lot:

Random Female: "Get away from me, you vile creep!"
Boombox: "Wow, she's mean to me because she wants me."


Why are you talking like a retarded wigger?
In any case:

Posted by boombox 11-29-03 at 04:06 AM
Well if we don't get to know each other just a little, we won't be able to understand each other, so there would be no point in even arguing.

But if I point to personal experience to back up my point...
More hypocrisy from the hypocrite.

you might wanna take your own advice about spelling and words

Misspelling does not mean that one cannot comprehend English. It's an error of form, not of function or understanding. english is fine i have a degree in english.

I just got done screwing Viggo Mortensen on the hood of my '72 Alfa Romeo.

you're profoundly immature and boring i think you and me should get a little bit of ignore the hell out of each other going on. have a nice life tool

Because you can't defend your arguments against my insignificant sniping?
Originally posted by Vienna
You have become really boring about your self righteous indulgence in living in someone elses land.

You don't get it do you!

It's not the Aborigines I dislike, it's you!

My ancestors were murderers, they took this land forcibly off the natives and slaughtered them. They don't teach you this in History lessons at school, and they bloody well should. The kids would have more of an idea how brutal the British past has been and it's nothing to be proud of.

Yet you wallow in self gratifying pride how wonderful it all is.

Set an example - give your house and land back to the Aborigine, it was theirs to start with.

Ah Vienna, they do teach us about the vile acts perpetrated against the Aboriginal people. Most educated Australians are aware of what occured here and why it occured and most of these Australians aren't proud of what occured. Who would be? If you had bothered to read what I have been saying you would have been aware that I am not proud of this country's history and nor will I ever be.

As to my handing back my house and land back? You're probably correct. I could move back to the country of my birth and re-settle there. But then just one person doing such an act would never be enough. How about all people who have settled in other lands over the last 500 years or so go back to the country of origin of their ancestors? Just think of the influx of migrants who would come back to the UK? Just from Australia alone. Just think of the multicultural experience you'd get then? Around 13 million Australians flooding back to the mother land and being your neighbour. I smile to myself just thinking about it. And add to that all the people who'd settled in Canada, New Zealand, America, South Africa, etc. You'd have to move out of your home to make room for them all. You're right Vienna, lets all give back what was taken from the native inhabitants from all over the world and lets just go home. Why even the Queen should be feeling guilt at how she arrived to be the Queen of England. Sigh... sorry I'm still smiling at the amount of ranting you'd do if all gave back the land and went back to the original homes of their ancestors. Look into your history Vienna, you may end up having to move as well, to return the land to the original tribe that resided where you are now. After all, it was theirs to start with:). Am I a hypocrite for living here knowing the history of this country? Then yes I guess I am, as are all people who live in all countries around the world who aren't the true natives of that country. But I do all I can to give the respect that the native peoples of this land deserve and while that is nothing, it is but a step to total re-conciliation.

And as for you not liking me Vienna, what can I say... I'm proud and flattered:D. Because the thought of someone like you liking me would mean that you and I would have something in common and the thought of that is just... well.. terrifying. And as for you not disliking Aboriginies, I'm sure you'd like them just so long as they weren't your neighbour in your small little house, in your small little life. After all, if an Aboriginal lived next door to you, they'd add to your hate of multiculturalism. In Australia, we encourage people of other cultures to share what they know. We never forget who the true Australians are and nor should we ever forget. It is their land and no one should ever forget that fact, and most people don't, and no-where in my posts have I ever said otherwise. Vienna, I think it is you who does not get it. You love other cultures just so long as they aren't living in your neighbourhood. I shudder to think of how you'd react if a true Australian moved next door to you. Instead of getting to know that neighbour, you'd carry on like an old woman thinking that your neighbour was taking away your nationhood, as if anyone would want to even want your sad little bitter life.



You just don't get it do you, but then again I wouldn't really expect a person of your background to understand and appreciate what a true national identity is, and you are too ignorant and unqualified to take on board the true problems of immigration in Britain today.
Only a fool moralizes the deeds of their ancestors, or deliberately attacks another's ancestors for the purpose of making their perceived identity the 'victim'.

You've heard this trash before:
1. You should feel sorry for killing the Native Americans.
2. You should feel sorry for owning slaves.
3. Your ancestors were part of a cannibalistic tribe
4. You owe us reparations for your oppression.
5. You are resposnsible for the holocaust.
6. You blew up Pearl Harbor. blah blah blah
7. You should feel sorry for being rich while others were poor.
Once someone becomes what they should be they are doublemined. Opression, however, is a major part of history. Shouldn't we know who blew up Perl harbor, who killed the Native Americans, and who was responsible for the holocaust? This is not to attack but to avoid repeating mistakes.
Originally posted by Vienna


You just don't get it do you, but then again I wouldn't really expect a person of your background to understand and appreciate what a true national identity is, and you are too ignorant and unqualified to take on board the true problems of immigration in Britain today.

No, you don't get it. Listen up grand wizard why don't you take off that pllow case with the eyes cut out form your pointy head, because it seems it's imparring your already narrow vision.

1) "it"? you sir cannot even define the "it" you accuse bells of not getting .
2) You're in no position to comment on anyone's background, least of all someone about whom you know nothing.
3)national identity? That's sweet coming from budding young Enoch who cannot even identify his own culture.

refute the points mate, look back there's plenty of stuff for you to get busy with.

Leave the ad hom attacks to me, you just embarrass yourself.

now go lynch some coons to protect "your culture"....oh wait! silly me!.....

It's Pakis you really hate......isn't it vienna.
Whats your problem with the brown skin types?
Last I heard the UK was a free country. Let 'em all in! Can't be any worse than the white trash that litter council estates up and down this fair land.

Get used to immigrants 'cos they ain't going home.
Dee Cee
dee dont get dragged into immigration, that's what he wants.
True immigration is a sore point at the very least because of finite resources etc, HIS problem is with "multiculturalism"

immigration notwithstanding, ethnic minorities in total make up something like 15 or 17% (need to back that up but I reckon its there abouts)

17% vienna, that's 83% of your kinfolk still left untainted
Right, that's a brilliant economic strategy, let in an endless stream of cheap labour so that workers are forced to accept lower pay to compete. Then not having as much disposable income, those workers buy less, so that the companies that hire them make lower profits, which drives those companies to lay off workers and drive wages down further....

Brilliant, deecee. Fucking brilliant.

As for multiculturalism, please.
I don't have to wear a burqua just so that I refrain from torching mosques. Tolerence is one thing - some of the most fertile cultures - Roman, British, Arab - arose from exposure to foriegn ideals and customs.

But forcing tolerence, being intolerent of intolerence, and insisting that we love everything about other cultures, is unnatural. Humans are somewhat xenophobic by nature. Deny human nature and you deny humanism, and all you're left with is some sterile little ant colony.

Which is what most of you herbivores want anyways.
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There is a reason why you will never hear the term "white leader" used. It would upset the illusion of our society that has been built up for the past 50 years. The truth is that diversity works fine in America, that blacks and whites both want the same things in life, that we're all mindless tv worshipping sheep looking for a Christmas bonus, so we can spend more money on crap we don't need. Remember, the media will ALWAYS push a story if it will pit black against white, and unfortuantely it seems to be working on the younger generation now. They want minorities to be "outraged by some injustice", or white people to be "outraged by the reverse injustice". One day minorities are oppressing whites, and the next, the reverse happens according to the news. The idiot box is playing us all for fools.

I agree 99%. Very well put and that is exactly how the media functions (notice that every 'news' report becomes some sort of drama.) Although I disagree that race problems don't exist, because clearly they do. In my original town I schooled alongside blacks and hispanics without a problem, mostly because they had adopted a 'white culture'. On the outer edges of the town there were clear cultural divisions, with the inner-city 'ghetto' type being of the lowest income and highest social decadence. The inner city is where the most hate groups exist (NOT in rural, downsouth areas where the media would like you to think), so clearly this is fed by a) poverty and b) culture clashing. In my opinion, all people should be proud of their race(s), culture, religion, and heritage, and if others feel put down or threatened by that pride, then it is their own loss. They obviously lack the will power to carve out their own ethnic existence and there is no hope for these 'victims'.