
Roughly speaking, I think closer Eu links cannot be forced. The nation state has not yet had its day, I may be something of a leftie with a desire to shake things up, but the sheer history and practical size of the nation state is not something to be currently gainsaid. Therefore, the EU trend of centralisaiton is to be abhorred. The part of that which is so worrying is as you say the crimial justice acts, and the harmonisation across the EU. There is a different between saying "right, taht kind of X is equal to two of them, and that level of degree in the UK = a Y in France and a Z in Spain." That is how i would have thought it best to proceed, but no, its more a case of europeanisaiton everything. Then, since decision making is such a mess, you geet the council of ministers, acting on behalf of the executives of every country, making decisions that affect teh future, in a very tight band of people. Then theres the business input eg my the european round table of business's, who have gotten their way in many cases in the last 20 years. The bureaucrats are another danger, since the harmonisation encourages the growth of rules etc. Now, you ahve to accept that some of this growth in rules is part of the natural growth of control in general. The more you control the more there is to control, just look at your car for example. But what has happened is its capture by vested interests, and this is made easier by the simple amount of distance from here to there. Now, in the UK, Thatcehr continued the trend of gvt centralisation, and Blair has only carried it on. Town halls are comparatively powerless. Moreover, the biggest other threat is the simple fact that the PM has usurped every monarchical prerogative going. From waging war to freedom from prosecution, to packing the law courts with stooges, its all there.

Now, to try and tie it all up is hard. BAsically, the west lothian question is coming to the fore again, ince the gvt is relying on scottish mps to push through legislation, i think its on hospitals, or is it tuition fees? cant remember. anyways, it is a simple logical point that the scots shouldnt vote on matters affecting only england, and preferably vice versa as well. I am not so sure a parliament jsut for englan is relaly a good idea, its too far along to regionalisation, same with a parliament for yorkshire etc. However, what shoudl be done is decentralisaiton of power from westminster. This will require much effort and itnerest taking y the electorate however, but i dont see it as beyond the bounds of possibility. Second, the house of lords should be fully elected, but by a different system to the commons, and possibly with different tenure etc. That will do for starters.
ow, for Europe, i would immediately put on hold the constituton, and single currency. IT might even be wrth dismantling the single currency, ut at this point i have to juggle two has. My revolutionary side sayd stuff it, killl it off and lets d something different, my conservative side says look at the economics and world power potential. But htat aside, i think the whole negotiations of european wide laws etc shoudl be repealed back some way. The Eu cannot be dragooned into being one nation state. That will take at least 2 more generations of prosperity and happy living together. Ramming the laws for it through now is pointless and will damage everything. Actually, what to do to the EU is something i need to look at, its an area outwith my previous studies.
What would you like to do?
Originally posted by guthrie
it is a simple logical point that the scots shouldnt vote on matters affecting only england
Correct. That is why we need an English parliament
I am not so sure a parliament jsut for englan is relaly a good idea, its too far along to regionalisation,
What! And a Scottish parliament isn't????
What would you like to do?
The biggest con ever to hit these shores is the idea of the EU, it has ALWAYS progressed without the approval of the people of the UK. Decimalisation was a con, the change of weights from imperial to metric is a con, miles to kilometers, it's all bullshit. We the people of UK are being tolded we are going in to the EU, we were TOLD we were going decimilised, not asked. We were TOLD that we are going into the EU, not asked. We as a United Union of countries (UK) do not require a further extension of this idea as in a EU, it is a complex idea and the four countries which make up the UK has been complicated enough let alone joining countless other countries. It will not work! And those who say it will work are fools. Personally I am sick of being told what this country is going to do against the peoples wishes, like the Iraq war for example. I am furious that the PM took it on himself to go to war without back up from this country, He wouldn't have got it anyhow. He has gone against the wishes of this country to often and its time for him to go. But he is not alone in this , many other politicians have acted in this way and have done for too long.
I want an English parliament, because at least I will be able to say I'm English legally, at the moment England is not a political country, and no Englishman/woman can claim to be English legally ever since James VI of Scotland became James I of England and Scotland, and hence England lost it's identity, Scotland has only just regained their legality recently with the formation of the Scottish parliament. The Welsh also have a legal identity as they have an assembly.
Anyway back to the idea of EU. The UK can do well without it, we don't need it and never will. The EU will only ruin the UK.
Well, the scottish parliament is too far along to regionaisation. An independent scotlandd would be fun, but would have to come abotu trhough the direct actions of a majority of the populace, not like how the parliament happened. And it is just one big useless talking shop. However, i think yuoll find that having a parliament doesnt give you legal identity with regards to being a country. I thought that was more to do with heads of state.

OK, so your agin the Euro, and everything down to actual po;lotical messing about in brussels, and CAP, and structural support funds, etc.
Originally posted by guthrie
Well, the scottish parliament is too far along to regionaisation. An independent scotlandd would be fun, but would have to come abotu trhough the direct actions of a majority of the populace, not like how the parliament happened. And it is just one big useless talking shop. However, i think yuoll find that having a parliament doesnt give you legal identity with regards to being a country. I thought that was more to do with heads of state.

Parliament is very much a legal thing. The links I have given you here should make interesting reading. I am not surprised that you are misinformed about the workings of the English nationality, I believe 99% of all English people don't realise that they have been robbed of a legal identity.
Ahh, I see what your getting at. You certainly need some support. Well, good luck and all that. i'm going to be too busy trying to put the boot up Scotlands backside.
Hello: I am new here, but I am going to give it a shot. No matter how we cut it and slice it, people from just about all walks of life are here in Earth. What it comes down to is that we can either fight like cats and dogs or we can try to get along with each others. If we fight like cats and dogs, then we will turn this world into Hell, but if we try to get along, we have a chance of make this world like Heaven.

Here in USA, we are not homogenous like tomato soup but more like beef stew. We have the freedom to be who we are.

I don't like bigotry along the line of race, religion, nor along any other line, but unfortunately such bigotry exists and it did not come out of a vacuum. Yes, a small percentage is from ancient reasons, but most of it are from fresh reasons. If we are to rid our part of the world of bigotry, we need to address the reasons that feed it. We have people from various walks of life who feel that they have been wronged by other folks. Such wrongs that goes unresoved ends up getting passed on from generations to generations and works in incidious ways.

Being a Christian, I believe that Jesus is one who we go through to get to Heaven. That does not mean that we have to QUOTE believe in Jesus as the preachers tells us, but rather that we treat our fellow man including the least one of us with the respect. If you don't believe me, pick up the Holy Bible and read Matthew 25:31-45 and you will find out who Jesus will take into Heaven and who Jesus will not bring into Heaven. It does not matter if you are Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, or even atheist, but you have to respect and help even the least one of our brothers and sisters. By doing that, you do that to the Lord Jesus Christ and when your judgement day comes, Jesus will remember what you have done for Jesus.

My ancestry is made up of various racial and ethnic background. I am a testament of love from people of different background.

Back to strife between different group of people, on the surface, certain groups are automatically labeled as being wrong and others are considered to be right. The perception of who's right and who's wrong depends on where you come from. The truth of the matter is that I've seen wrongs being committed by people from all walks of life. The way to deal with bigotry is to deal with the reasons why such bigotry exists. We have to be completely honest with ourselves and each others and take a hard, painful look at ourselves and each others. Each side believe that they are right and others are wrong.

I am openly gay and I've seen bigotry from people who claim to be victims of bigotry. I've also have been befriended by people who we are not suppose to be nice to and have been harshly judged by people who we're suppose to be nice to... Yes, I am speaking of being befriended by racists and judged harshly by various mainstream religious leaders and their followers. I am one who am not into judging people, but yet I am honest on how I feel about various religious, political, and social issues. Essentially, I just assume to agree to disagree and still respect one another. In later posts, I will give examples of the wrongs I've seen done by people from one group committed against other groups that has caused those other groups to develops such strong mistrusts and distrusts against that one group and then have such mistrusts and distrusts become bigotry... and it's sad. We will have Jews, Arabs, Nazis, Klansmen, and many other groups, but I pray to God that each of these groups will somehow find it in their heart to try to resolve the hurt that has grown to hate toward one another. Maybe I'm a dreamer, but then again, back in the late 1970's, I had a dream that someday, I will find another handsome guy and be able to marry him when gay marriage becomes legal. Now I am planning to marry my domestic partner in May of 2004 when it becomes legal in Massachusetts just in time for our 24th anniversary. Not only that, my family is excited for us with our plan on getting married.

That's all and may God :) bless all the good folks who work to try to replace hatred and bigotry with love and respect for one another...