Moderate Faith vs Pure Atheism: Society

Apart from provided the very basis we base society off of, nah:rolleyes:

Nope. Unless of course, you live in a Muslim state.

In fact, without faith we'd effectively be cavemen, (or would have been);

Yeah, right. That bit of nonsense is the best you can come up with? Faith promotes tribalism and ignorance, so you're dead wrong there, pal.

hell, atheists probably dump their dead on the side of the road, I don't know, and if they DON'T, they are hypocrites.

See, that's the thing. Even funerals are based off of FAITH.

And somehow, that's supposed to be the one thing faith has accomplished for society.

Heewack! :bravo:
It does, actually, atheists are destructive by nature. All atheists in a position of power seek first and foremost to destroy religious symbols.

And secondly, to eat young children while throwing nuns into the river.
It correlates with the poor impulse control, tendency to aggression and suicidal tendecies one normally associates with atheists. Not to mention the materialism.

"One" = yourself it would seem.

What does more religious = more murders, teen pregnancies, early mortality, and higher rates of AIDS have to do with atheist aggression?
"One" = yourself it would seem.

The science is hitting the presses as we speak. :mad::poke:

What does more religious = more murders, teen pregnancies, early mortality, and higher rates of AIDS have to do with atheist aggression?

Its all utilitarianism practiced by atheists in less religious societies who think evil does not really exist.
The science is hitting the presses as we speak.

Interesting. I'll eat my hat if there's mention that AIDS, mortality rates, teen pregnancy being more rife in religious nations is all because of suicidal atheists.

Seriously now, stop your nonsense. It aint clever and it aint funny.
Interesting. I'll eat my hat if there's mention that AIDS, mortality rates, teen pregnancy being more rife in religious nations is all because of suicidal atheists.

Seriously now, stop your nonsense. It aint clever and it aint funny.

The "secular" societies run by amoral atheists depend on a large poor population to support their materialistic comforts. So its no surprise that such societies "overlook" the effects of their support for conflicts that destabilise and destroy such fedgling communities. That they are mostly religious is just an added bonus.
Nope. Unless of course, you live in a Muslim state.

Then you need to look again; there is no doubt that, for instance, Christianity has played a MASSIVE role in the development of Western society, and to this day things such as the calendar, symbols, pledges and doctrines, as well as architecture and simply social order, is borrowed heavily from traditional Christian society.

Yeah, right. That bit of nonsense is the best you can come up with? Faith promotes tribalism and ignorance, so you're dead wrong there, pal.
Faith is faith, it doesn't promote anything.

And somehow, that's supposed to be the one thing faith has accomplished for society.

Heewack! :bravo:

Firstly educate yourself on the massive roles faith has played in the development of Humanity, because it most certainly has and only a fool would deny that.
The "secular" societies run by amoral atheists depend on a large poor population to support their materialistic comforts. So its no surprise that such societies "overlook" the effects of their support for conflicts that destabilise and destroy such fedgling communities

I see, so the atheists gave those poor fledgling communities - such as USA - AIDS?

I bet if we collected everything that came out of your mouth we could block every toilet in England within the hour.
Religious societies depend on religion being a substitute for a fair distribution of wealth. You'll get yours in the afterlife, so why demand it now? What's wrong with the material anyway? The most successful churches in the USA preach that getting right with Jesus will bring you material success in this life.
I see, so the atheists gave those poor fledgling communities - such as USA - AIDS?

Probably used the poor buggers as experimental models.:shrug:

I bet if we collected everything that came out of your mouth we could block every toilet in England within the hour.

Is that a reasoned argument? I can't tell, being all delusional and such like.

What's wrong with the material anyway? .

Per se, nothing. But utilitarians are willing to let people die for it. Since there is no evil. Survival of the fittest and all that.
Religious societies depend on religion being a substitute for a fair distribution of wealth. You'll get yours in the afterlife, so why demand it now? What's wrong with the material anyway? The most successful churches in the USA preach that getting right with Jesus will bring you material success in this life.

Nothing is wrong with material, I am simply saying that a spiritual aspect is also necessary for a healthy society. I have seen very few nonreligious atheists promote spirituality.

Faith is also a beacon of goodwill, at least some of the time, things such as giving to charity, being of good moral character, etc, are promoted
I suppose the main problem with atheism is firstly, the lack of spirituality, secondly, the emphasis on nongreater callings (which means, people care only for tv and money, not their nation and their family and honor), and lastly, is the complete lack of any sort of real spiritual value
It correlates with the poor impulse control, tendency to aggression and suicidal tendecies one normally associates with atheists. Not to mention the materialism.

As an atheist, I have never had any of the above associated with me.

Well there was the time Q called me a crazy housewife, or something of the like.:p


Anywho, do you associate aggression, suicide and lack of self control with atheists only? Is that the box we happen to belong in?

What of theists who suffer from the same? What of theists who have no self control and harm others as a result, are aggressive and do suffer from suicidal tendencies? Or are they simply abnormal? While atheists who happen to suffer from those issues are considered normal because they are atheists?
As an atheist, I have never had any of the above associated with me.

Well there was the time Q called me a crazy housewife, or something of the like.:p


Anywho, do you associate aggression, suicide and lack of self control with atheists only? Is that the box we happen to belong in?

What of theists who suffer from the same? What of theists who have no self control and harm others as a result, are aggressive and do suffer from suicidal tendencies? Or are they simply abnormal? While atheists who happen to suffer from those issues are considered normal because they are atheists?

Clearly these are closet atheists. :D

I think he said emotional housewife, which of course, shows his progressive rational approach to sexism and feminism.
Per se, nothing. But utilitarians are willing to let people die for it. Since there is no evil. Survival of the fittest and all that.

Atheists may believe in the quality you call evil. Social Darwinism is an anachronistic concept and unscientific.

Religions create dogmas that lead to death, you have no cause for pride in this area. There were those people that let their kid die for religious reasons, the burning of witches, suicide bombers that believed they would be rewarded in heaven...
Atheists may believe in the quality you call evil. Social Darwinism is an anachronistic concept and unscientific.

Religions create dogmas that lead to death, you have no cause for pride in this area. There were those people that let their kid die for religious reasons, the burning of witches, suicide bombers that believed they would be rewarded in heaven...

Ah but the motivation was not to "let them die", unlike the cold blooded manufacture of death by "secular" societies.
Is that a reasoned argument?

It was a bet, hence why I said: "I bet.."

Frankly I don't see any reasoned arguments from you, (or indeed Norsefire for that matter), so there's very little you can complain about.