Moderate Faith vs Pure Atheism: Society

Stats/sources please!

What is an "officially atheist society" anyway?

One that declares itself atheist. After all, one uses countries that officially declare themselves to be religious as officially religious, does one not?

Sources? All officially atheist societies. :shrug:

But if you want specific studies (which are rare in officially atheist societies, since they also happen to be low on freedom as well as anti-intellectual)

The empirical literature from epidemiological and clinical studies regarding the relationship between religious factors (eg, frequency of religious attendance, private religious involvement, and relying on one's religious beliefs as a source of strength and coping) and physical and mental health status in the areas of prevention, coping, and recovery was reviewed. Empirical studies from the published literature that contained at least 1 measure of subjects' religious commitment and at least 1 measure of their physical or mental health status were used. In particular, studies that examined the role of religious commitment or religious involvement in the prevention of illness, coping with illnesses that have already arisen, and recovery from illness were highlighted. A large proportion of published empirical data suggest that religious commitment may play a beneficial role in preventing mental and physical illness, improving how people cope with mental and physical illness, and facilitating recovery from illness. However, much still remains to be investigated with improved studies that are specially designed to investigate the connection between religious involvement and health status. Nevertheless, the available data suggest that practitioners who make several small changes in how patients' religious commitments are broached in clinical practice may enhance health care outcomes.​
Atheism is irrefutably correlated with dangerous levels of materialism. A materialistic society void of faith and spiritual practice is doomed. The greatest way to ensure a society's collapse is to rob its individuals of faith and intangible values, and replace them with a mentality which recognizes only material objects.
Again, Kadark comes in and puts in a few sentences what I simply can't quite say, even though I know what I'm trying to say. Good job, perfect choice of words.
Which is more advanced, doing good because you think it's right, or doing good because you read it in a holy book?
Atheism is irrefutably correlated with dangerous levels of materialism. A materialistic society void of faith and spiritual practice is doomed. The greatest way to ensure a society's collapse is to rob its individuals of faith and intangible values, and replace them with a mentality which recognizes only material objects.

Not to mention poor mental health, poor coping mechanisms and poor impulse control.
Atheism is irrefutably correlated with dangerous levels of materialism. A materialistic society void of faith and spiritual practice is doomed. The greatest way to ensure a society's collapse is to rob its individuals of faith and intangible values, and replace them with a mentality which recognizes only material objects.

Faith is irrefutably correlated with dangerous levels of non-materialism. A non-materialistic society will not be aware of material dangers that threaten extinction.

You make the common mistake, as does Norsefire, of equating atheism with a kind of greedy nihilism, which is nonsense. He even acknowledged the existence of religious atheists, of which I must be one.
Faith is irrefutably correlated with dangerous levels of non-materialism. A non-materialistic society will not be aware of material dangers that threaten extinction.

You make the common mistake, as does Norsefire, of equating atheism with a kind of greedy nihilism, which is nonsense. He even acknowledged the existence of religious atheists, of which I must be one.

Yes, extreme forms of faith; a moderate form of faith, as common practice, culture, and simply an integrated aspect of society, however, I believe to be more beneficial, on both the individual and social level, than pure, nonspiritual, nonreligious atheism.
Can anyone else smell that? Pigs? Sheep? Ah yes, I know what it is;
It's bullshit.

And you remind me of this anecdote:

The New Atheist insight is that one might start anywhere – with an intellectual argument, with a visceral rejection of Islamic or Christian fundamentalism, with political disgust – and then, by relentless and logical steps, renounce every supernatural crutch.

I RETURN FROM OXFORD enthusiastic for argument. I immediately begin trying out Dawkins' appeal in polite company. At dinner parties or over drinks, I ask people to declare themselves. "Who here is an atheist?" I ask.

Usually, the first response is silence, accompanied by glances all around in the hope that somebody else will speak first. Then, after a moment, somebody does, almost always a man, almost always with a defiant smile and a tone of enthusiasm. He says happily, "I am!"

But it is the next comment that is telling. Somebody turns to him and says: "You would be."


"Because you enjoy pissing people off."
Sources? All officially atheist societies.

Which is...?

(which are rare in officially atheist societies, since they also happen to be low on freedom as well as anti-intellectual)

You really should take your head out of your rectum.

Interesting enough link, which indicates that out of the amount of annual suicides, the majority didn't go to church - (while in the next paragraph stating that the reason is probably because they're too depressed to go to church).. Hey whatever, it's good.

However, why don't you spend a while checking out worldwide murder rates, teen pregnancy or things slightly more detrimental to society than the odd depressed guy jumping off a bridge?

For instance: UNFPA, State of World Population indicates that out of 1,000 women between 15-19:

Niger: 233
Bangladesh: 117
Brazil: 73
South Africa: 66
Indonesia: 55
USA: 53
Russia: 30
UK: 20
Australia: 16
Tunisia: 7
Netherlands: 5
South Korea: 3

If you match that with religiosity, (Nationmaster/WHO)

Niger: 92%
Bangladesh: 88%
Brazil: 77%
South Africa: 87%
Indonesia: 95%
USA: 59%
Russia: 14%
UK: 33%
South Korea: 25%

(Don't have specifics for the remaining 3: Netherlands, Australia, Tunisia).

Hey so more non church goers jump off bridges.. religious people like bonking children more. Hey, whatever.
Which is...?

You really should take your head out of your rectum.

Interesting enough link, which indicates that out of the amount of annual suicides, the majority didn't go to church - (while in the next paragraph stating that the reason is probably because they're too depressed to go to church).. Hey whatever, it's good.

However, why don't you spend a while checking out worldwide murder rates, teen pregnancy or things slightly more detrimental to society than the odd depressed guy jumping off a bridge?

For instance: UNFPA, State of World Population indicates that out of 1,000 women between 15-19:

Niger: 233
Bangladesh: 117
Brazil: 73
South Africa: 66
Indonesia: 55
USA: 53
Russia: 30
UK: 20
Australia: 16
Tunisia: 7
Netherlands: 5
South Korea: 3

If you match that with religiosity, (Nationmaster/WHO)

Niger: 92%
Bangladesh: 88%
Brazil: 77%
South Africa: 87%
Indonesia: 95%
USA: 59%
Russia: 14%
UK: 33%
South Korea: 25%

(Don't have specifics for the remaining 3: Netherlands, Australia, Tunisia).

Hey so more non church goers jump off bridges.. religious people like bonking children more. Hey, whatever.

I'll leave you to figure out whats wrong with your data interpretation. Seeing as you're so much smarter. :D
Sod it, let's just use a quick sample*:

India, (92% religiosity)
USA, (59% religiosity)

France, (11% religiosity)
UK, (33% religiosity)

Murder rates:

India: 0.0344083 per 1,000
USA: 0.042802 per 1,000 people

France: 0.0173272 per 1,000
UK: 0.0140633 per 1,000

People living with AIDS

India: 4.94 per 1,000
USA: 3.267 per 1,000

France: 1.995 per 1,000
UK: 0.857 per 1,000

Life Expectancy (Males)

India: 53.3
USA: 67.2

France: 69.3
UK: 69.1

Really, need I continue? I can if you would like?

* Nationmaster

I'll leave you to figure out whats wrong with your data interpretation

Ooh.. coming from the twit that states "atheist nations are totally destructive", "do not allow freedom" etc on the basis that she read a report stating more non church goers kill themselves. Bwahaha.. :bugeye:

Sod it, let's just use a quick sample*:

India, (92% religiosity)
USA, (59% religiosity)

France, (11% religiosity)
UK, (33% religiosity)

Murder rates:

India: 0.0344083 per 1,000
USA: 0.042802 per 1,000 people

France: 0.0173272 per 1,000
UK: 0.0140633 per 1,000

People living with AIDS

India: 4.94 per 1,000
USA: 3.267 per 1,000

France: 1.995 per 1,000
UK: 0.857 per 1,000

Life Expectancy (Males)

India: 53.3
USA: 67.2

France: 69.3
UK: 69.1

Really, need I continue? I can if you would like?

* Nationmaster

You forgot to add the effects of the less religious societies on conflict through arms trade and third world starvation through "free trade" policies imposed by the UNSC (aka Big Mafia)..
Ooh.. coming from the twit that states "atheist nations are totally destructive", "do not allow freedom" etc on the basis that she read a report stating more non church goers kill themselves. Bwahaha..

tsk tsk, the eyes are the first to go. ;)
You forgot to add the effects of the less religious societies on conflict through arms trade and third world starvation through "free trade" policies imposed by the UNSC (aka Big Mafia)..

Aye, it's all the atheists fault..

"The atheists gave us AIDS!!"

Aye, it's all the atheists fault..

"The atheists gave us AIDS!!"


It correlates with the poor impulse control, tendency to aggression and suicidal tendecies one normally associates with atheists. Not to mention the materialism.
Yep, I get a real kick out of pissing off people who make stupid statements. After all, on this forum, it is always wise not to feed the trolls.

So is it the poor impulse control, the tendency to aggression or the suicidal tendency that drives you?:D
So is it the poor impulse control, the tendency to aggression or the suicidal tendency that drives you?:D

Definately the impulse control, I just can't help but require drugs, money, and orgies to survive, all because I lack a god of course.