Misogyny, Guns, Rape and Culture..

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Bells said:
Men drink differently to women? Here I thought both sexes drank by consuming liquids through our mouths.

Oh that's right, I forget. You're one of those are you? To remind women of their place, to be demure, quiet, ladylike and purty. You know, be the woman and not a human being.

Oh, duh, I forgot. We can drink like a man but we can’t take a punch like a man, is that it?

You’re the one telling them to lie back and take it like a woman. Well, because, you know—some of them just want sex. Wouldn't want to break a nail, right?

“Risk reduction is shitty but necessary…We should work to make women freer and safer on campus, not more aware of the steps they must take to stay out of danger. But we can’t discount it—the threat of rape is part of our lived reality, and risk reduction does help to keep one safe.

That’s true, and it’s true for more than just sexual violence. Admitting that risk reduction, you know, reduces risk ought not to be a controversial, brave step. But it is, and that’s a terrible thing. Addressing some systemic issues that rape-culture activists often point to is absolutely a worthy endeavor, but in the meantime, working to give people the tools they need to protect themselves isn’t a concession to the patriarchy or a betrayal of the cause. It’s a moral duty we should not be scared off of. RAINN should be commended for making that important point. Let’s hope people heard it.

Americas largest rape prevention group-dodges victim blaming bullet
Trooper said:
You’re the one telling them to lie back and take it like a woman. Well, because, you know—some of them just want sex. Wouldn't want to break a nail, right?

I do believe this is a specific accusation that you should be able to support.

Do so.
Bells said:
And to not fight back if it looks like the rapist gets off on it, because that may very well end up in my being killed and to have only one goal in mind, to live.

Only eight percent of rapes are committed by armed attackers. He’s already shown that he’s willing to use physical force. He says don’t move or I’ll kill you. Do you believe him? Do you take it like a woman? Do you let him tie you up, force you into a car?

There are no guarantees, no sure-fire rules in combat, but based on the research, nobody should be telling a potential victim to not fight back if it looks like the rapist gets off on it. If he’s getting off on hurting you, then he’s going to hurt you.

Why not get rid of rape prevention altogether? We shouldn't have to be responsible for ourselves, right? Men should protect us, risk their lives for us, am I right?

No. We don’t want heroes. We want you to stop hanging out with predators. If possible, don’t do business with them. We want you to stop ignoring blatant misogyny. Stop laughing at their jokes. We want you to stop dismembering us. Realize that we are more than the sum of our parts.

Like I said, risk reduction reduces risk. That’s reality, Tiassa.

Tiassa said:
And satyriasis would make an excellent discussion; to what degree is it real, and to what degree is it actually a mythically broad assignation?

You’re a man. Would you care to drop your defensive stance just long enough to enlighten us?
We want you to stop hanging out with predators. If possible, don’t do business with them.

In your own words... enlighten us.

How, exactly, do you identify the potential rapist? The potential predator? How do you know, before meeting the person, if they might drug you or pull a gun on you or even knock you unconscious? How do you know that someone walking towards you on the sidewalk isn't going to stab you and run off with your purse?
They may brag about it. They may tell you that they plan on getting a girl drunk. You might witness it. They've may have already done it and gotten away with it. It happens a lot, Kitt.

What...do you want to play stupid and not help out?

Oh, right. I forgot, sorry.
They may brag about it. They may tell you that they plan on getting a girl drunk. You might witness it. They've may have already done it and gotten away with it. It happens a lot, Kitt.

What, do you play stupid and not help out?

Oh, right. I forgot, sorry.

You are so naive it is almost painful...

If everyone who had intent to rape/molest/mug/murder or otherwise commit crimes was as blatantly stupid as the ones that make it onto "Worlds Dumbest Criminals" lists... then we wouldn't have an issue.

The simple fact is... you don't know. You can never be sure if that man in a suit and tie walking towards you on the sidewalk has intentions of pushing you into that allyway and raping you... likewise, you cannot tell by looking at them that scruffy, tattoo'ed biker who looks to be completely out of it is simply tired because he just spent the last 10 hours standing a protective vigil at the house of an eight year old girl who is testifying against her uncle who raped her.

Yes... that happens. http://bacaworld.org/

Big, mean, tough bikers, going to little kids houses and standing guard at night to make sure they can sleep safely... to ensure their family is safe from repercussion.

“Even kids know that nobody messes with bikers. Bikers look big, and strong, and mean, both in real life and in how they are portrayed on television and in films. They are easy riders, sons of anarchy, not afraid of anything. And they take care of their own.

A child who has been abused by someone bigger and stronger knows too well what it feels like to be small and vulnerable. BACA shifts that balance by putting even bigger and stronger people – and more of them – on the child’s side.”

Formed by a licensed clinical social worker and play therapist, the BACA is a group of bikers who’ve all passed rigorous background screenings and training. The children they protect get road names too – helping to safeguard all of them from vengeful abusers. Whether it’s by being on-call, 24/7, to stand vigil in a child’s driveway overnight when he can’t sleep for fear of an abuser, or going on “Neighborhood Awareness Rides,” or accompanying a child to court when one must testify against an abuser, the BACA is there. Each child gets two “primaries,” two main contacts who they can call or text whenever they need someone. And each child gets a t-shirt, denim vest, do-rag, and photo of themselves with the group, tangible reminders that they have a strong and vigilant family.


Unlike cops who have more important crimes to concern themselves with, unlike guardians who still have to go to work or do the housework, unlike caseworkers who have more cases than can be handled, the BACA will stand guard as long as it takes. They will do nothing BUT stand guard. In shifts, if need be.

“Fast Track’s grandfather says he learned more from Pipes and Sassy about such things as how to navigate the child-welfare system and how to file for a restraining order and guardianship than he had from the boy’s state child-welfare caseworker.”


“‘There are things I can’t do as a therapist,’ Wahlheim says. She can call Child Protective Services or the police, but there isn’t always enough evidence to put away an abuser. And although she can help young victims recover mentally, she can’t protect them physically.”

And that’s why it’s needed. The kinds of terrible things that nobody wants to talk about are happening all the time, all around us. Even when a child is bold enough to speak up, the system is overtaxed. Cops can’t stand guard for eight hours when a child has a nightmare. Neither can a caseworker. The system, as it’s set up, cannot help everyone. I can’t find the article I was reading, but I know I saw one once where a state’s child protective services department was proud of having split up fewer families than any other state – but it had one of the highest rates of death by neglect and abuse. Even within the structure of the law, more attention seems to be paid to quotas and bureaucratic procedures than common sense or basic needs. So why NOT take matters into your own hands, if you have the time, the strength, the capacity, and the commitment?

This isn’t vigilante justice. It’s vigilante compassion.

So, I ask again Trooper; how do you tell? How can you be sure?
Obviously you have a way, or else you wouldn't say half of what you've been spouting here...

Or, are you simply bigoted and judge everyone you look at simply by what you see and THINK you know?

EDIT - for what it's worth, the members of BACA are, quite simply, amazingly dedicated and wonderful people who wear two very different masks. On the one, they are tough and scary and big and strong and often just having them there is enough to deter an abuser from even coming to the premise at all; should the offender try to make a scene out of things, they quickly learn just how big and mean a bunch of angry bikers CAN be. On the other, they are warm and compassionate and understanding men and women who make these kids feel SAFE, often for the first time in months or even years... taking time out of their lives to often do nothing more than BE there and BE nearby to make sure the ones hurting the child cannot come back and do it again.
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Trooper said:
You’re a man. Would you care to drop your defensive stance just long enough to enlighten us?

Well, given that some, as we both know, would argue that rape really is about getting laid, and since you invoked the male equivalent of nymphomania, what is the role of satyriasis in any of this?

Oh, and ...

Do you take it like a woman?

... how, exactly, does one "take it like a woman"?

I said that I want to you to put social pressure on your male counterparts, Kitt.
Well, given that some, as we both know, would argue that rape really is about getting laid, and since you invoked the male equivalent of nymphomania, what is the role of satyriasis in any of this?

Oh, so, the idea that men are subject to biological forces out of their control plays no role in any of this. Is that what you're saying?
Trooper said:
Oh, so, the idea that men are subject to biological forces out of their control plays no role in any of this. Is that what you're saying?

No, it's a straightforward question: Is satyriasis relevant to the rape phenomenon?

And another: If so, how is it relevant?

You raised the issue, so, you know, whatcha think?
Oh, duh, I forgot. We can drink like a man but we can’t take a punch like a man, is that it?
I want you to explain the statement of "drink like a man". What does a man drink like?

You see, you are already attempting to limit the woman's behaviour, actions and freedoms by making such a distinction. Hence my comment about physiology. If men drink differently to women, then please show this with some evidence. The alternative is that you are trying to set different standards of behaviour for men and women and in doing so, you are demanding that women's freedoms are curtailed as opposed to males if they want to avoid being raped.

You’re the one telling them to lie back and take it like a woman. Well, because, you know—some of them just want sex. Wouldn't want to break a nail, right?
Can you please show me exactly where I said they should lie back and take it like a woman and that they just want sex? How does one take it like a woman, Trooper? Because thus far, you have come up with some interesting distinctions in this thread that I think you need to explain. How does one "drink like a man" and how does one "take it like a woman"?

What I did say and supported with evidence from criminal profilers and psychologists like Nicholas Groth and the ones who wrote the book on examining the behaviour of rapists is that unless a woman knows enough about the psychology of rapists in general, then fighting back at the wrong time could see her killed, as some rapists get off on women who fight back as it gives them an excuse to be more violent and such rapists are more likely to kill the woman.

I have never said rape was about sex or about a need to satisfy one's sexual urge. I believe GeoffP may have tried to incorrectly argue that point a while ago, because he believed that it was based on an urge to procreate and thus, had a sexual component to the desire to rape. I have always argued that rape is about power and dominance.

Perhaps you should get your facts straight before lying so blatantly?

“Risk reduction is shitty but necessary…We should work to make women freer and safer on campus, not more aware of the steps they must take to stay out of danger. But we can’t discount it—the threat of rape is part of our lived reality, and risk reduction does help to keep one safe.

That’s true, and it’s true for more than just sexual violence. Admitting that risk reduction, you know, reduces risk ought not to be a controversial, brave step. But it is, and that’s a terrible thing. Addressing some systemic issues that rape-culture activists often point to is absolutely a worthy endeavor, but in the meantime, working to give people the tools they need to protect themselves isn’t a concession to the patriarchy or a betrayal of the cause. It’s a moral duty we should not be scared off of. RAINN should be commended for making that important point. Let’s hope people heard it.

Americas largest rape prevention group-dodges victim blaming bullet
No one said that risk reduction behaviour was bad. Ever.

But when you carry on about how it is the woman's behaviour that has to prevent her being raped, ergo she has to change her behaviour so that she does not attract a rapist, you set an impossible standard which will forever affect how women go about their daily lives. Because the expectation is now on the woman to not be raped, instead of the rapist to not rape. When I attended the many self defense classes I did and even went there to lecture about rape and sexual assault, the emphasis was never to lay the blame at the feet of women when it comes to rape prevention. Remember, you are the one doing that with your "you fail" comment, aimed at rape victims in general.

The issue with your brand of rape prevention is that you set a standard of behaviour, so that she does not act "like a man". And in doing so, you demand that the freedoms and movement of women be severely curtailed so that she is not perceived to be acting "like a man". And your standards would have women living in fear 24/7, because her rapist is more likely to be someone she knows and is intimate with already. So your whining about women drinking like men would have women never drinking, even in the comfort of her home and with the man she is intimate with, because your brand of "rape prevention" would mean that if she does not want to be raped, then it is on her to not be raped.

In short, you are placing the onus on women to not be raped.

Can you tell the difference?

But I do await your links with great anticipation! :)
trooper said:
"You are reinforcing societal norms, including victim blaming, that make rape prevention difficult (not just rapist prosecution)."
I'm making rape prevention difficult, am I now? Does rape prevention reinforce rape, iceaura?
Once again you confuse "self defense" and women's behavior modification with rape prevention in general. This socially inculcated thinking disorder, endemic in American society among many others, makes actual prevention of sexual assault in its common forms more difficult, and leads directly to victim blaming as a common response to actual reported assault. Victim blaming in a society, among the other unfortunate consequences of such rape prevention methods, does abet rape in that society.

As pointed out to you already, for example, rape prevention by Saudi methods - modifying women's behavior in ways recognizably similar to those you recommend - does reinforce the oppression of women, including abetting rape if opportunity presents itself to a rapist. Some rape prevention methods are like that. The question is whether yours are. It's not a rhetorical question.

trooper said:
You’re the one telling them to lie back and take it like a woman. Well, because, you know—some of them just want sex.
This is getting kind of bizarre, this willful refusal to deal with other people's actual posts. What's the point of that? Do you think anyone here is persuadable via such rhetorical behavior?

capracus said:
"Slavery is completely compatible with personhood - nothing but law and custom prevents people from being a category of property."

And the law in the South basically defined them as property and non-persons.
Only when convenient for the owners. They could be persons or non-persons, either - there was no conflict with slavery in declaring them persons if that designation better suited the needs of the owner (punishment for crime, say).
capracus said:
Alabama court ruled that slaves "are rational beings, they are capable of committing crimes; and in reference to acts which are crimes, are regarded as persons. Because they are slaves, they are incapable of performing civil acts, and, in reference to all such, they are things, not persons."[29]
Notice that the category "things" is opposed to "persons", while both the thing and the person are property. There is no conflict between slavery and personhood - it just depends on how somebody wants to set up the laws.

But the whole thing is moot, because you have your analogy inverted in the first place - the woman corresponds to the slave, obviously and directly, since her right of bodily integrity and self defense is being abrogated in the interests of other people.
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I said that I want to you to put social pressure on your male counterparts, Kitt.

And where I could, I have, and where I can, I will continue to do so.

I am a male. Unlike many males I know, I am not afraid to show my emotions; when a song comes on the radio I like, I sing it. If something makes me think of my late grandfather, I tear up.

I'm more feminine than most guys I know... and I'm okay with that, for the simple fact that most guys I know... are guys, not men. And I am glad not to count myself among them.
iceaura said:
This is getting kind of bizarre, this willful refusal to deal with other people's actual posts. What's the point of that? Do you think anyone here is persuadable via such rhetorical behavior?

Well, it seems to work wonders for Bells and Tiassa.

Bells said:
I have never said rape was about sex or about a need to satisfy one's sexual urge. I believe GeoffP may have tried to incorrectly argue that point a while ago, because he believed that it was based on an urge to procreate and thus, had a sexual component to the desire to rape. I have always argued that rape is about power and dominance.

I, too, think that the sexual dimension is painfully obvious.

Bells said:
The issue with your brand of rape prevention is that you set a standard of behaviour, so that she does not act "like a man".


Say it, Bells. Risk reduction is ineffective. Self-defense is ineffective. Responsible drinking is ineffective. None of this will reduce your chance of getting raped.

Now, prove it.

Bells said:
If men drink differently to women, then please show this with some evidence.

You’re an attorney that has prosecuted tons of rape cases, but you didn't know the first thing about the insanity defense. That’s odd, isn't it? You've attended self-defense classes, but claim that it somehow inhibits your behavior, when it gives me more confidence and freedom. You even actively lecture about rape and sexual assault.

Well…goddamn, Bells, can’t you pull a medical degree out of your hat? You tell me, does alcohol affect men and women differently? Is binge drinking harmless? Of course, we can drink, but everyone needs to know how to drink responsibly.

There is a distinction between prevention that restricts women’s freedom from those that enhance it.
trooper said:
This is getting kind of bizarre, this willful refusal to deal with other people's actual posts. What's the point of that? Do you think anyone here is persuadable via such rhetorical behavior?
Well, it seems to work wonders for Bells and Tiassa.
It's not working for you.

trooper said:
There is a distinction between prevention that restricts women’s freedom from those that enhance it.
Which several people have been trying to get you to acknowledge for some time now. Which side of that distinction does focusing on modifying women's behavior, even blaming them for failing to prepare, fall?
It's not working for you.

Which several people have been trying to get you to acknowledge for some time now. Which side of that distinction does focusing on modifying women's behavior, even blaming them for failing to prepare, fall?

It's not working for you, either.

That was in response to survival. And uh, well, ya, when your dead your dead. EPIC FAIL!
trooper said:
That was in response to survival. And uh, well, ya, when your dead your dead. EPIC FAIL!
No, you have not remembered accurately: It wasn't death you labeled as failure, but not meeting your criteria for being prepared in case of sexual assault.

Here's more from you:
trooper said:
Why not get rid of rape prevention altogether? We shouldn't have to be responsible for ourselves, right? Men should protect us, risk their lives for us, am I right?
You have been directed at least a half dozen times now to the basic problem you have of confusing rape prevention and women's behavior modification. You persist in confusing them. Why do you do that?

Perhaps this is key:
There is a distinction between prevention that restricts women’s freedom from those that enhance it.
The contention here is that your recommendations restrict women's freedom, with only marginal gain in rape prevention. Specifics have been presented, and simple arguments as yet unrefuted (unaddressed) by you support that contention. But there is a gap: The gap here is that you seem to be aware of no other possibilities for preventing rape. Seriously: the notion that rape should or even can be prevented by modifying men's behavior rather than women's, for example, or by modifying the terms in which men and women deal with each other, seems literally unthinkable for you. It's "changing the world", which cannot happen. Is that the case?

If so, a consideration of one of the most serious rape arenas currently eroding US civilization might enlighten: the US military.
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I, too, think that the sexual dimension is painfully obvious.
Well of course you do. Because it is unthinkable for you that rape be about power and domination. The reason for this is simple. If rape is about power and domination, then rape prevention ideology you are holding onto with your hot little hands falls to the side. If, however, you believe that rape is about sex or the desire to "fuck", then women becoming less desirable to males and becoming less obvious by their dress, behaviour such as drinking or being out late at night, becomes paramount to your belief that how a woman behaves will affect if she is raped or not.


Say it, Bells. Risk reduction is ineffective. Self-defense is ineffective. Responsible drinking is ineffective. None of this will reduce your chance of getting raped.

Now, prove it.
It would help this discussion if you did not veer so far off topic and keep trying to change what people say. It is also very dishonest behaviour. That you cannot read or possibly do not understand how to click on links is not my problem but yours. I have even provided detailed explanations of why demanding that women act a certain way or behave a certain way to prevent being raped is an infringement on women's rights and liberties. Your response was to have some kind of hissy fit and declare that I was telling women to drink like men or to lie down and take it like a woman (whatever that means), which kind of made the point for me.

You are yet to address the fact that rape prevention ideology places the onus on women to not be raped, instead of demanding that men not rape. You even scoffed at the thought that males should be expected to not rape and instead demand that women be less like men and to not take it like women..

In short, you view women as being weak and who must act and behave a certain way to not draw attention to themselves from any potential rapist in their vicinity but you seem to be very confused as to how that can happen.

So I'll ask again, how does one drink like a man and increase the risk of being raped? Do you tell men to not drink like men? Or do you reserve that level of 'speshual' solely for women? And what about 'taking it like a woman'? Are we meant to take it like men to avoid being raped?

You’re an attorney that has prosecuted tons of rape cases, but you didn't know the first thing about the insanity defense. That’s odd, isn't it?
What does the insanity defense have to do with your demanding that women not drink like men or not take it like women? Are you invoking it?

I know of the insanity defense and I also know of it as it applies to Australian law. Remember, we have a different legal system here in Australia.

Please answer the questions and stop ranting about things that do not even apply to what we are discussing. I know you can do it! Try!

You've attended self-defense classes, but claim that it somehow inhibits your behavior, when it gives me more confidence and freedom. You even actively lecture about rape and sexual assault.
Not at all.

Is reading and comprehension an issue for you? Should I use smaller words or are you just going to go off the rails again?

I said that self defense is not about rape prevention. Rape prevention is usually applied by people who believe that women should act differently or be different and who believe that it is up to the woman who make herself less attractive to any potential rapist in her vicinity, while disregarding the fact that rapists come from all walks of life, which results in women living in constant fear of rape and who are never able to truly be themselves, because of those in society who demand that the onus be placed on her to not be raped. The result of this is often seen in the courtroom where the woman is blamed or held responsible for being raped - such as she was drunk, she was dressed in a certain way, she talked back, she did not take precautions to stop someone from raping her. The criminal justice system is full of police officers who will not even investigate rapes because they do not believe that date rape or marital rape is real rape, or those like Ken Buck, a prosecutor who refused to accept a confession from a rapist who clearly said that she had come to from her unconscious state and said no and tried to move away from him as he penetrated her with his fingers and then his penis, and he kept going anyway, because she was drunk at the time. This is the ideology of rape prevention. The rape victim was told that she could have prevented or lessened her chances of being raped if she had not invited someone she knew and trusted to her home when she was drunk and that she should not have gone to her bedroom. Your ideology is a part of the culture that protects rapists and blames women if they are raped, simply because you believe that it is for the woman to prevent being raped.

Certainly, we can watch you blather on as you try to decide which side of the fence you sit on and as amusing as hell as that is, you are still to define why you believe women's freedoms should be restrained under the false guise of rape prevention and why you seem determined to deem rape victims as failures because they were unable to prevent their own rape?

Well…goddamn, Bells, can’t you pull a medical degree out of your hat? You tell me, does alcohol affect men and women differently? Is binge drinking harmless? Of course, we can drink, but everyone needs to know how to drink responsibly.
Well gee, Trooper. Alcohol affects everyone differently. To demand that women not drink like men is hysterically short sighted and downright silly. I know women who could down a bottle of whiskey and not even slur their words and I know men who have one glass of wine and they are plastered off their nut. So please explain, how does one drink like a man? Unless of course you mean how it affects one's moods, where researches have found that alcohol has a tendency to affect men's moods by making them more angry and women more emotional?

There is a distinction between prevention that restricts women’s freedom from those that enhance it.
Well heaven forbid a woman's freedoms be enhanced.

Tell me, how and why do you think restricting women's movements, behaviour and actions under the umbrella of rape prevention, not infringing on her freedoms?
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