Miracles for money..

My point is. You can live a very clean life. No alchohol, drugs, smoking, extremely healthy diet, exercise regularly etc... and still end up sick.

It is funny one day we were watching the news. It was this womans 103 birthday.
They asked her what she did in her life to live so long. She said nothing. She smoked and she drank Sunny Delight ( Some orange drink filled with nothing but chemicals)
My point is. You can live a very clean life. No alchohol, drugs, smoking, extremely healthy diet, exercise regularly etc... and still end up sick.

It is funny one day we were watching the news. It was this womans 103 birthday.
They asked her what she did in her life to live so long. She said nothing. She smoked and she drank Sunny Delight ( Some orange drink filled with nothing but chemicals)

well the reason i asked is because certainly you know that generally, the way you take care of yourself, ie nutrition and fitness, and maintaining a positive physical, mental, and emotional environment contributes directly and greatly to your health. of course there are exceptional cases, but like i said, there's such a wide variety of factors, and they are cumulative, to the point of even being genetic. i mean we've been destroying ourselves and our environment since the fall of man. that's a long cumulative period. most children are born with genetic predispositions and illnesses. but MY point is, why not do what you can? with me, it's not a fear of dying, or the idea that i could never get sick. it's a matter of doing the right thing just because it's the right thing to do. and just to note, that the illnesses and conditions that i referred to have in fact reached epidemic levels as of recently, within a generation or two and can be directly attributable to unhealthy nutrition, lifestyle, and environment.
Would that be one of those alternative plaster casts ?

i think they're made out of hemp and recyclable. :m:

listen, i got to thinking about what you said about hoping i never get sick and it occurred to me that you might think i'm one of those freaks that allow their kids and selves to die because they refuse medical treatment. i'm not crazy, and i'm not stupid. i know lots of times people want me to be because i claim to be a christian, but i'm not. sorry. i'm pretty damn rational. i would go to a normal doctor for a broken leg or an injury. and i would go to one for other reasons as well, like a diagnosis, and to treat symptoms until i could recover. my point is though, that most doctors aren't trained to cure people, but only to treat symptoms. for example, a normal doctor would diagnose someone as a diabetic and prescribe dialysis. a holistic doctor would explain why you're a diabetic and cure you of it. that is if you were willing to make the prescribed diet and lifestyle changes. and before you say it, a raw vegan diet, including no sugar or alchohol, has been shown to completely cure a 21 year diabetic. if you don't believe me then i urge you to watch the trailer for a documentary that's not released yet called "30 Days Raw". you can find it on youtube, or i have it on my myspace page http://www.myspace.com/penguinlove7. i have lots of cool videos on my page actually. the trailer i'm talking about is shown under my "interests", and "i want to heal people", and has a picture of Ronald McDonald in the frame. This film is the antithesis of the movie "Supersize Me".
Try the CSIRO diat. Its the only one i have ever seen that is SCIENTICALLY tested to be good for you. Of course its not really a diet, the difference is that if you want to lose weight you dont eat potatoes and pasta with your meals.

Also i hate to tell you but have you ever herd of the diabetics diet?

Further more im ASSUMING your talking about type 2 diabites because type 1 is incurable, with our current tech (although there is a treatment being trialed using a pig pancrius and seaweed)

the vegan diet is actually bad for you. Yes some people manage to live on it but then some people manage to live on only McDonads to. The vegatarian is ok because your getting the protien from eggs and chicken, the calcium from milk and most importantly the essential fatty acids that are only abundently avialable in seafood

The best diet however (especially for a women) is one that includes lean red meat. Why is this? Because women are VERY suseptable to anemia caused by iron deficancy and lean red meat with a little drisle of lemon juice is an abundent sorce of Iron. As well as protine and alot of other vital things

CSIRO diet is 100 grams of either fish or meat (on alternitive days) for lunch and 200g of fish or meat for dinner (the oposite to what you had for lunch)

Its REALLY health, how do i know?
I was low on alot of vitimans and minerals untill my partner starter eating this. I was doing it to because the food is delicious and i didnt want to lose weight so i added pasta ect. My V&M levels went straight back to normal in a matter of weeks:)
Hi Bells. I am a little confused as to why this topic is in the 'religion' forum, and not in the; 'morals and ethics' or even 'human science. Maybe you can enlighten me.


I had a brain fart.

Sam said:
I think people have a right to choose the kind of treatment they want. Many people favor alternative medicine in India and many others prefer to go to faith healers. Many prefer not to go to a doctor at all and avoid their medicines as something unnatural. Still others live lives as ascetics or abandon their homes and lives for enlightenment. In India, we believe in allowing people to be, even if we disagree with them. Maybe, at some point, we will become enlightened enough to sneer at them and then they can all join the great monoculture.

I think people are entitled to pay Hinn if they want. Its a choice they make for their beliefs like those who make offerings to deities in temples and expect to be healed.
Ok. How can I put this...

Do you think it is right for people like Hinn to ask for and then say it is God who asks for the money? And then telling them that when God asks for money, people who believe should obey? Do you think it is right for a supposed minister and faith healer to tell sick people that if they truly believe, they will fork up the cash and then they will be healed? And then go on to encourage those people to stop their medical treatment because they have supposedly been healed?

I mean seriously, how much does God charge for a miracle these days?

As an atheist, I have to agree with Rabbi Harold S. Kushner:

"I hope there is a special place in Hell for people who try and enrich themselves on the suffering of others. To tantalize the blind, the lame, the dying, the afflicted, the terminally ill, to dangle hope before parents of a severely afflicted child, is an indescribably cruel thing to do, and to do it in the name of God, to do it in the name of religion, I think, is unforgivable."

And that's saying something, believe me. I don't even believe in 'hell'.

So how are you going to legislate a priest giving counselling? Recommending prayers to those who are grieving? Giving holy water to his parish people when they come to him?

And then go on to say, a yogi who mixes herbs based on traditional lore.

And then go on to say, a priest giving a talisman to whoever comes to him with grievances?
There's nothing wrong with that. There is something wrong with having someone tell sick people that God is demanding they give money and then going on to tell them that they can stop all of their medical treatments because they are healed. There is something wrong with leading people to believe that the more they give to one's ministry, the more they believe and the more miracles will come their way. No priest I have ever known has ever said anything like that.
Try the CSIRO diat. Its the only one i have ever seen that is SCIENTICALLY tested to be good for you. Of course its not really a diet, the difference is that if you want to lose weight you dont eat potatoes and pasta with your meals.

Also i hate to tell you but have you ever herd of the diabetics diet?

Further more im ASSUMING your talking about type 2 diabites because type 1 is incurable, with our current tech (although there is a treatment being trialed using a pig pancrius and seaweed)

the vegan diet is actually bad for you. Yes some people manage to live on it but then some people manage to live on only McDonads to. The vegatarian is ok because your getting the protien from eggs and chicken, the calcium from milk and most importantly the essential fatty acids that are only abundently avialable in seafood

The best diet however (especially for a women) is one that includes lean red meat. Why is this? Because women are VERY suseptable to anemia caused by iron deficancy and lean red meat with a little drisle of lemon juice is an abundent sorce of Iron. As well as protine and alot of other vital things

CSIRO diet is 100 grams of either fish or meat (on alternitive days) for lunch and 200g of fish or meat for dinner (the oposite to what you had for lunch)

Its REALLY health, how do i know?
I was low on alot of vitimans and minerals untill my partner starter eating this. I was doing it to because the food is delicious and i didnt want to lose weight so i added pasta ect. My V&M levels went straight back to normal in a matter of weeks:)

you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. this isn't something i've done on a whim. there's a ton of research that's been done, and living testimonies, and i'm one of them. i'm 40 years old and i am healthier than i have ever been in my life. and i'm surrounded by sick people everywhere. and i'm not talking about working in a hospital, i'm talking about the average and entire population. overweight, diabetic, cancer, heart disease, allergies, asthma, bronchitis, colds, flus, headaches, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, and the list goes on and on. i'm surrounded everywhere i go, i'm the only healthy person in just about every group or environment i'm a part of. it's startling...
so you are assuming based on what? that its the fact that they are not vegan that is causing this?

I have seen vegans end up in hospital because they arnt getting enough of the vitimens, minerals and ameno acids that they need. Im sorry whats YOUR qualification to change the premure science insitute in the country?

You do realise what CSIRO is dont you?
CSIRO said:
How the Total Wellbeing Diet was researched

The CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet was created after accumulating evidence from several clinical trials conducted at CSIRO.
The more traditional low fat high carbohydrate diets for weight loss had been challenged by alternative dietary approaches such as very low carbohydrate (Atkins), moderately high protein (ZONE) or low glycemic index diets.

However, the emerging body of CSIRO and international research confirmed that varying the protein to carbohydrate ratio during weight loss appeared to have a number of subtle benefits which may result in greater fat loss and sparing of lean body mass.

CSIRO has conducted several of the largest studies showing that higher protein dietary patterns for weight management have metabolic advantages over high carbohydrate patterns in overweight people.

The results clearly showed health benefits and significant weight loss from a diet higher in proteins and low in fats and the Total Wellbeing Diet was born.

After many requests for further information it was decided to publish the Total Wellbeing Diet, which became a best seller with over 700 000 copies sold.

Find out more about the Total Wellbeing Diet.

Viewed 21/02/08 at 10:14

Some more SCIENTIFIC resurch on the CSIRO diet
My friend did the Atkins diet a couple yrs ago. She had been taking all kinds of prescriptions for her high sugar, blood pressure, and something else can't remember off hand.
After doing the Atkins ( high protein low carb)for 6 mnths her blood work came back so great the doctor took her off all the pills. He said her bloodwork couldn't have been any better.
actually shorty the atkins diet is VERY dangiours. The lack of vitmens and minerals that you get on it can kill you

CSIRO is a low carb (although if your not trying to lose weight like me you add some potatoes or pasta) HIGH proteen, LOW fat diet. Its not actually a diet at all in that sence of the word its a healthy eating plan. You can eat it everyday for the rest of your life and be healthy. In fact it even includes achole and snacks in set amounts:)

Its split up into what a woman should eat to lose weight at a healthy rate, what a women should eat normally, what a man should eat to lose weight at a healthy rate and what a man should eat normally. The difference in the amounts being the serving size of carbs basically

Its also REALLY tastie food:)
SAM said:
Telling them that faith healers are like bad money.

Maybe you think that laws will change their minds? You have got to be kidding me.

Couldn't find a cop willing to take on those guys.
Looks like the river flows for everyone. Is there some kind of admission charge, or what is the problem ?

Would you conceal from them that faith healers are like bad money ? Would you at least recommend that they not put their faces in the water ?

Some situations, like the fountain at Lourdes, are beyond the small resources of the law.

Some aren't.

Faith healers are like bad money. Is it OK to say that, even if a lot of people are willing to take bad money ? Is it OK to attempt to curb counterfeiting ?
so you are assuming based on what? that its the fact that they are not vegan that is causing this?

I have seen vegans end up in hospital because they arnt getting enough of the vitimens, minerals and ameno acids that they need. Im sorry whats YOUR qualification to change the premure science insitute in the country?

You do realise what CSIRO is dont you?

no, that they eat a steady diet of sugar, fat, and chemicals and get next to no exercise. you can be a vegan and do that too. some vegans live (for a while) on processed sugar, pasta, and beer. and yeah, you'll end up in the hospital probably if you eat like that. and i'm also not talking about dieting to achieve a certain body type (other than healthy). i'm not talking about losing weight or reducing body fat or whatever. though i think if you have healthy eating habits, your body would show that. do you have any idea what's actually IN all the meat you're suggesting people eat? meat is laden with antibiotics, growth hormones, and steroids. why? because the animals are not viable without them due to their poor quality of life prior to slaughter. our fish and seafood is filled with pharmaceutical waste and mercury. and even our vegetables (if they're not organic) are laden with hundreds of different chemical fertilizers and insecticides, and many are now genetically modified. why? because we've raped our planet and our soil is depleted and they wouldn't grow otherwise. and the fact that they do grow, and appear to be healthy doesn't mean they have any nutrient value...it's all been spent. and there's the cyclical nature of the industry that's continually raping the planet all in the name of greed, and spewing these pollutants and chemical waste all over the place. then there's the fact that i would lose my life before i would want to contribute to a system that treats other sentient beings the way our industries treat animals for consumption. it's disgusting and deplorable and is indicative of the absolute disregard most people have for this planet, for god, and for life. i dare you to watch the movie "earthlings", because it shows the norm of exactly what i'm talking about here. AND all other arguements aside, i don't see why another being should have to lose their life for me to have mine. so if the death of an animal is not necessary for me to live, then why should i perpetuate such a thing? human beings are planetary parasites.
in case you hadn't noticed your in a science section. I sugest you back up your assertions before a mod comes along and deletes them for being incorect. Australian cattle and sheep are NOT injected with hormones, nor are our chickens. I ALWAYS by free range meat, how do you tell? if you look at the meat and the fat is along the outside of the meat then its free range, if its marbled through the meaakt then the animal is penned in and grain feed. Do i agree with this treatment of animals? no i dont

Also i know exactly what goes into my meat because alot of it comes straight from the farm, my grandmother is a farmer and we used to get our lamb straight out of her padock. No hormones, infact nothing EXCEPT grass and maybe an antibotic if the animal became sick and needed treatment.

Oh and whats your shoes made out of?
in case you hadn't noticed your in a science section. I sugest you back up your assertions before a mod comes along and deletes them for being incorect. Australian cattle and sheep are NOT injected with hormones, nor are our chickens. I ALWAYS by free range meat, how do you tell? if you look at the meat and the fat is along the outside of the meat then its free range, if its marbled through the meaakt then the animal is penned in and grain feed. Do i agree with this treatment of animals? no i dont

Also i know exactly what goes into my meat because alot of it comes straight from the farm, my grandmother is a farmer and we used to get our lamb straight out of her padock. No hormones, infact nothing EXCEPT grass and maybe an antibotic if the animal became sick and needed treatment.

Oh and whats your shoes made out of?

i don't buy leather, and thou shalt not kill.