Try the CSIRO diat. Its the only one i have ever seen that is SCIENTICALLY tested to be good for you. Of course its not really a diet, the difference is that if you want to lose weight you dont eat potatoes and pasta with your meals.
Also i hate to tell you but have you ever herd of the diabetics diet?
Further more im ASSUMING your talking about type 2 diabites because type 1 is incurable, with our current tech (although there is a treatment being trialed using a pig pancrius and seaweed)
the vegan diet is actually bad for you. Yes some people manage to live on it but then some people manage to live on only McDonads to. The vegatarian is ok because your getting the protien from eggs and chicken, the calcium from milk and most importantly the essential fatty acids that are only abundently avialable in seafood
The best diet however (especially for a women) is one that includes lean red meat. Why is this? Because women are VERY suseptable to anemia caused by iron deficancy and lean red meat with a little drisle of lemon juice is an abundent sorce of Iron. As well as protine and alot of other vital things
CSIRO diet is 100 grams of either fish or meat (on alternitive days) for lunch and 200g of fish or meat for dinner (the oposite to what you had for lunch)
Its REALLY health, how do i know?
I was low on alot of vitimans and minerals untill my partner starter eating this. I was doing it to because the food is delicious and i didnt want to lose weight so i added pasta ect. My V&M levels went straight back to normal in a matter of weeks