Miracles for money..

My apologies. What I meant to say that I think some of these people do deserve some pity.

Part of me wants to agree with you and Lori. Sometimes I think my cousin is an idiot for having bought into it. Hell, she is an idiot for having bought into it. But then I start to think about how desperate some actually are and how through that desperation, they are completely taken advantage of.

I mean, that just makes me want to cry.

Bells, your sympathy is understandable. I too am sympathetic to anyone who suffers regardless of the reason. Empathetic...I mean, we all suffer in one way or another. And I also sympathize with people who are naive. I mean, I tend to believe just about anything people tell me. I'm just not a very skeptical person, and I never want to think that people are lying. But there is something to be said for having some common sense, especially where all your money is concerned. These people are looking at the same guy we are. The one with the hairspray, the white suits, and all the jewelry. These people have to take some accountability as to their dealings with God. If you're going to Him, it's a good idea to know Him or something about Him. The Bible is a readily available source. He Himself is a readily available source. Does it really make sense that you should have to pay to be healed? Is this something Jesus practiced? Is it really necessary to have a middle man? I mean, God does the healing, not Benny. I think Jesus was a special consideration to this principle, but I know that I experienced what I called a miracle...one that had a very tangible and obvious effect on my body...while sitting on my couch at home all by myself. He changed me in my bed overnight. I didn't need Benny Hinn or anyone else. I also didn't pray to be changed or healed. The miracle was a result of me praying to help someone else, and the healing was a "side effect" if you will. Benny is an event coordinator you know? It's the power of God that heals people, not his power. And you know, I don't necessarily think that all of the healings that go on in those arenas are fake. I don't know, but it seems to me to be a matter of faith and God's will. If you believe that God can find a way then maybe He will. Maybe it's not His will. Maybe people should be a little more in tune with God personally and have faith in Him to do what's right by them. I wonder...are you afraid that Benny's not going to "get his". Are you afraid that there is no justice in this universe? That humans are responsible for this justice (come on!)? I honestly believe that one day, somewhere, the scales will be in perfect balance. And no one, not even Benny Hinn, will be able to turn away from the truth anymore. And that is for each of us, and all of us...

You know, talking about this reminds me of that Bible parable about the leper or beggar that sat outside the rich man's house his whole life suffering. Then when they both died, the leper went to heaven and the rich man to hell, and their situations were reversed from what they were in life. Was that Lazarus?
And you know, at least Benny Hinn's not out there bashing people in the knees with a baseball bat or poking them in the eyes,and then making them pay to get out of a their wheelchairs or get their sight back like our FDA. In bed with pharmaceutical companies, they poison us through our food supply and then make us pay out the ass for drugs that don't cure us, because there's no money in curing people, but instead, drugs that inhibit our symptoms enough to prolong our lives and thus making us dependent on them for life.

Let's face it...sickness and suffering is big business. People need to protect themselves.
Depends on what your motive is.

Been there done that.

I was using the lay definition. If the public wants, the public gets. The fittest in terms of public approval, survive.

No, it does not. Claims should be tested. That's when the charlatans will disappear. The sincere, misguided or not, should have no problems.

You still do not have the correct definition of " survival of the fittest " correct. I asked you to define it in terms of evolutionary theory. If you wish to ignore it, then that is your privelige in a secular society. But please use it correctly or don't udse it at all.
And you know, at least Benny Hinn's not out there bashing people in the knees with a baseball bat or poking them in the eyes,and then making them pay to get out of a their wheelchairs or get their sight back like our FDA. In bed with pharmaceutical companies, they poison us through our food supply and then make us pay out the ass for drugs that don't cure us, because there's no money in curing people, but instead, drugs that inhibit our symptoms enough to prolong our lives and thus making us dependent on them for life.

Let's face it...sickness and suffering is big business. People need to protect themselves.

So, what do you propose ?
No, it does not. Claims should be tested. That's when the charlatans will disappear. The sincere, misguided or not, should have no problems.

You still do not have the correct definition of " survival of the fittest " correct. I asked you to define it in terms of evolutionary theory. If you wish to ignore it, then that is your privelige in a secular society. But please use it correctly or don't udse it at all.

Like I said, I'm using the lay definition. Suck it up. :)
So, what do you propose ?

Don't trust the government to inform you or take care of you or act in your best interest when it comes to your health or anything else for that matter.

I myself am a vegan. I eat almost all organic food. I filter my water. I read up on health and nutrition information on the internet or many alternative and holistic health sources. I exercise. I eat whole foods, and primarily raw, so I don't eat processed, preserved, toxified crap. I don't drink soda. I don't eat processed sugar. I don't smoke (anymore). My vice is beer. And if I have a concern about my health, I seek alternative, holistic remedies and specialists.
Like I said, I'm using the lay definition. Suck it up. :)

Can I take it that's why you do not know the correct definition ? Your advice to " suck it up" is not particularly helpful. I asked you a question and you have nor answered. I wonder why.
Can I take it that's why you do not know the correct definition ? Your advice to " suck it up" is not particularly helpful. I asked you a question and you have nor answered. I wonder why.

Perhaps because I already covered it. And yeah I know the lay definition. And the scientific one, though biologists prefer natural selection, seeing as Darwin was using a metaphoric term coined by Spencer. If you dont www.google.com
Perhaps because I already covered it. And yeah I know the lay definition. And the scientific one, though biologists prefer natural selection, seeing as Darwin was using a metaphoric term coined by Spencer. If you dont www.google.com

So do you believe in evolution ? If not, why not ?
Don't trust the government to inform you or take care of you or act in your best interest when it comes to your health or anything else for that matter.

I myself am a vegan. I eat almost all organic food. I filter my water. I read up on health and nutrition information on the internet or many alternative and holistic health sources. I exercise. I eat whole foods, and primarily raw, so I don't eat processed, preserved, toxified crap. I don't drink soda. I don't eat processed sugar. I don't smoke (anymore). My vice is beer. And if I have a concern about my health, I seek alternative, holistic remedies and specialists.

Well, I just hope you never gety seriously ill. What does alternatice medicine do for a broken leg ?
Well, I just hope you never gety seriously ill. What does alternatice medicine do for a broken leg ?

I never get sick.

They put a cast on it.

If you were asking what I suggest we do about our government...revolution.
I myself am a vegan. I eat almost all organic food. I filter my water. I read up on health and nutrition information on the internet or many alternative and holistic health sources. I exercise. I eat whole foods, and primarily raw, so I don't eat processed, preserved, toxified crap. I don't drink soda. I don't eat processed sugar. I don't smoke (anymore). My vice is beer. And if I have a concern about my health, I seek alternative, holistic remedies and specialists.

This sounds alot like a friend I used to have. She never smoked though, and didn't drink either. Everything was organic, super healthy, no aspertame or anything else.......etc.

One day she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She is no longer alive.
She was only 40. That is why I say Never Say Never!

She was religious too, went to church every sunday etc.
God couldn't save her from the hell she lived the last few months.
One day she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She is no longer alive.
She was only 40. That is why I say Never Say Never!

She was religious too, went to church every sunday etc.
God couldn't save her from the hell she lived the last few months.

That is the "Stendrix Phenomenon". One of the great unknowns.
This sounds alot like a friend I used to have. She never smoked though, and didn't drink either. Everything was organic, super healthy, no aspertame or anything else.......etc.

One day she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She is no longer alive.
She was only 40. That is why I say Never Say Never!

She was religious too, went to church every sunday etc.
God couldn't save her from the hell she lived the last few months.

That's nice. :confused: I mean, I'm sorry about your friend but am wondering what your point might be...

This world is so toxic that cancer is an epidemic. Nobody really cares why. So are obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. And nobody really cares why. I can imagine someone lying in a hospital bed after having one of their feet cut off from the effects of diabetes and begging a friend or family member to run and get them some McDonalds cause the hospital food is too shitty (which is true, the hospital food isn't much better). I wonder how many people stop to get fast food on the way home from dialysis. ADHD is epidemic in our kids and nobody cares why. How about the fact that they're raised in front of a television and video game and their brain suffers the consequences when it's in a normal environment? How about all the sugar and excitotoxins and food coloring we pump into them everyday? When I was a waitress, I would have to watch parents feeding their kids all this sugar and toxic shit everyday, and I felt like I was an accomplice to child abuse. People will feed kids macaroni and cheese, french fries, and lemonade for dinner and they get away with it.