Mercury CraterChains - Alien or Natural?

Hold the gravel in your hand closing all but the index finger then throw letting the gravel come out of your palm along the finger. Using this technique you can constantly generate lines of impact.

Thank you. I told them this like a year ago and they don't get the fact that you can toss it this way. Talk about dense.
I'm just going to mention not getting to abusive, since it's not needed on the board.
Although your sentiments are correct and I think even the board missed you for the duration you've been away. (Guess you got bored of the same stuff being mentioned over and over again).

I know I'm not suppose to embark on personal attacks, however it can be said that mine (and many others) interpretation of Norvals theory suggest that it's made to be completely bogus for the need of attention seeking. The absurd suggestions and the lack of evidence to me is proof enough that what ever suggested isn't true.

I'm not going to bother repeating the evidence from the against list since it's a long list and it covered all the above, in fact I wonder why there is still any movement in conversation since theres the two sides of the coin, the ones that know it's completely inaccurate and the others that are just out for attention and propagation of their idea for what ever sub-defined reasoning.

In conclusion: Personally I would just close all topics on this subject, however since I'm playing by moderation rules I leave it open for people to continue to discuss. (However I think the theory of the "Cyclic Universe" wasn't created to suggest the continued merry-go-round effect of the overall topics repetition)
Ok stryder...I cut down on the personal attacks just for you :)

You nailed it why I took a hiatus thought. I'll be around, but just not as much. So look out kooks!!
FieryIce said:
What is of particular interest in that image Norval posted is the patterned variability. The crater chain from left to right has 3 craters the same size, 3 slightly larger, the middle crater the largest, 3 craters slightly smaller than the middle one, then finally 3 craters the same size as the first three.


This illustrates that the delivery system (mechanism) for this crater chain can vary the scale of the crater to match the shouldering crater and shoulder a larger or smaller crater. Now that is precision, unmatched by mechanisms devised by any country or science here on earth. Also no country or science here on earth has ever made a single crater the size of even one of these craters, let alone a crater one mile in size, when these crater chains run for miles and miles.

Compare the 13-strike crater chain to this crater chain where all the craters are shoulder to shoulder and the same size, illustrating unprecedented precision. One crater shoulders the next without collapsing the shoulder and making a trench.


Shoemaker-levy 9 doesn’t even enter into comparison so you might as well shove the Shoemaker-levy losenger in your pocket to suck on it later on your own time.

I will reiterate, no country or science here on earth has ever made a single crater the size of even one of these craters, let alone a crater one mile in size, now that is unprecedented precision.
Precision and yield are very different things! Sure the holes are big but if you look closely they are not precisely in a line nor is each hole aligned with the other perfectly, nor are the craters all the same size, this is called “imprecision”
I will reiterate, no country or science here on earth has ever made a single crater the size of even one of these craters, let alone a crater one mile in size, now that is unprecedented precision.
But oddly enough rocks falling from the sky HAVE made craters this size, have been seen to do so and have been simulated to do so. You have no valid argument against the comet chain answer, but instead continue to use your very false 'straight lines are not natural' way of thinking.
>>>>I will reiterate, no country or science here on earth has ever made a single crater the size of even one of these craters, let alone a crater one mile in size, now that is unprecedented precision.

i can't wait til us earthlings reach the same level technology as these aliens then we too can bomb the crap outta the moon or mercury.
But oddly enough rocks falling from the sky HAVE made craters this size, have been seen to do so and have been simulated to do so.

NO Persol, that is a lie.
There has been no rocks fall from the sky that have made craters this size or a mile in diameter. The computer simulator programs, the programmers have admitted their programs will not replicate crater chains.
Quote for all of us just who has ever seen a rock fall from the sky and make a mile wide crater. Quote to all of us just where this imaginary crater is.

Boris2, that is somewhat the point, the only planetary body in our solar system that would be of any interest as a target would be Earth; the moon or mercury already look like crap.
>>>>There has been no rocks fall from the sky that have made craters this size or a mile in diameter.

i was responding to this.
>>>>There are craters, what makes you so very sure they are "impact" type?

william of occams razor.
FOCLMFAO,,, and that is why we firmly reply that CS crater chains are not natural, but have been made by intelligence. Thank you.
The computer simulator programs, the programmers have admitted their programs will not replicate crater chains.[/quote]Yeah, reference please... cause your talking out your ass again.
There has been no rocks fall from the sky that have made craters this size or a mile in diameter.
So you don't count the visible ones all over everything in the solar system (You claimed the lined up craters where from aliens, now you're saying they all are?) and the lunar impacts of 1953 and the impacts of Jupiter?
>>>>and that is why we firmly reply that CS crater chains are not natural, but have been made by intelligence

so aliens are a simpler explanation than asteroids? care to explain how you come to this conclusion?
Hehe...same old bullshit fire. Divert from the quetion at hand. You show us the same images and expect us to believe that yours is the simplest conclusion...all because of a couple of impact lines! Because, incredibly, the simplest explanation for you is warmongering aliens that have shitty weapontry who seem to enjoy shooting random planets with random bursts of fire.

1: Never look for the simplest, most obvious cause of something. Refrain from mentioning Occam's Razor (it's your nemesis).

Hmmmmm gravitational forces on a comet..........or aliens with bloodlust.

Your website twists what Occam's Razor means to fit what YOU want it to.
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There are craters, what makes you so very sure they are "impact" type?

Craterchains, do you believe that all craters on Earth (except volcanic ones, obviously) are artificial?

Well what do you know. The area that many of us were calling a sinkhole filled region that fire and crazychains was calling a war zone look to be pits after all....due to similar evidence (look up that word sometime guys) for such areas in Iceland. Their site doesn't give the area justice. The areas they question are very near a dormant volcano...and there still could be some seismic activity still there.