Mercury CraterChains - Alien or Natural?

I hope its not just me; but doesn't the random and haphazard bombing of planet in this manner seem rather...inefficient...and a waste of resources?

Fill me in please, since I am not really all that familiar with your theory.

Did aliens just lob asteroids at a potential target with a cosmic potato gun, or was there some actual "bomb" invloved...and if so, since the impact craters still exist, wouldn't there be some kind of trace evidence remaining within the crater or the ejected debris?

Were/are they trying to hide something...because they obviously did a half ass job of erasing the evidence.
I hope its not just me; but doesn't the random and haphazard bombing of planet in this manner seem rather...inefficient...and a waste of resources?
I think that over a hundred posts have said this to them....
Those of small imaginations need to expand upon the immensity of OUR own weapons and ships of war that have evolved in a relative short period of time. Inventiveness of weaponry and delivery systems can only advance as fast as our manufacturing capability. Think of the capability of several nearby solar systems of construction workers building ships of war.

Answer me this. Can anyone guess at what the yeld of weaponry sized nuclear bombs would have been used on this 13 strike pattern?
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BS noval,

I would have to say a weapon of very limited guidance and crude imprecise explosive yelled. A sign of a alien race with weapon systems inferior to our own in many qualities.

I would love to see any of this worlds military deliver such a strike like it from here on our own moon. :D
The nasa link you provided has a reasonable explanation of how those craters could have been created.
Why wasn't it a comet containing several pieces?
>>>>It was crater investigation that Gene Shoemaker was headed to when he had his fatal accident.

yes, in the northern territory. and speaking of shoemaker, and levy, wasn't that a nice crater chain that comet made on jupiter....if it had a surface that is.

Why do some of the craters have a surface area 5 time larger then the smallest. Would this not require 16-32 time more power for the larger craters then the smallest. A natural event would best describe the discrepancy.
What is of particular interest in that image Norval posted is the patterned variability. The crater chain from left to right has 3 craters the same size, 3 slightly larger, the middle crater the largest, 3 craters slightly smaller than the middle one, then finally 3 craters the same size as the first three.


This illustrates that the delivery system (mechanism) for this crater chain can vary the scale of the crater to match the shouldering crater and shoulder a larger or smaller crater. Now that is precision, unmatched by mechanisms devised by any country or science here on earth. Also no country or science here on earth has ever made a single crater the size of even one of these craters, let alone a crater one mile in size, when these crater chains run for miles and miles.

Compare the 13-strike crater chain to this crater chain where all the craters are shoulder to shoulder and the same size, illustrating unprecedented precision. One crater shoulders the next without collapsing the shoulder and making a trench.


Shoemaker-levy 9 doesn’t even enter into comparison so you might as well shove the Shoemaker-levy losenger in your pocket to suck on it later on your own time.
And what exactly were the aliens making lines of craters for? If they were hitting targets would they not simple launch a guided weapon that would precisely hit the target in one impact, instead of carpet-bombing an area? Did they lack the basic guidance technology? Even in that picture I see imprecision in the line and explosive yield.

If this was the remains of alien weapon system then why are crater chains so varied in pattern, precision and volume all over the solar system?
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Just note that impact craters usually mean the generation of elevated sides since not all the force from an impact is kicked up and out of the hole. The means when you look carefully at the Craters put forwards by Norval and FieryIce actually lack impact signs, suggesting a pithole where loose material has fallen into a crevis either generated by cooling lava tubes of plate-tectonic alteration.
Sorry Stryder, scientists and I, do disagree with you. These are either impact, or explosions. Vastly larger war craft would have vastly larger automatic weapons and fire control systems to combat vastly larger war craft.


Collapsed pit chain. FOCLMAO
BS Noval,

Appeal to Authority: just because you and some "scientists" agree does not mean its correct. You have to prove why its not a clasped chasm.
Dont you people understand that if Shoemaker-levy hit a body just minuets or hours after breaking up it would have produced a "CS" impact chain. Very simple to understand.
for this crater chain can vary the scale of the crater to match the shouldering crater and shoulder a larger or smaller crater. Now that is precision, unmatched by mechanisms devised by any country or science here on earth
Come now this is a stretch to say the least. In Novas image there is much overlap. The larger crater shows two peaks that could be the result of two impacts. Larger impacts would also have obliterated any evidence of smaller impacts. The fith and sixth overlap by more then 50% while the last one has no overlap. Even in the images you post the overlap is no where near as precise as you claim. From the left it starts with some small overlap then spaces out so that the line become disconnected with a space about half the diameter of the adjacent craters. And then towards the end the overlap slowly increases. The is absolutely no evidence for your claim that the impacts are spaced to provide shoulder to shoulder overlap.
As for earth not being able to do this. Talk to some miners who use explosives to massage the ground in ways that make you CS chains look like primitive scratches. Talk to the armed forces who could create any pattern the wanted just by clicking on the map where they want the bomb to go, and how big to make the crater. Talk to people who bring down building using explosives.
As for earth not being able to do this. Talk to some miners who use explosives to massage the ground in ways that make you CS chains look like primitive scratches. Talk to the armed forces who could create any pattern the wanted just by clicking on the map where they want the bomb to go, and how big to make the crater. Talk to people who bring down building using explosives.

Been there, done that. THAT is WHY we can recognize these as caused by intelligence. You only THINK we can duplicate this kind of accuracy. NOT. And, military types only WISH they could duplicate this kind of strike Keep tossing a hand full of gravel till you are convinced it will eventually form a CS type of crater chain.

But, don’t hold your breath.
Been there, done that.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.....sure. You know more about explosive yelds than I know about 16th century hair styles. If you had any evidence by now you would have shown it. Instead you give the same old bullshit answer over and over again that we're the ones close minded, that "analysis" was done, that nasa "agrees" with you and that none of us here know jack. Impacts of various yields would give the results you see. "Just look at plowshare" as you've said in the past but those are buried nukes. Just look at this link

If those "aliens" had any smarts they would know the most effective blast is an airburst.

And, military types only WISH they could duplicate this kind of strike

Why can't they? ICBMs are airbursts so it doesn't matter but laser guided bombs or GPS guided JDAM/JSOWs are accurate to within a few feet. So according to your theory the US military has BETTER accuracy then your so-called "aliens".

You're full of more bullshit then all of the politicians in DC so you're pretty much overflowing.
You have never had any experience with guided munitions. Accuracy to less then a meter. Calculating the crater size is very easy to do when you know the yield, depth and shape. We have interceptors that can strike a ballistic missile 100K up.
A good friend of works in the mining industry laying out drilling holes for blasting. By varying the timing of the detonations he can move the dirt where ever he needs is. If he had to use high yield atomic weapons he reckons he could easily create a chain of craters with perfect alinement. He also pointed out that for nuclear explosions to create deep crates like those seen in the crater chains they would have to be buried deep underground, at about 2-3times the depth of the crater. Nukes release radiant energy, while conventional explosives produce energy in the form of and expanding shockwave of gas. Nukes do not produce significant craters when detonated at ground level while conventional explosives can. He also pointed out that craters produce by conventional and nukes do no leave a central peek and have relatively shallow slopes, while impact craters leave a peek and have very steep walls. This is because large impacts penetrate deep into the surface. A crater with a diameter of about 150K would have created a hole about 60km deep filled with vaporized rock which would quickly condense and fill the hole. My friend is without doubt that the images of CS craters chains where produce by fast moving heavy objects not explosives, ether chemical or nukes.
By the way it is easy to throw a hand full of gravel. Hold the gravel in your hand closing all but the index finger then throw letting the gravel come out of your palm along the finger. Using this technique you can constantly generate lines of impact. You must remember that when a comet breaks up it is due to tidal forces. Tidal forces stretch along one direction (direction of gravity). Just as when you stretch a rubber band it becomes long and thin. Then length expands while the width contracts. You may have heard of the most extreme case of this, called spaghettification as you come to close to a black hole. Space in a gravity field is stretched and squeezed. Thus you get a long line from a pile of stones.
There is also a boundary for each rubble pile around each planet that is the point where the tidal forces are greater then the bonding strength. The further a object travels inside this boundary the greater the rate of separation. If an object just skims this boundary it will separate very slowly producing CS crater chains.