Mercury CraterChains - Alien or Natural?

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As for a response to FieryIce, The reason for the "comic Relief" is purely because I and I'm sure others become bored over the constant Rhetoric where you don't acknowledge facts and dream up some kooky varient for a natural occurance.

I was mearly pointing out in a humourous way that it might not be aliens, it might be someone that travels back in time just to make the craters so they can laugh at you developing "intelligent patterns" from their crater run, or for that matter Catapulting asteroids.

Your Conspiracy theory is like saying the sun and the moon move by the hand of some super-enlightened being, when in reality it just doesn't work like that.
first of all, i don't even see any crater chains, and if there are, I'll be anything it's entirely circumstantial. first of all, if alien inteligence existed that could travel interstellar distances (or even interplanetary, we'll pretend martians had a space program), i think they'd be able to aim way better than to just chuck a bunch of rocks in a spread pattern on a large portion of planetary surface. For crying out loud, WE aim better than that with cruise missiles and artilery!!! I find it hard to believe that aliens would be so sophisticated to travel to other planets, only to destroy whatever was on it with a "shotgun blast" of asteroids
You just wish your little green square was that big.

Don't be jealous.
OMG, is this serious? Some people are just desparate to find silly things to believe in :rolleyes: .

Actually Monsieur Kobenhavn, when you are finished catching up with what is really going on, then yes, OMG statement does apply.
Yes MRC, aliens are fighting a galactic war, and Mars was the ultimate victim. Just look at all the craters on it!
Shhhssss..... that's the OTHER aliens. We aren't supposed to know about 'them'.

Oh, wait.... it's all just do to big heavy rocks crashing into planetoids.
While Persol wants to talk about alien wars, obviously wanting of logical reasoning is also apparent. That some can’t seem to see the CS types of chained craters we recommend you try searching the relative information and get the known scientists view points about them and where they are on Mercury as we have.

The reasoning that “we” now go on is that with so many known CS types of crater chains on our moon alone blows the probability curve of them ever being formed by a broken up space rock as ludicrous.

What we are looking for now in all of these photos that shows CS types of crater chains are where, how many, and what sizes.
Please not that there are no craters recognized as CS type. Specifically because other people found these and comment on these before you, and it is assine to name them after yourselves.
so many known CS types of crater chains on our moon alone blows the probability curve of them ever being formed by a broken up space rock as ludicrous
Why? You have yet to show us any serious statistical analysis. A 'dice don't line up when I drop them' comment is not a serious statistical analysis.
Please "note" that Persol fails to note there are differences in the crater chain formations. We named the types of crater chains that are aligned in certain ways "CS" (Cunningham / Smart) types. Thus it can be understood (by most intelligent beings) what we are talking about when we discuss them.

Persol lies when saying we have done no statistical analyses of them. If it was good enough for NASA and other scientific organizations one would think that it should be good enough for one such as Persol's ilk and like. Guess not. One must wonder why that is?
Persol lies when saying we have done no statistical analyses of them.
Please oh mighty lord of bullshit, grace us with your analysis.
craterchains (Norval said:
Please "note" that Persol fails to note there are differences in the crater chain formations. We named the types of crater chains that are aligned in certain ways "CS" (Cunningham / Smart) types. Thus it can be understood (by most intelligent beings) what we are talking about when we discuss them.

Persol lies when saying we have done no statistical analyses of them. If it was good enough for NASA and other scientific organizations one would think that it should be good enough for one such as Persol's ilk and like. Guess not.
One must wonder why that is?

Simply stated, Persol is an excellent example of STDD, Same Tactic Different Day with a touch of total incompetence or as it is formally called Incompetence Syndrome.

His STDD, IS is showing.
Perhaps you would like to show us your fabled analysis then?

It makes sense to keep calling the two of you liars when the two of you continue to lie.
We named the types of crater chains that are aligned in certain ways "CS" (Cunningham / Smart) types.

But it is unlikely that name has any recognition other than on your website.
I have a hunch it plays like this:

CS originally starts as asking NASA, "Do you think its possible that aliens could draw shapes in a planets surface to attempt to communicate?", NASA *MIGHT* have responded, "Sure, why not!" but meant, sure it's possible but its extremely unlikely.

Then our two intrepid CS (or BS) crater chain enthusiasts, start to rethink their thoughts on what could occur... Perhaps it's a message ... perhaps the planet was destroyed... an ancient civilization... war of two sides.... why are we still here? we must have been on the winning side ?!?....

It now means that they take all their most recent analysis and apply NASA's original "Sure, why not!" at the end.

However we *hopefully* will know the answer if those nice people at NASA respond to the e-mail I just sent in regards to this. I know it could be unlikely that its answered because of the nature of the e-mail however if they have a few spare minutes someone might answer to set the record straight about any relationship between NASA and CS crater chains.
Yes, I am sure they will respond. Care to post a copy of that email you sent in its entirety Stryder?
Care to post a copy of your response from NASA?
I will if responded to post both, if an actual response doesn't appear then theres no real point placing the e-mail I wrote here since it would be one way dilect that was treated as "Spam". However if they do respond, I will place both into the thread to validate NASA's stance on CS Craterchains.