Mercury CraterChains - Alien or Natural?

Stryder, the other chemicals troops ingested was given to them to make them fight longer and harder, ... amphetamines. Troops, _pilots_ especially, can still get issued with amphetamines today!

Of course, amphetamines have side effects if taken in large enough doses;

"High doses, especially if frequently repeated, can produce delirium, panic attacks, hallucinations and feelings of paranoia." (

So I wonder if Norv took Methedrine in 'Nam?
I am sure it is part of my military record if I was issued any such drugs. Look it up, and if you believe that report try my DD214,,, FOCLMFAO :D

hmmmmm, does this ring a bell? To any one?

Many people post at forums around the world and for many reasons. Below is one example of such reasoning to post.
#1.) The burden of proof is always on the woo-woo making a sensational claim, even when he or she is not making a claim. Cause them to get frustrated.
#2.) After a woo-woo gets banned or leaves a discussion, chant the following 3 times: “Mundane Claims Win The Day, Mundane Claims Win The Day, Mundane Claims Win The Day”.
#3.) None of you’re claims need to be proven, because you’re not the one making a sensational claim. Keep repeating this to yourself so as to make sure the woo-woo can’t ever challenge you.
#4.) If you let a woo-woo go, without impugning or attacking them personally, then you are not doing it correctly. You must find them stupid, and inferior.
#5.) Woo-woo’s are stupid and inferior.
#6.) A sensational claim is only wrong, if it’s presented by a woo-woo, or someone not as educated as yourself. If a fellow debunker presents a sensational claim, pretend the idea has merrit. (Take one for the team)
#7.) Always explain away a UFO as natural, remember you don’t have to prove anything. If you claim it’s something natural, the burden of proof is on them to prove it’s not natural. This way you can claim it’s anything.
#8.) The truth can be our enemy, if the truth supports a sensational claim. It’s then you’re job to distort or confuse the truth so as to support a more mundane explanation.
#9.) Don’t ever offer words of support, or agreement with a woo-woo. Constantly attack, harass and confuse them. Remember how much smarter, and more important you are than a stupid woo-woo.
#10.) Visit and find a woo-woo to be destroyed. Search the banned list to reminisce and enjoy you’re past work. If the banned user’s list does not exist create one. Use this to compare other woo-woo’s to past ones.

A most interesting "hobby"? May be to some and yet to others this seemingly benign attitude is also reminiscent of BET's attitudes.
craterchains (Norval said:
hmmmmm, does this ring a bell? To any one?

Not to me. Phlog? Arch? Ophi? You guys seen this stuff before? Was there a meeting I missed? Damnit. God Damnity-Damn! I paid my freakin' union dues guys!

craterchains (Norval said:
#1.) The burden of proof is always on the woo-woo making a sensational claim, even when he or she is not making a claim. Cause them to get frustrated.

The "woo-woo" or anyone else that makes an extraordinary claim will always have the burden of proof in science. The so-called "woo-woo" simply gets pissed when they get held accountable to the same standard as those with educations. The bar cannot be lowered out of pity. But if they aren't making a claim, why would they have any burden of proof at all?

craterchains (Norval said:
#2.) After a woo-woo gets banned or leaves a discussion, chant the following 3 times: “Mundane Claims Win The Day, Mundane Claims Win The Day, Mundane Claims Win The Day”.

I can't stand it when woo-woo's get banned. That's one of the reasons why sciforums has always appealed to me. Without the occasional woo-woo, it would be dull. Besides, I believe that all voices have the right to be heard, even the ones that are full of BS. But, conversely, I believe in the right to provide a counter-argument if warranted.

craterchains (Norval said:
#3.) None of you’re claims need to be proven, because you’re not the one making a sensational claim. Keep repeating this to yourself so as to make sure the woo-woo can’t ever challenge you.

Anyone who makes a claim or cites a fact should be ready to provide sources for information. Particularly when refuting nutty claims and speculative assumptions that are being passed off as reality.

craterchains (Norval said:
#4.) If you let a woo-woo go, without impugning or attacking them personally, then you are not doing it correctly. You must find them stupid, and inferior.

Attacking the person is simply wrong and it's bad form. I've been known to do it on occasion though I think I've kept it to a bare minimum and I remember apologizing more than once. However, I also have noted that many so-called "woo-woo's" regard attacks on their "theories" to be personal attacks. Crazymikey responded this way back in the day on more than one occasion.

craterchains (Norval said:
#5.) Woo-woo’s are stupid and inferior.

Nah. That's simply unfounded. While there may be some correlation to belief and intelligence, I personally have noted that many of the so-called "woo-woo's" are quite intelligent. Indeed, Agitprop proved herself to be both intelligent and quite superior in wit and ability to debate. Smart people who believe in strange things are generally better at producing arguments for their beliefs.

craterchains (Norval said:
#6.) A sensational claim is only wrong, if it’s presented by a woo-woo, or someone not as educated as yourself. If a fellow debunker presents a sensational claim, pretend the idea has merrit. (Take one for the team)

I don't think that's the case at all. I recall on several occasions I was corrected on some point and I readily accepted the refutation when I noticed my error. I've also seen those that you would consider to be "debunkers" argue matters in other forums. The difference is, most see the error and either revise their position or provide stronger evidence to support the original one.

craterchains (Norval said:
#7.) Always explain away a UFO as natural, remember you don’t have to prove anything. If you claim it’s something natural, the burden of proof is on them to prove it’s not natural. This way you can claim it’s anything.

That's why I usually ask questions rather than making a blanket statement with regard to UFOs. Like, "why can't this be..." My only beef with the UFO/ETI proponents is that they typically start with the result they want (that aliens drive UFOs) and work backward. I start with the observed phenomena and provide prosaic possibilities and note that these are more probable. In most cases, there simply isn't any data to draw on. But settling for the alien drivers of UFOs is bad science just because you can't make a conclusion.

craterchains (Norval said:
#8.) The truth can be our enemy, if the truth supports a sensational claim. It’s then you’re job to distort or confuse the truth so as to support a more mundane explanation.

Baloney. Their is either evidence and data or there isn't.

craterchains (Norval said:
#9.) Don’t ever offer words of support, or agreement with a woo-woo. Constantly attack, harass and confuse them. Remember how much smarter, and more important you are than a stupid woo-woo.

I think there's been plenty of cases in sciforums where skeptics have disagreed with so-called "woo-woo's" yet offered some various words of encouragement. I've done so with Starman and, just recently, Ophiolite told Btimsah he was smart and humorous. Disagreement, even adament disagreement, doesn't imply complete disdain. Not always, anyway.

craterchains (Norval said:
#10.) Visit and find a woo-woo to be destroyed. Search the banned list to reminisce and enjoy you’re past work. If the banned user’s list does not exist create one. Use this to compare other woo-woo’s to past ones.

Hmm. I've noticed several so-called "woo-woo's" here at sciforums that have been banned at Bad Astronomy. Hey, it's Phil's place. He can run it the way he likes.

craterchains (Norval said:
A most interesting "hobby"? May be to some and yet to others this seemingly benign attitude is also reminiscent of BET's attitudes.

What a wackjob you are! Prove it you nutter! Oh. Wait... I mean how would you know what the attitude is of a BET (assuming that stands for Bad ExtraTerrestrial)? :cool:
You see, what norval is doing is seeking attention again. Would i bother with him? Nooooooo. But i will still engage him from time to time, just to amuse myself.

But norval, i tell you this as someone who is genuinely concerned about you, i think you have some serious mental issues.
Take a look at Chuck Woods LPOD craters


New Color in Old Pictures, May 31, 2005

and a kewl crater on Earth


Operation Storax, Sun Beam, and Roller Coaster
There in lies the point.
Can't you see the feathers through your own quacking?
I suggest you all chill out, relax, have a drink and not bother yourselves with craters and aliens.
They did it, they didn't - what's the difference?
Are afraid to die from an alien death ray? I doubt you could save yourselve even if had the knowledge of it.
Your body will die one way or another.
What *I* see is perhaps someone sensationalizing a mundane correlation with her own grandiose beliefs of what is true.

The correlations you see really aren't there. The Hill crater above is 16 km in diameter and over 3 km deep. The Sedan crater is .39 km in diameter and 97.5 m deep.

The only thing you've shown us is that the potential energy of a meteorite is great. Obviously the energy needed to excavate the Hill and Carmichael craters was far greater
You should also take into consideration the physics of the two bodies that are being compared.

While the earths mass is greater than the moon it also has an atmosphere which the moon has very little of (if any). Objects that are attracted to the bodies gravity will admittedly fall at a different rate to the earth, however will also lack the reaction with atmospheric pressure causing it to not be slowed or broken up on decent.

Also due to the gravity being different on the surface, it means that the stresses the surface dust is under is far less than that of the planet and therefore it means it would react with a greater consequence when suffering an impact.

So in theory a smaller meteor could make a bigger and deeper depression on the moon than it would on the earth.
Avatar, apparently, you are still "deceived" into thinking there are still "gods". It
would seem more likely that they are caused by far more technologically advanced
beings. Of course to the uneducated and ignorant, they would be marks of the
"gods". :eek: