Mental illness and parapsychology.

Synchronicities, a friend of mine was recently diagnosed schizophrenic,
she later reported the increased incidence of synchronicities
during phychotic episodes. I have no reason to doubt her, i'm not
schitzo but my experience is that synchronicities are much more
likely to occur while in highly highly charged emotional states and altered
states of conciousness.

Of course skeptics are going to say this is
a product of the imagination, but i'm sure even the most die
hard skeptic has has at least one meaningful, non causal, coincidence
in there life without being able to offer a satisfactory explanation.

[sorry if this has been mentioned before but its a long thread.]
If I were to document all the perfect timing incidents in my life It wouldn't help keep them from happening and people would just think I was crazy trying to explain why something is always in the last place you looked or how some items disappear and come back when you least expect them to in an area you didn't place them. Of corse I am not crazy, but thats how I would feel if I was. I imagine it would only get worse if I was actually seeing things.
If I were to document all the perfect timing incidents in my life It wouldn't help keep them from happening
Why would it?
You only document things after they've happened. :rolleyes:

and people would just think I was crazy trying to explain why something is always in the last place you looked
As Lee Evans pointed out so succinctly and wittily - it's in the last place you look because once you've found what you were looking for you stop fucking looking.
Nobody is stupid enough to keep looking in alternative places for something they've already found.

or how some items disappear and come back when you least expect them to in an area you didn't place them.
So what you're saying is that either someone moved them or you forgot exactly where you left them.

Of corse I am not crazy
That's debatable on the above evidence.

I imagine it would only get worse if I was actually seeing things.
Well apparently you're already imagining things so I'd say it's just a short step...
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Well that comment right there just proves it. The facts site themselves. I can go weeks without having you around to comment on something of mine and the second I least expect you to show up you appear.

So what do you think is the cause of these synchronism's. Can you formulate an unbiased set of opinions that resolves the reasoning behind why someone would experience reality differently than another. So if your saying we have found something unexpectedly for example: I was talking to a man about his class ring when my mother found my class ring that I had lost two years ago. It seemed like by just saying the word something lost was found in a place I had looked over twelve dozen times.
As Lee Evans pointed out so succinctly and wittily - it's in the last place you look because once you've found what you were looking for you stop fucking looking.
Nobody is stupid enough to keep looking in alternative places for something they've already found.

Hey Hi Dywyddyr, Up for another bout of tort and taunt?

Of course Lee Evens has demonstrated his lack of understanding of the topic with his comments.
Possibly he just couldn't resist the humor he had discovered for himself?

For sure his comment is funny, a sort of dry wit that shows only his paranoia about all things parapsychological in nature. May be he has night mares he wishes to be rid of? Who knows...?

It's sort of like this:
When you go looking for something you usually plan your journey for the search.
Hey I'll look in the laundary first then I'll look in the kitchen, possibly under the sink and if I don't find it, I'll look outside in the compost heap. [ you know the one under the Mortan Bay Fig tree]

But alas the last place I am gong to bother to look in is in the letter box of my neighbours house becaue that would be the last place you'd expect to find my mobile phone.

well you can guess what happens...

So it is not a question of giving up simply because it is found but about the tendancy at times to only find it when you have just about given up on your "planned" search.
In fact most of the time it is only when you have given up that the item reveals itself to you...[ as demonstrated by the Buddha under the Bodhi tree relieving his starvation, suffering, with a beautiful maiden and a bowl of milk. bingo! we have enlightenment]

Still I must say Lee Evans has a great sense of humor all the same...
Well that comment right there just proves it. The facts site themselves.
The word would be "cite".

I can go weeks without having you around to comment on something of mine and the second I least expect you to show up you appear.
Which simply indicates your overall level of (lack of) awareness.

So what do you think is the cause of these synchronism's.
Get real...

Can you formulate an unbiased set of opinions
Since an opinion is by definition a personal judgement then it's hardly possible to give an unbiased one. :rolleyes:

that resolves the reasoning behind why someone would experience reality differently than another.
Define what you mean by "different reality".
Well that comment right there just proves it. The facts site themselves. I can go weeks without having you around to comment on something of mine and the second I least expect you to show up you appear.

So what do you think is the cause of these synchronism's. Can you formulate an unbiased set of opinions that resolves the reasoning behind why someone would experience reality differently than another. So if your saying we have found something unexpectedly for example: I was talking to a man about his class ring when my mother found my class ring that I had lost two years ago. It seemed like by just saying the word something lost was found in a place I had looked over twelve dozen times.
He will probably site "probabililty of coincidence"...but of course the probability of a single coincidence when taken to the absolute is 1:infiinity.

if one is able to look with out paranoa it isn't hard to see..the way reality works co-operatively.
Coincidently or syhcronisitically this is my 9952-nd post...well how about that?!
The word would be "cite".

Which simply indicates your overall level of (lack of) awareness.

Get real...

Since an opinion is by definition a personal judgement then it's hardly possible to give an unbiased one. :rolleyes:

Define what you mean by "different reality".

Hey look you found a word I messed up on. Congratulations there is probably something wrong with you. It is real whether I am making it happen in some way or not. There isn't anyone who is crazy. If you think there is then maybe you are crazy. For me I have studied that more closely than you. That is my specialty. Find crazy and define it as not crazy. It is not so hard a process to justify the actions and reactions of either a sane or an insane mind if you listen to them hard enough and often observe the behavior from an objective standpoint. A different reality like your girlfriend is supposed to be at home when you are at work, but instead she is over at my house looking for "things" that are in the wrong place. You come home right after she got back and started cooking your favorite type of fish just so you didn't think anything funny was going on. Cause... for you to get real.

What significance does the number 9952 have for you? Just keeps popping up or lucky? True as any absolute within itself is infinity. Meaning If it happens once it happens at all times, Just not at the same time.

"Time is nature's way of keeping everything from happening at once." With the exception of coincidences. It's not important to follow coincidences, just smile back and let them know you are still there.
There isn't anyone who is crazy. If you think there is then maybe you are crazy.
Oops, wrong.

For me I have studied that more closely than you.
Wild guess on your part...

Find crazy and define it as not crazy.
Sort of negates your previous claim that no one is crazy, neh?

A different reality like your girlfriend is supposed to be at home when you are at work, but instead she is over at my house looking for "things" that are in the wrong place.
Fail. That's not a "different reality" that's a lack of information. [And several assumptions on your part to boot.]

What significance does the number 9952 have for you?
A lack of information is what makes people go crazy, they search for what they can not possibly find and the mind fades into illusion without it. It builds over time and It can create a different reality for a persons perception. Your saying people are crazy but yet there is no such thing as a different reality. Those statements are completely contradictory to one another. Pick a side and stick with it. Your naive statements only show you have no idea what either term crazy or different reality actually means. You just say things that are oxymoronic-al and when you read it you can only find justification in your own statements because of your twisted words.
Find crazy and define it as not crazy
seriously, this is an amazingly courageous thing to state. A request I whole heartedly agree with.

"crazy" is only "non-crazy" attempting to deal with extreme perceptions that are often deliberately denied validity by the surrounding culture here in the West.

"Crazy" is attempting to cope with the intensity of our own human potentiality, both intellectual, spiritual and psycho-physicality with out any support to do so from Western communities in general.
The medication paradigm is only an example of the denial of reality that the medical profession is encouraged to legally enforce. [I use the word "enforce" deliberately]
This opinion springs from the fundamental truth:

"To deny the truth of your experience regardless of what that experience is, is to destroy your reality"

And when forced to deny the truth of your experience by others we have the added weight of extreme abuse as well. [ due to the loss of power of attorney- self determination - freedom to be yourself]

Little wonder there is so much anger , hostility and resentment displayed by persons who have been forced to deny their experiences as true or real.
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Example: "Little Johnny is told he didn't see his parents "bonking" and that he must have been dreaming...." because the parents failed to shut the bedroom door. So Johnny now wears the burden of his parents betrayal and is forced to live a lie.
The musical production "TOMMY" is a great example. Where by a child witnesses the murder of his father by his Mother and her lover and is forced into a state of "psycho coma" as he is forced to deny what he witnessed by his so called loving family.
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Example: "Little Johnny is told he didn't see his parents "bonking" and that he must have been dreaming...." because the parents failed to shut the bedroom door. So Johnny now wears the burden of his parents betrayal and is forced to live a lie.
The musical production "TOMMY" is a great example. Where by a child witnesses the murder of his father by his Mother and her lover and is forced into a state of "psycho coma" as he is forced to deny what he witnessed by his so called loving family.

but preferable to being shafted by your daddy.
"To deny the truth of your experience regardless of what that experience is, is to destroy your reality"

Great words thank you my friend. When you destroy the experience you destroy the memories. The difference between short term and long term memory is how much you remember from two seconds ago until the point at which you forgot everything you already learned.