Mental illness and parapsychology.

How would all schizoids know that? Psychic ability?;)

I would differ on the subject of depression. I can treat depression, I can't treat psychic ability. The condition of being psychic should for all intents have a way of being proven. Schizoidal tendencies appear with recognizable symptoms yet psychic ability is devoid on all accounts of any. An individual may possess this remarkable skill but can't prove it to a soul. Just one correct psychic claim should be enough to warrant that claim being called a symptom at least. IOW a symptom of psychic ability would be making indisputable claims of a paranormal nature. Nothing of this sort has ever been recorded. IMO they have the skill the same way an psychosomatic individual has phantom pain.

Possibly it is worth exploring the issue of instinctive self defense that occurs when someone feels their inner sanctuary [ private mind space] is being exploited or invaded.

Psychic telepathy, mindreading etc all look good on television and movies but in real life it inspires an immediate and rather ruthless instinctive mental and sometimes physical response from the person being read with out their conscious consent.

So a guy or gal who has the gift is walking down the street thinking nothing about what he is sensing but the victims are all firing away like crazy to stop him/her gaining any useful information and will automatically discredit him if he does.

In a controlled environment the normal psych entanglement is broken because deliberate attempts at telepathy generate a desire to impart change or influence beyond that which is normally accepted by the parties involved [ we all accept a degree of psychic influence] which causes the innate entanglement to break down. [not unlike quantum entanglement in physics.] So most cases of telepathic experiences only occur instinctively or intuitively and rarely deliberately with volition.

So at present telepathy can not be proven in any useful manner as it involves the persons innate instinctive defenses against being deliberately influenced or controlled in a psychic manner.
In the conscious world it is akin to an act of war and in the psychic world it is no different.

I have recently discovered just how intense the body reacts to invasion of sanctuary by finding that death by asthmatic convulsion can be the bodies reaction to such serious forms of invasions. The body will instinctively attempt to kill itself before surrendering it's self-determination to any one. So strong is this reaction against a persons innate free will. [ a study is currently under way on a possible therapy that may aid in remedying the asthmatic condition with the above in mind]
One of the reasons I have posted is to test that therapy because the last time I ventured onto this forum it nearly killed me. [ and I haven't splatted blood all over my monitor yet on this occassion]

just my take on it ....
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Psychic telepathy, mindreading etc all look good on television and movies but in real life it inspires an immediate and rather ruthless instinctive mental and sometimes physical response from the person being read with out their conscious consent.
How is it possible to have an "instinctive self-defence" to something that doesn't exist?

So a guy or gal who has the gift
There is no "gift" of telepathy, or any other psychic power.
Hello QQ, I think you have understood how telepathy works very well.
Allthough instead of wanting to kill yourself because of being psychically invaded, some want to kill the invader, so the part about "war" is somewhat accurate there.

Dywyddyr, why don't you just stay away from topics you have no knowledge about and no desire to learn?
Hello QQ, I think you have understood how telepathy works very well.
Allthough instead of wanting to kill yourself because of being psychically invaded, some want to kill the invader, so the part about "war" is somewhat accurate there.

Dywyddyr, why don't you just stay away from topics you have no knowledge about and no desire to learn?
Thanks for your comments and support!:)
To be honest over the years thoughts of suicide due to severe depression caused by what I now know as psychic invasion [ self determination violations] had been apart of my daily routine. [ since having a stroke 20 odd years ago ]
However with understanding comes relief and in this case the emotional relief was rather profound.

However this does not directly deal with the physical bodies reaction to psychic invasion and I can assure you even though you may not want to end your life at the time the bodies response can be quite self terminating.

I have found the asthmatic condition is essentilly one of paranoia. very profound paranoia. This is particularilly disturbing given that the world is currently facing a pandemic of asthmatic states especially amongst our children.

If you wish I can go into it a bit more...
but now we are not talking about psychic vs mental health but psychic vs physical health [ respiratory ]
How is it possible to have an "instinctive self-defence" to something that doesn't exist?

There is no "gift" of telepathy, or any other psychic power.
can I ask with a tinge of humor...
"What is the opposite to halucinating about some things' existance?"
"halucinating about some things' non-existance!"
Never heard about the connection between asthma and telepathy, or the feeling of being mentally invaded. What is more common is extreme rage (an emotional/physical response) when someone tries to invade your space, a pure survival instinct, so maybe that is something to work with if you feel suicidal in between.
Never heard about the connection between asthma and telepathy, or the feeling of being mentally invaded. What is more common is extreme rage (an emotional/physical response) when someone tries to invade your space, a pure survival instinct, so maybe that is something to work with if you feel suicidal in between.
Yes absolutely and the main reason why we humans have difficulty getting along is that we are unaware , generally speaking, of how intrusive our imaginations can be into anothers sanctuary.
Learning tolerance of others ignorance is one key aspect of gaining stability when confronted with these things. [unfortunately alot of persons described as Paranoid Schizophrenics are unable to learn that tolerance as in the first instance their reality is being denied them [ which provokes intense sense of injustice any way and falsely labelled as paranoia]]

The connection to asthma was only recently revealed during a rather nasty intrusion event that occurred recently. Whilst I have little problem with tolerating these event emotionally, my body had other ideas.

The "Breather Ego" is intimately who you are. Your breathing is one of the most fundamental aspects of your sense of well being, self-control and personal identity. [ re: Yogic practice]

When intrusions are so profound that you have started to loose control of your breathing intense paranoia hits the Thyroid and other glands sending the body into a death wish cycle. [ free will will never be surrended and your freedom to breath as you and to your own needs is paramount.]

I was I must admit surprised by the asthma/ intrusion revelation but give the nature of our self protection mechanism not at all surprising.
This is why we as humans are prepared to go to war and die in battle rather than surrender our self determination. Suicide over subjugation. Always rsing up against oppression etc etc...

Revolution, terrorism, resistance fighting, demonstrations, civil disobedience, rebellious youth, even 3 year olds throwing tantrums in supermarkets are all part of this issue.
And until people learn to respect the soveriegnty of every other individual as they respect their own or more so this state of affairs will continue.
The tragically growing incidence of Youth or teenage suicide is also directly related.
Asthma is only a serious Physical outcome of serious intrusions and most of the time the intrusions are perpetrated by the people that love you the most with out realising it. [ after all it is people you care about that you allow to influence your life the most is it not? - they are already with in your space]
and btw
I haven't had suicidal considerations for many years now because of learning to tolerate the ignorance of others
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Never heard about the connection between asthma and telepathy, or the feeling of being mentally invaded. What is more common is extreme rage (an emotional/physical response) when someone tries to invade your space, a pure survival instinct, so maybe that is something to work with if you feel suicidal in between.
Funny , I just remembered that one of the first posts I made to Sci Forums over 9200 posts ago was on this very subject:
headed "A new approach to mental illness"
a discussion on SDV's [ self determination violations]
Temporal Lobe Epilepsy. Check the work of Ramachanadran
so they are exploring and documenting physical brain structures associated with psychic or paranormal day their work will be useful when describing the material structures that facilitate psychic interactions.
Of course at the moment they feel they are looking at something that is dysfunctional rather than functional. [ and funnilly enough that belief may very well be the main reason for the apparent dysfunction....]
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That is the main problem, to which there is a solution of course , that will come to those who seek, eventually, and if they don't seek it will emerge anyway, with or without outer interference.
That is the main problem, to which there is a solution of course , that will come to those who seek, eventually, and if they don't seek it will emerge anyway, with or without outer interference.
well as they often say " the universe waits for no one"
in evolutionary terms it will continue to evolve as it must regardless of the consent of it's resident life forms. Just a matter of doing it easy or doing it tough I guess.....
Is there even a real choice involved? Easy or tough may be just preprogrammed preferences.
Is there even a real choice involved? Easy or tough may be just preprogrammed preferences.

In a sense you are right. No choice not really. But this is not because of some sort of divine Bureaucratic over ride...but because we ultimately as a race strive for rationality and order as does the universe.

There is pressure applied to inspire people to learn respect and tolerance of other peoples sovereignty. This pressure has been applied through out our racial history. The pressure to remove violence, abuse, and any obstacles that hinder the happiness of the individual and there-to the collective as a whole.
So to say that we have no choice is true but only in the context that we have no choice but to be human and strive for that happiness etc...

However with that "Humanity" we have choices as to what our priorities are regarding self improvement and growth of personal philosophy and social maturation. This is what determines the difference between ease or toughness, I guess.

However growth towards a more sustainable "happiness" or "perfection" is relentless and the universe waits for no one to make up their mind to do it easy or tough, so in the end wisdom, common sense and reasonability will make that choice for you.

just my view...
I used to believe something like that before too, then I discovered the truth. :D

There are of course many truths that apply to the endless options of "reality".
I used to believe something like that before too, then I discovered the truth. :D

There are of course many truths that apply to the endless options of "reality".
and of course there is always the dreams/nightmares of those who deny the truth of their experience and therefore their existance...

eg. insomnia is a classic symptom of self truth denial IMO. Sleep paranoia due to the possibility of bad dreams due to the consequences of self truth denial.
It´s easy to discuss the details of mental diseases. But the main point is to figure out, if they exist at all. If the paradigm of science would change again to mind over matter what it was during the whole middle age, one would not turn magic to nonsense but to occult sciences as it is the practice of spiritual control over the outer world. The outer world can not be ill, why can the inner world be? Fact is that the belief in paranormal activities and the practice of mind control is forbidden by medicine by declaring it as ill. To see things which others don´t see is one symptome but rarely recognized as individual phenomenom. Fact is that medicine is on priority to handle out biocontrol which also extends to the functions of the brain. In fact we do not have the decision under which mixture of bio-chemicals we want to live. It is rather a political problem to erase the appearance of schizophrenia oout of the mind of the population and out of the practices of psychiatrists than it is a scientific one. It´s about acceptance.

Schizophrenia is a mental extra-order and not a disorder, as well as autism is a mental specifity rather than a handycap. Commonly like depression is a subordination of sanguism under melancholy, psychotic episodes are a pressure of inner world phanomena in order to foster celebral sensitivity under the loss of external control. Not that schizophrenia is patheia per se, it is the emotional pool of irrational creativity for the reason of unexplicability as it will be for all times as long people tighten the wide view of cognition and perception under leading paradigms of a scientifique or theological hegemony which makes no difference as these are paradigms of individual and mass normativity of the organization of knowledge while the latter could be associative and intuitive as well as (syl)logical or mental and material.

The misleading disorder appearance of schizophrenia is a result of the newer age ammendment of "Weltanschauung" (=how to view/perceive the world) construction under the influence of the leading paradigm of the five visable sensory patterns which is dominated by a visual paradigm as modern observer technologies translate information into visibilty which is not possible to all parts of reality. As the accustic cortex gives less information to scientifique research (apart from linguistiucs or so called X-logies like sociology) natural sciences don´t want to accept accustic as well as extra-sensory datas (as mentally heard absent voices) to be proof like any other empiric incidence.
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Schizophrenia is a mental extra-order and not a disorder, as well as autism is a mental specifity rather than a handycap.

Autism is a handicap. You cannot take that from the ones who deal with it on a daily basis, the families, those who suffer from it, those who work with those afflicted and the families as well. It is difficult.

Watch this. This is Jonathan, an autistic person, can not say child anymore, he has facial hair now, LOL. I worked with him one summer through a program at the school I worked at. Watch how it interefers with his daily life. Watch how it affects his parents. The pressure, the stress caused them their marriage.
I don´t want to be offending and maybe those labels "insanity" and "handycap" are in some way true during our age as we cannot expect everybody to know how to treat mentally abnorm people. And maybe it´s true that those people need special care and treatment as long we do not find an adequate place/ profession/ subsidiary for them. But what uses the claim for empathizing with anyone to an autistic individuum or the claim to a schizophrenic to ignore his hallucinations? That´s just our desire for adoption and equal "fitness".

Maybe this causes even more suffering within the concerned person.