Mental illness and parapsychology.

In my belief schizophrenia and parapsychology are very closely related. Schizophrenics are more consciously aware of their actions. I have had a schizophrenic offer me ten cups just to see my reaction. It was his plan to test my physical reaction to the reality of too many cups. In parapsychology, people are just more prone to knowing the inferences that a person is making, or have precognitive signals that tell the answer in other words. Parapsychology is also a more of a subconscious level of thought, while schizophrenia focuses mainly on the conscious and visible level. I also believe the root of the problem ocurrs in weather an individual is prone to using their forebrain(for shcizophrenia) and their hindbrain(for parapsycology). Just as it is possible to favor a right or a left side of the mind i believe it is possible to favor the front or back matter in the brain. An extra sort of view on cross-dominance if you will.
In parapsychology, people are just more prone to knowing the inferences that a person is making, or have precognitive signals that tell the answer in other words.
You mean "some people are more perceptive, and receptive, of people than others"?
and of course there is always the dreams/nightmares of those who deny the truth of their experience and therefore their existance...

eg. insomnia is a classic symptom of self truth denial IMO. Sleep paranoia due to the possibility of bad dreams due to the consequences of self truth denial.

Which reminds me of a nightmare I had a few nights ago: I saw how a group of men that were about to beat a horse to death just for fun, because it was going to slaughter anyway. I screamed in horror, then the horse stood up on its backlegs and sort of started fighting back. How would you interpret this according to your thesises?
It was almost like the horse took on human qualities and the men were like animals.
Which reminds me of a nightmare I had a few nights ago: I saw how a group of men that were about to beat a horse to death just for fun, because it was going to slaughter anyway. I screamed in horror, then the horse stood up on its backlegs and sort of started fighting back. How would you interpret this according to your thesises?
It was almost like the horse took on human qualities and the men were like animals.

There can be many "readings" or definitions for dreaming. Personally, I have a what will seem a rather unusual opinion on the subject of dreams which people will disagree with and/or ridicule. To simplify what I understand, dreams are not "organic", they never have been, they are most assuredly inserted from a third-party as a "Lab experiment".

Of course there is all the "documented evidence", the files stored from various sleep labs the world over that will attempt to contradict my reasoning, but these documents are written by doctors will already predispositioned opinions of the subject matter suggesting that they are not "impartial studies" because they lack an alternative perspective to gain impartiality.

I've mentioned my potentially inferred "crazy loco" opinion before, that evolved life on this planet is in a duality state, A mergence of inanimate molecular structures combined with a symbiotic artificially induced programmatic routine to create animation.

It's based upon the assumptions made about the potential of Cybernetic Experimentation, of applying an artificial intelligence structure to a newborn. To follow their waking moments of life and learn with them as they grow, this implied a humanly trained AI, but then it was reasoned perhaps the inverse was true also, perhaps the whole capacity to wake from being an inanimate molecular cluster to being a living person is AI.

As to the dream I would suggest it was a stage, a set, a way to measure empathy, a way to measure how you felt the outcome of such an event should be handled. The horse getting up and fighting back was your own inner passion to empathetically feel that the horse should be led to slaughter and the mistreaters should be dealt with forcibly if necessary, the outcome of what could of occurred might well have altered depending on your own perception of life and how you appraise things. (Of course perhaps you might be able to get control over your AI a little in the future and start manifesting your dream world to whatever you desire)
Well, my angle was to prove that sometimes paranormal abilities are wrongly labelled as mental illness.

Sometimes there is no mental illness when the person exploiting the gullible with claims of the paranormal is just there to make a fast buck. Often, they know perfectly well it's all nonsense. :)
Stryder, I know about your "lab experiement"-experiences since before and there is no telling if there is any truth behind that, but your experience is your experience, and what does it really matter if it's all in your head or in everybodies heads too? Maybe you are the perfect testperson to test my thesis, because either you are psychic and/or insane.

So Q, do you mean that "quacks" are somehow always "sane" by default? :D

I think my dream reflects my irrational fear of crackwhores.
(Of course perhaps you might be able to get control over your AI a little in the future and start manifesting your dream world to whatever you desire)

Manifesting in the dreamworld is not very difficult, but from there to this world is a little bit more tricky, but I have high hopes for this last nights dreams future manifestation irl. :sleep:
So Q, do you mean that "quacks" are somehow always "sane" by default? :D

Not really. It's not known which 'quack' is just insane and which 'quack' is just trying to fleece the gullible. We would only know for sure if they admitted to fleecing the gullible and that they didn't believe any of it.
You mean the really insane people who pretend to be psychic as a cover-up, how could we make them confess?
You mean the really insane people who pretend to be psychic as a cover-up, how could we make them confess?

There's no need to make them confess. Anyone is free to pay them for their services if that's what they want to do. Believing them is another story and if you're gullible enough to believe them, then it isn't really their fault they fleeced you, is it. :)
Hm, I was more aiming towards how to make a liar confess in general, because sometimes you really want them to.

Are you insinuating that if they wear fleece...then...?
Hm, I was more aiming towards how to make a liar confess in general, because sometimes you really want them to.

Of course they are lying. Not one of them has ever shown their so-called abilities work. In fact, they can't work as that would violate several physical laws.

Are you insinuating that if they wear fleece...then...?

Of course they are lying. Not one of them has ever shown their so-called abilities work. In fact, they can't work as that would violate several physical laws.


Well, that statement fits liars of all categories, not just psychic frauds but any other "profession" too, but again (I'm just sure you have a good answer) , how do you make a liar confess? If they are pathological liars, then confronting them with the truth won't work, because it just triggers them to invent more lies.
You mean "some people are more perceptive, and receptive, of people than others"?

in a nutshell yeah...

leads to a disillusionment of a truth/belief system. and a person's natural instincts, (which are determined as they grow in age from their surroundings) allow them to instinctively know the outcome of of certain situations.
I have in my investigations come across a few people who claim to be psychic, and may be so to a certain extent, but that their own belief in their own psychicness has gone overboard and instead developed into a fully fledged mental illness, where all their predictions shoot in all directions at once and never hitting the target.
If I was in charge, I would want everyone to pooh-pooh the idea of anyone's being psychic, as there is no known way to prevent psychics from having access to secrets.

I would suggest that all psychics were liars or insane and then write off any truths they reveal as pure chance and to be ignored.
Too bad you're not in charge then, because I have no interest in knowing your secrets, in fact I find them severly disturbing.
I (and most other people with normal brain function) have to agree with this. There have been HUNDREDS of studies at universities involving THOUSANDS of subjects and not one single person has ever been found that possessed any paranormal abilities.

There have been a few - VERY, VERY few - that scored above pure chance but even those individuals couldn't repeat the results. ;)

Lest you think Dwyddyr and I are kidding you, just do some research and you'll find all the truth you'll ever need to know about such garbage. In fact, even the military and the CIA tried using it - and after wasting several years and millions of dollars, they tossed in the towel too.

A Study at Harvard found it. 7% of separation and explains why the fighter pilot determines which way to fire at his target . It was thought to be 6% but the study showed it to be 7%
If I was in charge, I would want everyone to pooh-pooh the idea of anyone's being psychic, as there is no known way to prevent psychics from having access to secrets.

I would suggest that all psychics were liars or insane and then write off any truths they reveal as pure chance and to be ignored.

I predicted commodity prices would sky rocket 1 year ago and what did I hear today?? Through the roof Alice though the roof . Better start hoarding . Oh and the dollar , in the toilet. but I didn't touch that one, Hey but we are all psychic .
You live in denial because you are out of touch with your own humanity. Dull hearted. I bet you have contempt for lots of people with no valid reason for the contempt. O.K. if you live long enough bucko here is a prediction for you
" Catastrophic population decline of the human race in 18 years from right now. Mark the calender in your head and remember this statement
I predicted commodity prices would sky rocket 1 year ago and what did I hear today?? Through the roof Alice though the roof . Better start hoarding . Oh and the dollar , in the toilet. but I didn't touch that one, Hey but we are all psychic .
You live in denial because you are out of touch with your own humanity. Dull hearted. I bet you have contempt for lots of people with no valid reason for the contempt. O.K. if you live long enough bucko here is a prediction for you
" Catastrophic population decline of the human race in 18 years from right now. Mark the calender in your head and remember this statement

Here is my next prediction " The economy will continue to deteriorate and there is no recovery for years unless we all wake up from the delusion everything is O.K.and anyone who thinks differently is in denial. Plus the business model of China that the world is in a fight to copy will be devastating for you me and everybody on the planet. Coming at you fast now. Yeah take that one