Massive 8.8 Quake Hits Chile. End times?

In 1915 the first edition of The Origin of Continents and Oceans, a book outlining Wegener's theory, was published

sort of a little tooooooo new age for "end of timers"
This was an 8.8--the 5th worst in recorded history. Just another quake? I don't think so...
That's stupid logic. Just because an event is rare doesn't mean its impossible. Its extremely unlikely I'll ever win the lottery but someone wins it pretty much every week. Besides, obviously the world didn't come to an end when the worst one in recorded history happened. What was that a sign of? Nothing happened, it was just a big earthquake caused by known and (partly) understood geological processes due to other (partly) understood thermodynamic and fluidity processes within the Earth. If the worst earthquake in history was 'just a big quake' due to internal stress on the Earth then its simply stupid to try to claim a weaker one is somehow a sign of something special.

Can't you (and the rest of the 'OMG, Jebus is coming!' crowd) just accept that sometimes the natural world does things which are entirely expected given what we know about it. Ancient man used to think eclipses were something godly. Now we can predict them centuries in advance because we know the dynamics of that giant ball of rock in the sky. Earthquakes are due to tectonic plate motion. We know the fundamentals of heated fluid flow and in time, as models and measurements improve, we'll end up predicting them with decent accuracy. Jumping to "God did it! He's coming!" just because something entirely natural cannot be predicted with good accuracy YET is just ignorant.
The Bible prophecies an increase in quakes and disasters. Do you think this is another indication of the end times, or just a quake?

Most definitely end times. I think you should sell all your jewelry and gave the money to the poor. Also quit your job and repent!!!!
No, 12/12 is relevant because it shows what different cultures are saying. I did not mean anything against you. You know I think you're adorable.:D

Nah.. I never take offense to your comments.:) I think you and I probably see eye to eye on everything. And YOU know I think you're adorable too!;)

12/12/12, I Ching, Bible code etc. It all points to a specific time in the future. Too much coincidence for me. It isn't like these cultures had the internet and compared notes. How did they all conclude the same thing at the same time?
Most definitely end times. I think you should sell all your jewelry and gave the money to the poor. Also quit your job and repent!!!!

Don't wear much jewelry anymore. Already give 30% of gross to charity. Don't want to quit job. Like keeping Americans safe/alive. Already repented.:)
Don't wear much jewelry anymore. Already give 30% of gross to charity. Don't want to quit job. Like keeping Americans safe/alive. Already repented.:)

yet you bitch about unemployment.. and u give 30% of ur check to ur church.. what has that gotten you ?
yet you bitch about unemployment.. and u give 30% of ur check to ur church.. what has that gotten you ?

I don't personally care about employment. It does not affect me. I don't like what it's doing to my country, though. I give 30% to CHARITY--not just church. It gets me joy unspeakable. It is the Biblical law of sowing and reaping. I sow into things/people/ministries/charities etc, I get many riches/blessings back.
In the meantime, Chile is in trouble. The natives are looting and hindering rescue efforts...
oh then it's not "End of Days".. they are just shorter.... God is going to be so disappointed
what if they lengthened the days instead? But then there would be a massive earthquake with the moon in constallation...
Quake-devastated Chile deploys thousands of troops to halt looting, facilitate aid.
President Bachelet says rampant looting has been contained. Death toll=723.,0,3542513.story

Doesn't prophecy also say something about violence in end times? And not just in the ME.

We can only hope. You do know that the only ones saved from the end times are a select group of deceased Jewish virgin men?
If we're still here after 12/12/12 I expect $10.000 in my account from Sandy, BlueRidge and Adstar. Start saving!

Wait a minute. Why from me? I never said anything about this mayan calander thing.

So not 10k from me. lol

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Those Mayan heathens and their infernacious calendras are all goin' ter heyell.
Same thing with that E Chang feller they was talkin' about.
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Wait a minute. Why from me? I never said anything about this mayan calander thing.

So not 10k from me. lol

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

You pretty much implied that the end is near.

The Bible says that earthquakes in diverse places will signal the start of the end. And we have had a few bad ones over the last 10/15 years. Pakistan, China, Indonesia, Haiti and now Chile. Big earthquakes that have killed hundreds of thousands.

Matthew 24
7 For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places.

Not sure we have experienced a rise in the number of pestilence cases recently but with the change in climate i would think there will be a few echo systems tipped out of balance soon that may lead to an explosion in the population of one form of life at the expense of others.

We keep watching.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

All Praise The End Of Days
I dunno, Mac. Maybe. I do think the magnitude of these events is increasing as are the deaths, destruction etc.
Fine. Document the increase and I shall support you. Otherwise retreat into your self delusion.
You pretty much implied that the end is near.

All Praise The End Of Days

Yes and i do believe the end is near ( of the current state of the world, not the world itself) But i never said it was on this 12.12.12 date someone seems to have got from some mayan thing?

And a quick look up on the internet seems to point to the mayan dates of 21.12.12 or 23.12.12 did not see any 12.12.12 i got no idea where that was dug up from?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
From a psychosomatic standpoint, an individual (regardless of religion) can view the times they are living in as 'end times' becasue to them, for them, there will be an 'end time'.