Massive 8.8 Quake Hits Chile. End times?

prophecies are crap its just a really big earth quake and tsunami.

Oh you think? The Mayan calendar ends on 12/12/12. The Yì Jīng (I Ching) stops at the same time. And the bible indicates we are close.

How do these different cultures on different continents know this so long ago? Coincidence? I feel like, Sandy. Something is up.
If we're still here after 12/12/12 I expect $10.000 in my account from Sandy, BlueRidge and Adstar. Start saving!
I never said anything about 12/12. That is not Biblical. That is the Mayans. Truth is, no one knows when the world will end or when Jesus will come back. The Bible says He will come back like a thief in the night. I just think all these catastrophies are signs. We didn't have as much of this stuff when we were growing up.

Meanwhile the death toll is up to 708 in the Chile earthquake as authorities try to contain the looters.
I never said anything about 12/12. That is not Biblical. That is the Mayans. Truth is, no one knows when the world will end or when Jesus will come back. The Bible says He will come back like a thief in the night. I just think all these catastrophies are signs. We didn't have as much of this stuff when we were growing up.

Meanwhile the death toll is up to 708 in the Chile earthquake as authorities try to contain the looters.

Right as always.

I brought up 12/12 because I feel it's ironic given the circumstances. Ya'll can blame me for that one.
Right as always.
I brought up 12/12 because I feel it's ironic given the circumstances. Ya'll can blame me for that one.

No, 12/12 is relevant because it shows what different cultures are saying. I did not mean anything against you. You know I think you're adorable.:D
Were cataclysms that predate humans a sign of "end times"?

The only end time worthy of the name is in the very distant future when our sun begins to cool because of exhausting it's fusion fuel. Humans will have ceased to exist thousands of millions of years prior, so it really isn't a cause for concern.
Were cataclysms that predate humans a sign of "end times"?

The only end time worthy of the name is in the very distant future when our sun begins to cool because of exhausting it's fusion fuel. Humans will have ceased to exist thousands of millions of years prior, so it really isn't a cause for concern.

Its the end of one age and beginning of another. And yes, of course its happened before.
A devastating 8.8 earthquake struck Chile this morning shattering buildings and bridges, killing at least 78 people and setting off a tsunami that threatened every nation around the Pacific Ocean--roughly a quarter of the globe.
It's the most powerful quake to hit the country in a half-century and plunged trucks into the fractured earth. Homes fell, bridges collapsed and buildings were engulfed in flames. Injured people lay in the streets or on stretchers.

The Bible prophecies an increase in quakes and disasters. Do you think this is another indication of the end times, or just a quake?

Utterly rediculous, Sandy. Earthquakes have been happening for millions of years. This is nothing new. Do you think that when the two plates collided and formed the Rocky Mountains, or Appalachians or the Himalayas that it did so peacefully? Hell no! The earth was going crazy and still is occassionally. Scientists are even prediciting quakes now. St Louis is WELL overdue for a massive one. L.A. is as well. It's all about tectonic plates, not biblical bedtime stories. Just imagine whats going to happen with the North American Plate and the Pacific Plate move just a tiny teeny weency little bit. L.A., along with almost every other west coast city will first be shaken to rubble, then hit with some major tsunami's.

It's science, Sandy, not folklore.
I never said anything about 12/12. That is not Biblical. That is the Mayans. Truth is, no one knows when the world will end or when Jesus will come back. The Bible says He will come back like a thief in the night. I just think all these catastrophies are signs. We didn't have as much of this stuff when we were growing up.

In the past it would have been an article in the newspaper which we might not have even read.
Chile is like earthquake central... and as spidergoat says.. before we didn't read or get info near as quick.

it's the norm for that region of the if Miami had a equake..dat might be different
The fact of the matter is the increased frequency of earthquakes in these various areas, regardless of whether they're on a faultline or not. God, I'm pretty sure, set up these faults, so that when these fault lines are triggered, and the frequency of these quakes is increased, we know we're in the end times.
yeah real unusual.....

Here are some of the major quakes in Chilean history:

1730 - 8.7 magnitude at central Valparaiso

1835 - 8.2 magnitude south-central Concepcion, 500 dead

1868 - 9.0 magnitude in Arica, (then Peru), 25,000 dead

1877 - 8.3 magnitude offshore northern Tarapaca, 34 dead

1906 - 8.2 magnitude at central Valparaiso, 3,882 dead

1922 - 8.5 magnitude on Chile-Argentina border 1928 - 7.6 magnitude at Talca, 225 dead

1939 - 7.8 magnitude at Chillan, 28,000 dead 1943 - 8.2 magnitude near Illapel-Salamanca, 25 dead

1960 - 7.9 magnitude at Arauco Peninsula

1960 - 9.5 magnitude at Valdivia, 1,655 dead

1965 - 7.0 magnitude at Taltal, 1 dead 1965 - 7.4 magnitude at La Ligua, 400 dead

1971 - 7.5 magnitude in Valparaiso region, 90 dead

1985 - 7.8 magnitude offshore Valparaiso, 177 dead

1998 - 7.1 magnitude near coast of northern Chile

2002 - 6.6 magnitude at Chile-Argentina border region

2003 - 6.8 magnitude near coast of central Chile

2004 - 6.6 magnitude near Bio-Bio, central Chile

2005 - 7.8 magnitude Tarapaca, northern Chile, 11 dead

2007 - 7.7 magnitude at Antofagasta, north Chile, 2 dead

2007 - 6.7 magnitude at Antofagasta 2008 - 6.3 magnitude at Tarapaca 2009 - 6.5 magnitude offshore Tarapaca

Source: U.S. Geological Survey (Compiled by Doina Chiacu)
Looks like a lot of quakes in Chile. May be they need to redesign their living arrangements....
Utterly rediculous, Sandy. Earthquakes have been happening for millions of years. This is nothing new. Do you think that when the two plates collided and formed the Rocky Mountains, or Appalachians or the Himalayas that it did so peacefully? Hell no! The earth was going crazy and still is occassionally. Scientists are even prediciting quakes now. St Louis is WELL overdue for a massive one. L.A. is as well. It's all about tectonic plates, not biblical bedtime stories. Just imagine whats going to happen with the North American Plate and the Pacific Plate move just a tiny teeny weency little bit. L.A., along with almost every other west coast city will first be shaken to rubble, then hit with some major tsunami's.

It's science, Sandy, not folklore.

Good point.
The other thing is that the world is Billions, not thousands of years old.
If plates were not colliding, causing mountains and earthquakes, erosion would eventually produce a flat surface. There would be no land at all, just seas.

Without earthquakes, I would probably be writing this underwater, and have a big fishes head.:eek:
Ahd look like a terreeburl deemen, from heyell.
Heyell ah tells yer, heyell!
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This was an 8.8--the 5th worst in recorded history. Just another quake? I don't think so...

sandy ur detached from reality.. cuz its a big earthquake u think god is comming.. news flash eartquakes are caused on fault lines rubbing together and ur taking trillions upon trillions of tons and pushing together ya big quakes will happen.. i know in saint louis there was atleast 4 quakes they estimate over 8.5.. u think thats bad look up the san andreas fault... when that moves if its even half as bad as experts expect it to be u could combine the chili quake and the haiti quake combine them and the would be nothing more the some rocks moving on the ground compaired to this one... and when it happensim gonna come on here im sure ur gonna be on ur knees with ur hands held high, asking god for forgiveness
Truth is, no one knows when the world will end...

This world will be obliterated in 1 billion years (unless of course we relocate it).

... or when Jesus will come back.

That will never happen. Guaranteed.

The Bible says He will come back like a thief in the night.

The bible isn't a book of truth. It is a book written by humans to help satiate the emotional needs of humans.

I just think all these catastrophies are signs. We didn't have as much of this stuff when we were growing up.

There was plenty of it. Outlets for getting news and reporting it have signficantly improved; hence, you see more bad news (because bad news sells big time).