Massive 8.8 Quake Hits Chile. End times?

End the world wont, for whatever ends wasn't real, and whatever's real is eternal. For whatever that ends it's minus itself, could not experience, hence to itself it does not truely care whether it ends or not.
Yes and i do believe the end is near ( of the current state of the world, not the world itself) But i never said it was on this 12.12.12 date someone seems to have got from some mayan thing?

And a quick look up on the internet seems to point to the mayan dates of 21.12.12 or 23.12.12 did not see any 12.12.12 i got no idea where that was dug up from?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Whatever. How about you give me $10.000 if we're all still here in 10 years?
Look, If you mistrust me as a god, from another god, you shall never enjoy coming real from me. That is a promise, and you shall have my word there will come a day when only I can give that gift to many, many of you. That is where you fail. All gods should be treated for what they are. believe in me if believing in a god and I will do what I can when the time comes.

(When the time comes is when I am drawn into the black hole which you are in.)

I suppose i can, shall we say I'll try, but the black hole is quite big.
Don't wear much jewelry anymore. Already give 30% of gross to charity. Don't want to quit job. Like keeping Americans safe/alive. Already repented.:)

By Charity, I hope you mean people who are really in need, and not nutty TV evangelist moneygrabbers.
The facts don't fit at all. Not for any of this decade.

Number of Earthquakes Worldwide for 2000 - 2010
Located by the US Geological Survey National Earthquake Information Center

Number of Earthquakes Worldwide for 2000 - 2010
Located by the US Geological Survey National Earthquake Information Center

Magnitude, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010
8.0 to 9.9, 1, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1, 2, 4, 0, 1, 1
7.0 to 7.9, 14, 15, 13, 14, 14, 10, 9, 14, 12, 16, 3
6.0 to 6.9, 146, 121, 127, 140, 141, 140, 142, 178, 168, 142, 30
5.0 to 5.9, 1344, 1224, 1201, 1203, 1515, 1693, 1712, 2074, 1768, 1700, 418
4.0 to 4.9, 8008, 7991, 8541, 8462, 10888, 13917, 12838, 12078, 12291, 6981, 964

The chart isn't coming out right on here so you'll have to count along, but you can get the general idea.
You can see the whole chart at
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Whatever. How about you give me $10.000 if we're all still here in 10 years?

I don't believe Jesus will be returning and the current world ending in the next 10 years. So again no money from me :)

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Vague? They are specific and hundreds have come true. I know this freaks non-believers out so they just deny, but it is true. I do not think the world will end in the next year but I do believe we are in the end times. There are just way too many prophecies coming true--especially about Israel.


Nice picture Sandy.
The angels are rubbish though.
They look like those flat tin Christmas angels that spin round when you put a candle underneath.
Ones like this would be better:

Git down in them flames yer evil deemen!
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Wow, cool pic! I am gonna stay on my "end times" theory that some peeps had me questioning. Now another quake in Turkey. There have been at least 6 other big ones since I posted this thread. When was the last time we had this many big quakes in this short of time? Am I off-base here?
Chile has had several more quakes since the big one.

the biggest one i see on there is 6.5 so i guess your there getting worse theory is out the window.. and yes there have been..
because there is more earthquakes has 0 relevence of end times. there all on faults which are known earthquake spots and jesus will never walk the earth again nor will harry potter ever fly a broom as there both in the same catagory of book
the biggest one i see on there is 6.5 so i guess your there getting worse theory is out the window.. and yes there have been.. because there is more earthquakes has 0 relevence of end times. there all on faults which are known earthquake spots and jesus will never walk the earth again nor will harry potter ever fly a broom as there both in the same catagory of book

It's not so much worse as it is more frequent big ones. I am the first to admit if I am wrong as I do not have a degree in geology/seismology.
The Bible has prophesy that we will have more, bigger quakes and destructive worldly events in the end times. All we have to do is look around, read the news, and know this is NOTHING like the 50's-90's as far as more frequent, odd, big events go.
I will put up 100k that says Jesus will be back. In fact, make it a million. When I go with Him I won't have any use for it anyway.:)
It's not so much worse as it is more frequent big ones. I am the first to admit if I am wrong as I do not have a degree in geology/seismology.
The Bible has prophesy that we will have more, bigger quakes and destructive worldly events in the end times. All we have to do is look around, read the news, and know this is NOTHING like the 50's-90's as far as more frequent, odd, big events go.
I will put up 100k that says Jesus will be back. In fact, make it a million. When I go with Him I won't have any use for it anyway.:)

you can go ahead and give me that now, because he wont come back.. phrophets have more relivence than the bible predicting end times.. one of the more well known ones nostradomis, yet people say phrophets are rubbish, yet they have more realivence than the bible.. as the bible was written to not be understood.. its 100% up to the reader and there interpritation.. whats to say the "gods" werent ufos?
no one knows yet theist and others throw that out the window.. yet there are thousands of sightings every year and that has mroe realivence than god creating everything and walking the earth again
I don't believe Jesus will be returning and the current world ending in the next 10 years. So again no money from me :)

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

This is a horrible answer from one praising the Ancient of Days. According to scripture, no one knows when the end will be. It will come like a thief in the night, scriptures say. So, how can you say you don't believe it will be within the next 10 minutes let alone the next 10 years. Based on your answer, I can't understand how you can be in the right frame of mind by doing everything you can to serve God, if you believe you have that much time left? Based on your responses thus far on Sciforums, you seem to be untainted of the world. Almost like a "virgin"
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Sandy, remember that it is a logarithmic scale.
An earthquake with a Richter measure of seven is one tenth of one with a measure of 8. Modern seismographs can pick up very small vibrations, including expplosive detonations in mines and quarries.

Richter magnitudes/ Description Earthquake effects/ Frequency.

Less than 2.0 Micro Microearthquakes, not felt. About 8,000 per day

2.0-2.9 Minor Generally not felt, but recorded. About 1,000 per day

3.0-3.9 Often felt, but rarely causes damage. 49,000 per year (est.)

4.0-4.9 Light Noticeable shaking of indoor items, rattling noises. Significant damage unlikely. 6,200 per year (est.)

5.0-5.9 Moderate Can cause major damage to poorly constructed buildings over small regions. At most slight damage to well-designed buildings. 800 per year

6.0-6.9 Strong Can be destructive in areas up to about 160 kilometres (100 mi) across in populated areas. 120 per year

7.0-7.9 Major Can cause serious damage over larger areas. 18 per year

8.0-8.9 Great Can cause serious damage in areas several hundred miles across. 1 per year

9.0-9.9 Devastating in areas several thousand miles across.
1 per 20 years

10.0+ Epic Never recorded; see below for equivalent seismic energy yield.
Extremely rare (Unknown)

I don't believe Jesus will be returning and the current world ending in the next 10 years. So again no money from me :)

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

This is a horrible answer from one praising the Ancient of Days. According to scripture, no one knows when the end will be. It will come like a thief in the night, scriptures say. So, how can you say you don't believe it will be within the next 10 minutes let alone the next 10 years. Based on your answer, I can't understand how you can be in the right frame of mind by doing everything you can to serve God, if you believe you have that much time left?

Yes Adstar, you are being too realistic and reasonable.
This isn't like you at all. Are you ill or something?
Most preachers talking about the quakes are citing Isiah 24:

The LORD's Devastation of the Earth
1 See, the LORD is going to lay waste the earth
and devastate it;
he will ruin its face
and scatter its inhabitants...
3 The earth will be completely laid waste
and totally plundered.
The LORD has spoken this word.

4 The earth dries up and withers,
the world languishes and withers,
the exalted of the earth languish.

5 The earth is defiled by its people;
they have disobeyed the laws,
violated the statutes
and broken the everlasting covenant....